PLA-Net /
juliocesar-io's picture
added notes on input
import uuid
import gradio as gr
import torch
import os
import pandas as pd
from rdkit import Chem
from scripts.pla_net_inference import main
from utils.args import ArgsInit
print("TORCH_CUDA", torch.cuda.is_available())
DEFAULT_PATH_DOCKER = "/home/user/app"
'aa2ar', 'abl1', 'ace', 'aces', 'ada', 'ada17', 'adrb1', 'adrb2',
'akt1', 'akt2', 'aldr', 'ampc', 'andr', 'aofb', 'bace1', 'braf',
'cah2', 'casp3', 'cdk2', 'comt', 'cp2c9', 'cp3a4', 'csf1r',
'cxcr4', 'def', 'dhi1', 'dpp4', 'drd3', 'dyr', 'egfr', 'esr1',
'esr2', 'fa10', 'fa7', 'fabp4', 'fak1', 'fgfr1', 'fkb1a', 'fnta',
'fpps', 'gcr', 'glcm', 'gria2', 'grik1', 'hdac2', 'hdac8',
'hivint', 'hivpr', 'hivrt', 'hmdh', 'hs90a', 'hxk4', 'igf1r',
'inha', 'ital', 'jak2', 'kif11', 'kit', 'kith', 'kpcb', 'lck',
'lkha4', 'mapk2', 'mcr', 'met', 'mk01', 'mk10', 'mk14', 'mmp13',
'mp2k1', 'nos1', 'nram', 'pa2ga', 'parp1', 'pde5a', 'pgh1', 'pgh2',
'plk1', 'pnph', 'ppara', 'ppard', 'pparg', 'prgr', 'ptn1', 'pur2',
'pygm', 'pyrd', 'reni', 'rock1', 'rxra', 'sahh', 'src', 'tgfr1',
'thb', 'thrb', 'try1', 'tryb1', 'tysy', 'urok', 'vgfr2', 'wee1',
def load_and_filter_data(protein_id, ligand_smiles):
# generate random short id, make short
random_id = str(uuid.uuid4())[:8]
print("Inference ID: ", random_id)
# check that ligand_smiles is not empty
if not ligand_smiles or ligand_smiles.strip() == "":
error_msg = f"!SMILES string is required 💥"
raise gr.Error(error_msg, duration=5)
if protein_id not in ENABLED_MODELS:
error_msg = f"!Invalid 💥 target protein ID, the available options are: {ENABLED_MODELS}. To do inference other proteins, you can run the model locally an train the model for each target protein."
raise gr.Error(error_msg, duration=5)
# Split the input SMILES string by ':' to get a list
smiles_list = ligand_smiles.split(':')
print("Smiles to predict: ", smiles_list)
print("Target Protein ID: ", protein_id)
# Validate SMILES
invalid_smiles = []
for smiles in smiles_list:
mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles.strip())
if mol is None:
if invalid_smiles:
error_msg = f"!Invalid 💥 SMILES string(s) : {', '.join(invalid_smiles)}"
raise gr.Error(error_msg, duration=5)
# Create tmp folder
os.makedirs(f"{DEFAULT_PATH_DOCKER}/example/tmp", exist_ok=True)
# Save SMILES to CSV
df = pd.DataFrame({"smiles": [s.strip() for s in smiles_list if s.strip()]})
df.to_csv(f"{DEFAULT_PATH_DOCKER}/example/tmp/{random_id}_input_smiles.csv", index=False)
# Run inference
args = ArgsInit().args
args.nclasses = 2
args.batch_size = 10
args.use_prot = True
args.freeze_molecule = True
args.conv_encode_edge = True
args.learn_t = True
args.binary = True
args.use_gpu = True = protein_id
args.target_list = f"{DEFAULT_PATH_DOCKER}/data/datasets/AD/Targets_Fasta.csv"
args.target_checkpoint_path = f"{DEFAULT_PATH_DOCKER}/checkpoints/PLA-Net/BINARY_{protein_id}"
args.input_file_smiles = f"{DEFAULT_PATH_DOCKER}/example/tmp/{random_id}_input_smiles.csv"
args.output_file = f"{DEFAULT_PATH_DOCKER}/example/tmp/{random_id}_output_predictions.csv"
print("Args: ", args)
# Load the CSV file
df = pd.read_csv(f'{DEFAULT_PATH_DOCKER}/example/tmp/{random_id}_output_predictions.csv')
print("Prediction Results output: ", df)
return df
def load_description(fp):
with open(fp, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
content =
return content
def run_inference(protein_id, ligand_smile):
result_df = load_and_filter_data(protein_id, ligand_smile)
return result_df
def create_interface():
with gr.Blocks(title="PLA-Net Web Inference") as inference:
gr.Markdown("### Input")
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
gr.Markdown("#### Target Protein")
protein_id = gr.Dropdown(
label="Target Protein ID",
info="Select the target protein from the dropdown menu.",
gr.Markdown(" Check the available target proteins [here]( The corresponding protein sequences are available in [here](")
with gr.Column():
gr.Markdown("#### Ligand")
ligand_smile = gr.Textbox(
info="Provide SMILES input (separate multiple SMILES with ':' )",
placeholder="SMILES input",
label="SMILES string(s)",
label="Example SMILES"
btn = gr.Button("Run")
gr.Markdown("### Output")
out = gr.Dataframe(
headers=["target", "smiles", "interaction_probability", "interaction_class"],
datatype=["str", "str", "number", "number"],
label="Prediction Results"
), inputs=[protein_id, ligand_smile], outputs=out)
PLA-Net model for predicting interactions
between small organic molecules and one of the 102 target proteins in the AD dataset. Graph representations
of the molecule and a given target protein are generated from SMILES and FASTA sequences and are used as
input to the Ligand Module (LM) and Protein Module (PM), respectively. Each module comprises a deep GCN
followed by an average pooling layer, which extracts relevant features of their corresponding input graph. Both
representations are finally concatenated and combined through a fully connected layer to predict the target–
ligand interaction probability.
Ruiz Puentes, P., Rueda-Gensini, L., Valderrama, N. et al.
Predicting target–ligand interactions with graph convolutional networks
for interpretable pharmaceutical discovery. Sci Rep 12, 8434 (2022).
return inference
if __name__ == "__main__":
interface = create_interface()