Browse files
@@ -224,93 +224,86 @@ With no need for jargon, SSDS delivers tangible value to our fintech operations.
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sorted feature from top(most importance)
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dist_subway when at low value(green) make big impact to price
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dist_store doesnt make much impact to price
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high age lower the price
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low age raise the price
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Explain by Feature
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Explain by Record
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the largest contribution to positive price is dist_subway
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second contribution is age
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Explain by Instance
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at around 500 dist_subway, it possible for positive impact and negative impact for price
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over all trend is negative that mean, closer to subway is contribute to higher price
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there is a point at 6500 far from subway and it has negative impact on price, despite is is close to store(dist_stores)
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some how the word doesnt show in web...but this is the first decision tree inside xgboost
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top 1 error, negative impact for young age in price
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for top 5 error, it is possible that further from subway will have positive in price
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for top 5 error, it is possible young age have negative impact and old age has positive impact in price
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Explain by Dataset
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**Key insights:**
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- **dist_subway** has a significant impact on pricing when at low values (green).
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- **dist_store** demonstrates minimal impact on price.
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- Higher age correlates with lower prices while lower age raises prices.
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Explain by Feature
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- Prices spike for **distances lower than 900** based on the function f(x).
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- Noteworthy **SHAP value at record[20] around 6500**.
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Explain by Record
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**Contribution to Price:**
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- **dist_subway** holds the largest positive contribution to price.
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- **Age** follows as the second significant contributor.
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Explain by Instance
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- Around **500 dist_subway**, there's a potential for both positive and negative impacts on price.
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- Overall trend: closer proximity to the subway correlates with higher prices.
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- An outlier at **6500 distance** from subway negatively impacts price, despite proximity to stores (dist_stores).
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*Note: Unfortunately, the web doesn't display text, but this refers to the first decision tree within XGBoost.*
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Explain by Top 5 Error Example
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**Top Features for Errors:**
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- **Age** stands out as the top feature impacting the top 5 errors negatively (for young ages).
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**Top 1 Error:**
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- Notably, young age has a negative impact on pricing (top 1 error).
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**Insight from Errors:**
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- Further distance from the subway might positively impact pricing for the top 5 errors.
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**Error Instances:**
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- Younger age negatively impacts price, while older age positively impacts it for the top 5 errors.
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ML Observability
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**Visualization with Context:**
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[Tableau Visualization](https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/kevin1619/vizzes)
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**Data Validation:**
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- Led data validation for a new data source using covariate shift and recall methodology for legacy models.
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- Ensured consistency in feature transformation between dev and prod environments.
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**Unit Testing/Acceptance Testing:**
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- Led unit testing for models, identified logical errors, and improved campaign lift by 50% for small businesses.
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**A/B Testing for Lift:**
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- Utilized statistical approaches in A/B testing for small business models, ensuring lift met criteria.
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**File/Log Mining:**
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- Led server observability, leveraging event journey maps to understand server downtimes.
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**Root Cause Analysis:**
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- Proficient in employing Six Sigma methodology to trace root causes with established metrics.
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