Runtime error
Runtime error
from fastapi import FastAPI | |
from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse | |
from fastapi.requests import Request | |
from import get_authorization_scheme | |
from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import create_async_engine | |
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base | |
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker | |
app = FastAPI() | |
engine = create_async_engine("sqlite:///database.db") | |
Base = declarative_base() | |
async def get_db(): | |
async with sessionmaker(engine, class_=AsyncSession)() as db: | |
yield db | |
async def startup(): | |
async with engine.begin() as conn: | |
await conn.run_sync(Base.metadata.create_all) | |
async def shutdown(): | |
await engine.dispose() |