import numpy as np from preprocess import normalize_box import copy def classifyTokens(model, input_ids, attention_mask, bbox, offset_mapping): outputs = model(input_ids=input_ids, bbox=bbox, attention_mask=attention_mask) # take argmax on last dimension to get predicted class ID per token predictions = outputs.logits.argmax(-1).squeeze().tolist() return predictions def compare_boxes(b1,b2): b1 = np.array([c for c in b1]) b2 = np.array([c for c in b2]) equal = np.array_equal(b1,b2) return equal def mergable(w1,w2): if w1['label'] == w2['label']: threshold = 7 if abs(w1['box'][1] - w2['box'][1]) < threshold or abs(w1['box'][-1] - w2['box'][-1]) < threshold: return True return False return False def convert_data(data, tokenizer, img_size): def normalize_bbox(bbox, size): return [ int(1000 * bbox[0] / size[0]), int(1000 * bbox[1] / size[1]), int(1000 * bbox[2] / size[0]), int(1000 * bbox[3] / size[1]), ] def simplify_bbox(bbox): return [ min(bbox[0::2]), min(bbox[1::2]), max(bbox[2::2]), max(bbox[3::2]), ] def merge_bbox(bbox_list): x0, y0, x1, y1 = list(zip(*bbox_list)) return [min(x0), min(y0), max(x1), max(y1)] tokenized_doc = {"input_ids": [], "bbox": [], "labels": [], "attention_mask":[]} entities = [] id2label = {} entity_id_to_index_map = {} empty_entity = set() for line in data: if len(line["text"]) == 0: empty_entity.add(line["id"]) continue id2label[line["id"]] = line["label"] tokenized_inputs = tokenizer( line["text"], add_special_tokens=False, return_offsets_mapping=True, return_attention_mask=True, ) text_length = 0 ocr_length = 0 bbox = [] for token_id, offset in zip(tokenized_inputs["input_ids"], tokenized_inputs["offset_mapping"]): if token_id == 6: bbox.append(None) continue text_length += offset[1] - offset[0] tmp_box = [] while ocr_length < text_length: ocr_word = line["words"].pop(0) ocr_length += len( tokenizer._tokenizer.normalizer.normalize_str(ocr_word["text"].strip()) ) tmp_box.append(simplify_bbox(ocr_word["box"])) if len(tmp_box) == 0: tmp_box = last_box bbox.append(normalize_bbox(merge_bbox(tmp_box), img_size)) last_box = tmp_box # noqa bbox = [ [bbox[i + 1][0], bbox[i + 1][1], bbox[i + 1][0], bbox[i + 1][1]] if b is None else b for i, b in enumerate(bbox) ] if line["label"] == "other": label = ["O"] * len(bbox) else: label = [f"I-{line['label'].upper()}"] * len(bbox) label[0] = f"B-{line['label'].upper()}" tokenized_inputs.update({"bbox": bbox, "labels": label}) if label[0] != "O": entity_id_to_index_map[line["id"]] = len(entities) entities.append( { "start": len(tokenized_doc["input_ids"]), "end": len(tokenized_doc["input_ids"]) + len(tokenized_inputs["input_ids"]), "label": line["label"].upper(), } ) for i in tokenized_doc: tokenized_doc[i] = tokenized_doc[i] + tokenized_inputs[i] chunk_size = 512 output = {} for chunk_id, index in enumerate(range(0, len(tokenized_doc["input_ids"]), chunk_size)): item = {} entities_in_this_span = [] for k in tokenized_doc: item[k] = tokenized_doc[k][index : index + chunk_size] global_to_local_map = {} for entity_id, entity in enumerate(entities): if ( index <= entity["start"] < index + chunk_size and index <= entity["end"] < index + chunk_size ): entity["start"] = entity["start"] - index entity["end"] = entity["end"] - index global_to_local_map[entity_id] = len(entities_in_this_span) entities_in_this_span.append(entity) item.update( { "entities": entities_in_this_span } ) for key in item.keys(): output[key] = output.get(key, []) + item[key] return output def dfs(i, merged, width, height, visited, df_words): v_threshold = int(.01 * height) h_threshold = int(.08 * width) visited.add(i) merged.append(df_words[i]) for j in range(len(df_words)): if j not in visited: w1 = df_words[i]['words'][0] w2 = df_words[j]['words'][0] # and if (abs(w1['box'][1] - w2['box'][1]) < v_threshold or abs(w1['box'][-1] - w2['box'][-1]) < v_threshold) \ and (df_words[i]['label'] == df_words[j]['label']) \ and (abs(w1['box'][0] - w2['box'][0]) < h_threshold or abs(w1['box'][-2] - w2['box'][-2]) < h_threshold): dfs(j,merged, width, height, visited, df_words) return merged def createEntities(model, predictions, input_ids, ocr_df, tokenizer, img_size, bbox): width, height = img_size words = [] for index,row in ocr_df.iterrows(): word = {} origin_box = [row['left'],row['top'],row['left']+row['width'],row['top']+row['height']] word['word_text'] = row['text'] word['word_box'] = origin_box word['normalized_box'] = normalize_box(word['word_box'], width, height) words.append(word) raw_input_ids = input_ids[0].tolist() token_boxes = bbox.squeeze().tolist() special_tokens = [tokenizer.cls_token_id, tokenizer.sep_token_id, tokenizer.pad_token_id] input_ids = [id for id in raw_input_ids if id not in special_tokens] predictions = [model.config.id2label[prediction] for i,prediction in enumerate(predictions) if not (raw_input_ids[i] in special_tokens)] actual_boxes = [box for i,box in enumerate(token_boxes) if not (raw_input_ids[i] in special_tokens )] assert(len(actual_boxes) == len(predictions)) for word in words: word_labels = [] token_labels = [] word_tagging = None for i,box in enumerate(actual_boxes,start=0): if compare_boxes(word['normalized_box'],box): if predictions[i] != 'O': word_labels.append(predictions[i][2:]) else: word_labels.append('O') token_labels.append(predictions[i]) if word_labels != []: word_tagging = word_labels[0] if word_labels[0] != 'O' else word_labels[-1] else: word_tagging = 'O' word['word_labels'] = token_labels word['word_tagging'] = word_tagging filtered_words = [{'id':i,'text':word['word_text'], 'label':word['word_tagging'], 'box':word['word_box'], 'words':[{'box':word['word_box'],'text':word['word_text']}]} for i,word in enumerate(words) if word['word_tagging'] != 'O'] merged_taggings = [] df_words = filtered_words.copy() visited = set() for i in range(len(df_words)): if i not in visited: merged_taggings.append(dfs(i,[], width, height, visited, df_words)) merged_words = [] for i,merged_tagging in enumerate(merged_taggings): if len(merged_tagging) > 1: new_word = {} merging_word = " ".join([word['text'] for word in merged_tagging]) merging_box = [merged_tagging[0]['box'][0]-5,merged_tagging[0]['box'][1]-10,merged_tagging[-1]['box'][2]+5,merged_tagging[-1]['box'][3]+10] new_word['text'] = merging_word new_word['box'] = merging_box new_word['label'] = merged_tagging[0]['label'] new_word['id'] = filtered_words[-1]['id']+i+1 new_word['words'] = [{'box':word['box'],'text':word['text']} for word in merged_tagging] # new_word['start'] = merged_words.append(new_word) filtered_words.extend(merged_words) predictions = [word['label'] for word in filtered_words] actual_boxes = [word['box'] for word in filtered_words] unique_taggings = set(predictions) output = convert_data(copy.deepcopy(merged_words), tokenizer, img_size) return output, merged_words