diff --git "a/csv/audiocaps/valid.csv" "b/csv/audiocaps/valid.csv"
new file mode 100644--- /dev/null
+++ "b/csv/audiocaps/valid.csv"
@@ -0,0 +1,495 @@
+valid/YvfY_TJq7n_U.npy,"Rustling occurs, ducks quack and water splashes, followed by an adult female and adult male speaking and duck calls being blown",Ducks quack as a man speaks and makes a duck sound,Birds chirp and ducks squawk while a man and woman speak,Birds chirp and ducks quack before a man speaks,Ducks quack and a man speaks
+valid/YtdWhHV3X25Q.npy,An audience gives applause as a man yells and a group sings,An audience cheers and applaud while a man talks,A crowd applauds as a man yells and the crowd chants,"A moderate size crowd claps, a man speaks, and the crowd starts a chant",An audience cheers and applaud while a man talks
+valid/Ytw76HGONaKg.npy,A man speaks over intermittent keyboard taps,A man speaks while playing a video game on a keyboard,A man speaks while video game music plays with some clicking,Music plays as a man speaks and types on a keyboard,A man speaks over keyboard sounds and some background electronic music
+valid/Yy2bVZ7rz-5M.npy,Motor noise is followed by a horn honking and a siren wailing,An emergency vehicle engine runs then a horn blows and siren sounds,A diesel truck runs while a siren whales and a horn blows,A diesel engine runs while a siren wails and horn blows,Noisy traffic goes by on a busy road then an emergency siren on a fire truck and an ambulance sound
+valid/Yti66RjZWTp0.npy,A male speaks as metal clicks and a gun fires once,A man speaks and a weapon cocks and fires,"A man speaks while loading a gun, cocking it and shooting",A man talks while something clicks and then a gun shoots then the man begins talking again,A man speaks and then gunfire takes place
+valid/YuYT5gxnyMWM.npy,"A young female speaks, followed by spraying and a female screaming",A girl speaks followed by a scream and more girls talking,A young woman speaks over spraying and another person yells,"Female speech followed by hissing, hollering and more speech",A girl speaks with spraying followed by a woman screaming in the background and then two girls converse
+valid/YyVPZ2MNWpms.npy,An airplane engine runs,Distant humming of an engine,Wind blows and a vehicle accelerates,Aircraft fly in the distance and a nearby motor runs,A vehicle passes by as an aircraft engine runs
+valid/Yy682ml90jGw.npy,A machine beeps continuously,Electronic beeps occur in a short series,A beep repeats multiple times,A beep sounds several times,Beeps occur continuously
+valid/Yvr8ZXjEBhMQ.npy,Wind blowing followed by a zoom,A low rumbling in the distance followed by a motorcycle engine revving up,Vehicles pass by as wind blows,White noise and light wind with an engine running quietly,A low hiss in the distance followed by an engine rev
+valid/YsZ29AZCjWTE.npy,A baby sneezes followed by another person laughing,A child sneezes and an adult laughs,A young person sneezes as another person laughs,A child sneezes and a woman laughs,Some light rustling with sneezes from a baby and a woman laughing
+valid/YxhmRY9yhC7c.npy,An infant crying as a woman laughs,A baby cries as a woman laughs,A baby cries and a person laughs,A child cries as a woman speaks,An infant cries while a person laughs
+valid/YziUT9IFTkjg.npy,Leaves rustling followed by a small bell chiming as birds chirp in the background,Birds chirp as a bell rings,Birds chirp and a bell rings,A bell rings while birds chirp,Chimes ring very lightly
+valid/YvJ7JPEFhyLA.npy,Water flows as men speak and yell,Three men talk while wind blows and some liquid flows,Water flows quickly and a man speaks while other people yell,Water splashes as a man speak nearby followed by a man's voice in the distance and a woman’s brief gasp,Three men talk while wind blows and liquid flows
+valid/YuiS58TNyUiw.npy,Pigeons vocalize and birds chirp,A man speaking together with birds chirping and distant murmuring,A man speaks and moves objects around,A man speaks while a birds coo and chirp,A grown man talks calmly while a creature produces low grunts
+valid/YtDlysoZiA1I.npy,"Various birds chirp and squeal, and an animal grunts",Multiple birds chirp and an animal grunts,Birds chirp then an animal grunts,Birds chirp and animals make noise,A dog whimpers with birds chirping in the background
+valid/YwqTCwqVRDlk.npy,People speak as gunfire rings out,"A man speaks, followed by loud bursts of gunfire",A machine gun fires multiple times,People speak and a machine gun fires,A gun is shot several times
+valid/Yy8WEcpOlT3I.npy,A harsh wind blows as a man speaks and another man speaks,Two men speak as a buffeting wind blows,A man speaks and wind blows,A man speaks while wind blows,A man speaks while wind blows
+valid/YtgbONvsP47Y.npy,Vehicles pass by on a roadway,Roadway noise occurs and a truck accelerates,"At a distance, several motors run",Vehicles move along at differing speeds,An engine runs over traffic noises
+valid/Yvh30P49Po6s.npy,A duck quacks continuously,A duck quacks loudly and continuously,A duck quacks several times,An animal quacks rapidly,"An animal chatters frantically, then quacks repeatedly"
+valid/YuEU-Hg5MTN8.npy,A woman speaks and laughs and an animal grunts and snorts,A young woman speaks and laughs and an animal snorts,A girl speaks then a pig oinks,"A female speaks and laughs, then an animal grunts",Children speak and laugh then a pig oinks
+valid/Yu0T_rcHhkPQ.npy,A car speeding up in the distance,A car accelerates and wind blows,Fast car accelerates and moves away while wind blows strongly,An engine runs and shifts gears,Motors run as rough wind blows
+valid/Yvb1fPSD_I4c.npy,Multiple people speak and children yell while water gurgles,People speak as water splashes,A crowd speaks among themselves loudly and people shout and talk,"Distant, continuous murmuring",Multiple people speak and children yell while water gurgles
+valid/YtB7hWb9gTuQ.npy,Water flows and trickles,Water bubbles and gurgles.,Water splashing repeatedly,Water runs slowly through a stream,Water splashes and dribbles against a hard surface
+valid/Yvz8868znkVQ.npy,A clicking followed by some people laughing and a kid speaking,A goat bleats and children laugh and speak,A child laughs as a bird vocalizes,A child laughs and speaks as an animal bleats,A goat bleats and children laugh and speak
+valid/YuZesmtKZGSw.npy,Some men talk among st themselves as cars speed and race loudly,Race cars go around a track as a man commentates,A couple of males are speaking as engines zoom come by them,A man commentates as race cars pass by and an announcer speaks,"Two male voices talking one after the other, all the while race cars are constantly zooming by"
+valid/Yt97k0cejSQE.npy,"Birds chirp, a woman speaks, and insects buzz",Birds chirp and an insect buzzes around,A bug is buzzing as it is flying around,Birds tweet followed by bees flying,Birds chirp in the distance followed by bees buzzing loudly
+valid/YzO-LSSY92ZM.npy,Someone sprays a liquid onto a hard surface making a hiss sound,Liquid sprays at a continuous pace,Hissing and rustling with some pops,A watery hissing erupts and spits,Someone sprays liquid onto a hard surface
+valid/YviuTg1M-dqg.npy,A man speaks followed by another man speaking outside,A male speaks and another male speaks,A man speaks before another man is interviewed,A man speaking followed by hissing and another man speaking,A man speaks before another man talks over an engine sound
+valid/YsQwlkXjQabo.npy,Water is sprayed across a hard surface,Someone sprays liquid onto a hard surface,Water is sprayed across a firm surface,A liquid is sprayed onto a hard surface,Someone sprays a liquid onto a hard surface
+valid/Ysu6FAOcOA8c.npy,A bus engine idles while a woman speaks making an announcement,A vehicle engine runs while a woman makes an announcement,A vehicle engine runs as a woman speaks over an intercom,A recorded voice plays over an idling engine and soft conversation,A vehicle engine idles as a woman makes an announcement
+valid/YsK4u5T8hW78.npy,A man speaks as a car is passing by,A man speaks as a car is passing by,A man talks while vehicles pass by,A man speaks and wind blows while a car is passing by,A man speaks while wind blows and a car is passing by
+valid/YyPUYU6t3rwo.npy,Birds chirp and objects are moved around,Insects buzz around and a person grunts,Several bees fly nearby while birds tweet far away,Birds chirp as insects buzz in the foreground,Several insects flies far away while birds tweet
+valid/YugHJF0hfYkg.npy,A propeller rotates loudly and intensely,A helicopter engine runs continuously,A helicopter engine idles continuously,A propeller moves loudly nearby,A motor runs efficiently
+valid/YwvKpEYswXO0.npy,Plastic is tapped on while someone speaks,A woman speaks and taps on a hard surface before running tap water,Repeated tapping is accompanied by water running and a woman speaking softly,Someone chops on a hard surface and speaks before turning a water faucet on,A woman speaks and taps on a counter before turning a water tap on
+valid/YsKOlWpaJlmQ.npy,A vehicle moves while the wind blows and a man talks,A man speaks as a motor runs in the distance,Wind blows as a man speaks and fidgets,A man speaks as a motorcycle runs,A man speaks over low engine sounds
+valid/YxKB8O8LTs6s.npy,Music plays and someone speaks before gunfire and an explosion occurs,Music plays and a woman speaks on a radio before gunshots are fired,Music plays followed by gunshots and then an explosion,Intense music plays loudly while a woman shouts and gunfire is let off,Adventurous music plays as a woman speaks and then multiple gunshots follow
+valid/Yx-PeY8Yb8M4.npy,A stream of water runs briefly,Water rushes by,"A flowing, bubbling stream is interrupted by a loud thunk",A gurgling stream is interrupted by a large thump,A stream of water flows
+valid/YwTjoRj1se3U.npy,An airplane engine spools and people speak,An aircraft engine runs as people speak,Wind blows as an airplane engine spools and people speak,A small motor races and whirls,An electric engine works nearby while people talk far away
+valid/YyW6FWLSLkx4.npy,A child speaks in closed space,A child speaks,A preteen girl speaks,A girl speaks in a dialog,A girl speaks narrating a dialog
+valid/YyNs0UzEiOds.npy,Wind blowing and leave are rustling,Wind quietly blowing,Wind blows lightly and metal scraps slightly,Wind blowing hard and an object is tapped.,The rustling of the wind as it continuously blows
+valid/Yy207L3EF-Tw.npy,A woman speaks while birds squawk in the background,A woman speaks as a small motor runs and animals vocalize,A woman speaks over sink noises and a child,A woman speaks whiles air hisses and birds caw in the background,A woman speaks and moves dishes around as a small engine runs
+valid/YvYkA3cfXp5Q.npy,A vehicle engine accelerating then running on idle,"A motor idles, accelerates, then slows down.",A vehicle engine is idling before revving,A vehicle engine is revving and idling,A vehicle engine idles then begins revving
+valid/Yv0x1odnXtP0.npy,Someone is typing on a computer keyboard,Someone is typing on a computer keyboard,Someone is typing on a computer keyboard,A person is typing on a computer keyboard,Someone is typing on a computer keyboard
+valid/YzVacuqSb4LI.npy,A train horn blows as it passes by,"A train horn blares as a train passes, then fades",A stream engine train horn sounds and tracks click,A train running on railroad tracks while a train horn blows followed by city traffic ambiance and a crowd of people talking,A train horn whistles as it passes by
+valid/YvlS6YMeWAPo.npy,A sheep baa followed by birds chirping and then more sheep baaing,A goat bleats and someone makes a calling noise,A man whistles as livestock bleat and jostle around,A goat bleats and someone whistles and makes a kissing noise,A goat bleats thereafter a birds chirps
+valid/YtIbCQaV0kMs.npy,A baby cries and fusses,A child is crying as a camera shuffles around,An infant crying with some rustling,A baby is crying softly,A baby is crying quietly then loudly
+valid/YuWAAAL4CIoc.npy,A woman speaks happily and an animal chirps,A woman speaks and dog vocalizes,A woman speaks while a toy beeps,A woman speaks followed by a squeak,A woman speaks as a bird chirps
+valid/YzF_jIWfSD-4.npy,People converse as a motor runs and air brakes hiss,Humming of an idling engine with people speaking and a hydraulic hiss,A vehicle hums along as several people converse,People speak as a bus decelerates and a door opens,An engine works while people talk.
+valid/YwSV_hSdj0F0.npy,"A horn honks twice and keys jingle, followed by an electronic beep","A horn honks twice and keys jingle, followed by a slam and an electronic beep",A horn beeps twice followed by a clang and then some footsteps and another beep,Two beeps are followed by footsteps and keys jingling,A horn is triggered and a door is closed followed by some steps and key jingling
+valid/YzPpG3RD8lSs.npy,Paper folding and crinkling,A person crumbles paper,Papers rustling several times,Paper is cut and moved around,Papers crumbs shortly
+valid/YuyRfq-jKPpo.npy,Water pouring and bubbling,Water flowing nearby,A water faucet runs and water falls onto a hard surface,Water runs into a container as other streams run in the background,Water is running through a sink as some water goes down the sink
+valid/YtAJk7rQlSi4.npy,A bell chimes melodically,Soft dings are punctuated by larger clangs,A musical bell chiming continuously,Bells clang and ring together,Several large church bells ring repeatedly
+valid/YyeFvk9x0wWI.npy,A wooden clack accompanies nearby chirping birds,Birds twitter and chirp and clatter,A door opens and birds chirp,Birds chirp quietly in the distance as quiet clutter occur,Lowing wind followed by a loud click and bird chirping
+valid/YxBxDz0CFVn0.npy,A stream of water flows as people talk and wind blows,Wind blows as people chatter quietly,A light wind blows as a man speaks with a sound of waves.,Waves crash against a shoreline while people speak,Wind blows while people talk and waves crash against a shoreline
+valid/Yv25l1jef3JY.npy,An insect buzzes around continuously,An insect buzzes around continuously,Insects buzz and fly,"An insect buzzes, then stops",An insect buzzes around continuously
+valid/YxjhAnI2q6hM.npy,People cheer as a vehicle engine revs,Wind loudly blowing while people speak in the background followed by a horn blowing,A vehicle moves while people cheer,People yell and cheer over engines running,A motor runs roughly and a person cheers
+valid/Ywz7N8YRy74I.npy,A man speaks and a rooster crows while men talk in the background,A man speaks while a rooster crows and other people speak in the background,A man speaking in the background with another man talking followed by a rooster crowing and light wind blowing in a microphone,A man speaks while a rooster crows and people talk in the background,"A man speak while outside, the wind blows lightly and birds chirp in the background"
+valid/YsIXTftIuUgw.npy,Someone whistles a tune,Someone whistles a tune,A person is whistling,Someone whistles a song,A person whistling a melody
+valid/Yu6BnG6YZqJ4.npy,Some tunes played by whistling,A person whistles a tune,A person whistles a tune,A person is whistling,A person whistles nearby several times
+valid/YvzxHnu-SFEw.npy,A woman speaks as she rubs two objects together,A woman speaks as she rubs two objects together,A woman speaking with continuous rubbing,An adult female speaks over rubbing and scraping,A woman speaks over light rubbing and scraping
+valid/YyFB25fqfU8I.npy,Waves crash against a shoreline and people speak,Waves crash against a shoreline as people laugh,Waves crash against a shoreline and people laugh,Ocean waves crashing as a man talks followed by another man and a woman laughing then pattering on a plastic surface before water splashes and a wave crashes,Waves crash and people laugh
+valid/YvbZ-0lGPneg.npy,Television program is played far away while a woman talks and birds tweet nearby,Some people speak,A television plays in the background while a woman speaks,A person speaks while a television plays in the background,A man and woman speak as animals and birds squawk
+valid/Yxa-eDgz1Ob4.npy,A woman is speaking followed by a screech and annoying tone,Female speech followed by a loud squeaking and horn,A girl speaks and blows a very loud air horn,A child speaks then makes a whistle sound before blaring a siren,A kid speaks followed by a loud honk
+valid/Yv-g-j2uTByM.npy,A clock ticktocks,Ticking continues without interruption,A clock ticks in a quiet space,A clock does ticktock,Ticking of a clock with light electrical humming in the distance
+valid/Yti_DFTC-5vU.npy,A male is speaking and a duck quacks as others laugh,A duck quacks and men speak and laugh,"A duck quacks, people talk, the duck quacks louder as people laugh","An animal quacks, two men speak, and a woman laughs",A duck quacks with people speaking and laughing
+valid/YspJCm8tD9Zo.npy,Someone snores nearby,A person snoring several times,A sleeping person snores and wheezes,A person is snoring while sleeping,A person loudly snoring three times
+valid/Ys-T9OVOiMLo.npy,Several insects fly while two men talk,Insects buzz and men speak,Many insects are buzzing as a man are speaking,Insects buzz as men speak,Insects buzz around and men talk
+valid/YxZepNM9qcRA.npy,A man speaks as a motor runs in the background,A car revs noisily while a man speaks,A vehicle engine is idling as a man speaks,A machine vibrates nearby while a man speaks,A motorcycle engine is revving while a man speaks
+valid/Yv-wcQf4BDY0.npy,Small dogs yip and bark sharply,Excited dogs bark and yip,Multiple dogs bark and whimper,Dogs bark continuously,Multiple dogs bark
+valid/YtG_cFnX0GHI.npy,A telephone rings followed by a woman talking,A telephone rings then a woman begins speaking after it is answered,A phone rings and a recorded female voice speaks,A phone rings and a female recorded voice answers and speaks,A telephone rings and a woman begins speaking
+valid/YwDVMhEdTiVw.npy,"A gun shoots, followed by water sloshing nearby",A pop occurs then water splashes and trickles,A snap occurs as water splashes and trickles from an object,A gunshot is followed by splashing,A snap occurs then water splashes and trickles from an object
+valid/YsLUnaPT5gM8.npy,Loud intermittent buzzing with intermittent laughter,A baby laugh at a sputter,Someone makes a blowing sound and a baby laughs,A person makes a snoring noise and a baby laughs,A person blows raspberries while a baby laughs
+valid/Yukg5L09Wpvo.npy,A train whistle keeps going off while the clickety-clack of the train on the rails are continuous,A horn blows as a train chugs along and warning bells ring,A train horn sounds as it passes by,Rustling and clinking of metal followed by a train whistle,A horn blares repeatedly against a backdrop of clanging metal and chugging machinery
+valid/Yxd8QKzoQuAM.npy,Music plays then a man speaks before multiple noises collide,"A song plays followed by a man speaking, two thuds, a whistle, and then a growl and drum beating","Music plays followed by a guy speaking, a bang, a whistle, an animal sound, and then some drums beating",Music plays briefly as a man yells and whistles,A man speaks then is whistling and music plays
+valid/YuVJOoZkis2A.npy,Some clinking with people speaking and laughing,A man tries to speak but only makes sounds while another man laughs and speaks,A person laughs and playfully yells as another man speaks and chains jingle,A man and woman laugh loudly while another man screeches and speaks,Continuous heavy laughter and clanking with brief speech
+valid/YsC_i_y7QS1U.npy,Some men converse over an engine running,A motorcycle engine revs and a man speaks,A man speaks as a small engine revs,A motorcycle engine revs as a man speaks,A motorcycle engine runs and a man speaks
+valid/Yw34HjHr6gAY.npy,Several beeps are followed by a hit and a woman talking,Multiple beeps are followed by a squawk and a child speaking,Digital bleeping followed by explosions and rustling then blink and a woman speaking,A beep occurs then a loud noise before a cartoon character speaks,A beep occurs multiple times then an ear-blasting sound occurs before a cartoon character speaks
+valid/Yzj2R0XoFr5k.npy,"A small airplane approaches and then flies by, after and during which a boy speaks",An airplane flies overhead as a woman speaks,A airplane flies overhead as a woman speaks,An airplane flies overhead as a woman speaks,An airplane passes overhead with a woman speaking
+valid/YsSMl2vc3e_k.npy,A person snores loudly multiple times at a close distance,A person snores hilariously while someone laughs,A person is snoring with people laughing.,A person snores hilariously as someone laughs,Someone snores while a person laughs
+valid/YslZLHwNbbt4.npy,A horn rings out as a machine runs by,A rumbling clap in the distance followed by a horn and the rumbling grows louder,A train horn sounds as the train approaches,A train horn blows as the train approaches,The clickety-clack of a train on rails then a train horn blows and the train goes by closely
+valid/Yw5W_5Kqtc8E.npy,A vehicle engine runs and wind blows before women yell,Water flows followed by women screaming,Water splashes and a motorboat passes as people yell,Wind blows and people scream while an engine revs,Wind blows and water flows before people cheer
+valid/Yv5cSxLaHADY.npy,Paper is crumpling consistently,A packet is being crinkled and crumpled while being opened,Paper crinkles and tears,Rustling followed by an object ripping.,Paper is crumpled and torn
+valid/YsQGXqGcwOTc.npy,Dishes cling together then a man begins to speak,Metal rumbles followed by a kid giggles then more metal rumbling followed by a guy speaking,Pots and pans clash together as a child laughs,Objects continually beat onto a hard surface,"Loud, rapid clanking followed by brief speech"
+valid/YtezvROoo4bs.npy,The revving of an engine throttle followed by a man speaking,A vehicle accelerates and revs the engine and a person speaks quickly,A vehicle engine accelerates then someone speaks,A car races by followed by a guy speaking and a hiss,"A car revs up, and then a person talks nearby"
+valid/YtDVADusiIoc.npy,A man speaks over a radio as wind blows and water splashes,A man speaks on a radio as wind blows,A boat travels through the waves as the wind blows loudly and a man speaks over a radio,A man speaks over a radio followed by water splashing,Water splashes and wind blows as a man speaks on a radio
+valid/Ysd_XV-ylviw.npy,Water splashes and a door squeaks,A toilet door squeaks as it is opened,Water drips and a door squeaks,Dripping water with toilet flush and squeak,A toilet flushes and water drains
+valid/Yw1ir-sZ3Im8.npy,Water splashes as an animal walks through,Water splashes and someone speaks,Water splashes and a person speaks,Water splashes then a person speaks,Some liquid splashes nearby
+valid/Yyaln9y8I7ms.npy,A toilet flushes and a female speaks,A toilet flushes and water drains,"A woman pulls on a toilet handle, the toilet flushes and liquid flushes down the toilet as the woman declares that she is done",A toilet is flushed and a female speaks,Clicking followed by a flushing toilet and a child speaking briefly
+valid/YvH4z5OI5aNY.npy,Men speak as an engine revs to life,Several men chatter as a motor starts and powers up,A man speaks then a car begins revving,People speak before a vehicle begins revving,Several men talk while objects are tapped followed by an engine working in idle
+valid/YwqZ135_Ssz0.npy,Two men and a woman talk while wind blows and birds tweet,Bird squawks are accompanied by a man and woman speaking,People speak and birds chirp,Two men talk over blowing wind and bird chirps,A man and woman speak outside as the wind blows
+valid/Yxfaoyyzw2WU.npy,"A jet engine roars, almost making a man inaudible",An aircraft engine screams as a man speaks in low tones,"The loud engine of an aircraft revving up and the wind pumping loudly, a male voice speaks as well",An aircraft engine screeches loudly as the wind bustles around men speaking,An airplane engine works nearby while a man talks
+valid/YyfVR79cQ_Mg.npy,Insects hitter as two men speak quietly,Humming followed by splashes and clicking then a man speaks,Birds tweet and frogs croaks followed by a man and a woman talking,People talk softly as insects quietly chirp,Animals croak and bleat as a man speaks softly
+valid/YzwOBqeFTgiU.npy,An infant crying frantically,A couple of babies are crying loudly and intensely,A baby crying loudly,A couple of babies cry loudly and intensely,Two babies cry
+valid/Yzl9Dqx-j7q4.npy,A loud snarling engine is followed by a man laughing,Motors rev and run loudly as a person laughs,A distorted vehicle engine accelerating then slowing down followed by a man laughing,Loud static rustling followed by a guy laughing crazily at the end,Motors run harshly as a person laughs
+valid/YvqZuVbG6-HI.npy,An engine runs loudly,Propeller rearing loudly with some male and female voices interspersed in the background,"Loud, continuous buzzing with distant murmuring",A propeller on a helicopter runs rapidly and loudly,A helicopter propeller swings around loudly
+valid/YxV7Mg1QucSc.npy,A clock ticktocks and sounds an alarm then a man laughs,A clock ticktocks and sounds an alarm then a man laughs,"Clocks tick, cuckoo and chime as a man laughs",Light chiming of bells with the ticking of a nearby clock followed by a brief coo and people laughing,Constant static as a clock plays a tune and ticktocks then a man says something and laughs
+valid/Yysz2T2Hczmk.npy,Two hiccups and a giggle,A low growl followed gasping and then a burp while some girls laugh,Children laugh because they are burping,A child burps repeatedly and a young person laughs,A person burps and belches and another person laughs
+valid/YyswmmRZFItk.npy,A frog croaks as other frogs croak in the background,Frogs croak and vocalize,Many frogs croak continuously,Nighttime animals are punctuated by a loud frog,A frog croaks and makes noises
+valid/YwwyfGO2J__4.npy,People applaud and hoot and chat quietly,People clap and speak in the distance,"A small group applauds and cheers, then settles down",People give applause in a large hall,An audience gives applause then people speak
+valid/YwIJK3-5y0kA.npy,A infant makes noise and is excited,Tapping occurs then a baby cries,Tapping occurs and a baby cries,Door closing sounds precede a baby crying,A baby scrapes on a surface and then shouts and screams gleefully
+valid/YyDoT73BWsdA.npy,A vehicle engine revs as the vehicle passes,A vehicle engine revs and tires squeal,A motor runs and shifts gears,A vehicle engine revs and squeals tires,A car zooms by
+valid/YxjvTpk2Zpr8.npy,Winds blows roughly as a vehicle races past,An aircraft engine runs as wind blows heavily,Wind gusts roughly as an engine whines,Wind blows as an aircraft approaches to land,An aircraft engine gets louder as it approaches while wind blows
+valid/YyajyRTUQk3U.npy,A woman talks while something is fried and objects are tapped,A woman speaks over sizzling noise,A young lady speeches while something is being fried,A woman speaks as frying food sizzles,A woman speaks while food is frying
+valid/Yrqu8iB22I_Y.npy,Popping and crackling repeats as men yell and laugh,A vehicle is running and crackling and popping as people laugh,People yell and laugh as a motor sputters and pops,Men screeching and shouting while a vehicle is revving and backfiring loudly,People yell and laugh as a vehicle approaches and sputters
+valid/YylpYOorfH4o.npy,A man speaks over a running engine and blowing wind,"A motor runs steadily as a man speaks, then the motor revs twice",A man speaks while a vehicle engine runs and revs loudly,"A loud engine rattling, and a man speaking, followed by some clunking sounds",A vehicle engine idles as a man speaks
+valid/YxvDdE3zNf8Y.npy,A female speaks softly as paper crinkles,A woman speaks and is crumpling paper,Someone crumples paper,A woman speaks and crumples paper,A woman speaks with some light crinkling
+valid/YtMJne1a4AFI.npy,Multiple insects buzz over rustling wind,Bees buzz as wind blows,Bees buzz and wind blows,Bees buzz as wind blows,Many insects buzz as a wind lightly gusts
+valid/Yx9J_ovgqUcs.npy,A man speaks and is typing on a keyboard,An adult speaks and is typing on a computer keyboard,A man speaks and begins typing on a keyboard,A man speaks then is typing on a computer keyboard,A man talks while someone briefly types a keyboard
+valid/Yzuua6-5goWw.npy,Birds chirp and a pop occurs before a man speaks,Birds chirp quietly and an adult man speaks,A soft plastic clack as seagulls squawk in the distance followed by a man talking,Birds chirp and a man speaks,Birds twitter and chirp as a man speak quietly
+valid/Ywz_tCSUxOf8.npy,"A crowd yells, reacts and applauds",People vocalize and give applause,A crowd gives applause and sighs,Crowd cheers and gasps as a ball is kicked then applaud,Many voices yelling then applause
+valid/Yx5cuQjOdM3E.npy,A cat meows as a young woman speaks,A cat meows and children speak,Cats meow and then a person begins to talk while the cats continue to meow,A cat meows as a woman speaks,"A cat meowing, a young girl speaking and meowing after the cat."
+valid/YwrAy0C6AZ3Y.npy,A man speaks over birds singing and people muttering,A man speaks while others speak in the background,A man narrates as birds chirp and a group of people speak,A man speaks as birds chirp before women begin speaking,Birds chirp as a man narrates while a group of people speak
+valid/YsmGI3C1N_Zc.npy,A toilet flushes and water sputters as it drains,A toilet is flushed nearby,A toilet flushes and drains speedily,A toilet flushes and water drains,A toilet flushes and water drains out
+valid/YtH17JPjDPnc.npy,Goats bleat and metal clings,Goats and sheep bleating with the clanging of metal grates,Metal clinking and rattling with sheep bleating,Objects are clanking against other objects and moaning animals make noises on a farm,Metal clangs while goats baa
+valid/YtYuX1SH_ZKo.npy,People speak as a bell rings and a door opens,People speak as a bus door beeps,People speak and a beeping occurs before a door slides open,Women speak as a bell dings in multiple tones,Women speak as a notification bell rings
+valid/Yz5iUE5h0EPs.npy,Goats bleat and people speak,Objects are moved around while people talk and a goat bleats,A person walks along and a man speaks as a goat bleats,A man speaks then a goat vocalizes,Rustling with people speaking and a goat bleating
+valid/YvZAw4apG0Es.npy,People speak in the background as a clock ticktocks,A man speaks in the background while a slow tick repeats,People converse in the distance as a clock ticks,A person is talking and a ticking occurs in the background,People speaking with nearby ticking of a clock
+valid/YsiJFXfGWgDk.npy,A man speaks as birds chirp and a vehicle passes nearby,A man speaks as a vehicles passes by then a woman speaks,A man speaks nearby with light rustling and buzzing,A young man speaks as birds chirp quietly,A man speaking
+valid/YxmiUIOhtZyQ.npy,Long loud burping by a man,A person is burping loudly,"A loud, long burp followed by some clanking",A man burps loudly repeatedly,A person burps
+valid/YyhQ2Lg-7qDY.npy,Food is frying while a woman speaks,People speak softly as food sizzles,Loud sizzling with a man speaking softly,Food frying with person narrating,Food is frying while an adult speaks
+valid/YwTideSjRFS0.npy,A woman speaks as frying food sizzles,A woman speaks with water running,A woman speaks and food sizzles while frying,A woman speaks while water pours,Sizzling together with female speech
+valid/YvbpKkWvfOu4.npy,A woman and man are speaking,A woman speaks and other women and a man talk with her,A woman speaks and then a man speaks,A man and woman speak,A woman speaks and a man speaks
+valid/YvJvryTwuAV8.npy,Children cheer as a man speaks then an audience screams,Kids chant followed by loud screaming,Children yell as a group cheers and a man speaks,A crowd chants and cheers,People chant loudly then something pops and the people continue to chant then they begin screaming
+valid/YwyCoAM9c6wA.npy,An animal vocalizes briefly,Some scratching with meowing quietly,A domestic animal squeals as shuffling occurs,A cat meows far away,Light screeching followed by rustling
+valid/YvzceMbkl_Wc.npy,Water runs into a sink while men speak,Water runs from a faucet while some men speak and the water runs in the sink,Water runs into a sink as two men speak,Water splashing with male speech,Water runs into a container as several men speak
+valid/YsLkeqCDJIyw.npy,Someone snores nearby,Continuous snoring,A person snores,Someone is snoring while sleeping,A person is snoring while sleeping
+valid/Yx_l2PIWyXaM.npy,Birds chirp as a man speaks and a younger person speaks,Birds chirp as a woman speaks,Outside a couple of people are talking as a bird chirps,"Birds chirp over an engine sound, and two women speak",A man and a woman talk as birds chirp in the background.
+valid/Yv5tqYBzowxI.npy,A small crowd chatters and talks,A group of people talk and children speak as water splashes,Some birds caw followed by people speaking in the distance,Water splashing with several people speaking and laughing,Water gurgles as people yell and laugh
+valid/YwqADXCzngMw.npy,An engine works in idle nearby followed by a man talking,Humming of idling and revving engine with a man speaking,An engine works nearby followed by a man talking,A motor revs repeatedly and a man yells,A vehicle engine revs and someone speaks
+valid/YryFDPxgDOGc.npy,A man speaks as crickets sing,A man speaks as crickets sing,A man speaks as crickets sing,A man speaks as crickets sing,Insects chirp and men speak
+valid/YsZvwOuuPGP0.npy,A small engine spits as it runs,A diesel truck engine runs continuously,A diesel truck engine idles outside,An engine runs loudly,A diesel truck engine runs steadily
+valid/YzgUgkpk78xU.npy,A horn blasts as warning bells ring,A train horn sounds as a railroad passing bell rings,The clinking of a train bell with the humming of an engine and a train horn blowing,Train horn blows while railroad tracks clickety-clack,A horn honks followed by a bell tinging
+valid/YzOZleIRqZm4.npy,A person speaks briefly,A person speaks over rustling leaves,A man speaking with light rustling,Leaves rustle while man speaks,A man speaks as the ground is rustling beneath his feet
+valid/Ys6DESzUTGjY.npy,A soft wind underscores a woman laughing,Distant waters roar amid foreground jostling and a gasp,Water is gurgling in a tank,Water is gurgling in a tank,Water is gurgling in a tank
+valid/YuWPRNLnpy7Y.npy,A vehicles accelerate quickly and someone laughs,A vehicle engine is revving then accelerates quickly,A vehicle accelerates quickly squealing tires and someone laughs,A motor revs then fade into the distance,A car accelerating and roaring as it speeds by followed by a man laughing
+valid/YxOZfdgAgJ9o.npy,A woman speaks followed by another woman whimpering and speaking,A woman speaks and a woman sobs,A woman speaks and another woman cries,A woman speaks followed by her whimpering,"A woman speaks, followed by another woman who cries and speaks"
+valid/YsmDKStoHBJo.npy,A woman talks while a baby cries and a man whispers,A baby cries and a woman moans,An infant crying and a woman speaking with some distant murmuring,A baby cries as a woman sings and speaks,A baby cries and a woman speaks
+valid/YvSeGhaZt-aI.npy,A grown man speaks and water bubbles and runs,A man speaks while water drains,Water running down a sink while a man is talking,Water drips and bubbles as a man speaks,Water runs on and off as a man speaks
+valid/YsRSNKun0Hpk.npy,A whirring motor run without stopping,A saw cuts a hard object,A saw runs continuously cutting wood,A saw is cutting through wood loudly,A saw runs and cuts a solid surface
+valid/YzNRCh_LjqcU.npy,Food is frying and sizzles,Running water in a faucet with some clinks,Continuous sizzling is accompanied by glassware noise,Food sizzles as water splashes and silverware clinks,Food begins to sizzle in a frying pan
+valid/YzY3icUyMdh8.npy,Dog barking and vehicle engine idling followed shortly by vehicle engine revving,Dogs bark as an engine runs and a person whistles,Dogs bark as a vehicle comes nearer,A dog barks as an engine idles then accelerates,A dog barks as a vehicle idles then accelerates
+valid/Yy2ZBGpgbhHM.npy,Birds chirp and a dog breathes heavily,A small musical boom and then birds tweet and a few dogs pant,An animal growls followed by birds chirping,A vehicle moves far away and birds tweet nearby,A bird chirps as a car drives by
+valid/YwqUmIEzuNz4.npy,A frog vocalizes as birds chirp,A small frog makes chirping noises repeatedly while footsteps crunch on grass,Squeaking nearby with distant chirps of birds and nearby rustling,Birds cry repeatedly,Squeaking followed by rustling and then another squeak
+valid/YvtnWVwQGvg4.npy,A goat bleats continuously,A goat baaing continuously,A goat bleats continuously,A goat goes baa three times in a quiet spot,Repetitive bleating of a goat
+valid/Ywpe7JELhTTs.npy,A man hammers on a metal sheet then speaks,Loud banging is followed by an adult man speaking,A series of loud pops is followed by a man speaking,A person hammers a metal object repeatedly then speaks,Pound banging and rattling followed by a man speaking
+valid/YwqN6IIHw3po.npy,A man speaks while rain falls onto a hard surface,A man speaks as rain falls and objects clash together,A man speaks then swords clash and water runs,Rain falls onto a hard surface as a man speaks and characters make noise,A man speaks as rain falls onto a hard surface and objects move around
+valid/YzjTG0gaGCUI.npy,An engine starts and increases in power,An airplane accelerates briefly,An aircraft engine runs and accelerates,Airplane engine revving up,The wind roars as an aircraft moves down a runway
+valid/YuOpoD0gGXcs.npy,A bird chirps in response to a woman chirping for the birds,Someone whistles calling an animal while birds chirp,Birds chirp and whistle followed by a boy speaking,A person whistles as birds vocalize,A person whistles and yells as wind lightly gusts
+valid/YxzKKf9bKNUo.npy,White noise and snoring with some rustling in the background,Someone snores nearby,A person is snoring while sleeping,A sleeping person inhales and exhales repeatedly as he snores,A person is snoring while sleeping
+valid/YtK4VlLsNxak.npy,An adult male speaks and dials a rotary phone,"A man speaks, then dials a rotary telephone",A man talks while dialing a phone,A man speaks while using an old phone punching in the numbers on the dial,A man speaks as he dials an old-fashioned phone
+valid/YwbiNcIQ2g_E.npy,A woman speaks as plastic crinkles,A woman speaks in a soft voice teasingly while crumpling some packet,A woman speaks and crumples paper,A woman speaks and is crumpling paper,A woman speaks and is crumpling paper
+valid/Yu21-Z5gJCB8.npy,A man speaks with another voice speaking in the background,Continuous speech and sizzling,A man speaks while the TV sounds loudly in the background,A man speaks while the television plays in the background,A man speaks while a television plays in the background
+valid/YyRx9txMcBl0.npy,A vehicle accelerates and squeals tires,Motors runs briefly and tires screech,A vehicle accelerates and squeals tires while a swish occurs,A car squeals tires and accelerates,A vehicle accelerates then tires squeal and later accelerates again
+valid/YrwtmaKiCcQU.npy,Distant men speak as a spray can nozzle is depressed,"While a man talks in the distance, a sprayer sprays multiple times",Intermittent spraying is accompanied by men speaking,A spray hisses followed by a man speaking and low rumbling in the background,A person sprays liquid onto a hard surface as a man speaks and vehicles pass by
+valid/YweDbePuc-Xc.npy,Music plays and animals vocalize as a cartoon character makes sounds,"Music plays and repeated slaps accompany human sniveling, then insect buzz","A person whimpers followed by guitar music, a smack, and then more crying. Then bugs buzz and a frog croaking",Music plays and cartoon characters cry before a frog croaks,"Music plays as a man laughs and whimpers, insects buzz and a frog croaks"
+valid/YshmR4OZtzqA.npy,A man speaks as a vehicle engine idles,A man speaks as a vehicle engine idles,A man speaks with a low rumble in the background,Two adult men speak over an engine running,An adult male speaks over low engine noise
+valid/YsShpyu2l4YQ.npy,A dog barks and whimpers,"Small dogs growl, bark and yip.",Whippering and grunting from a group of young pups,A dog whimpers and barks,Dogs bark and whimper
+valid/YvddP56-ogds.npy,Water splashing and a person laughs in the distance then a man speaks nearby,Water flows as a woman laughs and a man speaks,Some liquid flows while a woman laughs and man talks,Water pour and birds chirp while a person laughs and then speaks,Water runs onto a hard surface while someone speaks
+valid/YyXrw3GRMZag.npy,Footsteps followed by a flushing toilet,Footsteps then a powerful flush of a toilet,A toilet flushes and water drains,Someone walks to a toilet and flushes it,Some rustling followed by a flushing toilet
+valid/YvdoxuJn9lTc.npy,A person is burping while a girl speaks,Some light rustling followed by a loud burp and a girl speaking,Children laugh and a person is burping loudly before speaking,Children laugh and a child belches loudly before speaking,A small laugh is followed by a loud burp and a female speaking
+valid/YyoTukifwLT0.npy,A person coughs and moves objects around,A surface is rapped followed by someone coughs and a spray being released,A man coughs then sprays some liquid from a can,Mechanical humming with a coughing man and some spraying,A person rubs an object and coughs before spraying a liquid
+valid/YvD6lYD1l0BY.npy,A man speaks as a machine runs,A man speaks as a machine runs,"A man speaks nearby, after which machinery moves in the distance and steam hisses",A man speaks as a machine runs and makes a hiss,A man speaks as a liquid is sprayed making a hiss noise
+valid/YwbHTKEJZyhc.npy,A stream of water flows quickly,A stream runs then someone speaks,A stream of water runs quickly then someone speaks briefly,Water runs in a stream then someone speaks,Water flows steadily as a woman speaks in the distance
+valid/Ysd7x_Vssqlw.npy,A vehicle accelerates squealing tires,Engines run and fade into the distance,A vehicle accelerates squealing tires,A vehicle accelerates and squeals tires,Humming of a powerful passing engine speeding by
+valid/YzsLxS-uLJTw.npy,A horn blasts loudly as a train passes,A train horn blowing as a train runs on a railroad tracks,A train siren goes off followed by the train traveling on the train tracks,A train horn sounds as the train clicket-clacks along the tracks,A train horn sounds loudly and clickety-clacks on the tracks
+valid/YsxIvBMSavMQ.npy,Birds chirp and wind blows,Birds and insects make noise during the daytime,Bees are buzzing around noisily while some wood is moved around,Birds chirp in the distance,Birds chirp and animals vocalize
+valid/YyYEVLuqEytU.npy,Sucking and grunting followed by slurping with birds in the background,An animal hissing followed by a man mumbling then a pig oinking while birds chirp in the background,An animal snorts and oinks over birds chirping,Birds chirp and a goat bleats,Birds sing far away as an animal fidgets and grunts
+valid/YwRBHTgrbiwg.npy,Wind blowing and birds chirping with the distant cooing of a large bird,Birds chirp and an owl hoots before a man speaks briefly,White noise and birds chirping,Birds chirp and bees buzz outside,Birds tweet and insects chatter quietly
+valid/YzTLVJCo4WEE.npy,A man woman speak while crickets sing,An adult woman and an adult man speak,A young girl and a man talking followed by a gun cocking as wind blows into a microphone and crickets chirp in the background,A man and woman speak as birds chirp,A man speaks and another person speaks as metal clicks
+valid/YtHyNqRyK34A.npy,A man speaks as horns blow,A man talks while a horn is triggered,A man speaks ominously over discordant music,A man speaking with music and white noise,Discordant musical underscores an ominous man speaking
+valid/Yu7C-_AEBQ_M.npy,A clock ticktocks briefly,A clock ticks quietly and rhythmically,A clock ticktocks briefly,A repeated ticking while cars drive by in the distance,A clock ticktocks and wind blows
+valid/Yw2JXXIAdUdg.npy,A sleeping person emits a gravely snore,People speaking indiscriminately in the distance with a person snoring loudly nearby,A person is snoring while sleeping,Someone snores close by,Someone snores while sleeping and people talk in the background
+valid/YzkKdxzNC97Y.npy,"After a few seconds of silence, a loud bang occurs followed by a softer banging noise",A door slams shut roughly,A door slams shut and an object moves on a hard surface,A door shuts and a microphone is moved,An object creaks and slams
+valid/YxMXvkIcaG0Y.npy,Humming and rattling of an engine idling as it revs,"Motors run and accelerate, then slow to a stop",A vehicle engine accelerates briefly,An engine revving and then slowing,A motor revs loudly and then decreases
+valid/Ys3cT_DAj31g.npy,A man talks followed by a woman shouting,A man speaks as water overflows making a hiss noise and a woman yells,A man speaks then a woman yells,A man speaks then a woman panics,An adult man speaks and a woman exclaims nervously
+valid/YuzCwFme0ayE.npy,A baby cries as an adult attempts to subdue it,A baby crying followed by a man speaking,A infant child is crying and a man tried to comfort it,A baby cries continuously and a man speaks,A baby is crying while a male is talking to it to comfort it
+valid/YsxYkFKFIZD0.npy,Vehicle tires screech and a man speaks before a car door opens,A vehicle engine decelerates and a man speaks before exiting the vehicle,Tires squeal and a man speaks followed by quick rapid rips and rustles,"Tires screech, a man speaks, followed by clicks and rivets",A car tire squeals and a man speaks followed by a door opening and closing and some tearing occurs.
+valid/YvKrYfzleLB8.npy,"Gunshots ring out, a man yells, and more shots follow",A gunshot occurs while men speak in the background,Gunfire rings out as people speak in the background,A gunshot occurs while a man speaks in the background,People are talking as gun is fired
+valid/Yw9lpbUn0hPc.npy,"Male speech followed by light wind, rustling, distant speech and brief hissing",A man speaks briefly before being sprayed with a liquid,"A man speaks, wind blows, and a machine makes a spraying sound",A man speaks before a liquid is sprayed,A man speaking followed by a man in the distance then a short burst of air spraying with wind blowing
+valid/YsW_ZzX_uWYY.npy,Loud clanking and banging with brief male speech,A machine clanks and thumps and a male speaks,A machine runs haltingly and then an adult male talks,A sewing machine runs slowly then a man speaks,Humming and vibrations of a small machine with a man speaking
+valid/YvuUVPzd2FXw.npy,A man talks while metallic objects are rapped and steam is released,A man speaks while water runs and dishes cling together,A man speaks as dishes cling together and water runs,An adult male speaks over pan sizzling and metal banging,A man speaks as dishes make sounds and water runs
+valid/YtEE3MpBt1sg.npy,A drill drills through something then people begin laughing,A drill runs and two people laugh,A motor runs and a woman and man laugh together,A machine runs and people speak and laugh,Men laugh and speak while using a drill
+valid/YrqfQRErjfk8.npy,A large crowd cheers and applauds,An audience screams and gives applause,Continuous applause and cheering,An audience screams and gives applause,An audience cheers
+valid/YyVVP8XvWJTo.npy,Children speak and play together,Children laughing and a lady speaks,A woman speaks and then children play and speak,A woman speaking followed by distant children speaking and laughing,A female voice briefly yells as several children start talking and yelling all around
+valid/YzIoaIUegh7M.npy,Rapid beeping followed by bleeping and then buzzing,A beep repeats continuously,An alarm beeps continuously,A electronic buzzes repeatedly,Sharp staccato beeping repeats and repeats
+valid/YuFoga8sHpiw.npy,Someone whistles briefly,A person whistles a meandering tune,Someone whistles briefly,A person whistles a discordant tune,A person whistles a tune
+valid/YyVumC9TGknc.npy,Low humming with a clock ticking and birds chirping,A clock ticktocks in wind,Loud background rumble with ticktock and birds chirping,A clock ticktocks and birds chirp,A jet engine sounds as a ticktock occurs and beeping takes place
+valid/Ys_apQIQUhFc.npy,A man speaks as water trickles down a stream,A man speaks while water trickles and flows,A man talks nearby and another man talks far away while some liquid flows,Water trickles down as men speak,Some men converse while water bubbles in the background
+valid/Yv7jJ_S8aAyA.npy,A motorcycle idles loudly as wind blows,A motorcycle engine idles as wind blows,Wind blowing with low humming of an idling engine,A motorcycle engine idles and wind blows,Low rumbling humming of an idling engine with wind blowing hard
+valid/YzUMJb5ECW5c.npy,A telephone rings and a woman answers speaking with a man,A phone rings then a woman and man speak,Birds chirp and a telephone rings once before a woman answers speaking with a man,A telephone rings before a woman picks up speaking with a man,A telephone rings and a woman picks up and speaks withjthe calling man
+valid/YyZrFNS7GFBQ.npy,A pigeon cooing as an insect buzzes by briefly,Birds coo incessantly,Birds chirping and rustling,A bird vocalizes repeatedly,A bird vocalizes repeatedly
+valid/YsUVVjE3Ucp8.npy,A church bell rings several times,A bell rings out loudly,A bell rings out loudly,A large bell rings,A large bell rings and echoes
+valid/Yx4dZyf9Gbj0.npy,A woman sneezes then speaks,Continuous sneezing together with speech,A loud sneeze followed by a woman speaking,A sneeze is followed by a woman talking,A woman sneezes and then speaks
+valid/YzofjfKhqLk8.npy,A motor slows to a stopover traffic noises,A saw finishes running as metal clings in the background,Cutting machine running then powering down followed by a series of metal clanking in the background,A saw comes to a slow stop as metal clings in the background,A powered saw runs through some wood
+valid/YwP8ZKrlx3oA.npy,Heavy rain splashes as it falls,A heavy rain falls endlessly,Rain falls heavily on a surface and a storm builds in the background with loud thunder,Rain falls on a hard surface,Rain falls on a hard surface
+valid/YsfAvvZwdLCY.npy,A muffled toilet flushes and the water drains,A toilet flushes and water drains,A toilet flushes and water drains,A toilet flushes once,A toilet flushes and water drains
+valid/YxO-Q2BlIIPU.npy,Male speech with light ticking,"A man makes an exclamation, then another man speaks",An adult male speaks,A man speaks and a clock ticktocks,A man speaks in a quiet space
+valid/YvBslzh7saPw.npy,An airplane engine roars increasingly louder,A jet engine spools up and takes off,"A jet engine screams, then increases its power",A jet engine spools up then accelerates,A jet engine spools up quickly
+valid/YxYr1ZvFVPYg.npy,A woman speaks before water begins running onto a hard surface,A woman talks followed by liquid sinking,An adult female speaks and water runs,An adult female speaks as water runs briefly,An adult female speaks and water runs
+valid/YwnpJndXuxLc.npy,A series of light horn beeps is followed by a loud steam whistle,Wind blows and a vehicle blows a hard then a train blows a horn,A horn honks and then loudly blares,A low rumble followed by two honks and then a loud whistle blowing,A horn blows then a steam engine whistles
+valid/YzF8yoL0rkbI.npy,A vehicle engine runs and someone speaks,The wind blares loudly as cars speed by and clothing flaps in the wind,The wind blows loudly while a car drives by and a man speaks,Wind blows and engines run then a man speaks,Humming of an engine with wind blowing hard and a man speaking briefly
+valid/Yu2f5NpsoHBg.npy,Speaking following by laughing and clapping,A person speaks and an audience gives applause,A woman speaks and people laugh then give applause,A woman speaks and an audience yells and gives applause,A woman speaks as audience members respond enthusiastically
+valid/Yyks4cLgIDMc.npy,"Multiple adults speaking, and a child shouting in the background",People speak as a child vocalizes and television plays,Children yell and play as a woman speaks in the distance,Multiple people speak while a television play and a child screams,Several adults speaks as children yell and shout
+valid/YvoJh2gJxXhA.npy,A music is played followed by a frog croaking and then music is played again,Frogs croak and music plays,A melody plays then a frog chirps monotonously,Perky music is followed by a frog croaking,Music playing followed by a frog chirping
+valid/YvveS8HT7Uog.npy,A man is filing a hard object,A man rubs two objects together then speaks,Sawing is accompanied by an adult male speaking,A man speaks while he saws at some wood,A saw cuts as an adult man speaks
+valid/YvmrxwuAMb2I.npy,A dog whimpers as someone inhales/exhales briefly,A dog whimpers and someone blows,An animal whines and yips over brief heaving breathing,A dog whimpers and a person inhales/exhales quickly,A dog whimpers and a person inhales and exhales quickly
+valid/YsncRqQ67iJU.npy,A man is snoring loudly and repeatedly,A person snoring,Someone snores lightly while sleeping,Someone snores while sleeping,A person breathes thickly and snores
+valid/Ys3W19T14v1g.npy,A truck engine accelerates as wind blows,Vehicle pass by on a road,A vehicle accelerates as road noise occurs,"A car drives along a busy road, other cars drive as well",Vehicles pass by on a road
+valid/YsYITalLZjj4.npy,Water quietly rushes by while birds chirp in the background,Wind blows and a stream of water flows nearby,"A door slides shut, wind blows, and birds chirp",A door slides shut amid light wind and chirping birds,Wind gusts near a stream as birds chirp
+valid/YsOa7g-44Dag.npy,A man sprays as a scraping occurs in the background,A man speaks as a scratching occurs,A man speaks over soft spraying noises,A grown man speaks over soft rubbing,An adult male speaks over continuous rubbing noise
+valid/YxNMovAf3o50.npy,Rain falls onto a hard surface and thunder roars before music plays,"Thunder rumbles as rain falls, and sparkly music plays",Rain pitter-patters while thunder booms in the distance followed by music playing,Rain falls onto a hard surface as thunder roars and music begins to play,A heavy rain falls followed by a music being played
+valid/YsEprKHm8Sj8.npy,A race car approaches quickly and slows down squealing tires,A mechanical buzzing getting louder,A vehicle accelerates before slowing down and squealing tires,A race car approaches quickly squealing tires,A race car accelerates quickly before decelerating and squealing tires
+valid/Ys7knHCFW82w.npy,Here comes the train and it starts to blow the horn and get close,A train horn sounds and railroad crossing ring,A train horn sounds and approaches as crossing bells ring,A horn is blown and increases in strength,A horn loudly blares
+valid/Yw1mlz3Pe4fU.npy,Birds tweet and squawk,Birds vocalize and chirp continuously,Several birds tweet and chirp continuously,Birds chirp and vocalize,Several birds tweet and chirp continuously
+valid/YspYNpeN7rPY.npy,A man talks while a clock does ticktock,A man speaks as a clock ticks,A man speaks as a clock ticktocks,An adult man speaks as a clock ticks intermittently,A man speaks then a clock ticktocks
+valid/Yy4tPJXBKDig.npy,"A girl talking, laughing and sneezing noise",A young woman laugh while speaking and another woman sneezes,A child speaks and laughs before another sneezes,A woman talks and laugh while someone sneezes,A young girl speaks then a person sneezes
+valid/Yy5WII6cTH7k.npy,A small engine idles continuously,A machine motor runs rhythmically,An engine chugging consistently,Mechanical humming and vibrating,A piece of machinery vibrates loudly as it works
+valid/YsCeWURVHfOM.npy,A consistent ticking pattern,A clock ticktocks continuously,A repeated ticking,The ticktock of a clock arm repeatedly moving back and forth,A clock ticktocks
+valid/YyaLIJu_2U4Y.npy,A clock rings and ticktocks,Ticking accompanied by a set of ringing,A bell ringing distant along with quiet tick-tocking,A bell chimes loudly while a clock ticks,A clock rings and ticktocks
+valid/Yun9VQ_lzgZM.npy,Women speak and laugh as wind blows,Females talk and laugh over gusting wind,Wind blows while a woman laughs and another speaks then a horn sounds,A woman talks as another woman laughs while the wind blows loudly against them,A woman speaks and another laughs as wind blows and a foghorn sounds
+valid/YwyllXV6PjKo.npy,"A baby cries and fusses, a woman speaks, and a man speaks",Two women and a man talk while a kid cries,A small child crying with a woman and man speaking,A woman speaks and a child cries before a man speaks,A woman and man speak then an infant begins to cry
+valid/YujMt0-D-x2k.npy,There are rhythmical snoring nearby,Someone is snoring while sleeping,Someone snores,A person is snoring while sleeping,A person is snoring while sleeping
+valid/YtIY7qOV3rEM.npy,Insects humming with a dog barking and small goat bleating,Dogs barking and whimpering,A dog barks continuously,A dog barks while a lamb vocalizes in the background,A dog barks continuously and a goat bleats
+valid/Ywr3f9H2tjvg.npy,A vehicle comes to a stop and a horn blows,Air brakes are released followed by a loud air horn,Metal clangs and a horn honks,Metal squeals and then a musical horn blares,An engine hisses and a loud horn honks
+valid/YvW4x7S1VfQc.npy,Metal clacking as food and oil sizzles followed by a woman talking,Food is frying and a woman speaks,Food sizzles in cookware then a person speaks,Loud sizzling that gets quieter at the end followed by a person speaking,Food is frying loudly
+valid/Yu6jIvCtKarQ.npy,An adult man speaks over glass clinking,Someone uses silverware then speaks,Some cutlery and silverware is moved around and a man speaks,An object is placed on a hard surface with a spoon then a man speaks,Glass clinks and a male speaks
+valid/YvMDHu7Lxcgw.npy,A child yells and another yells,A child speaks loudly as other children yell and cheer in the background,A kid shouts in the background while another kid announces what is happening,Children speak and scream,A group of kids talking and yelling
+valid/YvhJWZhe_qaE.npy,A toilet flushes and water drains unevenly,A toilet flushes and water drains,A toilet flushes and water drains,A toilet flushing,A toilet flushes
+valid/Yu--KhUW8l1Y.npy,A vehicle engine runs while a siren and horn sound,A siren comes to life as a horn blares,A vehicle engine runs as a siren and horn sound,A diesel engine runs while a siren and horn sound,A vehicle engine runs while a siren rings out and a horn blows
+valid/YvVhthZ45k3Y.npy,A man laughs and speaks as cats purr and hiss,A cat meows and a man speaks,Cats snarl and hiss as a man speaks and laughs,A male is speaking as angry cat growls and hisses,A cat meows while a man speaks
+valid/Yx5eIC7S0fbg.npy,A man speaks uses a drill,A man speaking followed by the high-frequency humming of a small drill,A man speaks and a high pitched motor whirls,A man speaks then uses a drill,A man speaks then uses a drill
+valid/YwIvYjuR3nrg.npy,Birds chirp and pigeons vocalize while walking around,Birds chirp and pigeons vocalize while walking around,"Multiple birds chirp, flutter and coo",Continuous chirping and clanking,Birds tweet and pigeons vocalize as they walk around
+valid/YtZGN5a7ybxo.npy,A railroad crossing bell rings as a train horn blows,Repeated dings are followed by horn blasts and a person speaking,A railroad crossing bell rings as a man speaks on a radio and a train horn sounds,A bell dings followed by a loud horn blaring,"A railroad car approaches from the distant, followed by a man speaking and a train horn"
+valid/YsZPuqDgX2V0.npy,Vehicle engines race around a track as a man commentates,Vehicle engines accelerate as a man commentates on an intercom,Several cars move nearby while people talk,Motorcycles pass by as a man speaks into a loudspeaker,Motors sputter over an indistinct conversation
+valid/YwnNNcxAPwGQ.npy,Rustling with distant murmuring,Numerous people are talking as cars rev and idle in the background,People speak as someone sneezes while large engine idles and revs.,People chatter and cough over a low engine,People speak and a vehicle engine revs
+valid/Yw0xsN8_X18Y.npy,Rain falls on a surface as men speak and thunder roars,Rain falls on a surface as men speak and music plays,Music sounds as men narrate over rainfall,Men narrate as rain falls onto a hard surface and thunder roars,Music plays as rain falls and men narrate
+valid/Yt25U-v4k4ts.npy,A man speaks as insects buzz and a bird chirps,A man speaks as bees buzz and birds chirp,A man grunts and speaks as bees buzz,A man speaks while birds chirping and insects crying,A man speaks as insects are buzzing
+valid/YwtDqrBygTcU.npy,A man speaks as a boat engine runs,A person speaks as a motorboat drives and the wake splashes in the background,A machine runs in the background as a man gives a speech,A man speaks as a boat engine runs,A man speaks as a boat engine runs
+valid/YuiItxDsDMFI.npy,A piece of wood is being placed down and sawed,Sawing of wood and rustling with leaves blowing in the distance,"Sawing stops, then repeats",A chunk of wood is being sawed through with a saw,A saw cuts roughly through something
+valid/YsCw3XnCos9s.npy,Burping with men speaking,Someone burps and laughs before speaking,A person burping then laughs and speaks,Repeated burps are followed by a male speaking,"A man burps, speaks, and burps again"
+valid/Yukxt9I7eMMg.npy,Food is frying then a woman speaks,Continuous sizzling with a woman speaking towards the end,Food fries in a pan as someone talks and cooks,Food is frying and someone speaks,Food sizzles as a woman and a man speak
+valid/YsfkZJPWXEWY.npy,Water runs briefly and a toilet flushes,A clank followed by toilet flushes and the water runs through the bowl,Water drains as someone walks away then flushes a toilet,"Water runs, footsteps cross, and a toilet flushes",Water runs until there is a loud thud and then some footsteps followed by another loud thud and then a toilet flushes
+valid/YvMf1dLD6Sng.npy,A frog vocalizes while birds chirp,Wind blows softly as an animal croaks,A frog repeatedly croaks,A frog croaks nearby while some liquid flows,Water trickles as frogs croak loudly
+valid/YyYJksgsxx5U.npy,An adult woman speaks over chopping and silverware noises,A woman speaks followed by clicks and scraping,A woman speaks and uses cutlery while music plays,A woman speaks while using cutlery and music plays,A woman speaks while music plays in the background as she uses cutlery
+valid/YvlJS7LN2XyM.npy,Soft movement is accompanied by clocks ticking in the background,A clock ticktocks continuously,A clock repeatedly ticks,A clock ticktocks,A clock ticks and rocks
+valid/Yy636gklDioE.npy,"Loud, continuous burping",Someone is burping continuously,Burping occurs repeatedly,Rhythmic burping repeats and modulates,Loud repetitive burping
+valid/YxM4joTqDVp4.npy,Continuous chugging with birds chirping in the background,Birds chirp as a train approaches,A train moves getting closer while birds tweet,A low rumble and some birds chirping in the distance.,Birds chirp and a train approaches
+valid/Yy8dSeubCN_I.npy,A motorcycle engine is revving while people are speaking,A car revs and accelerates loudly and men and women chatter among themselves,"A motor rooms, and people chatter and talk",A vehicle engine is revving before idling,An engine revs followed by people speaking
+valid/YuMT_TDZ2mb4.npy,Some clanking with distant murmuring,People speak then an engine runs,A roaring of wind is continues outside,Static occurs as multiple people speak,A crowd of men and woman chatter as a vehicle goes by
+valid/YyY09089LWgk.npy,Two young ladies speeches and laugh in a rising tone,Girls are laughing as they carry on a conversation,A young girl speaks then laughs,Girls laughing and speaking,A telephone rings and children laugh
+valid/YuJV8NDaHqqk.npy,A fly buzzes around loudly as birds chirp,An insect buzzes around,Insects buzz over chirping birds,A few chirps from birds and croaks from an insect then a bug buzzes by,Birds chirp softly as insects buzz
+valid/Yvf9xf3vMsGM.npy,A man speaks while turning a water faucet on,A man speaks while running water onto a hard surface,An adult man speaks as water runs and stops,A man speaks as he turns a water facet on,A man speaks and sprays water onto a hard surface
+valid/YtjmoSi330GM.npy,A speedboat passes quickly on the water,A vehicle engine runs at a high speed,A boat splays through water with the engine blaring loudly,A boat passing by quickly,A medium sized engine runs and a man talks
+valid/Yvbr9mHKc8WM.npy,An engine idles quietly then gradually becomes louder,A engine is humming as it runs,A high pitched engine moving closer and closer,A vehicle engine idles quietly then gradually gets louder,A low rumbling increasing into a loud buzz
+valid/YsTpirNYo8vQ.npy,A woman speaks in a fast tone with a male,People speak in a closed space,Multiple people speak,Multiple people speak as vehicle horns blow,Multiple people speak as vehicle horns blow
+valid/Yv6a7fitPTTM.npy,A young man speaks while loud gunshots and banging noises are being made,A young man and a woman speak as gunshots echo in the background,Some people speak while guns shoot,A man speaks before a woman tells returning gunfire,"A young man speaks, a woman yells, and guns fire"
+valid/Yx6iCUDmRpKQ.npy,An audience gives applause,An audience gives applause,Music playing leads into audience applause,An audience gives applause,A crowd applause
+valid/YtSQVhXThO4A.npy,A child speaks and makes a sound with lips while a man yells in the background,A child speaking and whispering followed by a fart,A child speaking and then whispering followed by a fart,"A young person speaks, then whispers",A child making a speech
+valid/YvJrjSeP17yE.npy,A person is snoring while sleeping,A person is snoring while sleeping,Someone snoring,A person snores while sleeping,A person snores
+valid/YvXlk0lIQBFo.npy,Wind blows and women speak as livestock vocalizes,Wind blows and people talk while livestock vocalizes,Wind blows and women speak as livestock vocalizes,Two woman speak while bells ring in the distance,"Women speak among themselves while outside, the wind blows strongly and wind chimes move in the wind"
+valid/YzcDwZ6W7E3E.npy,Multiple motorcycles pass by as a man speaks,A man speaks then multiple motorcycles pass by,A man speaks then multiple motorcycles pass by,Vehicles pass as a man speaks,A vehicle passing while a man talks by followed by several motorcycles passing by as another man talks in the background
+valid/YzALy31PjDl0.npy,A man speaks then blows a vehicle horn as wind blows,"Clicking followed by a honking horn, wind blowing, and people speaking","A man speaks, a horn honks several times, wind blows, and a man speaks again",A horn is honked followed by wind blowing and a man speaking,A vehicle horn blows and wind blows
+valid/YtfsmcdXCnRg.npy,A man speaks as food sizzles on a grill,A man speaks as food sizzles,Food begins to sizzle as a man speaks,A man talks while something sizzles,A man speaks while some food sizzles on a grill
+valid/YvK93VuO0yNc.npy,The rumbling of a bus followed by a soft male voice,A vehicle engine runs,A bus travels along with twice times of bumping,An engine runs and metal clings,An engine runs as metal clings
+valid/YsG7TyPnFDR0.npy,A man speaks while a machine runs before a smoke alarm beeps,"A man speaks, followed by an electronic beep and another man speaking",A man speaks and a smoke alarm beeps,A man speaks then makes a device beep,A man speaks followed by a two beeps and another man speaking
+valid/YxyL9F5VrjkE.npy,A motor runs in the distance as a soft wind periodically gusts,A diesel truck engine runs while wind blows,The wind blows while a vehicle engine runs,Wind quietly blowing,A truck engine runs while wind blows
+valid/Yv5P-ThUCINM.npy,A guy speaks with birds chirping in the background,Birds chirp and wind blows as a man speaks,An adult man speaks over light wind,Insects buzz and wind blows as a man speaks,White noise and a man speaking with birds chirping in the distance
+valid/YsNB8zxXneIM.npy,Several ducks quack and cocks crow far away,Ducks quack continuously,Ducks quack lazily as other birds call out in the distance,A rooster crows and a duck quacks while people speak in the background,Cows moo and are then joined by rooster crowing and then ducks quacking
+valid/Yvs65y4qmyBE.npy,Wind blows strongly and a young man speaks,A machine engine runs and a man speaks,An engine runs and wind blows,Wind blows into a microphone causing noise,A strong wind blows and a man speaks
+valid/YtOS_WIURC-4.npy,A motorcycle engine works nearby,An engine revs and a turning noise is made,A motorcycle engine works nearby,A vehicle engine runs,A motorcycle engine roars
+valid/YuRlbY6_aoBU.npy,A person sniffles and then sneezes in the distance,A person sniffs and sneezes,A person sniffles and sneezes,Someone sneezes lightly,A person sniffles then sneezes
+valid/Ysdv_I1mHAsc.npy,A horse runs while two women talk,A woman yells and speaks as birds chirp in the distance.,A camera rustles around as birds chirp and women speak,A tapping occurs and a girl speaks,A woman yells and fidgets over insect noises
+valid/Yx8f0vXCXIbU.npy,Rain falls on a hard surface while people speak,Rain falls and people speak in the background,Rain falls onto a hard surface while wind blows,Heavy rain falls and splashes as wind blows,Rain falls onto a surface and wind blows
+valid/Yskd2PphS6oI.npy,A telephone rings and a bird vocalizes,A squeal and a phone rings two times and stops,A telephone rings continuously before being picked up,"A loud, continuous ringing",A telephone rings then is picked up
+valid/YsU53zg9Jp7s.npy,A bird chirps followed by a door bell ringing that causes a woman to gasp and the music plays,Birds chirp then a doorbell rings and a woman sighs when a doorbell rings,A bird chirp followed by a door bell that leads to a woman gasping and then some music plays,"Birds chirp followed by some dings, a woman gasping, and some music",A bell chimes quietly while a bird chirps and a woman gasps as ominous music plays
+valid/Ywy1eKjR7KC0.npy,"People talk quietly in the distance, followed by a police car siren wailing",Multiple people speak then an emergency vehicle siren sounds,A group of people speak followed by a siren blaring,Multiple people speak then a siren sounds,Multiple people speak and a siren sounds
+valid/Yzk-xJGQU8-4.npy,A woman and man speak while food is frying,A woman and man speak while frying food,A woman and man speak while frying food and music plays,"Sizzling and metal thumping are ongoing, metal clinks, an adult male and adult female speak, and music plays in the background",A man and woman are speaking while grease is popping
+valid/YsjlVMgdGSK0.npy,A car speeds away loudly followed by a car revving loudly and driving away while outside,A vehicle accelerates before a race car idles then accelerates quickly,A vehicle accelerates then a race car revs and accelerates quickly,A vehicle accelerates then a race car engine revs and accelerates,A vehicle engine accelerates and then another vehicle revs an engine and accelerates
+valid/YvofpvUo6NAw.npy,Material crumbles into a microphone,Paper is crumpling,Plastic is crumpling in a microphone,Plastic is crinkling and crumpling,A plastic package crumples and crinkles
+valid/YtMbMDvT50j8.npy,A woman talking as an infant is crying,A baby cries and a woman speaks,An infant cries and a woman speaks,An infant cries and a woman speaks,A child cries while a woman talks
+valid/YxERFUeZONz8.npy,Sirens ring and approach with humming of distant traffic,A police siren blares,A siren blares,A siren wails loudly,"A siren wails, and then interrupted, and wails again"
+valid/YrwT__ERCUno.npy,An engine idles consistently before sputtering some,A motorcycle engine is idling,A sputtering motor idles roughly,Sputtering and clanking of an idling powerful engine,An engine is idling while people speak
+valid/YuoGVs9yUqY4.npy,Multiple birds vocalize and wind blows,Birds vocalize and a turning sound occurs,Birds chirp in the distance as some rustling in the background,Birds chirp as a far-off engine turns over and wind blows momentarily,Chirping and clanking
+valid/YtPJvjq9QePY.npy,Animals bleat and moo as a person speaks,A goat bleats as a person speaks,Goats bleat and a woman speaks,A goat bleats while a woman talks,Animals bleat as a person speaks
+valid/YtO_j4tdLRaA.npy,A woman speaks and a baby laughs,A woman speaks and laughs at a baby laughing,A baby cries and fidgets as a woman speaks and a man speaks,A baby laughs as a female speaks and laughs and a male speaks,A baby cries loudly while a woman laughs and speaks
+valid/YsYj4hpDUZDQ.npy,A dog barks and whimpers,A dark barks and whimpers,A dog barks and whimpers,Loud barking followed by whining and then more barking,A dark barks and whines
+valid/YscYRUkrFLiQ.npy,A person is whistling a tune,A person is whistling,A person is whistling a tune,Someone whistles a tune very smoothly,A meandering tune is whistled
+valid/YyLy-WycbVVE.npy,A group of people chatter and talk as multiple horns honk in the background,Several people talk and horns are triggered,Car vehicles honk horns while a crowd talks loudly in the foreground,Horns blow as people speak,Horns honk discordantly as numerous people talk
+valid/YzPX9o1uD_iI.npy,A train engine runs and a horn blows,A train horn blows while an engine runs,Humming and vibrations followed by the blowing of a horn of an oncoming train,A train whistle sounds as a train engine runs steadily,A whistle blows as a running motor nears
+valid/YvZAqdHZ81yA.npy,A motorcycle engine is idling,A vehicle engine runs and slows,A motorcycle engine revs then begins idling,A sputtering engine runs,A vehicle that is idling
+valid/Yvms5XGTDVQc.npy,Paper is repeatedly crumpled and crinkled,Paper crinkles without interruption,Paper is crumpling in a microphone,Paper is crumpled and crinkled,Continuous crumpling and crinkling
+valid/Yw6RTHR6AeAg.npy,A whistling owl calls out repeatedly and insects screech,An owl hoots and insects screech,A loud whistling sound is in the background followed by a series of loud bird screeches,A hooting bird is followed by a screech of insects,An owl whistles outside in the quiet followed by soft hooting
+valid/Ys4Uz1Ffgo04.npy,"A motor vehicle roars, drowning out people speaking in the background",Water rushes and then a vehicle zooms past,Water rushes by followed by a motorcycle zooming by in the distance,A motor vehicle accelerate,A vehicle with a diesel engine accelerates
+valid/YwPz6QRAkEb4.npy,A bird is chirping and tweeting a bird song,Birds chirp continuously,Birds chirp continuously,A bird is chirping while air is flowing in a hollowed space,Birds chirp and wind blows
+valid/YyLCORCnd35Q.npy,An airplane engine runs,An aircraft engine runs,An aircraft engine runs,A high pitched engine running continuously,An airplane engine runs loudly as men speak
+valid/YtQWGZLItBXk.npy,"Music plays, a person speaks, followed by whooshes and a ding","A small voice speaks, music plays followed by a double whoosh, and then a bell dings",A kid speaks followed by music playing,Music plays as a swoosh occurs and a bell rings,Cartoonist music is followed by a squeaky voice
+valid/YsMC07Ucy7kg.npy,A weapon fires multiple times,Plastic clanking followed by gunshots,A magazine is loaded and gunshots ring out,Rattling noises are followed by rapid loud pops,A magazine is loaded and gunfire occurs
+valid/Ys4tUs779vBA.npy,"A motor runs and stops, and animals squawk and croak",Submachine gun fire along with creature sound effects that continues after gunfire stops,Gunshots fire as a frog croaks,"A motor sputters, animals croak, and a person exclaims","A motor runs choppily, followed by an animal croaking, and a person exclaiming"
+valid/Yxyx6eNVEYRY.npy,A loud engine muffles a man as he speaks,Humming from an engine with passing traffic and a man speaking over a radio,An engine running consistently and quietly with distant speech,A helicopter engine idles and someone speaks,An aircraft engine runs while a man speaks
+valid/YwSPeBehRqRk.npy,A man speaks and uses a drill,A man speaks then uses a drill,A man speaks followed by a machine whirling,A man speaks and a shrill motor whirls,A man speaks then uses a drill
+valid/YuqFtmnhuqA8.npy,A chime of a clock followed by various tones of ticking with come clinking,A clock ticktocks and a bell rings,A clock rings and ticktocks,A bell rings and several clocks do ticktock.,A clock rings and ticktocks
+valid/Yw2M4i1mklOA.npy,A clock alarm sounds and gears turn,A large bell chimes back and forth loudly,"Clocks chime, whirl and tick simultaneously",A bell rings multiple times,A clock rings and ticktocks
+valid/YxSKJGCItUWE.npy,An small aircraft engine runs and a boy speaks,An electric engine works nearby followed by a child talking,A toy helicopter flying followed by a kid talking,A small engine runs and a young person speaks,"Over a running engine, an excited child voice yells out"
+valid/YwEBlkGWVWwE.npy,A child babbles as a woman speaks,Children speak as a female ask them questions,A woman and several kids talk,A woman speaks cheerfully as a baby laughs and babbles,"As a baby talks in the distance, a woman speaks nearby"
+valid/YuP_Dn2BFTHk.npy,A baby coos and fidgets as a lady speaks and laughs,A child and woman laughs and the woman speaks,A young baby laughs and giggles while a man and woman speak and laugh,A baby and woman laugh,A female laughs as a baby fidgets and babbles
+valid/Yu9A6VZQCZpU.npy,A man talks as several small engines run,A man speaks while there is a buzz in the background,A man speaks over multiple motors running,Someone speaks while engines buzz by,A man speaks on an intercom as speedboats pass by
+valid/Yw8uLijTqtlU.npy,Wind noise takes place into a microphone while rustling occurs,Wind noise makes sound into a microphone,Wind blows strongly,Wind noise takes place in a microphone while rustling occurs,Wind blows causing wind noise into a microphone
+valid/YvBHyYJ8p_L0.npy,A door opens and closes,A motor noise is accompanied by a door opening and closing,A door opens and closes repeatedly,A door open and closes as a fan runs,"A door opens and closes, then repeats"
+valid/Yzhx6hoYrHeI.npy,Engines sputter roughly and tires squeal,Engine races noisily and tires screech,A vehicle engine idles then revs and squeals tires,A car revs loudly while racing then the tires screech as it turns,A motorbike engine revving several times followed by tires squeaking
+valid/Yt69a8aRKhmc.npy,"A man speaks, another man speaks, and a small bell dings",A man laughs briefly and then another man responds to the laugh,Pigeons vocalize and men speak,A man speaks and chuckling is heard in the background followed by another man response,Two men speak and doves coo in the background
+valid/YuKCSGgof8gI.npy,Birds chirps while a siren signals in the distance,An engine sounds and siren wails,A large truck raises a siren as it drives through a busy and noisy road,Sirens fade into the distance as a motor sputters,Humming and rustling of a fire truck passing in the distance with its siren ringing
+valid/Yt8CV69hcvF0.npy,A person sneezes followed by another person speaking,A person sneezes then speaks,A person breathes hard and then sneezes followed by speaking,A woman inhales then sneezes,A person sneezes then speaks
+valid/Yx6ijhqRY38s.npy,A man talks as something metal hits against and glass is set down,A man speaks as he moves silverware in a bowl,A man speaks over cutlery sounds and snipping noises,A man speaks over metal and glass clinking,A person talks while dishes clank together
+valid/YwfHeoPDLMaM.npy,Multiple ducks quack continuously,Several ducks are quacking and squawking,Several ducks quack and rustle,Ducks quack continuously,Ducks quack continuously
+valid/Yx4a9YGIw4ok.npy,"Water gurgles, metal squeaks and the water stops",Water flows and gurgles to a stop,Water pours and then splashes nearby,A toilet flushes and water drains,Water burbles and metal squeaks as the water stops
+valid/YxtWeJ56-U-g.npy,A beep occurs briefly,Multiple computer bleeps of various frequencies,Electronic beeps occur in two tones,A beep occurs briefly,A computer quietly beeps
+valid/YsoTOh3zYJfY.npy,A vehicle is skidding and squealing tires,Motors run loudly as tires screech around a turn,Engines race as multiple tires screech,A race car accelerates squealing tires,Engines roar and race as tires screech and squeal
+valid/Ywob-3S4VjMs.npy,Someone is typing on a computer keyboard,Someone types in a keyboard,"The loud, regular clack of typing ensues, followed by paper being pulled",A person is typing on a computer keyboard,Keys clicking on a computer keyboard
+valid/YxPiVrZL4qek.npy,A toilet flushes and water drains,A toilet flushes and water drains,A toilet flushing followed by shuffling and a woman speaking in the background with some camera muffling,Water gurgles and drains,Water drains and sputters
+valid/YsYQi1wgCNu4.npy,A baby cries as a television plays in the background,A baby cries and whines and a woman laughs,A baby cries and wails and a woman giggles,An infant cries briefly and a woman laughs,A baby screams and cries
+valid/YvGj1XLJvNrw.npy,An emergency siren wails as it passes,An emergency siren gets louder and then quieter,An emergency siren passes by,A siren wails as it passes by,A emergency siren is triggered and moves getting closer
+valid/YwRV8yMk886E.npy,Men speak and a nozzle sprays liquid,A spray bottle sprays multiple times nearby,Individuals are speaking followed by a loud burst and a spray,Steam erupts loudly and intensely,A man speaks followed by a loud burst
+valid/YtqR406bGi_E.npy,"A flush is followed by gurgling water, then another flush",A toilet flushes and water drains,Toilet flushing and water running followed by another toilet flush,A toilet flushes and water drains,A toilet flushes and water drains
+valid/YuRExseg-0XI.npy,Water pours followed by a woman speaking and then a man speaking,"Women speak as water runs briefly, children call out, and a man speaks",Water is poured as male and female people speak,Water flows as women and men speak while children talk in the background,"A woman speaks as water flows, then the water stops, and a man speaks"
+valid/YyI-KvObbDoY.npy,Rustling leaves with some light squeaking and wind blowing hard followed by a light smack,Wind blows over rustling and a small metal squeak,Wind blowing hard followed by a rustle,Wind blows loudly causing leaves to rustle and sway followed by a branch cracking,Wind gusts intermittently as metal squeaks and paper rustles
+valid/YxfudFO976zE.npy,An animal bleats and cries out and metal bangs,A goat bleats briefly,A goat bleats briefly,Clanking followed by baaing and banging,Animals bleat and baa and metal bangs
+valid/YvwqaIHKxLvM.npy,Waves of water rumble,"Wind is blowing, and ocean waves are crashing and water is splashing, and a person whoops once in the background",Waves crash and wind blows,Water rushes nearby,Water splashes and flows
+valid/YwudZTNBtVqc.npy,A vehicle engine accelerates and wind blows,A vehicle accelerates and squeals tires,A motor revs off into the distance against light winds,A vehicle accelerates squealing tires,A vehicle accelerates and moves away
+valid/YtDlfY3nmx1A.npy,Crowd applause while a guy laughs followed by another man speaking,An audience gives applause and a man laughs before speaking,An audience gives applause before a man laughs and speaks,An audience gives applause then a man laughs and speaks,An audience gives applause while a man laughs then he speaks
+valid/YuzQnlJXBbOM.npy,Loud ringing of a telephone stops followed by a man speaking and a digital beep,A telephone rings as a man speaks then picks up the telephone,A telephone rings followed by a man speaking,A telephone rings as a man speaks then answers,A telephone rings and a man speaks before answering
+valid/YwsHBIgzs9Fs.npy,A horn honks followed by a loud continuous buzzing while men speak,A horn sounds and motorcycles accelerate then a man speaks,A motorcycle engine idles then accelerates quickly outside,An engine increases in speed as a horn honks and a man speaks,Some motorcycle moves then a horn is triggered and motorcycles are accelerates and a man shouts
+valid/Yse87d6yxEOA.npy,A steam engine runs and whistles as it passes by,A whistle blows as a train chugs by,A train chugs nearby while blowing a horn,A train chugs along as its steam whistle screeches loudly and it moves on the track,A steam train moves along a set of tracks and blows a horn
+valid/Yt5ZbXbniOWk.npy,A helicopter engine runs continuously,A helicopter engine runs,A helicopter engine loudly hums in the air and then softens to a low hum,A helicopter engine runs steadily,A propeller spins and ticks
+valid/YzdYdyF9-m8U.npy,Waves crash against a shoreline and wind blows,Water splashes and waves crash against a shoreline,Waves crash against a shoreline while birds chirp,Waves crash against an ocean shore while the wind blows,Ocean waves crashing as water trickles and splashes while wind blows into a microphone alongside seagulls squawking in the background
+valid/YzfvPRf3ch_Y.npy,A power tool runs and touches a surface,A man utters small exclamations as a little motor runs,A drill whirls and then stutters,High frequency humming with some sanding and rustling and a man speaking,A drill fans and a man speaks briefly
+valid/YtFCUUGdREgA.npy,People speak and tapping occurs,People speak and tapping occurs,Some people talk followed by some surface being tapped,People speak and tapping takes place,The hoofs of a horse clatter on the ground while a man speaks and then laughs
+valid/Yw_AAkbZToh8.npy,A person is burping then speaks and laughs,Loud burping followed by a man speaking and a small girlish giggle,"A person burps loudly, speaks, then giggles",A person burps continuously then speaks and laughs,A person is burping loudly the speaks and laughs
+valid/YwjsXBsc7M40.npy,A baby laughs giddily and a woman laughs then speaks,A child laughs continuously,A baby laughs then a woman speaks and the baby laughs again,A baby laughs as a woman speaks to it,Water drips in the background while a kid and baby laugh
+valid/YsHbXC6na9hg.npy,A person uses a saw to cut some wood,An engine rumbling followed by a mechanical buzzing,An engine revs loudly followed by some men talking and a saw cutting through metal,An engine idles continuously,An engine runs and people speak as cutting takes place
+valid/Yu5RmF3c3_Aw.npy,An engine sputters followed by a car zooming by,Engines scream and race by as another engine sputters,An engine stutters followed by a car speeding by,A fast car accelerates,Multiple vehicles race by and a struggling engine sputters
+valid/YwNZ5thZM7XU.npy,A clang followed by a toilet flushing,Some rustling followed by a toilet flush,A toilet flushes and water rushes down the toilet,A toilet flushes and water drains,"Water rushes quickly, then gurgles"
+valid/YsDSppXIlJrs.npy,Water splashes and wind noise is made into a microphone,Water splashes and wind blows as birds chirp,The wind blares loudly against some clothing and water splashes in a river,Water splashes as wind noise takes place in a microphone,Water splashes and wind blows
+valid/YuC9dtII1KDI.npy,Wind blows in gusts as a woman speaks in the distance,Birds chirp in the distance followed by light clopping and a woman speaking,High winds while dog barking,Birds chirp as a horse clip-clops in the distance followed by a woman softly speaking,A person speaks while wind blows
+valid/YuK5doE8g_nY.npy,A helicopter engine runs continuously,A helicopter flies away,An engine chugging consistently,A motor whirls and sputters,A motor sputters and runs choppily
+valid/Yzg0X6BnhOLQ.npy,Two frogs croak at each other,A frog vocalizes very loudly,A frog vocalizes loudly,A frog croaks repeatedly,An animal makes a squawking bleat
+valid/YxnVzaYbBspo.npy,A dog growls then barks and whimpers,"A dark growl, whimpers, and barks","A dark growling, barking and whimpering","A dog snarls and yips, then growls",An animal growls and yips
+valid/Ys59PfAghdkM.npy,Birds chirp in the background while a horse neighs followed by a girl speaking,A young woman speaks and then a horse neighs in the background,A horse neighs and a girl talks,"A bird tweets, a horse whinnies, and a girl speaks",Birds chirp then a girl speaks and a horse neighs
+valid/Yy4MY9mp8-TA.npy,A rumble grows louder,Wind blows as a helicopter flies overhead.,A helicopter passes overhead,A helicopter is flying through the air while wind is blowing,A helicopter flies overhead
+valid/Yw2bYrCVLT60.npy,A few ducks quack and scamper and a man speaks,Ducks quack continuously before a man speaks,Multiple ducks quack then a man speaks,Numerous quacks are followed by a man speaking,Ducks quack and a man speaks
+valid/YwdXV3Pv0jiY.npy,A machine runs continuously,A machine runs and a cling occurs,A rotating machine works nearby,Mechanical humming and vibrating with a loud clink,A machine whirring nearby
+valid/YtHJ6JSa8_Y4.npy,An electronic device bleeps once,Some object is tapped followed by a beep,A button is pressed and the button beeps after being pressed,Soft fidgeting is followed by a quiet beep,Small fidgeting noises are followed by a single beep
+valid/YsAam2NqGhLY.npy,Young female child snoring and breathing deeply,A recorded voice speaks briefly as a man snores,A man snores loudly as a recorded voice speaks in the background,A person snores as birds chirp softly in the distance,Distant faint rustling and clattering with nearby wheezing and snoring
+valid/YyNtRmrn0io8.npy,A storm rolls by as thunder and lighting strike in the distance,Rain falls onto a hard surface as thunder roars and wind blows,Rain falls strongly while wind blows followed by thunders,Rain falls on a hard surface and thunder roars,Rain falling while thunder roars in the distance as water lightly trickles and wind blows into a microphone
+valid/Yul60S8TXDA8.npy,A bell rings multiple times before a siren sounds in the distance,Repeated electronic beeping is followed by a swell of music,Two beeps are followed by a swell of soft music,A bell rings out multiple times and a siren sounds,A series of electronic beeps is followed by soft music
+valid/YzCrAfDfv6-A.npy,A person whistles and clicks a mouse,Someone whistles nearby,A person whistles tapping a desk before clicking a mouse,A person whistling lightly,A person whistles
+valid/YxL_wHe825Zs.npy,Children cry and people talk,An infant cries as a man and woman speak,A child cries and fusses as a woman speaks and cheers,A baby cries and screams as adults speak,"A woman cheers, laughs and claps as a baby cries and whines"
+valid/YyZmhM1HcsyE.npy,Water splashing and wind blowing as a powerful engine roars,Powerful vibrations of an engine with wind blowing hard,Humming of an engine with wind blowing hard,An engine roars,Waves crashing as wind blows and an engine roars
+valid/YvimzuGQvdcU.npy,A man yells and speaks as water splashes,Distant murmuring and water running consistently,A man yells urgently as water splashes,A man screams as water flows,Distant murmuring and hollering with white noise
+valid/YzXWWOYF_NMY.npy,A baby cries out once while a person continues to laugh,A baby is crying and someone laughs,A baby cries and a person laughs,A baby cries as a person laughs,A baby cries and a woman laughs
+valid/YyHeVV-xeOxQ.npy,Scraping and female speech with distant music,A girl speaks followed by scraping and then the girl speaking again,A woman speaks over repeated scraping,A woman speaks while a rhythmic splashing sound occurs,A woman speaks and scraps an object against metal
+valid/YyZp6xizR0yU.npy,Animals bleat and cry out and then a woman speaks,An animal bleats and cries and a man speaks,A goat bleats loudly afterward a man speaks,A goat crying and people speaking,An animal bleats and shuffles on soft ground
+valid/Yv0wPrLBI3hg.npy,Birds vocalize and a man speaks,Birds fly around and a man speaks,A man speaks as pigeons vocalize and walk around,"A person speaks as a cage rattles, birds chips and flap wings in the background",A man speaks as pigeons vocalize and walk around
+valid/YuXxVebHsGZ8.npy,A male speaks over some small clicks,A clock ticktocks as a man speaks,A clock ticktocks while a man speaks,A man speaks as a clock ticktock,A man speaks as a clock ticktocks
+valid/YzliInBdC98Y.npy,A baby cries and wails as an adult female speaks,An infant cries and a woman speaks,A baby cries and babbles as a woman speaks,A baby fusses and cries as a woman speaks curtly,A baby cries and screams followed by a woman talking
+valid/Ysa6TLVbooCc.npy,People speak and laugh as a child speaks,Several people talk and laugh followed by someone coughing,Some kids speak followed by coughing and then more speaking,Several people talk and laugh and a boy caught deeply,People speak and children laugh
+valid/YwGKgwOP3h30.npy,Birds fly and flutter around,Birds flutter and flap their wings while chirping,Birds flutter around and flap their wings,Birds coo and flutter here and there,Birds vocalize and walk around
+valid/Yy1saVTXsKwc.npy,A dog whimpers and a woman briefly talks,An animal growls playfully and a person speaks,"Birds are singing, a dog is groaning and yipping playfully, and an adult female speaks",Small animal barks and whines and a person speaks briefly,A dog growls lowly with a man speaking in the middle
+valid/YyT5WfYMRr-U.npy,An engine runs and a man speaks,A man speaks while wind blows,A motor runs and fades as an adult man speaks,"Motorboat engine sound, followed by a man talking",A man speaks nearby as machinery hums in the background
+valid/Yw-4gHptFNuU.npy,A motorcycle engine revs then accelerates before hitting a bump,A motorcycle engine revs then hits a bump,A motorcycle engine revs then hits a bump,A motorcycle engine revs then accelerates before bouncing,A room and a room of an engine and then thumping
+valid/YvcmWS_mvti8.npy,A man speaks as music plays before artillery is fired,A young man talks over low music and gunfire,A young man speaks as music plays softly and weapons fire,A young man speaks over gunfire and low music,"Music plays, a young man speaks and gunshots ring out"
+valid/Yt8tv5YRMJUg.npy,A person snoring,A sleeping male snores haltingly,A young man is continuously and steadily snoring,A person is snoring while sleeping,A person snores in small bursts
+valid/YsofxkNWaP0s.npy,A man speaks and wind blows as an aircraft engine becomes louder,A man speaks as an aircraft engine approaches,"An adult man speaks, another man speaks, and an engine squeals loudly",A aircraft engine roars as people talk,A loud aircraft engine pierces the air and increases in strength as it draws nearer muffling the speech of those present.
+valid/Yvf44CgrjT0A.npy,A person burps loudly for a long time nearby,An extended rattling sound,A man burps for an extended amount of time,A person is burping without stopping,A machine cutting
+valid/YyJ0T_ePmaOo.npy,A man speaks then rubs two hard objects together,An adult man talks and a motor starts,A man speaks the rubs a file against a hard surface,A man speaks then rubs an object against a hard surface,A male talking followed by a scraping of two objects against each other
+valid/YwulOEFdECWs.npy,Water trickles softly over traffic in the background,Rain falls steadily over low rumbling,Rain falls steadily over traffic noise,Rain falls loudly as the build up of thunder and lightning occurs in the distance,Rain falls onto a hard surface
+valid/YvFKWrKEpR4U.npy,Rain falls onto a hard surface and thunder roars,"Continuos, heavy rainfall and thunder",Rain falls onto a hard surface and thunder roars,A storm rolls by loudly with rain falling and thunder and lighting going off,A heavy rainstorm with thunder
+valid/YxSN_cBFt-PI.npy,A clock ticktocks and rings out,A clock ticktocks and rings out,A ringing of a bell with constant ticking of a clock and some vibrations,The ringing of a clock bell with the consistent ticking of a clock,"A clock chimes, ticks, then chimes again"
+valid/YyG6BglXUw84.npy,Wind blows and people speak in the background,People speak as wind blows,Wind blows into a microphone as someone speaks,Wind blows and someone speaks in the background,Wind blows and someone speaks in the background
+valid/Yxw5cmiqbaUg.npy,An machine runs and a baby cries,An infant cries briefly,An infant briefly cries and stirs,A baby cries briefly,A motor runs and a baby whines and cries for a moment
+valid/YsGgBtiZY0U8.npy,A boat engine runs and wind blows while a man speaks and women scream,A boat runs and wind blows while a man speaks and women cheer,An engine buzzing with wind and brief speech,Humming of a motor with people screaming then a woman speaks as wind blows hard and water splashes,Girls scream and a man speaks as wind blows and a boat motor runs
+valid/YvZInq2uXuEo.npy,A man speaks and uses tools,A man speaks followed by a clang,A man speaks and uses tools,A man speaks and uses a tool,A man speaks and uses tools
+valid/Ytcd9QCdjTI0.npy,Thunder roars as rain falls onto a hard surface,Thunder rumbles far away as rainfall increases,Rain falls onto a hard surface and thunder roars,Thunder roars as rain falls onto a hard surface,Rain falls on a hard surface and thunder roars
+valid/YzvABdOhz9fE.npy,A man talks while some wood is rubbed far away,A man speaking as wood repeatedly clacks in the background,A man is talking loudly while another man spoke briefly with some footsteps in the background,A man speaking continuously with some clanking,A man speaking with some clanking
+valid/YzRNwZZQwDIU.npy,A man speaks while food sizzles in cookware,A man speaks while food fries in cookware,A guy speaks while something sizzles in the background,Food sizzles and a man speaks,A man speaks as food sizzles
+valid/YsnFy48Lv3r8.npy,A large engine roars and a strong wind blows,Wind blows as a boat moves through the water,Wind blows and water splashes,A boat moves while wind blows strongly,Wind blows as water flows quickly
+valid/Yw8hYTIDPWGI.npy,A television plays as a dog barks and someone laughs,A dog yaps as a person chuckles,A television plays in the background and a dog barks while someone laughs,A television plays as animals bark and a man laughs,Distant speech and white noise followed by barking and laughter
+valid/YztQ79sWWC34.npy,A child speaks with some light rustling and clinking,A young child speaks and moves a spoon in dishes,A girl talks while objects hit,A child speaks and uses dishes,"A child is speaking, shuffling and faint scraping occur, and a glass dish thumps"
+valid/YtvP4E1r7yk8.npy,Wind blowing with a faint man's voice and a distant train approaching with a humming engine and blowing horn,A train horn blares multiple times as wind gusts loudly,A train sounds its horn as the wind blares and the train travels along the tracks,A horn blares twice,Wind blows hard as a train horn sounds and the train approaches
+valid/YsyyyCQcHSfQ.npy,Static continues in the background while someone snores,A person snores as they sleep,A person is snoring while they sleep,A person is snoring while sleeping,A sleeping person makes a snoring sound
+valid/Yvx1gfpZnjAM.npy,Piano music plays as water runs and birds chirp,"Music is ongoing while water gurgles and splashes, and a bird chirps and sings",Waters flows as music plays and birds chirp,Music plays and water flows before a bird chirps,Gentle music underscores a chirping bird
+valid/YuJe1Gvp-MeM.npy,Birds are chirping rhythmically,Birds chirping loudly and melodically,A bird chirps continuously,Birds chirp consistently,A single bird is chirping
+valid/YzoKp_laniT8.npy,"A motor runs as water splashes and a man speaks, then another man speaks",Some liquid splashes while a vehicle passes by and a man talks,Water moves and a man speaks as a boat passes by,A speedboat driving by as two men talk while water splashes and trickles,A boat passes by on the water and a man speaks
+valid/YucQikcv96gM.npy,Wet smacking and rustling,A duck eats food as a dish rattles,Someone blows bubbles in water,A quite rumbling getting louder,A bird makes puttering sounds repeatedly
+valid/YvaX_J_G3638.npy,People speak as mild stomping occurs,Clip clips of a horse with men speaking,People speak as a thumping occurs,People speak in the distance,Horse walking while people talking
+valid/Yzl3OnWjr3Y4.npy,A man speaks with quick typing on a keyboard,A man speaks the begins typing on a keyboard,A man speaks while typing on a computer keyboard,A man speaks followed by clicking on a keyboard,A man speaks while typing on a keyboard
+valid/YxJSVJj-v8EE.npy,A small engine runs fast,A small engine runs briefly then idles,A small engine revs and idles,An engine works nearby,A small motor run at two different pitches
+valid/YwicG6b_Yyus.npy,People speak on a moving vehicle,People converse quietly as an engine runs,A series of vehicle beep and clanks are followed by low voices communicating in the background,A few people speak as a quiet engine runs,Passengers talk on a moving bus
+valid/Yw2htir_si7g.npy,A person is whistling a tune,Someone whistles a tune,A person is whistling,A person whistles a tune,Loud musical whistling
+valid/Yz4VCMzobZbI.npy,A guy speaks followed by sizzling and then more speaking,A man speaks while placing some meat on a pan causing it to sizzle,Men are communicating along with food sizzling,A man speaks as good sizzles,Food begins to sizzle as a man speaks
+valid/YyvpR-9AaJyU.npy,A motor sputters as light wind blows,A helicopter flies overhead and wind blows while someone speaks,Vibrating and humming from passing helicopters,A helicopter flies overhead while wind blows and people talk,A helicopter engine noise gets closer than passes by
+valid/YyiUDYRSJpJI.npy,Large weapons fire repeatedly,Multiple rounds of gunfire are shot,Artillery cannons firing as a vehicle engine accelerates then runs idle,Gunfire booms loudly and repeatedly,Rapid fire loud booming gunshots
+valid/YtH-q8LXgHEc.npy,Birds chirp and pigeons vocalize as a vehicle passes by,Birds chirp and pigeons vocalize as a vehicle passes by,Bird chirp and pigeons coo,Birds chirp and pigeons vocalize as a motorcycle passes by nearby,Birds chirping and cooing
+valid/YwVRxa3BBHaQ.npy,Speech plays from a radio with beeping and sharp tones,Birds chirp loudly as a woman speaks on the phone,A woman talks via radio transmission with a strong interference,Animals grunt and fidget as birds chirp,People speak through a radio while it makes frequency noises
+valid/YwWVxe57200I.npy,Men speak as birds chirp,Men speak and birds chirp,A man speaks while birds tweet,A man talks as a bird is chirping,A man speaks as birds vocalize
+valid/Yuln8131faVs.npy,A speedboat revs then accelerates quickly across the water,A speedboat accelerates quickly as people speak,Wind blowing with high powered and high frequency humming of an engine,A speedboat accelerates quickly as wind blows and people speak,A speedboat engine revs then accelerates quickly
+valid/YyRcOezOVG_s.npy,A man talking followed by a vehicle door closing followed by wind blowing into a microphone as water sprays in the background,A man speaking continuous with a brief bang,"A car runs, a car door slams as an adult male speaks","A man speaks while closing a car door, the car is idling in the background",A motor runs as a man speaks and a door slams
+valid/YyZZFDWkYJYs.npy,An emergency vehicle is traveling with loud sirens,An emergency vehicle siren wails continuously,Distant rings of sirens ring out loudly,A loud siren plays,Vehicles move and sirens are triggered getting closer
+valid/YuHa1kxWCyJ8.npy,A woman speaks as she walks along a river,A woman speaks while water runs,A woman walks while walking along a stream of water,A woman talks while liquid flows,A female speaks as water rushes in the background
+valid/Yu89op5xq8HI.npy,A woman speaks and a child laughs,A woman speaks as a child vocalizes,A woman speaks playfully as a baby babbles,A woman speaks and a child vocalizes,A woman speaks while a baby laughs and speaks
+valid/YyUsCyVRXMoY.npy,A machine whirls,A motor runs and then stops suddenly,A whirring motor runs and stops suddenly,"A small motor whine, then shuts off",Hissing and vibrating followed by a loud click
+valid/Ywl44ppID9ds.npy,Water is gurgling in a close space,Water splashes continuously,Water is splashing loudly,Water splashes and is gurgling in a closed space,Water splashes and gurgles
+valid/YwyjQhK3XMFQ.npy,Water trickles down as a lawnmower engine runs,Water trickles as a small engine is revving up,Water drips and gurgles as birds chirp distantly,Water trickles as a small motor whirls,Water flows and splashes
+valid/Yv3EwremxU2w.npy,Multiple dogs bark and yip,Multiple dogs bark as people speak,Several dogs bow-wow nearby,A group of dogs are barking one after the other,Several dogs barking with light scraping and tapping
+valid/YxYoIXskAdKg.npy,An engine revs and runs roughly,A vehicle engine is revving loudly,A motor revs repeatedly,A large powerful engine revs repeatedly,Vehicle engine revving
+valid/YwzXPRI7eXOM.npy,An airplane engine runs,A airplane engine runs consistently and speaking occurs on a radio,Water rushes followed by a whistle,An airplane moves far away,Several motors roar as a man speaks
+valid/YsZuuj08Gr_I.npy,Food is moved around in a dish before a woman speaks,Something rustling followed by a woman speaks and dishes move,Food is moved around in a dish then a woman speaks,Someone moves food around in dishes and speaks,Some rustling and a woman speaks
+valid/YtfwqvvLzC0E.npy,A vehicle passes by as people speak and ducks vocalize,Vehicles pass by as people speak and ducks chirp,People speak and as ducks quack,People converse as wind blows and birds chirp,Several people chatter over a motor noise and a rustling breeze
+valid/YuqFvD_nXw8I.npy,An aircraft flies overhead as music plays,Aircraft fly over head then music plays,An aircraft flies overhead then music plays,An airplane flies overhead and music plays,Aircraft fly overhead and music plays
+valid/Yu-6osTkkOfY.npy,A low rumble followed by two scuffles and then steam hissing,A motor rumbles and steam hisses,A low rumble followed by steaming hissing,Steam is released then stops and is released again,A car travels along a road followed by water hissing loudly as it runs
+valid/YvHZQht-r5fg.npy,A person snores while sleeping,A person is snoring while sleeping,Snoring intermittently,Someone snores while sleeping,A sleeping male snores and inhales loudly
+valid/Yt4WCFbE0A50.npy,A ratting occurs and a bucket is hit while a cow vocalizes in the background,Something rattles and a bucket pops while a cow moos,While outdoors a bucket is thrown over and a hiss comes from a snake,A rattle shakes and a bucket thumps while a cow moos,Food sizzles as someone prepares a meal
+valid/YxVzetIIzS9c.npy,A siren blares followed by a car speeding up,The humming of passing traffic with a siren ringing into the distance,A brief ring of a siren followed by loud humming of revving engines,A siren sounds as a motorcycle accelerates,An emergency vehicle siren sounds quickly then a motorcycle accelerates
+valid/YsppL1JLyvXQ.npy,A woman speaks,A woman speaks while an engine runs,A woman speaking with ambient vehicle noises in the background,A woman speaks and another woman chatters as an engine runs,A woman speaks while on a bus which is driving along a road
+valid/YyNPcyWWmbUk.npy,A saw moves back and forth then a man speaks,A man is sawing a hard object then speaks,Someone rubs metal against a hard surface,A manual sawing is used followed by a man talking and metal objects hitting,A man is sawing a hard object then speaks
+valid/YvhIcOufIwo4.npy,A guy sneezes followed by another guy speaking and whistling and then a pigeon coos,Men speak and whistle while pigeons vocalize,Men speak and whistle as pigeons vocalize,Men speak and pigeons vocalize,Several men talk and someone whistles followed by pigeons cooing and flapping wings
+valid/Yv8vMLTp5Dww.npy,A man speaks outside while it rains and the wind blows,Wind blows and rain falls then a man speaks,"A small motor run, wind blows, and a man speaks","Wind blows by nearby as water hisses, followed by a person talking",Wind blows as rain falls on a hard surface and a man speaks
+valid/YuOJJan5RRGo.npy,A child speaking with tapping in the background,A kid speaks with a low ticking in the background,A child speaks as interference takes place in a microphone,A child speaks as a television plays in the background,A child speaks while interference takes place
+valid/YzAYW_RjbHHI.npy,"A mid-size motor vehicle engine decelerates and then accelerates, and faint speech occurs in the background",An engine rumbles quietly and gets louder,Several motors run and pass by,A vehicle accelerates briefly twice while someone speaks,"A race car drives, slows down as a person speaks in the background and accelerates again"
+valid/Yzn196JcTlq0.npy,The humming of an idling then revving engine,"A vehicle engine runs smoothly, then revs aggressively",An engine is idle then it begins revving loudly,Engine running then revving up,A vehicle engine begins revving after idling
+valid/Ysq29diRPtbA.npy,Ducks quack and people speak,Duck quacking then men voices and multiple gunshots,Gunshots are fired leading to a man speaking and a bird chirping,Ducks quack as a man speaks and taps on an object,Tapping occurs and men speak
+valid/Yt4Azt5G_n9I.npy,A machine hums followed by a buzz,A small engine whines as it operates,A machine hums,A power tool runs continuously,A machine vibrates for a long time
+valid/YvcTWN0HCyoY.npy,Water splashing and wind blowing followed by distant roars of thunder,Rain falls onto a hard surface and thunder roars,Rain falls steadily and thunder rumbles,Rain falls on to a hard surface and thunder roars,Rain falls onto a surface and thunder roars
+valid/Ysfk9D8cQEAg.npy,"Banging metal, then crinkling paper, followed by a woman mumbling and a man grunting",Someone shuffles around objects and sighs,A door opens and plastic is crumpled,A clang followed by some plastic rustling,Paper rustles as objects bang and clatter
+valid/YvXbAebZ_XQc.npy,Several people speaking with idling engines and a single car horn,Multiple people speak then two car horns blow,Multiple cars on a road honking at one another,Cars begin honking as people speak,A vehicle horn blows while people speak
+valid/YzPJVrNMPt0A.npy,A man speaks and runs a machine,"A man speaks, a motor runs choppily, and another man speaks",A man talking as a motor runs with a series of sanding and rattling,"A person talks nearby, after which a machine spins up and a person continues to speak",A grown man speaks and a machine runs as another man speaks
+valid/YxX2OnECANVI.npy,A mechanical is running as a man talks,A man speaks as a drill runs,A drill press is running as a man talks,A man speaks as a drill runs,An adult male speaks as a small motor runs
+valid/Yueri5ZFoY7w.npy,An engine works nearby and then accelerates moving away,An engine starts up and drives away,A race engine idles and revs before accelerating,A vehicle engine revs before accelerating,A vehicle accelerates quickly
+valid/Yv8bbhO8NvPY.npy,A clock ticktocks then rings three times,White noise and ticking followed by a bell chiming,A clock ticktocks and an alarm sounds,A clock ticks before sounding an alarm,Water flows in the background while there is ticking followed by a gong
+valid/YwvmLR1nQ1qs.npy,An engine runs then a train horn sounds,A train chugs by and its horn blows,Mechanical humming and vibrating,A railroad car lumbers along and a horn honks,A train approaches and the train horn sounds
+valid/YxeOp_6mV1DY.npy,A man speaks while ducks honk and birds vocalize,Ducks quacking rapidly with distant murmuring,A man speaks as several birds chirp with honking geese and rustling,Ducks quack as a man speaks,Ducks quack loudly and repeatedly while men speak and a dog barks
+valid/YuGS7O46tlSo.npy,A man speaks and birds chirp in the distance,Men speak as wind blows and insects buzz,Men speak and insects buzz as the wind blows,Wind blows and men speak,A man speaks quietly as a buffeting wind blows
+valid/YvG_2XFm2X1U.npy,A motorboat moves across the water while a man speaks,An engine runs as an adult man speaks,A boat engine runs as a man speaks,A boat moves across the water while a man talks,An engine runs as men talk with each other
+valid/Ysm74QGpHDXg.npy,Someone is typing on a keyboard,A video game plays music as someone is typing,Birds chirp and squawk and flap their wings,Birds chirp and squawk over quiet clicks,A person is typing on a keyboard while a character in a video game speaks
+valid/Ysr1_Gfm0syI.npy,Clattering and people hooting is followed by distant conversation and a buzzer,Audience applause followed by a horn,A crowd speaks and gives applause in a closed environment before a buzzer sounds,"Some audience applause and chatter, then a buzzer goes off",A crowd cheers and applause followed by a buzzer
+valid/Yv-HKXQkpsD8.npy,A horn blares angrily over wailing emergency sirens,A firetruck blows its horn as it travels works its way down a street,An emergency siren blares and a horn is honked,An emergency vehicle siren blares nearby multiple times,A fire engine sounds a siren and blows a horn
+valid/Yrwb6PSAee5Y.npy,A toilet flushes quickly,A toilet flushes loudly and water runs down through the toilet and then gurgles at the bottom,A toilet flushes and water drains,A loud rumble followed by a toilet flushing,A toilet flushes and water drains
+valid/YzPKXXJn5r3U.npy,Water pouring and thunder booming in the distance,Rain falls onto a hard surface and thunder roars,Rain falling with thunder rolling and cracking,Water pours while thunder claps in the background,Rain drops falling against a hard surface as thunder is heard in the distance
+valid/YwmTdukran8Y.npy,A man speaks followed a machine buzzing and whirling,A man speaks then a sewing machine runs,A man speaks before using a sewing machine,A man speaks and runs a sewing machine,A grown man speaks and a machine cranks and runs
+valid/Yvgi3GPTdFt4.npy,Birds tweet while a music is played followed by a man and a kid talking and a whistle,"Music followed by chirping and speech and then a high pitched, distant horn",Music is followed by a mans voice then a kids voice and finally a train whistle,Birds chirp followed by a man speaking and then a whistle,Music plays and birds chirp before a man speaks and a whistle blows
+valid/YxDsO5LiaaAY.npy,White noise followed by male speech and then silence,"An engine whirls shrilly to life, revving intensely, then slows a bit",A high powered engine spins to life and runs,A toy engine whirring louder and louder,A small engine spools up slowly then decelerates briefly
+valid/Yxx3yKzrSOBI.npy,A man speaks as emergency sirens wail and motors run,An emergency vehicle siren wails as a man speaks,A man speaks as an emergency vehicle siren wails,An emergency vehicle blares its siren as a man speaks,A man speaks while emergency vehicle sirens sound and cars drive quickly along a road
+valid/YtRJVUSdMjQI.npy,A woman and man softly speaking and laughing,A man and woman speak with some light laughter,A young female speaks and a man chuckles and speaks,A woman speaks and a man laughs and speaks briefly,A woman talks and a man laughs and talks
+valid/YttUaPa1mkgU.npy,A sewing machine runs briefly,A sewing machine works nearby,A sewing machine runs slowly and briefly,A machine clatters and clicks as birds sing in the background,A repeated hissing and ticking
+valid/YsgAjFcKriHk.npy,An engine increases in power as it runs,"An aircraft making a sustained, high-pitched engine noise",An engine buzzing consistently,A high pitched engine runs,An aircraft engine runs
+valid/YyKKOHg5xlPE.npy,A man speaks and metal makes noise,A guy speaks with a loud clang in the middle,A man speaks over metal clanging,White noise with muffled male speech and intermittent clanking,A man speaks as a metal gate closes
+valid/Yzd93ITwIf_g.npy,A man speaking with clinking metal,A man speaks over metallic clanging and bangs,A man speaks while metal clanks in the background,A man speaks while fiddling with some tools,A man speaks as objects rattle and move
+valid/YujjK7WUHxss.npy,"Wind blows, metal squeaks, and people talk",Wind blows followed by sheep bleating and people talking,Wind blows and a sheep bleats,"Wind gusts, a woman speaks, sheep baa, and metal squeaks.","Wind sounds blow nearby, and then sheep bleat, followed by people talking quietly nearby"
+valid/Yx-gIWB__rIE.npy,A man speaks and moves objects around,"A man talking, clicking of spice jars",A man speaks and uses a grinder,A man speaks and uses a pepper shaker,A man speaks and uses a grinder
+valid/YtbLjCaI0-Lo.npy,A bird whistles loudly while another bird whistles in the distance as some wind blows,A person whistles several times and a soft wind blows,A person whistles while wind blows and birds chirp,Soft whistling with wind blowing,A person whistles as a light wind rustles
+valid/Ysk3WTKnlJ-U.npy,A man speaks as a motorboat engine idles,A motor runs in the background as a man speaks briefly,A man speaks and a quiet engine runs,A man speaks while an engine idles,A man speaks as a motorboat runs
+valid/YzvmXKyAFq80.npy,A vehicle engine is revving the idles,A rough engine revs and sputters,Humming and rattling of an idling and revving engine,A car revs loudly a few times while idling,A vehicle is revving and grooming
+valid/YuyznsufCKbA.npy,A power toll is at work while it buzzes,A drill runs briefly then stops before running again,A power tool is drilling then stops then continues drilling,A small motor runs quickly,A drill runs continuously before stopping abruptly
+valid/YvVNMuFixN_A.npy,Waves break and wind blows strongly,Ocean waves crash as a moderate wind blows,Waves roil and crash on a windy day,Wind blows and a stream of water runs,Wind blows into a microphone and waves crash
+valid/YyTMbYkZ-Vkc.npy,White noise and vehicles passing by faintly,Several vehicles accelerates and start moving skidding,A vehicle revs its engine then accelerates,"A vehicle revs several times, then speeds up quickly",A vehicle engine revs then accelerates
+valid/Ytc7UjDIyobI.npy,Birds chirp as wind blows,Birds chirp in an open environment,Birds chirp and tweet softly,Birds chirp continuously,Several birds tweet nearby
+valid/Yv7Pz4dWmggg.npy,A woman and man speak then a baby cries,A woman and man speak while a baby cries,People speaking and laughing with a baby crying,A woman speaks and giggles as a baby cries,A woman speaks and consoles a crying baby
+valid/Yv_OQfEIq_PY.npy,Continuous buzzing and hissing,A small motor run at a high speed,A drill runs continuously,A machine blowing out air,A drill runs continuously
+valid/YvfrWmHgjkjM.npy,Distant spraying is followed by a buzzing insect.,An insect buzzes around,Insects buzz around a microphone,Birds chirping followed by a bee buzzing,An insect flies around buzzing
+valid/Yy4NpJekTMT8.npy,A machine beeping followed by a kid screaming,A long beep is heard several times as a young girl screams once,A telephone rings and a door squeaks,A phone rings and an animal vocalizes in the background,A series of tones play and something screams in the background
+valid/Yydc0oG9pC7k.npy,Continuous raining and thunder,Moderate rain falls as thunder rumbles,Rain falling and thunder roaring,Rain falls and thunder roars,Continuous rain and thunder
+valid/YzaIbETo-WtU.npy,A light breeze blows as distant insects buzz and birds chirp,Birds chirp and the wind blows as insects buzz,"Birds sing, wind rustles and insects buzz",Insects buzz and birds chirp,"The wind is blowing, birds are chirping, many flying insects are buzzing, and random whooshing and thumping occur"
+valid/YzU-oKUEckKo.npy,A train horn sounds as it passes by,A train horn blows as a train speeds by with rumbling tires and squealing brakes,A train passing with a honking horn and sharp clicks,A train engine sounds as it passes by,A horn blares and metal squeals
+valid/YyBksF4L5Ics.npy,A woman speaks and a child cries,A beep occurs then a woman and child speak,A grown woman speaks and a younger girl speaks,Female speech followed by a child whining,A woman speaks and a child whines
+valid/YwUub94P1uq0.npy,A child laughing and giggling with white noise,A baby giggles and laughs as birds chirp,A baby laughs happily,A child laughs continuously,A young person laughs with delight
+valid/YwJpmCiK8-Ow.npy,A dog barks and people talk far away while pigeons coo nearby,Light chirping of birds with a dog barking and people speaking in the distance,A dog barks while pigeons vocalize and birds chirp,Chickens coo and chirp in a large group,A dog barks and someone talks far away while pigeons coo nearby
+valid/YwqugJOvBkhY.npy,A horn is blown causing two babies to laugh and cheer loudly,A kazoo is blown followed by a baby laughing,A musical toy is blown like a trumpet and two babies laugh giddily,A noise is made and children laugh,A horn sounds and babies laugh
+valid/YtTKJR_oYdhw.npy,"An animal bleats, a pig squeals, and a loud boom occurs",A bang followed by baaing and silence,A sheep baas followed by an oink and then explosion,Continuous oinking,"A sheep baas followed by a pig oinking, then a loud explosion and a grunt"
+valid/YyfdjbS0FjI0.npy,A clinking sound occurs outside,A train passes by on a set of tracks,Rattling and rustling of a passing engine as people speak in the distance,Railroad tracks clickety-clack and a train clanks as it passes,A vehicle traverses a bump and distant engines run
+valid/YtqQp8lSf-V4.npy,A vibration occurs making a clicking noise,A vehicle engine idles,A motorcycle engine works in idle,A motorcycle spits noisily as it idles,An engine stutters
+valid/Yz9-3K1PFMjw.npy,A man and women speak,A woman and man speak on a telephone,A man speaks and a woman speaks over the phone with several digital beeps,A man and a woman speaking with intermittent beeping,A man speaks while a telephone operator speaks and the phone beeps
+valid/Yx-Yx0rqr1vY.npy,A woman speaking with distant croaks and chirps of frogs then a child speaks,A woman and child speak while frogs vocalize,A woman and child speak while frogs croak,A woman and child speak as frogs vocalize,Frogs croak as a woman and child speak
+valid/YxmdGaCbvhFc.npy,A man speaks slowly and water drips,A man speaking as water trickles while a small motor hums,A man speaks while water flows,A grown man speaks as water softly runs,A man speaks as a water faucet runs
+valid/YuiNuH51lzVY.npy,A man speaks calmly as water lightly ripples,A man speaks over water gurgling quietly,A man talks while some liquid flows,A man speaks while water flows,A man speaks as flowing water accompanies him
+valid/YsP1SNRwEPik.npy,Male speech followed by a whistle,A man speaks then whistles,A man speaks then begins whistling,A man speaks then begins whistling,"A man speaks, followed by a loud whistle"
+valid/Ysb-uIO_-rRg.npy,Water gurgles to a stop,Water rushes and gurgles to a stop,A toilet flushes and water drains,A toilet flushes and water drains,A toilet is flushed as it hisses and gurgles
+valid/YtIk3enR8Yy4.npy,Water flows and people speak,The wind blows loudly while a man and woman speak and water splashes,Wind blows and a man speaks while water splashes,Wind blows and water ripples as a man and woman speak,Winds fiercely blow as a group of people speak
+valid/Yw9ejUrlz1GM.npy,A material is crumpled while a woman talks,Paper crinkles and a woman speaks,Paper is crumpling while a woman speaks,A woman speaks while crumpling plastic,Someone crumples plastic and speaks
+valid/YyHtbLI6kxAc.npy,Pigeons vocalize and a child speaks,Pigeons vocalize and birds chirp while a child speaks,A child vocalizes and a woman speaks while birds vocalize,Pigeons coo with a baby and woman speaking at the end,Pigeons coo while a baby speaks in the background
+valid/YxIS6JwaGxuk.npy,A dog barks and growls while a man speaks then the dog stops barking and then people begin talking,A dog barks repeatedly and growls while a man and woman speaks,A dog barks and growls before a man and woman speak,A dark barks and growls while a man and woman speak,A dog barks and growls before a man and woman speak
+valid/Yz4uELRI6p08.npy,Loud laugh ting and mumbling with s person laughing faintly and briefly in the distance,An older woman laughs and titters,A woman makes noises and laughs happily,Laughing and some mumbling,Laughing followed by a short groan then more laughing
+valid/YvBeI4j_kJro.npy,A man speaks and a baby cries,A man speaks and a baby cries,A man talks while a baby cries,A man speaks and a baby cries,A man speaks haltingly as a baby stirs softly
+valid/YuWCKXYVzJt0.npy,A musical chiming followed by a tap and then silence,A clock sounds an alarm then ticktocks,A cuckoo clock ducks and coos while the clock chimes and ticks,A cuckoo clock ringing back and forth,A cuckoo clock chimes and whistles then stops and keeps on ticking
+valid/YuCuo8zAkTvE.npy,Rain falls on a hard surface,Rain ruffles against a hard surface outside,Rain falls strongly,A steady stream of water flows,Heavy rain falls in a surface
+valid/Yvvdb2UyJQrs.npy,A baby vocalizes and laughs as a woman speaks,A baby is laughing and the mother is playing with her baby,A baby laughs and fidgets as a woman speaks and chuckles,A baby vocalizes and laughs at a woman speaking,A baby coos and laughs as a woman speaks