#Sets the default shell for executing commands as /bin/bash and specifies command should be executed in a Bash shell. SHELL := /bin/bash # Color codes for terminal output COLOR_RESET=\033[0m COLOR_CYAN=\033[1;36m COLOR_GREEN=\033[1;32m # Defines the targets help, install, dev-install, and run as phony targets. .PHONY: help install run #sets the default goal to help when no target is specified on the command line. .DEFAULT_GOAL := help #Disables echoing of commands. .SILENT: #Sets the variable name to the second word from the MAKECMDGOALS. name := $(word 2,$(MAKECMDGOALS)) #Defines a target named help. help: @echo "Please use 'make <target>' where <target> is one of the following:" @echo " help Return this message with usage instructions." @echo " install Will install the dependencies using Poetry." @echo " run <folder_name> Runs GPT Engineer on the folder with the given name." #Defines a target named install. This target will install the project using Poetry. install: poetry-install # install-pre-commit farewell #Defines a target named poetry-install. This target will install the project dependencies using Poetry. poetry-install: @echo -e "$(COLOR_CYAN)Installing project with Poetry...$(COLOR_RESET)" && \ pip install poetry && poetry install #Defines a target named install-pre-commit. This target will install the pre-commit hooks. install-pre-commit: @echo -e "$(COLOR_CYAN)Installing pre-commit hooks...$(COLOR_RESET)" && \ poetry run pre-commit install #Defines a target named farewell. This target will print a farewell message. farewell: @echo -e "$(COLOR_GREEN)All done!$(COLOR_RESET)" #Defines a target named run. This target will run GPT Engineer on the folder with the given name. run: @echo -e "$(COLOR_CYAN)Running GPT Engineer on $(COLOR_GREEN)$(name)$(COLOR_CYAN) folder...$(COLOR_RESET)" && \ poetry run gpt-engineer projects/$(name) --model Llama3-70b-8192 --temperature 0.1 # Counts the lines of code in the project cloc: cloc . --exclude-dir=node_modules,dist,build,.mypy_cache,benchmark --exclude-list-file=.gitignore --fullpath --not-match-d='docs/_build' --by-file