Drake / examples /notes_examples /example_2.json
kausthubkannan17's picture
feat: interface and model pipline
"content_chunk": "Meaning/Defination: A content delivery network (CDN) is a group of geographically\ndistributed servers that speed up the delivery of web content by bringing it closer to where\nusers are.\n It is a network of strategically positioned servers aimed at enhancing the speed and\ndependability of delivering content to users in different locations. These servers store cached\ncopies of content, ranging from web pages to videos, guaranteeing that when a user makes\na request, it’s served from the closest server available. This reduces delays and speeds up\nloading times.\nWhen a user requests specific content, CDN architecture comes into play. It directs the\nrequest to the nearest server, taking into account factors like server health and proximity.\nThis approach minimizes data travel distance, resulting in fast and efficient content delivery.\nAnalogy: You could think of a CDN like an ATM. If your money were only available from one\nbank in town, you’d have to make a time-consuming trip and stand in a long line every time\nyou wanted to withdraw cash. However, with a cash machine on practically every corner,\nyou have fast and easy access to your money any time you need it.\n\nWhat is The Use of a Content Distribution Network?\nCDNs are designed to optimize the delivery of web content, and some of the main\nadvantages that they provide to a company and its users include:\n\uF0B7 Faster Load Times: CDNs cache content geographically close to its users,\ndecreasing the distance that requests and responses need to travel.  As a result,\nusers experience faster load times for webpages, which can increase conversions\nand decrease bounce rates. How does a CDN improve page load time?: As\nmentioned earlier, it is a globally distributed network of servers that store (commonly\nreferred to as "cache") and deliver some or all of your website's content. Each of\nthese servers in the CDN's network is called a Point of Presence (PoP) or an edge\nserver.\n\uF0B7 Reduced Bandwidth Costs: Serving all requested content from the origin server\nrequires significant bandwidth and processing power at the origin. CDNs reduce load\nand bandwidth requirements at the bandwidth by caching static content and\nperforming other optimizations. Of course, this helps to greatly reduce costs.\n\uF0B7 Improved Availability and Redundancy: Reliance on centralized infrastructure —\nsuch as serving all content from the origin server — increases the risk of downtime\ndue to hardware failures, network outages, and other events. CDNs distribute content\nand requests across multiple locations, reducing the impact of a localized outage.\nWith a CDN coming into the picture, it does two things. One, a lot of traffic doesn't\neven come to your servers. The edge server of the CDN serves a lot of content from\nits cache. So, you need a slightly fewer number of servers.\nSecond, as long as the content is available in the CDNs cache, even if your actual servers\nare not working, the CDN will keep serving the content. This gives you some buffer time to\nfix issues on your servers while the CDN serves whatever content it can from its cache.\n\n\uF0B7 Enhanced Website Security: In addition to optimizing access to web content, a\nCDN may incorporate security functionality.  By blocking distributed denial-of-service\n(DDoS) attacks, enhancing digital certificate security, and other security controls,\nCDNs can reduce the probability and impact of a cyberattack.\n\uF0B7 Web security: if a CDN can isolate bad traffic from good traffic, it can stop all the\nbad traffic from coming to your servers. Your servers only respond to the "good"\nrequests coming from actual users.",
"rules": "- Follow the Markdown format for creating notes as shown in the example. \n - The heading of the content should be the title of the markdown file. \n - Create subheadings for each section. \n - Use numbered bullet points for each point.",
"notes": "# CDNs\n- A content delivery network (CDN) is a group of geographically distributed servers that speed up the delivery of web content by bringing it closer to where users are. \n- It is a network of strategically positioned servers aimed at enhancing the speed and dependability of delivering content to users in different locations. \n- These servers store cached copies of content, ranging from web pages to videos, guaranteeing that when a user makes a request, it’s served from the closest server available. This reduces delays and speeds up loading times.\n- When a user requests specific content, CDN architecture comes into play. It directs the request to the nearest server, taking into account factors like server health and proximity. This approach minimizes data travel distance, resulting in fast and efficient content delivery.\n- CDNs are designed to optimize the delivery of web content, and some of the main advantages that they provide to a company and its users include:\n- Faster Load Times: CDNs cache content geographically close to its users, decreasing the distance that requests and responses need to travel.  As a result, users experience faster load times for webpages, which can increase conversions and decrease bounce rates. How does a CDN improve page load time?: As mentioned earlier, it is a globally distributed network of servers that store (commonly referred to as \"cache\") and deliver some or all of your website's content. Each of these servers in the CDN's network is called a Point of Presence (PoP) or an edge server.\n- **Reduced Bandwidth Costs:** Serving all requested content from the origin server requires significant bandwidth and processing power at the origin. CDNs reduce load and bandwidth requirements at the bandwidth by caching static content and performing other optimizations. Of course, this helps to greatly reduce costs.\n- **Improved Availability and Redundancy:** Reliance on centralized infrastructure — such as serving all content from the origin server — increases the risk of downtime due to hardware failures, network outages, and other events. CDNs distribute content and requests across multiple locations, reducing the impact of a localized outage. With a CDN coming into the picture, it does two things. One, a lot of traffic doesn't even come to your servers. The edge server of the CDN serves a lot of content from its cache. So, you need a slightly fewer number of servers.\n- Second, as long as the content is available in the CDNs cache, even if your actual servers are not working, the CDN will keep serving the content. This gives you some buffer time to fix issues on your servers while the CDN serves whatever content it can from its cache.\n- Enhanced Website Security: In addition to optimizing access to web content, a CDN may incorporate security functionality.  By blocking distributed denial-of-service(DDoS) attacks, enhancing digital certificate security, and other security controls, CDNs can reduce the probability and impact of a cyberattack.\n- Web security: if a CDN can isolate bad traffic from good traffic, it can stop all the bad traffic from coming to your servers. Your servers only respond to the \"good\" requests coming from actual users. "