Name	Description
current_date	Current date (at start of current transaction).
date_add(date, interval)	Add the interval to the date.
date_diff(part, startdate, enddate)	The number of partition boundaries between the dates.
date_part(part, date)	Get the subfield (equivalent to extract).
date_sub(part, startdate, enddate)	The number of complete partitions between the dates.
date_trunc(part, date)	Truncate to specified precision.
datediff(part, startdate, enddate)	The number of partition boundaries between the dates. Alias of date_diff.
datepart(part, date)	Get the subfield (equivalent to extract). Alias of date_part.
datesub(part, startdate, enddate)	The number of complete partitions between the dates. Alias of date_sub.
datetrunc(part, date)	Truncate to specified precision. Alias of date_trunc.
dayname(date)	The (English) name of the weekday.
extract(part from date)	Get subfield from a date.
greatest(date, date)	The later of two dates.
isfinite(date)	Returns true if the date is finite, false otherwise.
isinf(date)	Returns true if the date is infinite, false otherwise.
last_day(date)	The last day of the corresponding month in the date.
least(date, date)	The earlier of two dates.
make_date(year, month, day)	The date for the given parts.
monthname(date)	The (English) name of the month.
strftime(date, format)	Converts a date to a string according to the format string.
time_bucket(bucket_width, date[, offset])	Truncate date by the specified interval bucket_width. Buckets are offset by offset interval.
time_bucket(bucket_width, date[, origin])	Truncate date by the specified interval bucket_width. Buckets are aligned relative to origin date. origin defaults to 2000-01-03 for buckets that don't include a month or year interval, and to 2000-01-01 for month and year buckets.
today()	Current date (start of current transaction).