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export type Item = {
value: number | string
name: string
example: string
export type I18nText = {
'en-US': string
'zh-Hans': string
'pt-BR': string
'es-ES': string
'fr-FR': string
'de-DE': string
'ja-JP': string
'ko-KR': string
'ru-RU': string
'it-IT': string
'uk-UA': string
'vi-VN': string
'de_DE': string
'zh_Hant': string
'ro-RO': string
'pl-PL': string
export const languages = [
value: 'en-US',
name: 'English (United States)',
prompt_name: 'English',
example: 'Hello, Dify!',
supported: true,
value: 'zh-Hans',
name: '简体中文',
prompt_name: 'Chinese Simplified',
example: '你好,Dify!',
supported: true,
value: 'zh-Hant',
name: '繁體中文',
prompt_name: 'Chinese Traditional',
example: '你好,Dify!',
supported: true,
value: 'pt-BR',
name: 'Português (Brasil)',
prompt_name: 'Portuguese',
example: 'Olá, Dify!',
supported: true,
value: 'es-ES',
name: 'Español (España)',
prompt_name: 'Spanish',
example: 'Saluton, Dify!',
supported: false,
value: 'fr-FR',
name: 'Français (France)',
prompt_name: 'French',
example: 'Bonjour, Dify!',
supported: true,
value: 'de-DE',
name: 'Deutsch (Deutschland)',
prompt_name: 'German',
example: 'Hallo, Dify!',
supported: true,
value: 'ja-JP',
name: '日本語 (日本)',
prompt_name: 'Japanese',
example: 'こんにちは、Dify!',
supported: true,
value: 'ko-KR',
name: '한국어 (대한민국)',
prompt_name: 'Korean',
example: '안녕하세요, Dify!',
supported: true,
value: 'ru-RU',
name: 'Русский (Россия)',
prompt_name: 'Russian',
example: ' Привет, Dify!',
supported: false,
value: 'it-IT',
name: 'Italiano (Italia)',
prompt_name: 'Italian',
example: 'Ciao, Dify!',
supported: false,
value: 'th-TH',
name: 'ไทย (ประเทศไทย)',
prompt_name: 'Thai',
example: 'สวัสดี Dify!',
supported: false,
value: 'id-ID',
name: 'Bahasa Indonesia',
prompt_name: 'Indonesian',
example: 'Saluto, Dify!',
supported: false,
value: 'uk-UA',
name: 'Українська (Україна)',
prompt_name: 'Ukrainian',
example: 'Привет, Dify!',
supported: true,
value: 'vi-VN',
name: 'Tiếng Việt (Việt Nam)',
prompt_name: 'Vietnamese',
example: 'Xin chào, Dify!',
supported: true,
value: 'ro-RO',
name: 'Română (România)',
prompt_name: 'Romanian',
example: 'Salut, Dify!',
supported: true,
value: 'pl-PL',
name: 'Polski (Polish)',
prompt_name: 'Polish',
example: 'Cześć, Dify!',
supported: true,
export const LanguagesSupported = languages.filter(item => item.supported).map(item => item.value)
export const getLanguage = (locale: string) => {
if (locale === 'zh-Hans')
return locale.replace('-', '_')
return LanguagesSupported[0].replace('-', '_')
export const NOTICE_I18N = {
title: {
en_US: 'Important Notice',
zh_Hans: '重要公告',
pt_BR: 'Aviso Importante',
es_ES: 'Aviso Importante',
fr_FR: 'Avis important',
de_DE: 'Wichtiger Hinweis',
ja_JP: '重要なお知らせ',
ko_KR: '중요 공지',
pl_PL: 'Ważne ogłoszenie',
uk_UA: 'Важливе повідомлення',
vi_VN: 'Thông báo quan trọng',
desc: {
en_US: 'Our system will be unavailable from 19:00 to 24:00 UTC on August 28 for an upgrade. For questions, kindly contact our support team ([email protected]). We value your patience.',
zh_Hans: '为了有效提升数据检索能力及稳定性,Dify 将于 2023 年 8 月 29 日 03:00 至 08:00 期间进行服务升级,届时 Dify 云端版及应用将无法访问。感谢您的耐心与支持。',
pt_BR: 'Our system will be unavailable from 19:00 to 24:00 UTC on August 28 for an upgrade. For questions, kindly contact our support team ([email protected]). We value your patience.',
es_ES: 'Our system will be unavailable from 19:00 to 24:00 UTC on August 28 for an upgrade. For questions, kindly contact our support team ([email protected]). We value your patience.',
fr_FR: 'Our system will be unavailable from 19:00 to 24:00 UTC on August 28 for an upgrade. For questions, kindly contact our support team ([email protected]). We value your patience.',
de_DE: 'Our system will be unavailable from 19:00 to 24:00 UTC on August 28 for an upgrade. For questions, kindly contact our support team ([email protected]). We value your patience.',
ja_JP: 'Our system will be unavailable from 19:00 to 24:00 UTC on August 28 for an upgrade. For questions, kindly contact our support team ([email protected]). We value your patience.',
ko_KR: '시스템이 업그레이드를 위해 UTC 시간대로 8월 28일 19:00 ~ 24:00에 사용 불가될 예정입니다. 질문이 있으시면 지원 팀에 연락주세요 ([email protected]). 최선을 다해 답변해드리겠습니다.',
pl_PL: 'Nasz system będzie niedostępny od 19:00 do 24:00 UTC 28 sierpnia w celu aktualizacji. W przypadku pytań prosimy o kontakt z naszym zespołem wsparcia ([email protected]). Doceniamy Twoją cierpliwość.',
uk_UA: 'Наша система буде недоступна з 19:00 до 24:00 UTC 28 серпня для оновлення. Якщо у вас виникнуть запитання, будь ласка, зв’яжіться з нашою службою підтримки ([email protected]). Дякуємо за терпіння.',
vi_VN: 'Hệ thống của chúng tôi sẽ ngừng hoạt động từ 19:00 đến 24:00 UTC vào ngày 28 tháng 8 để nâng cấp. Nếu có thắc mắc, vui lòng liên hệ với nhóm hỗ trợ của chúng tôi ([email protected]). Chúng tôi đánh giá cao sự kiên nhẫn của bạn.',
href: '#',