Module containing common utility functions and classes for the frontend.

from typing import Any, Callable, Concatenate, Literal, Sequence
from typings.extra import (

from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import partial

import gradio as gr
from gradio.components.base import Component
from gradio.events import Dependency

from backend.generate_song_cover import get_named_song_dirs, get_song_cover_name
from backend.manage_audio import get_output_audio

PROGRESS_BAR = gr.Progress()

def exception_harness(fun: Callable[P, T]) -> Callable[P, T]:
    Wrap a function in a harness that catches exceptions
    and re-raises them as instances of `gradio.Error`.

    fun : Callable[P, T]
        The function to wrap.

    Callable[P, T]
        The wrapped function.

    def _wrapped_fun(*args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> T:
            return fun(*args, **kwargs)
        except Exception as e:
            raise gr.Error(str(e))

    return _wrapped_fun

def confirmation_harness(fun: Callable[P, T]) -> Callable[Concatenate[bool, P], T]:
    Wrap a function in a harness that requires a confirmation
    before executing and catches exceptions,
    re-raising them as instances of `gradio.Error`.

    fun : Callable[P, T]
        The function to wrap.

    Callable[Concatenate[bool, P], T]
        The wrapped function.

    def _wrapped_fun(confirm: bool, *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> T:
        if confirm:
            return exception_harness(fun)(*args, **kwargs)
            raise gr.Error("Confirmation missing!")

    return _wrapped_fun

def confirm_box_js(msg: str) -> str:
    Generate JavaScript code for a confirmation box.

    msg : str
        Message to display in the confirmation box.

        JavaScript code for the confirmation box.
    formatted_msg = f"'{msg}'"
    return f"(x) => confirm({formatted_msg})"

def identity(x: T) -> T:
    Identity function.

    x : T
        Value to return.

        The value.
    return x

def update_value(x: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
    Update the value of a component.

    x : Any
        New value for the component.

    dict[str, Any]
        Dictionary which updates the value of the component.
    return gr.update(value=x)

def update_dropdowns(
    fn: Callable[P, DropdownChoices],
    num_components: int,
    value: DropdownValue = None,
    value_indices: Sequence[int] = [],
    *args: P.args,
    **kwargs: P.kwargs,
) -> gr.Dropdown | tuple[gr.Dropdown, ...]:
    Update the choices and optionally the value of one or more dropdown components.

    fn : Callable[P, DropdownChoices]
        Function to get updated choices for the dropdown components.
    num_components : int
        Number of dropdown components to update.
    value : DropdownValue, optional
        New value for dropdown components.
    value_indices : Sequence[int], default=[]
        Indices of dropdown components to update the value for.
    args : P.args
        Positional arguments to pass to the function used to update choices.
    kwargs : P.kwargs
        Keyword arguments to pass to the function used to update choices.

        Updated dropdown component or components.

        If value indices are not unique or if an index exceeds the number of components.
    if len(value_indices) != len(set(value_indices)):
        raise ValueError("Value indices must be unique.")
    if value_indices and max(value_indices) >= num_components:
        raise ValueError(
            "Index of a component to update value for exceeds number of components."
    updated_choices = fn(*args, **kwargs)
    update_args: list[UpdateDropdownArgs] = [
        {"choices": updated_choices} for _ in range(num_components)
    for index in value_indices:
        update_args[index]["value"] = value
    if len(update_args) == 1:
        # NOTE This is a workaround as gradio does not support
        # singleton tuples for components.
        return gr.Dropdown(**update_args[0])
    return tuple(gr.Dropdown(**update_arg) for update_arg in update_args)

def update_cached_input_songs(
    num_components: int, value: DropdownValue = None, value_indices: Sequence[int] = []
) -> gr.Dropdown | tuple[gr.Dropdown, ...]:
    Updates the choices of one or more dropdown components
    to the current set of cached input songs.

    Optionally updates the default value of one or more of these components.

    num_components : int
        Number of dropdown components to update.
    value : DropdownValue, optional
        New value for dropdown components.
    value_indices : Sequence[int], default=[]
        Indices of dropdown components to update the value for.

        Updated dropdown component or components.
    return update_dropdowns(get_named_song_dirs, num_components, value, value_indices)

def update_output_audio(
    num_components: int, value: DropdownValue = None, value_indices: Sequence[int] = []
) -> gr.Dropdown | tuple[gr.Dropdown, ...]:
    Updates the choices of one or more dropdown
    components to the current set of output audio files.

    Optionally updates the default value of one or more of these components.

    num_components : int
        Number of dropdown components to update.
    value : DropdownValue, optional
        New value for dropdown components.
    value_indices : Sequence[int], default=[]
        Indices of dropdown components to update the value for.

        Updated dropdown component or components.
    return update_dropdowns(get_output_audio, num_components, value, value_indices)

def toggle_visible_component(
    num_components: int, visible_index: int
) -> dict[str, Any] | tuple[dict[str, Any], ...]:
    Reveal a single component from a set of components.
    All other components are hidden.

    num_components : int
        Number of components to set visibility for.
    visible_index : int
        Index of the component to reveal.

        A single dictionary or a tuple of dictionaries
        that update the visibility of the components.
    if visible_index >= num_components:
        raise ValueError("Visible index must be less than number of components.")
    update_args: list[ComponentVisibilityKwArgs] = [
        {"visible": False, "value": None} for _ in range(num_components)
    update_args[visible_index]["visible"] = True
    if num_components == 1:
        return gr.update(**update_args[0])
    return tuple(gr.update(**update_arg) for update_arg in update_args)

def _toggle_component_interactivity(
    num_components: int, interactive: bool
) -> dict[str, Any] | tuple[dict[str, Any], ...]:
    Toggle interactivity of one or more components.

    num_components : int
        Number of components to toggle interactivity for.
    interactive : bool
        Whether to make the components interactive or not.

        A single dictionary or a tuple of dictionaries
        that update the interactivity of the components.
    if num_components == 1:
        return gr.update(interactive=interactive)
    return tuple(gr.update(interactive=interactive) for _ in range(num_components))

def show_hop_slider(pitch_detection_algo: F0Method) -> gr.Slider:
    Show or hide a slider component based on the given pitch extraction algorithm.

    pitch_detection_algo : F0Method
        Pitch detection algorithm to determine visibility of the slider.

        Slider component with visibility set accordingly.
    if pitch_detection_algo == "mangio-crepe":
        return gr.Slider(visible=True)
        return gr.Slider(visible=False)

def update_song_cover_name(
    mixed_vocals: str | None = None,
    song_dir: str | None = None,
    voice_model: str | None = None,
    update_placeholder: bool = False,
) -> gr.Textbox:
    Updates a textbox component so that it displays a suitable name for a cover of
    a given song.

    If the path of an existing song directory is provided, the original song
    name is inferred from that directory. If a voice model is not provided
    but the path of an existing song directory and the path of a mixed vocals file
    in that directory are provided, then the voice model is inferred from
    the mixed vocals file.

    mixed_vocals : str, optional
        The path to a mixed vocals file.
    song_dir : str, optional
        The path to a song directory.
    voice_model : str, optional
        The name of a voice model.
    update_placeholder : bool, default=False
        Whether to update the placeholder text of the textbox component.

        Updated textbox component.
    update_args: TextBoxArgs = {}
    update_key = "placeholder" if update_placeholder else "value"
    if mixed_vocals or song_dir or voice_model:
        name = exception_harness(get_song_cover_name)(
            mixed_vocals, song_dir, voice_model, progress_bar=PROGRESS_BAR
        update_args[update_key] = name
        update_args[update_key] = None
    return gr.Textbox(**update_args)

class EventArgs:
    Data class to store arguments for setting up event listeners.

    fn : Callable[..., Any]
        Function to call when an event is triggered.
    inputs : Sequence[Component], optional
        Components to serve as inputs to the function.
    outputs : Sequence[Component], optional
        Components where to store the outputs of the function.
    name : Literal["click", "success", "then"], default="success"
        Name of the event to listen for.
    show_progress : Literal["full", "minimal", "hidden"], default="full"
        Level of progress bar to show when the event is triggered.

    fn: Callable[..., Any]
    inputs: Sequence[Component] | None = None
    outputs: Sequence[Component] | None = None
    name: Literal["click", "success", "then"] = "success"
    show_progress: Literal["full", "minimal", "hidden"] = "full"

def setup_consecutive_event_listeners(
    component: Component, event_args_list: list[EventArgs]
) -> Dependency | Component:
    Set up a chain of event listeners on a component.

    component : Component
        The component to set up event listeners on.
    event_args_list : list[EventArgs]
        List of event arguments to set up event listeners with.

    Dependency | Component
        The last dependency in the chain of event listeners.
    if len(event_args_list) == 0:
        raise ValueError("Event args list must not be empty.")
    dependency = component
    for event_args in event_args_list:
        event_listener = getattr(dependency, event_args.name)
        dependency = event_listener(
    return dependency

def setup_consecutive_event_listeners_with_toggled_interactivity(
    component: Component,
    event_args_list: list[EventArgs],
    toggled_components: Sequence[Component],
) -> Dependency | Component:
    Set up a chain of event listeners on a component
    with interactivity toggled for a set of other components.

    While the chain of event listeners is being executed,
    the other components are made non-interactive.
    When the chain of event listeners is completed,
    the other components are made interactive again.

    component : Component
        The component to set up event listeners on.

    event_args_list : list[EventArgs]
        List of event arguments to set up event listeners with.

    toggled_components : Sequence[Component]
        Components to toggle interactivity for.

    Dependency | Component
        The last dependency in the chain of event listeners.
    if len(event_args_list) == 0:
        raise ValueError("Event args list must not be empty.")

    disable_event_args = EventArgs(
        partial(_toggle_component_interactivity, len(toggled_components), False),
    enable_event_args = EventArgs(
        partial(_toggle_component_interactivity, len(toggled_components), True),
    event_args_list_augmented = (
        [disable_event_args] + event_args_list + [enable_event_args]
    return setup_consecutive_event_listeners(component, event_args_list_augmented)