Browse files
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
1 |
2 |
"fr_1": [
3 |
"C'est un trou de verdure où chante une rivière",
4 |
"Accrochant follement aux herbes des haillons",
5 |
"D'argent ; où le soleil, de la montagne fière,",
6 |
"Luit : c'est un petit val qui mousse de rayons.",
7 |
8 |
"Un soldat jeune, bouche ouverte, tête nue,",
9 |
"Et la nuque baignant dans le frais cresson bleu,",
10 |
"Dort ; il est étendu dans l'herbe sous la nue,",
11 |
"Pâle dans son lit vert où la lumière pleut.",
12 |
13 |
"Les pieds dans les glaïeuls, il dort. Souriant comme",
14 |
"Sourirait un enfant malade, il fait un somme:",
15 |
"Nature, berce-le chaudement: il a froid.",
16 |
17 |
"Les parfums ne font pas frissonner sa narine;",
18 |
"Il dort dans le soleil, la main sur sa poitrine,",
19 |
"Tranquille. Il a deux trous rouges au côté droit."],
20 |
"fr_2": [
21 |
"Demain, dès l'aube, à l'heure où blanchit la campagne,",
22 |
"Je partirai. Vois-tu, je sais que tu m'attends.",
23 |
"J'irai par la forêt, j'irai par la montagne.",
24 |
"Je ne puis demeurer loin de toi plus longtemps.",
25 |
26 |
"Je marcherai les yeux fixés sur mes pensées,",
27 |
"Sans rien voir au dehors, sans entendre aucun bruit,",
28 |
"Seul, inconnu, le dos courbé, les mains croisées,",
29 |
"Triste, et le jour pour moi sera comme la nuit.",
30 |
31 |
"Je ne regarderai ni l'or du soir qui tombe,",
32 |
"Ni les voiles au loin descendant vers Harfleur,",
33 |
"Et quand j'arriverai, je mettrai sur ta tombe",
34 |
"Un bouquet de houx vert et de bruyère en fleur."],
35 |
"es_1": [
36 |
"A través del follaje perenne",
37 |
"Que oír deja rumores extraños,",
38 |
"Y entre un mar de ondulante verdura,",
39 |
"Amorosa mansión de los pájaros,",
40 |
"Desde mis ventanas veo",
41 |
"El templo que quise tanto.",
42 |
43 |
"El templo que tanto quise...",
44 |
"Pues no sé decir ya si le quiero,",
45 |
"Que en el rudo vaivén que sin tregua",
46 |
"Se agitan mis pensamientos,",
47 |
"Dudo si el rencor adusto",
48 |
"Vive unido al amor en mi pecho."],
49 |
"es_2": [
50 |
"Es hielo abrasador, es fuego helado,",
51 |
"es herida que duele y no se siente,",
52 |
"es un soñado bien, un mal presente,",
53 |
"es un breve descanso muy cansado.",
54 |
55 |
"Es un descuido que nos da cuidado,",
56 |
"un cobarde con nombre de valiente,",
57 |
"un andar solitario entre la gente,",
58 |
"un amar solamente ser amado.",
59 |
60 |
"Es una libertad encarcelada,",
61 |
"que dura hasta el postrero paroxismo;",
62 |
"enfermedad que crece si es curada.",
63 |
"Éste es el niño Amor, éste es su abismo.",
64 |
"¿Mirad cuál amistad tendrá con nada",
65 |
"el que en todo es contrario de sí mismo!"],
66 |
"en_1": [
67 |
"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,",
68 |
"And sorry I could not travel both",
69 |
"And be one traveler, long I stood",
70 |
"And looked down one as far as I could",
71 |
"To where it bent in the undergrowth;",
72 |
73 |
"Then took the other, as just as fair,",
74 |
"And having perhaps the better claim,",
75 |
"Because it was grassy and wanted wear;",
76 |
"Though as for that the passing there",
77 |
"Had worn them really about the same,",
78 |
79 |
"And both that morning equally lay",
80 |
"In leaves no step had trodden black.",
81 |
"Oh, I kept the first for another day!",
82 |
"Yet knowing how way leads on to way,",
83 |
"I doubted if I should ever come back.",
84 |
85 |
"I shall be telling this with a sigh",
86 |
"Somewhere ages and ages hence:",
87 |
"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—",
88 |
"I took the one less traveled by,",
89 |
"And that has made all the difference."],
90 |
"en_2": [
91 |
"Because I could not stop for Death -",
92 |
"He kindly stopped for me -",
93 |
"The Carriage held but just Ourselves -",
94 |
"And Immortality.",
95 |
96 |
"We slowly drove - He knew no haste",
97 |
"And I had put away",
98 |
"My labor and my leisure too,",
99 |
"For His Civility -",
100 |
101 |
"We passed the School, where Children strove",
102 |
"At Recess - in the Ring -",
103 |
"We passed the Fields of Gazing Grain -",
104 |
"We passed the Setting Sun -",
105 |
106 |
"Or rather - He passed Us -",
107 |
"The Dews drew quivering and Chill -",
108 |
"For only Gossamer, my Gown -",
109 |
"My Tippet - only Tulle -",
110 |
111 |
"We paused before a House that seemed",
112 |
"A Swelling of the Ground -",
113 |
"The Roof was scarcely visible -",
114 |
"The Cornice - in the Ground -",
115 |
116 |
"Since then - 'tis Centuries - and yet",
117 |
"Feels shorter than the Day",
118 |
"I first surmised the Horses' Heads",
119 |
"Were toward Eternity -"],
120 |
"de_1": [
121 |
"Der du von dem Himmel bist,",
122 |
"Alles Leid und Schmerzen stillest,",
123 |
"Den, der doppelt elend ist,",
124 |
"Doppelt mit Erquickung füllest;",
125 |
"Ach, ich bin des Treibens müde!",
126 |
"Was soll all der Schmerz und Lust?",
127 |
"Süßer Friede,",
128 |
"Komm, ach komm in meine Brust!"],
129 |
"de_2": [
130 |
"Wieder duftet der Wald. ",
131 |
"Es heben die schwebenden Lerchen",
132 |
"mit sich den Himmel empor, der unseren Schultern schwer war; ",
133 |
"zwar sah man noch durch die Äste den Tag, wie er leer war,- ",
134 |
"aber nach langen, regnenden Nachmittagen ",
135 |
"kommen die goldübersonnten ",
136 |
"neueren Stunden, ",
137 |
"vor denen flüchtend an fernen Häuserfronten ",
138 |
"alle die wunden Fenster furchtsam mit Flügeln schlagen. ",
139 |
"Dann wird es still. Sogar der Regen geht leiser",
140 |
"über der Steine ruhig dunkelnden Glanz.",
141 |
"Alle Geräusche ducken sich ganz",
142 |
"in die glänzenden Knospen der Reiser."],
143 |
"zh_1": [
144 |
145 |
146 |
147 |
148 |
149 |
"zh_2": [
150 |
151 |
152 |
153 |
154 |
155 |
156 |
157 |
158 |
159 |
160 |
161 |
162 |
163 |
164 |
"ar_1": [
165 |
"داب نعشق لأليمه نجيمه",
166 |
"من يحبك ويموت فيك",
167 |
"إن قتلت عاد يكون بيك",
168 |
"لو قدر قلبي يخليك",
169 |
"لم يدبّر ذا النُّغيمة",
170 |
"يا مطرنَنِ شِلِباطُ (يا مذهول)",
171 |
"تُن حزين تنِ بناطُ (إنك مكروب)",
172 |
"ترى اليوم وَشْطاطُ (ضائعاً)",
173 |
"لم تذقي فيه غير لقيمة"],
174 |
"ar_2": [
175 |
"حَيّوا تُماضِرَ وَاِربَعوا صَحبي\t\tوَقِفوا فَإِنَّ وُقوفَكُم حَسبي",
176 |
"أَخُناسُ قَد هامَ الفُؤادُ بِكُم\t\tوَأَصابَهُ تَبَلٌ مِنَ الحُبِّ",
177 |
"ما إِن رَأَيتُ وَلا سَمِعتُ بِهِ\t\tكَاليَومِ طالي أَينُقٍ جُربِ",
178 |
"مُتَبَذِّلاً تَبدو مَحاسِنُهُ\t\tضَعُ الهِناءَ مَواضِعَ النُقبِ",
179 |
"مُتَحَسِّراً نَضَحَ الهِناءَ بِهِ\t\tضحَ العَبيرِ بِرَيطَةِ العَصبِ",
180 |
"فَسَليهُمُ عَنّي خُناسُ إِذا\t\tعَضَّ الجَميعَ الخَطبُ ما خَطبي"]
181 |