pxdn-line-extractor / tools /image_tools.py
kjerk's picture
Add streamlit app code v1
import torch
from PIL import Image
from torchvision.transforms import functional as TVTF
from .mafs import round_up_to_multiple
def prepare_image_for_inference(image_pil: Image.Image) -> torch.Tensor:
if image_pil.mode != 'RGB':
image_pil = image_pil.convert('RGB')
# Just being explicit, in case of environmental oddities or something.
image_pt = TVTF.to_tensor(image_pil)
image_pt = image_pt.to(device='cpu', dtype=torch.float32)
return image_pt
def pad_to_divisible(image_tensor: torch.Tensor, tile_size: int = 128):
c, h, w = image_tensor.shape
# If the dims are already divisible by the tile size, we're good.
if h % tile_size == 0 and w % tile_size == 0:
return image_tensor, 0, 0
expanded_w = round_up_to_multiple(w, tile_size)
expanded_h = round_up_to_multiple(h, tile_size)
l, t, r, b = 0, 0, 0, 0
# Distribute the padding evenly on all sides.
if expanded_w > w:
diff = expanded_w - w
l = diff // 2
r = diff - l
if expanded_h > h:
diff = expanded_h - h
t = diff // 2
b = diff - t
image_tensor = TVTF.pad(image_tensor, padding=[l, t, r, b], padding_mode='reflect')
return image_tensor, l, t
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('__main__ not supported in modules.')