import os | |
import streamlit as st | |
import os | |
os.system('pip install geemap') | |
import geemap.foliumap as geemap | |
import ee | |
os.system('pip install geopandas') | |
import geopandas as gpd | |
import tempfile | |
import uuid | |
os.system('pip install fiona') | |
import fiona | |
from datetime import datetime | |
import base64 | |
os.system('pip install rasterio') | |
import rasterio | |
from rasterio.plot import show | |
import numpy as np | |
os.system('pip install opencv-python') | |
import cv2 | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt | |
import pyproj | |
from shapely.geometry import Polygon | |
from rasterio.features import shapes | |
import pandas as pd | |
os.system('pip install scikit-image') | |
from skimage import measure | |
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, box, MultiPolygon | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
import requests | |
from io import StringIO | |
from rasterio.warp import calculate_default_transform, reproject, Resampling | |
import json | |
# Set page configuration | |
st.set_page_config(layout="wide") | |
# Define the custom CSS style for the title and subtitle | |
custom_css = """ | |
<style> | |
@import url(';700&display=swap'); | |
.title-custom-style { | |
font-family: 'SpaceGrotesk-Light'; | |
font-size: 64px; | |
font-weight: 500; | |
color: #fff; | |
margin-bottom: 25px; | |
margin-top: 125px; | |
margin-left: 280px; | |
text-shadow: 2px 2px 4px rgba(1, 1, 1, 1); | |
} | |
.subtitle-custom-style { | |
font-family: 'SpaceGrotesk-Medium'; | |
max-width: 620px; | |
margin-left: 280px; | |
font-weight: 20; | |
text-transform: uppercase; | |
color: #fff; | |
font-size: 15px; | |
} | |
</style> | |
""" | |
import streamlit as st | |
os.system('pip install streamlit-navigation-bar') | |
from streamlit_navigation_bar import st_navbar | |
pages = ["Home","Worldwide Analysis"] | |
styles = { | |
"nav": { | |
"background-color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)", | |
# Add 50% transparency | |
}, | |
"div": { | |
"max-width": "32rem", | |
}, | |
"span": { | |
"border-radius": "0.26rem", | |
"color": "rgb(255 ,255, 255)", | |
"margin": "0 0.225rem", | |
"padding": "0.375rem 0.625rem", | |
}, | |
"active": { | |
"background-color": "rgba(0 ,0, 200, 0.95)", | |
}, | |
"hover": { | |
"background-color": "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.95)", | |
}, | |
} | |
page = st_navbar(pages, styles=styles) | |
page = st.sidebar.selectbox("",pages) | |
# Apply the custom CSS style and HTML title using Markdown | |
st.markdown(f"{custom_css}<h1 class='title-custom-style'>Real-Time Reservoir Monitoring Platform</h1>", unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
st.markdown("<h2 class='subtitle-custom-style'>This software allows you to monitorize the volume storage of almost any water body at your choice. It is still in beta version.</h2>", unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
import psutil | |
import streamlit as st | |
# Authenticate to the Earth Engine servers | |
#ee.Authenticate() | |
#use this line if necessary to authenticate on Google Earth Engine API project | |
# Access the secret as an environment variable | |
gee_secret_service_account = os.getenv("gee_secret_service_account") | |
if gee_secret_service_account: | |
# Parse the JSON string | |
service_account_info_dict = json.loads(gee_secret_service_account) | |
# Authenticate with Google Earth Engine | |
try: | |
service_account_email = service_account_info_dict["client_email"] | |
# Create a temporary JSON file for the credentials | |
with open("temp_service_account.json", "w") as temp_file: | |
json.dump(service_account_info_dict, temp_file) | |
# Authenticate using the temporary file | |
credentials = ee.ServiceAccountCredentials(service_account_email, "temp_service_account.json") | |
ee.Initialize(credentials) | |
print("Authenticated successfully with Google Earth Engine!") | |
except Exception as e: | |
print(f"Error authenticating with Google Earth Engine: {e}") | |
else: | |
print("Error: 'gee_secret_service_account' environment variable not found.") | |
# Function to process uploaded GeoJSON or KML file and return a GeoDataFrame | |
def process_uploaded_file(data): | |
_, file_extension = os.path.splitext( | |
file_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) | |
file_path = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), f"{file_id}{file_extension}") | |
with open(file_path, "wb") as file: | |
file.write( # Use to write file content | |
if file_extension.lower() == ".kml": | |
fiona.drvsupport.supported_drivers["KML"] = "rw" | |
gdf = gpd.read_file(file_path, driver="KML") | |
elif file_extension.lower() in [".geojson", ".json"]: | |
gdf = gpd.read_file(file_path) | |
else: | |
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported file format: {file_extension}") | |
return gdf | |
import streamlit as st | |
# Sidebar customization | |
st.sidebar.title("About") | |
st.sidebar.markdown( | |
""" | |
This Beta version allows you to visualize the volume storage, water surface elevation and other infor of the majority of reservoirs and lakes worlddwide, in real time using remote sensing, | |
created by João Pimenta | |
""" | |
) | |
# Create unique keys for each widget | |
world_key = "Worldwide anaysis" | |
if page == 'Home': | |
# Video URL (ensure it's accessible) | |
video_url = "" | |
# Fetch the video from the URL | |
response = requests.get(video_url) | |
# Check if the request was successful | |
if response.status_code == 200: | |
video_bytes = response.content | |
# Convert the video bytes to Base64 | |
video_base64 = base64.b64encode(video_bytes).decode("utf-8") | |
# Set the background video using CSS | |
st.markdown( | |
f""" | |
<style> | |
.stApp {{ | |
background-image: url('data:video/mp4;base64,{video_base64}'); | |
background-size: cover; | |
}} | |
</style> | |
""", | |
unsafe_allow_html=True | |
) | |
else: | |
st.error("Failed to load video. Please check the URL or your internet connection.") | |
elif page == "Worldwide Analysis": | |
st.title("Worldwide Analysis") | |
# File uploader for GeoJSON or KML | |
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload a GeoJSON or KML File") | |
HydroLakes = ee.FeatureCollection('projects/ee-joaopedromateusp/assets/HydroLAKES') | |
# List of feature collections | |
datasets = [ | |
ee.FeatureCollection('projects/ee-joaopedromateusp/assets/SWOT_files/SWOT_EU_21'), | |
ee.FeatureCollection('projects/ee-joaopedromateusp/assets/SWOT_files/SWOT_EU_22'), | |
ee.FeatureCollection('projects/ee-joaopedromateusp/assets/SWOT_files/SWOT_EU_23'), | |
ee.FeatureCollection('projects/ee-joaopedromateusp/assets/SWOT_files/SWOT_EU_24'), | |
ee.FeatureCollection('projects/ee-joaopedromateusp/assets/SWOT_files/SWOT_EU_25'), | |
ee.FeatureCollection('projects/ee-joaopedromateusp/assets/SWOT_files/SWOT_EU_26'), | |
ee.FeatureCollection('projects/ee-joaopedromateusp/assets/SWOT_files/SWOT_EU_27'), | |
ee.FeatureCollection('projects/ee-joaopedromateusp/assets/SWOT_files/SWOT_EU_29'), | |
# Add more datasets | |
] | |
# Initialize with the first dataset in the list | |
merged_dataset = datasets[0] | |
# Loop through and merge each subsequent dataset | |
for dataset in datasets[1:]: | |
merged_dataset = merged_dataset.merge(dataset) | |
night_mode = 'CartoDB.DarkMatter' | |
normal_mode = 'HYBRID' | |
# Options for confirming the reservoir selection | |
modes = ['day theme', 'night theme'] | |
# Select box to confirm selection | |
confirmation_mode = st.sidebar.selectbox("Choose this lake/reservoir", modes) | |
if confirmation_mode == 'day theme': | |
mode = normal_mode | |
else: | |
mode = normal_mode | |
# Step 1: Create a geemap Map object with the required plugins | |
m = geemap.Map( | |
basemap=mode, | |
plugin_Draw=True, | |
Draw_export=True, | |
locate_control=True, | |
plugin_LatLngPopup=True | |
) | |
m.set_center(13.5352, 48.8069, 5) | |
os.system('pip install streamlit-folium') | |
from streamlit_folium import st_folium | |
import folium | |
import json | |
# Define visualization parameters to color the polygons blue or yellow | |
vis_params = {'color': 'Blue'} | |
#m.addLayer(**vis_params), {}, 'HydroLakes') | |
# Add the HydroLakes layer to the map | |
m.addLayer(**vis_params), {}, 'Europe') | |
# JavaScript for click events to set session state | |
click_js = """ | |
function addClickHandler(map) { | |
map.on('click', function(e) { | |
const latlng = e.latlng; | |
const coords = [, latlng.lng]; | |
window.parent.postMessage(coords, '*'); | |
}); | |
} | |
addClickHandler(; | |
""" | |
# Add JavaScript to the map | |
m.add_child(folium.Element(f'<script>{click_js}</script>')) | |
# Display the map in Streamlit | |
st_data = st_folium(m, height=800, width=1600) | |
# Initialize session state for the selected ROI | |
if 'roi' not in st.session_state: | |
st.session_state['roi'] = None | |
if st_data['last_clicked']: | |
lat, lng = st_data['last_clicked']['lat'], st_data['last_clicked']['lng'] | |
point = ee.Geometry.Point([lng, lat]) | |
filtered = merged_dataset.filterBounds(point) | |
info = filtered.getInfo() | |
features = info['features'] | |
if features: | |
properties = features[0]['properties'] | |
coordinates = features[0]['geometry']['coordinates'] | |
# Extracting the required fields | |
lake_name = properties.get('names', 'N/A') | |
lake_id = properties.get('lake_id', 'N/A') | |
latitude = properties.get('lat', 'N/A') | |
longitude = properties.get('lon', 'N/A') | |
ref_area = properties.get('ref_area', 'N/A') | |
storage = properties.get('storage', 'N/A') | |
# Display metrics in Streamlit | |
st.title("Lake Information") | |
# Using Streamlit columns for a clean layout | |
#col1, col2 = st.columns(2) | |
#with col1: | |
#st.metric("Lake Name", lake_name) | |
#st.metric("Lake ID", lake_id) | |
#with col2: | |
#st.metric("Latitude", round(latitude, 4)) | |
#st.metric("Longitude", round(longitude, 4)) | |
# Display reference area with one decimal for clarity | |
#st.metric("Reference Area (sq km)", f"{ref_area:.1f}") | |
# Ensure coordinates are in the correct format for GeoJSON (swapping lon, lat to lat, lon) | |
#if isinstance(coordinates[0][0], list): # Check if it's a nested list (MultiPolygon or Polygon) | |
# Swap lon and lat if necessary | |
#coordinates = [list(map(lambda coord: [coord[1], coord[0]], sub_coord)) for sub_coord in coordinates] | |
# Create the Earth Engine geometry (assuming Polygon type) | |
aoi = ee.Geometry.Polygon(coordinates) | |
roi = aoi | |
globathy_dataset = ee.FeatureCollection("projects/ee-joaopedromateusp/assets/HydroLAKES") | |
# Add the HydroLakes layer to the map | |
m.addLayer(**vis_params), {}, 'Globathy') | |
point = ee.Geometry.Point([lng, lat]) | |
filtered = globathy_dataset.filterBounds(point) | |
info = filtered.getInfo() | |
features = info['features'] | |
if features: | |
properties = features[0]['properties'] | |
hydrolakes_id = properties.get('Hylak_id', 'N/A') | |
Vol_res = properties.get('Vol_res','N/A') | |
Grand_id = properties.get('Grand_id','N/A') | |
# Using Streamlit columns for a clean layout | |
col1, col2 = st.columns(2) | |
with col1: | |
st.metric("Hydrolakes ID", hydrolakes_id) | |
st.metric("Maximum Volume", Vol_res) | |
with col2: | |
st.metric("GranD ID", Grand_id) | |
import ee | |
import geemap | |
import os | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
import rasterio | |
from rasterio.plot import show | |
from skimage import measure | |
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, box | |
from shapely.ops import transform | |
import numpy as np | |
import json | |
# Filter Sentinel-2 images | |
sentinelImageCollection = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2') \ | |
.filterBounds(roi) \ | |
.filter('CLOUDY_PIXEL_PERCENTAGE', 5)) \ | |
.sort('system:time_start', False) # Sort by time_start in descending order | |
# Get the latest (first) image from the sorted collection | |
latest_image = sentinelImageCollection.first() | |
previous_image = sentinelImageCollection.toList(sentinelImageCollection.size()).get(1) | |
previous_image = ee.Image(previous_image) | |
# Define a function to calculate NDWI and mask | |
def calculate_ndwi_and_mask(image): | |
ndwi = image.normalizedDifference(['B3', 'B8']).rename('NDWI') | |
ndwi_threshold = ndwi.gte(0.0) | |
ndwi_mask = ndwi_threshold.updateMask(ndwi_threshold) | |
return ndwi_mask | |
# Apply the function to the latest image to calculate NDWI mask | |
ndwi_mask = calculate_ndwi_and_mask(latest_image) | |
ndwi_prev_mask = calculate_ndwi_and_mask(previous_image) | |
# Define a function to calculate water area | |
def calculate_water_area(image): | |
water_area = image.multiply(ee.Image.pixelArea()).reduceRegion( | |
reducer=ee.Reducer.sum(), | |
geometry=roi, | |
scale=5 | |
).get('NDWI') | |
return image.set('water_area', water_area) | |
# Calculate water area for the NDWI mask | |
ndwi_mask_with_area = calculate_water_area(ndwi_mask) | |
ndwi_pre_mask_with_area = calculate_water_area(ndwi_prev_mask) | |
m.add_marker(lat=lat, lon=lng, location=[lat, lng]) | |
m.set_center(lng, lat, 14) | |
globathy_dataset = ee.FeatureCollection("projects/ee-joaopedromateusp/assets/HydroLAKES") | |
# Add the HydroLakes layer to the map | |
m.addLayer(**vis_params), {}, 'Globathy') | |
point = ee.Geometry.Point([lng, lat]) | |
filtered = globathy_dataset.filterBounds(point) | |
info = filtered.getInfo() | |
features = info['features'] | |
if features: | |
properties = features[0]['properties'] | |
hydrolakes_id = properties.get('Hylak_id', 'N/A') | |
Vol_res = properties.get('Vol_res','N/A') | |
Grand_id = properties.get('Grand_id','N/A') | |
Country = properties.get('Country','N/A') | |
try: | |
# Get the water area information | |
water_area_info = ndwi_mask_with_area.get('water_area').getInfo() | |
pre_water_area_info = ndwi_pre_mask_with_area.get('water_area').getInfo() | |
prev = round((pre_water_area_info / 1e6), 2) | |
water_area_km2 = round((water_area_info / 1e6), 2) | |
variance = round(((water_area_km2 - prev) / prev) * 100, 2) # Calculate variance as a percentage | |
import netCDF4 as nc | |
import numpy as np | |
# Open the NetCDF file | |
nc_file = nc.Dataset('/Users/joaopimenta/Downloads/Master thesis/') | |
# Specify the lake ID you want to search for | |
target_lake_id = hydrolakes_id # Replace this with the actual lake ID you're interested in | |
# Find the index of the lake based on the lake ID | |
lake_ids = nc_file.variables['lake_id'][:] | |
# Check if the target lake ID exists in the lake_id variable | |
lake_index = np.where(lake_ids == target_lake_id)[0] | |
if len(lake_index) == 0: | |
st.write("Lake not found in the dataset.") | |
else: | |
lake_index = lake_index[0] # Use the first match if found | |
# Extract coefficients of the area-storage equation for the identified lake | |
area_storage_coeffs = nc_file.variables['f_hA'][lake_index, :] | |
lon_lat = nc_file.variables['lon_lat'][lake_index, :] | |
import numpy as np | |
# Coefficients obtained from the NetCDF dataset | |
a = area_storage_coeffs[0] | |
b = area_storage_coeffs[1] | |
# Calculate the volume using the area-storage equation | |
volume = ((water_area_info/1e6) / a) ** (1 / b) | |
volume_prev = ((pre_water_area_info/1e6) / a) ** (1 / b) | |
vol_variance = round(((volume - volume_prev) / volume_prev) * 100, 2) | |
except Exception as e: | |
st.write("Error retrieving water area information:", e) | |
# Using Streamlit columns for a clean layout | |
col1, col2 = st.columns(2) | |
with col1: | |
st.metric("Lake Name", lake_name) | |
st.metric("Lake ID", lake_id) | |
st.metric("Hydrolakes ID", hydrolakes_id) | |
st.metric("Maximum Volume(10⁸ m³)", Vol_res/10) | |
with col2: | |
# Display metric with variance as delta | |
st.metric( | |
label="Current Water Area", | |
value=f"{water_area_km2} km²", | |
delta=f"{variance}%", # Add percentage change as delta | |
delta_color="normal", | |
help=None, | |
label_visibility="visible", | |
) | |
st.metric( | |
label="Current Water Volume", | |
value=f"{round(volume,2)} x10⁸m³", | |
delta=f"{vol_variance}%", # Add percentage change as delta | |
delta_color="normal", | |
help=None, | |
label_visibility="visible", | |
) | |
st.metric("Country",Country) | |
st.metric("GranD ID", Grand_id) | |
else: | |
st.write("No features were selected") | |
# Highlight the selected lake | |
m.addLayer(ee.Image().paint(aoi, 1, 3), {'palette': 'red'}, 'Selected Lake') | |
else: | |
st.write('No polygon found at clicked location.') | |
# Function to export ROI as GeoJSON | |
def export_roi_as_geojson(roi): | |
if roi: | |
roi_geojson = roi.getInfo() | |
if roi_geojson.get('type') == 'Polygon': | |
geojson_str = json.dumps(roi_geojson) | |
return geojson_str | |
else: | |
st.error("GeoJSON type is not supported.") | |
return None | |
else: | |
st.error("No ROI available.") | |
return None | |
geojson_str = export_roi_as_geojson(aoi) | |
if geojson_str: | |
st.download_button( | |
label="Download ROI as GeoJSON", | |
data=geojson_str, | |
file_name="roi.geojson", | |
mime="application/geo+json" | |
) | |
# Options for confirming the reservoir selection | |
box_reservoir = ['No', 'Yes'] | |
# Select box to confirm selection | |
confirmation = st.selectbox("Choose this lake/reservoir", box_reservoir) | |
# Handle the selection | |
if confirmation == 'Yes': | |
st.session_state['roi'] = aoi # Store the selected ROI in session state | |
roi = aoi # Set the roi for further processing | |
st.success("Reservoir selected successfully!") | |
else: | |
st.warning("No reservoir selected yet.") | |
# If a region of interest (ROI) is available, provide download | |
if uploaded_file is not None: | |
try: | |
gdf = process_uploaded_file(uploaded_file) | |
if not gdf.empty: | |
roi_fc = geemap.geopandas_to_ee(gdf) | |
roi_geometry = roi_fc.geometry() | |
aoi = roi_geometry | |
st.session_state['roi'] = aoi # Store the selected ROI in session state | |
roi = aoi # Set the roi for further processing | |
st.success("Reservoir selected successfully!") | |
# Add markers for each feature in the GeoDataFrame | |
for index, row in gdf.iterrows(): | |
latitude, longitude = row.geometry.centroid.coords[0] # Get centroid coordinates | |
m.add_marker(location =[lng,lat]) | |
# Set the map center and zoom level based on the selected location | |
m.set_center(lat, lng, 12) | |
globathy_dataset = ee.FeatureCollection("projects/ee-joaopedromateusp/assets/HydroLAKES") | |
# Add the HydroLakes layer to the map | |
m.addLayer(**vis_params), {}, 'Globathy') | |
point = ee.Geometry.Point([lng, lat]) | |
filtered = globathy_dataset.filterBounds(point) | |
info = filtered.getInfo() | |
features = info['features'] | |
if features: | |
properties = features[0]['properties'] | |
hydrolakes_id = properties.get('Hylak_id', 'N/A') | |
Vol_res = properties.get('Vol_res','N/A') | |
Grand_id = properties.get('Grand_id','N/A') | |
# Using Streamlit columns for a clean layout | |
col1, col2 = st.columns(2) | |
with col1: | |
st.metric("Hydrolakes ID", hydrolakes_id) | |
st.metric("Maximum Volume", Vol_res) | |
with col2: | |
st.metric("GranD ID", Grand_id) | |
m.addLayer(roi_fc, {}, "Uploaded Data") | |
except Exception as e: | |
st.write(f"Error processing uploaded file: {e}") | |
if 'roi' in st.session_state and 'aoi' in locals(): | |
roi = aoi # Use the selected ROI | |
# Create a select box for choosing the area-volume relationship method | |
opt = ["Don't have that info", "Write the A-V function of your reservoir", "upload excel sheet", "upload the DEM"] | |
method = st.sidebar.selectbox( | |
"Choose the area-volume relationship input", | |
opt, | |
key="method") | |
if method == ("Write the A-V function of your reservoir"): | |
volumes =[] | |
column1, column2 = st.sidebar.columns(2) | |
with column1: | |
a = st.number_input("Coefficient a") | |
with column2 : | |
b = st.number_input("Coefficient b") | |
elif method == ("upload excel sheet"): | |
# File uploader for Excel files | |
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload an Excel File", type=["xlsx"]) | |
if uploaded_file is not None: | |
# Add an input box for the user to enter a sheet index number | |
sheet_index = int(st.number_input("Enter the index of the Excel sheet (first sheet is 0)", min_value=0)) | |
st.write("You entered sheet index:", sheet_index) | |
try: | |
# Load the Excel file into a DataFrame from the specified sheet | |
df = pd.read_excel(uploaded_file, sheet_name=sheet_index) | |
# Check if the required columns are present | |
if 'ÁREA (m2)' not in df.columns or 'VOLUME (m3)' not in df.columns: | |
st.error("Required columns 'ÁREA (m2)' or 'VOLUME (m3)' not found in the sheet.") | |
else: | |
# Drop rows with NaN values in the required columns | |
df = df.dropna(subset=['ÁREA (m2)', 'VOLUME (m3)']) | |
# Initialize a dictionary | |
dictionary = {} | |
# Populate the dictionary with 'ÁREA (m2)' as keys and 'VOLUME (m3)' as values | |
for index, row in df.iterrows(): | |
area = row['ÁREA (m2)'] | |
volume = row['VOLUME (m3)'] | |
dictionary[area] = volume | |
# Display the created dictionary | |
st.write("dictionary =", dictionary) | |
except ValueError as e: | |
st.error(f"Error reading sheet index {sheet_index}: {e}") | |
except Exception as e: | |
st.error(f"An error occurred: {e}") | |
elif method == "upload the DEM": | |
import rasterio | |
import numpy as np | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable | |
# File uploader for GeoTIFF | |
dem_file = st.file_uploader("Upload a GeoTIFF File") | |
if dem_file is not None: | |
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as tmp_file: | |
tmp_file.write(dem_file.getbuffer()) | |
tmp_file_path = | |
# Load the raster data | |
lakeRst = | |
st.write("Number of bands:", lakeRst.count) | |
# Raster resolution | |
resolution = lakeRst.res | |
st.write("Resolution:", resolution) | |
# Read the first band (assuming single band raster) | |
lakeBottom = | |
st.write("Sample raster data:\n", lakeBottom[:5, :5]) | |
# Replace no-data value with np.nan | |
noDataValue = np.copy(lakeBottom[0, 0]) | |
lakeBottom = lakeBottom.astype(float) | |
lakeBottom[lakeBottom == noDataValue] = np.nan | |
# Display the raster data | |
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12)) | |
plt.imshow(lakeBottom, cmap='viridis') | |
plt.title('Lake Bottom Elevation') | |
plt.colorbar(label='Elevation (masl)') | |
st.pyplot(plt) | |
# Calculate minimum and maximum elevation | |
minElev = np.nanmin(lakeBottom) | |
maxElev = np.nanmax(lakeBottom) | |
st.write('Min bottom elevation: %.2f m, Max bottom elevation: %.2f m' % (minElev, maxElev)) | |
# Define the number of steps for calculation | |
nSteps = 20 | |
# Generate elevation steps | |
elevSteps = np.round(np.linspace(minElev, maxElev, nSteps), 2) | |
st.write("Elevation steps:", elevSteps) | |
# Define function to calculate volume at a given elevation step | |
def calculateVol(elevStep, elevDem, lakeRst): | |
tempDem = elevStep - elevDem[elevDem < elevStep] | |
tempVol = tempDem.sum() * lakeRst.res[0] * lakeRst.res[1] | |
return tempVol | |
# Define function to calculate inundated area for a given elevation | |
def calculateArea(elevStep, elevDem): | |
inundated_mask = np.where(elevDem <= elevStep, 1, 0) | |
area = np.sum(inundated_mask) * resolution[0] * resolution[1] | |
return area | |
# Calculate volumes and areas for each elevation step | |
volArray = [] | |
areaArray = [] | |
for elev in elevSteps: | |
tempVol = calculateVol(elev, lakeBottom, lakeRst) | |
tempArea = calculateArea(elev, lakeBottom) | |
volArray.append(tempVol) | |
areaArray.append(tempArea) | |
st.write(f"Elevation: {elev}, Area: {tempArea}, Volume: {tempVol / 1e6} MCM") | |
# Convert volumes to million cubic meters | |
volArrayMCM = [round(vol / 1e6, 2) for vol in volArray] | |
# Print results | |
st.write("Elevation steps (m):", elevSteps) | |
st.write("Volumes (MCM):", volArrayMCM) | |
# Plot elevation vs volume | |
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 5)) | |
ax.plot(volArrayMCM, elevSteps, label='Lake Volume Curve') | |
ax.grid(True) | |
ax.legend() | |
ax.set_xlabel('Volume (MCM)') | |
ax.set_ylabel('Elevation (masl)') | |
st.pyplot(fig) | |
# Plot lake bottom elevation and volume curve side by side | |
fig, [ax1, ax2] = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(20, 8), gridspec_kw={'width_ratios': [2, 1]}) | |
ax1.set_title('Lake Bottom Elevation') | |
botElev = ax1.imshow(lakeBottom, cmap='viridis') | |
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax1) | |
cax = divider.append_axes('bottom', size='5%', pad=0.5) | |
fig.colorbar(botElev, cax=cax, orientation='horizontal', label='Elevation (masl)') | |
ax2.plot(volArrayMCM, elevSteps, label='Lake Volume Curve') | |
ax2.grid(True) | |
ax2.legend() | |
ax2.set_xlabel('Volume (MCM)') | |
ax2.set_ylabel('Elevation (masl)') | |
st.pyplot(fig) | |
# Print elevation and corresponding inundated area | |
st.write("Elevation (m) Inundated Area (sq. meters)") | |
for elev, area in zip(elevSteps, areaArray): | |
st.write("{:.2f} {:.2f}".format(elev, area)) | |
st.write("Inundated Area (sq. meters) Volume (MCM)") | |
for area, vol in zip(areaArray, volArrayMCM): | |
st.write("{:.2f} {:.2f}".format(area, vol)) | |
# Plot the inundated area-volume curve | |
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6)) | |
ax.plot(areaArray, volArrayMCM, label='Inundated Area-Volume Curve') | |
ax.set_xlabel('Inundated Area (square meters)') | |
ax.set_ylabel('Volume (MCM)') | |
ax.grid(True) | |
ax.legend() | |
plt.title('Inundated Area-Volume Curve') | |
st.pyplot(fig) | |
# Create and display area-volume curve dictionary | |
area_volume_curve = {} | |
for area,vol in zip(areaArray, volArrayMCM): | |
area_volume_curve[float(area)]= vol | |
st.write(area_volume_curve) | |
import datetime | |
# Date input for filtering Sentinel-2 images | |
startDate = st.sidebar.date_input("Start Date", value=None, min_value=None, max_value=None, key=None, help=None, on_change=None, args=None, kwargs=None, format="YYYY/MM/DD", disabled=False, label_visibility="visible") | |
endDate = st.sidebar.date_input("End Date",, min_value=None, max_value=None, key=None, help=None, on_change=None, args=None, kwargs=None, format="YYYY/MM/DD", disabled=False, label_visibility="visible") | |
# Sidebar selection for output | |
output = st.sidebar.multiselect("Select the output", | |
["Water Area", "Water Surface Elevation", "Water Volume", | |
"Bathymetry file", "Timelapse", "Storage-Capacity curve" | |
]) | |"Choose the cloud coverage percentage of the satellite images") | |
threshold = st.sidebar.slider("Cloud Percentage Threshold", 0, 20, 5) | |
if st.sidebar.button("Start computing") and startDate and endDate and threshold: | |
if "Timelapse" in output: | |
with st.spinner('Creating Timelapse...'): | |
# Export the GIF | |
import geemap | |
gif_path = "/Users/joaopimenta/Downloads/Master thesis/Python scripts/Test_gee/ndwi_timelapse.gif" | |
Map = geemap.Map() | |
Map.add_landsat_ts_gif(layer_name='Timelapse', roi=roi, label=f'{lat}, {lng}', start_year=2021, end_year=2024, start_date='06-10', end_date='09-20', bands=['SWIR1', 'NIR', 'Red'], vis_params=None, dimensions=768, frames_per_second=2, font_size=30, font_color='white', add_progress_bar=True, progress_bar_color='white', progress_bar_height=5, out_gif=gif_path, download=True, apply_fmask=True, nd_bands=None, nd_threshold=0, nd_palette=['black', 'blue']) | |
file_ = open(gif_path, "rb") | |
contents = | |
data_url = base64.b64encode(contents).decode("utf-8") | |
file_.close() | |
st.markdown( | |
f'<img src="data:image/gif;base64,{data_url}" alt="timelapse gif">', | |
unsafe_allow_html=True, | |
) | |
# Convert the date objects to strings in the format expected by EE | |
start_date_str = startDate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') | |
end_date_str = endDate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') | |
sentinel_image_collection = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2') \ | |
.filterBounds(roi) \ | |
.filterDate(start_date_str, end_date_str) | |
sentinel_image = sentinel_image_collection \ | |
.first() \ | |
.clip(roi) | |
# Visualize using RGB | |
m.addLayer(sentinel_image, | |
{'min': 0.0, 'max': 2000, 'bands': ['B4', 'B3', 'B2']}, | |
'RGB') | |
ndwi = sentinel_image.normalizedDifference(['B3', 'B8']).rename('NDWI') | |
m.addLayer(ndwi, | |
{'palette': ['red', 'yellow', 'green', 'cyan', 'blue']}, | |
'NDWI') | |
# Create NDWI mask | |
ndwi_threshold = ndwi.gte(0.0) | |
ndwi_mask = ndwi_threshold.updateMask(ndwi_threshold) | |
m.addLayer(ndwi_threshold, | |
{'palette': ['black', 'white']}, | |
'NDWI Binary Mask') | |
m.addLayer(ndwi_mask, | |
{'palette': ['blue']}, | |
'NDWI Mask') | |
if "Water Surface Elevation" in output: | |
# Send a request to the Hydrocron API to get lake data in CSV format | |
url = ( | |
"" | |
"feature=PriorLake" | |
f"&feature_id={lake_id}" | |
f"&start_time={start_date_str}T00:00:00Z" | |
f"&end_time={end_date_str}T00:00:00Z" | |
"&output=csv" | |
"&fields=time_str,wse" | |
) | |
# Request the data | |
hydrocron_response = requests.get(url).json() | |
# Extract CSV data from the response | |
csv_str = hydrocron_response['results']['csv'] | |
# Convert the CSV string into a pandas DataFrame | |
df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(csv_str)) | |
# Prepare to plot water surface elevation (WSE) and area | |
# Convert 'time_str' column to datetime format | |
df['time_str'] = pd.to_datetime(df['time_str'], errors='coerce') | |
# Filter and store dates and elevations | |
df_filtered = df.dropna(subset=['time_str', 'wse']) | |
df_filtered['wse'] = pd.to_numeric(df_filtered['wse'], errors='coerce') | |
df_filtered = df_filtered.dropna(subset=['wse']) | |
# Plot water surface elevation (WSE) over time | |
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) | |
plt.plot(df_filtered['time_str'], df_filtered['wse'], marker='o', linestyle='-') | |
plt.xlabel('Date') | |
plt.ylabel('Water Surface Elevation (m)') | |
plt.title(f'Water Surface Elevation for Lake {lake_name}') | |
plt.xticks(rotation=45) | |
plt.grid(True) | |
# Show the plot in Streamlit | |
st.pyplot(plt) | |
# Display the filtered DataFrame | |
st.write(df_filtered[['time_str', 'wse']]) | |
with st.spinner('Retrieving satilite images...'): | |
#Define a function to calculate NDWI | |
def calculate_ndwi(image): | |
ndwi = image.normalizedDifference(["B8", "B3"]) # B8 is NIR and B3 is green | |
return ndwi | |
# Filter Sentinel-2 images | |
sentinelImageCollection = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2') \ | |
.filterBounds(roi) \ | |
.filterDate(start_date_str, end_date_str) \ | |
.filter('CLOUDY_PIXEL_PERCENTAGE', threshold)) \ | |
# Check if images are available | |
num_images = sentinelImageCollection.size().getInfo() | |
st.write("Number of images:", num_images) | |
volumes = [] | |
# Alternatively, convert acquisition times to readable format (if needed) | |
acquisition_times = sentinelImageCollection.aggregate_array('system:time_start').getInfo() | |
acquisition_dates = [datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(time / 1000).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') for time in acquisition_times] | |
if num_images == 0: | |
st.warning("No images available within the specified date range.") | |
else: | |
if threshold >= 15: | |
st.write("CLoudless Algorithm will identify and remove the effects of clouds and shadows") | |
START_DATE = start_date_str | |
END_DATE = end_date_str | |
NIR_DRK_THRESH = 0.15 | |
CLD_PRJ_DIST = 2 | |
BUFFER = 100 | |
# Function to get Sentinel-2 surface reflectance and cloud probability collections | |
def get_s2_sr_cld_col(aoi, start_date, end_date): | |
s2_sr_col = (ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2_SR') | |
.filterBounds(aoi) | |
.filterDate(start_date, end_date) | |
.filter(ee.Filter.lte('CLOUDY_PIXEL_PERCENTAGE', CLOUD_FILTER))) | |
s2_cloudless_col = (ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2_CLOUD_PROBABILITY') | |
.filterBounds(aoi) | |
.filterDate(start_date, end_date)) | |
return ee.ImageCollection(ee.Join.saveFirst('s2cloudless').apply(**{ | |
'primary': s2_sr_col, | |
'secondary': s2_cloudless_col, | |
'condition': ee.Filter.equals(**{ | |
'leftField': 'system:index', | |
'rightField': 'system:index' | |
}) | |
})) | |
# Apply the function to build the collection | |
s2_sr_cld_col = get_s2_sr_cld_col(roi, START_DATE, END_DATE) | |
# Function to get cloud cover percentage for an image | |
def get_cloud_cover_percentage(image): | |
cloud_cover = ee.Image(image).get('CLOUDY_PIXEL_PERCENTAGE') | |
return ee.Feature(None, {'cloud_cover': cloud_cover, 'image_id':}) | |
# Apply the function to the collection | |
image_list = | |
# Debug: Print the properties of the first image to inspect the available properties | |
print("Inspecting the first image's properties:") | |
print(image_list['features'][0]['properties']) | |
# Extract the image ids, cloud covers, and dates (if available) | |
image_info = [] | |
for f in image_list['features']: | |
image_id = f['properties'].get('image_id', 'Unknown') | |
cloud_cover = f['properties'].get('cloud_cover', 'Unknown') | |
timestamp = f['properties'].get('system:time_start', None) | |
# If timestamp is None, we'll set it to 'Unknown' | |
if timestamp: | |
date = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp / 1000).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') | |
else: | |
date = 'Unknown' | |
image_info.append((image_id, cloud_cover, date)) | |
print("Available images and their cloud cover percentages:") | |
for idx, (image_id, cloud_cover, date) in enumerate(image_info): | |
print(f"{idx}: Image ID: {image_id}, Date: {date}, Cloud Cover: {cloud_cover}%") | |
water_area_info = [] | |
# Count the number of images in the collection | |
num_images = s2_sr_cld_col.size().getInfo() | |
print(f"Total number of images in the collection: {num_images}") | |
# Loop through each image in the collection and print its cloud cover | |
for i in range(num_images): | |
selected_idx = i | |
selected_image_id = image_info[selected_idx][0] | |
cloud_cover = image_info[selected_idx][1] # Get the cloud cover for the selected image | |
selected_image = ee.Image(s2_sr_cld_col.filter(ee.Filter.eq('system:index', selected_image_id)).first()) | |
print(f"Image ID: {selected_image_id}, Cloud Cover: {cloud_cover}%") | |
if cloud_cover >= 15: | |
# Define functions to add cloud and shadow bands | |
def add_cloud_bands(img): | |
cld_prb = ee.Image(img.get('s2cloudless')).select('probability') | |
is_cloud ='clouds') | |
return img.addBands(ee.Image([cld_prb, is_cloud])) | |
def add_shadow_bands(img): | |
not_water ='SCL').neq(6) | |
SR_BAND_SCALE = 1e4 | |
dark_pixels ='B8').lt(NIR_DRK_THRESH * SR_BAND_SCALE).multiply(not_water).rename('dark_pixels') | |
shadow_azimuth = ee.Number(90).subtract(ee.Number(img.get('MEAN_SOLAR_AZIMUTH_ANGLE'))) | |
cld_proj = ('clouds').directionalDistanceTransform(shadow_azimuth, CLD_PRJ_DIST * 10) | |
.reproject(, scale=100) | |
.select('distance').mask().rename('cloud_transform')) | |
shadows = cld_proj.multiply(dark_pixels).rename('shadows') | |
return img.addBands(ee.Image([dark_pixels, cld_proj, shadows])) | |
def add_cld_shdw_mask(img): | |
img_cloud = add_cloud_bands(img) | |
img_cloud_shadow = add_shadow_bands(img_cloud) | |
is_cld_shdw ='clouds').add('shadows')).gt(0) | |
is_cld_shdw = (is_cld_shdw.focalMin(2).focalMax(BUFFER * 2 / 20) | |
.reproject([0]).projection(), scale=20) | |
.rename('cloudmask')) | |
return img_cloud_shadow.addBands(is_cld_shdw) | |
# Define the function to apply the cloud and shadow mask | |
def apply_cld_shdw_mask(img): | |
not_cld_shdw ='cloudmask').Not() | |
return'B.*').updateMask(not_cld_shdw) | |
# Add cloud and shadow bands, apply the mask | |
selected_image_with_mask = add_cld_shdw_mask(selected_image) | |
cloud_free_image = apply_cld_shdw_mask(selected_image_with_mask) | |
# Define a function to calculate NDWI and mask | |
def calculate_ndwi_and_mask(image): | |
ndwi = image.normalizedDifference(['B3', 'B8']).rename('NDWI') | |
ndwi_threshold = ndwi.gte(0.0) | |
ndwi_mask = ndwi_threshold.updateMask(ndwi_threshold) | |
return ndwi_mask | |
# Apply the function to the latest image to calculate NDWI mask | |
ndwi_mask = calculate_ndwi_and_mask(selected_image) | |
# Define a function to calculate water area | |
def calculate_water_area(image): | |
water_area = image.multiply(ee.Image.pixelArea()).reduceRegion( | |
reducer=ee.Reducer.sum(), | |
geometry=roi, | |
scale=5 | |
).get('NDWI') | |
return image.set('water_area', water_area) | |
# Calculate water area for the NDWI mask | |
ndwi_mask_with_area = calculate_water_area(ndwi_mask) | |
waterarea = ndwi_mask_with_area.get('water_area').getInfo() | |
w = waterarea | |
#print(f"This is the water area of the NDWI image:{w}") | |
# Load the bathymetry dataset from Earth Engine | |
globathy = ee.Image("projects/sat-io/open-datasets/GLOBathy/GLOBathy_bathymetry") | |
# Export the data as an image | |
out_dir = "/Users/joaopimenta/Desktop/GEE_test" # Specify the output directory | |
if not os.path.exists(out_dir): | |
os.makedirs(out_dir) | |
out_image_path = os.path.join(out_dir, "globathy_bathymetry.tif") # Specify the output image path | |
# Export the image | |
geemap.ee_export_image(globathy, filename=out_image_path, scale=10, region=roi) | |
# Load Bathymetry image | |
bathymetry_path = out_image_path | |
bathymetry_dataset = | |
#print(f"This is the ndwi area of the lake {ndwi_masked_area}") | |
# Export the binary water mask to a GeoTIFF file | |
folder_name ="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + "_dam_volume_images_tif" | |
directory = "/Users/joaopimenta/Desktop" | |
folder_path = os.path.join(directory, folder_name) | |
os.makedirs(folder_path) | |
geemap.ee_export_image( | |
ndwi_mask, | |
filename=os.path.join(folder_path, "binary_NDWI.tif"), | |
region=roi, | |
scale=10 | |
) | |
file_name = "binary_NDWI.tif" | |
file_path = os.path.join(folder_path, file_name) | |
# Load NDWI image | |
ndwi_path = file_path # Update this path | |
ndwi_dataset = | |
ndwi = | |
with as src: | |
ndwi_data = # Read the first band | |
transform = src.transform | |
# Convert NDWI to binary format for visualization | |
binary_ndwi = np.where(ndwi_data == 1, 255, 0).astype(np.uint8) | |
# Calculate the area of the detected water bodies from binary mask | |
def calculate_area(image, transform): | |
# Mask the image to include only water | |
water_mask = image == 0 | |
# Compute the area in square meters | |
pixel_area = abs(transform[0] * transform[4]) # pixel size (in square meters) | |
water_area_pixels = np.sum(water_mask) | |
total_area_m2 = water_area_pixels * pixel_area | |
return total_area_m2 | |
# Calculate the area using the converted binary mask | |
total_area_m2 = calculate_area(binary_ndwi, transform)/ 1e3 | |
#print(f"Total area calculated from binary mask: {total_area_m2 :.2f} km²") | |
# Plot the results | |
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10)) | |
# Binary NDWI (K-means method) | |
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) | |
plt.imshow(binary_ndwi, cmap='gray') | |
plt.title('Binary NDWI (K-means)') | |
# Identified contour (K-means method) | |
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) | |
contour_image = np.zeros_like(binary_ndwi) | |
contours, _ = cv2.findContours(binary_ndwi, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) | |
if contours: | |
cv2.drawContours(contour_image, [max(contours, key=cv2.contourArea)], -1, (255), 2) | |
plt.imshow(contour_image, cmap='gray') | |
plt.title('Identified Dam Contour (K-means)') | | | |
# Check for cloud pixels within the dam (ROI) | |
cloud_pixels_in_roi ='cloudmask').reduceRegion( | |
reducer=ee.Reducer.sum(), | |
geometry=roi, | |
scale=10 | |
).get('cloudmask').getInfo() | |
print(f"This is the cloud pixels in the ROI:{cloud_pixels_in_roi}") | |
# Export the cloud mask | |
geemap.ee_export_image( | |'cloudmask'), | |
filename=os.path.join(folder_path, "cloud_mask.tif"), | |
region=roi, | |
scale=10 | |
) | |
cloud_mask_path = os.path.join(folder_path, "cloud_mask.tif") | |
cloud_mask_dataset = | |
cloud_mask = | |
# Reproject the cloud mask to match NDWI resolution | |
resampled_cloud_mask = np.empty_like(ndwi) | |
reproject( | |
source=cloud_mask, | |
destination=resampled_cloud_mask, | |
src_transform=cloud_mask_dataset.transform, | |, | |
dst_transform=ndwi_dataset.transform, | |, | |
resampling=Resampling.nearest) | |
# Mask the NDWI image by removing cloud pixels | |
ndwi_masked = np.where(resampled_cloud_mask == 0, ndwi, np.nan) | |
# Load Bathymetry image | |
bathymetry_dataset = | |
# Reproject Bathymetry to the NDWI CRS | |
dst_crs = | |
transform, width, height = calculate_default_transform( | |, dst_crs, bathymetry_dataset.width, | |
bathymetry_dataset.height, *bathymetry_dataset.bounds) | |
kwargs = bathymetry_dataset.meta.copy() | |
kwargs.update({ | |
'crs': dst_crs, | |
'transform': transform, | |
'width': width, | |
'height': height | |
}) | |
reprojected_bathymetry = np.empty((height, width), dtype=np.float32) | |
reproject( | |, 1), | |
destination=reprojected_bathymetry, | |
src_transform=bathymetry_dataset.transform, | |, | |
dst_transform=transform, | |
dst_crs=dst_crs, | |
resampling=Resampling.nearest) | |
# Resample Bathymetry to match NDWI resolution | |
resampled_bathymetry = np.empty_like(ndwi) | |
reproject( | |
source=reprojected_bathymetry, | |
destination=resampled_bathymetry, | |
src_transform=transform, | |
src_crs=dst_crs, | |
dst_transform=ndwi_dataset.transform, | |
dst_crs=dst_crs, | |
resampling=Resampling.bilinear) | |
# Plot the images | |
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10)) | |
# Plot the NDWI image | |
ndwi_extent = (ndwi_dataset.bounds.left, ndwi_dataset.bounds.right, | |
ndwi_dataset.bounds.bottom, | |
cax_ndwi = ax.imshow(ndwi_masked, cmap='Blues', extent=ndwi_extent, | |
alpha=0.6) | |
# Overlay the Bathymetry image | |
bathy_extent = (ndwi_dataset.bounds.left, ndwi_dataset.bounds.right, | |
ndwi_dataset.bounds.bottom, | |
cax_bathy = ax.imshow(resampled_bathymetry, cmap='viridis', | |
extent=bathy_extent, alpha=0.4) | |
fig.colorbar(cax_bathy, ax=ax, fraction=0.046, pad=0.04, | |
label='Bathymetry') | |
# Plot the NDWI cloud-removed image | |
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10)) | |
# Plot the NDWI image | |
ndwi_extent = (ndwi_dataset.bounds.left, ndwi_dataset.bounds.right, ndwi_dataset.bounds.bottom, | |
cax_ndwi = ax.imshow(ndwi_masked, cmap='Blues', extent=ndwi_extent) | |
fig.colorbar(cax_ndwi, ax=ax, fraction=0.046, pad=0.04, label='NDWI') | |
# Get the cloud mask from the selected image | |
cloud_mask ='cloudmask') | |
# Apply cloud mask to the NDWI mask | |
ndwi_cloud_removed_mask = ndwi_mask.updateMask(cloud_mask.Not()) | |
# Calculate the pixel area for the masked NDWI image | |
pixel_area = ndwi_cloud_removed_mask.multiply(ee.Image.pixelArea()) | |
# Reduce the region to calculate the total water area | |
water_area = pixel_area.reduceRegion( | |
reducer=ee.Reducer.sum(), | |
geometry=roi, | |
scale=10, # Adjust the scale as needed | |
maxPixels=1e10 | |
) | |
# Assuming water_area is the result from reduceRegion | |
water = water_area.getInfo().get('NDWI') | |
print(water) | |
# Get the total water area in square meters | |
total_water_area_m2 = total_area_m2 | |
# Convert the area to square kilometers | |
total_water_area_km2 = total_water_area_m2 / 1e6# Convert the area to square kilometers | |
total_water_area_adjusted = total_water_area_m2 | |
area_cloud_aftected = w - total_water_area_adjusted | |
cloud_affect_percentage = area_cloud_aftected/ cloud_pixels_in_roi | |
print(f"The total NDWI water area is:{w}") | |
print(f"The adjusted water area is: {total_water_area_adjusted}") | |
print(f"The total amount of pixels covering the reservoir is:{area_cloud_aftected}") | |
print(f"This is the area cloud pixels in the ROI:{cloud_pixels_in_roi*10}") | |
print(f"The percentage of pixels which affect the reservoir's area are :{cloud_affect_percentage}") | |
if cloud_pixels_in_roi > 0: | |
import rasterio | |
import numpy as np | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
from skimage import measure | |
from shapely.geometry import Polygon | |
from pyproj import Transformer | |
import rasterio.transform | |
from scipy.ndimage import binary_fill_holes # To fill inside polygons | |
from rasterio.warp import reproject, Resampling, calculate_default_transform | |
# Path to bathymetry raster file | |
path_bathymetry = "/Users/joaopimenta/Desktop/GEE_test/globathy_bathymetry.tif" | |
# Path to NDWI raster file (the one with the projection you want) | |
path_ndwi = ndwi_path | |
path_cloud_mask = cloud_mask_path | |
# Load Bathymetry image | |
bathymetry_dataset = | |
cloud_mask_dataset = | |
ndwi_dataset = | |
# Reproject Bathymetry to the NDWI CRS if necessary | |
dst_crs = | |
transform, width, height = calculate_default_transform( | |, dst_crs, bathymetry_dataset.width, bathymetry_dataset.height, *bathymetry_dataset.bounds) | |
kwargs = bathymetry_dataset.meta.copy() | |
kwargs.update({ | |
'crs': dst_crs, | |
'transform': transform, | |
'width': width, | |
'height': height | |
}) | |
reprojected_bathymetry = np.empty((height, width), dtype=np.float32) | |
reproject( | |, 1), | |
destination=reprojected_bathymetry, | |
src_transform=bathymetry_dataset.transform, | |, | |
dst_transform=transform, | |
dst_crs=dst_crs, | |
resampling=Resampling.nearest) | |
# Reproject cloud mask to the bathymetry CRS if necessary | |
if != | |
print("CRS misalignment detected. Reprojecting cloud mask to bathymetry CRS.") | |
reprojected_cloud_mask = np.empty_like(reprojected_bathymetry) | |
reproject( | |, 1), | |
destination=reprojected_cloud_mask, | |
src_transform=cloud_mask_dataset.transform, | |, | |
dst_transform=transform, | |
dst_crs=dst_crs, | |
resampling=Resampling.nearest | |
) | |
else: | |
reprojected_cloud_mask = | |
# Resample Bathymetry and cloud mask to match NDWI resolution if necessary | |
resampled_bathymetry = np.empty_like( | |
resampled_cloud_mask = np.empty_like( | |
reproject( | |
source=reprojected_bathymetry, | |
destination=resampled_bathymetry, | |
src_transform=transform, | |
src_crs=dst_crs, | |
dst_transform=ndwi_dataset.transform, | |
dst_crs=dst_crs, | |
resampling=Resampling.bilinear) | |
reproject( | |
source=reprojected_cloud_mask, | |
destination=resampled_cloud_mask, | |
src_transform=transform, | |
src_crs=dst_crs, | |
dst_transform=ndwi_dataset.transform, | |
dst_crs=dst_crs, | |
resampling=Resampling.nearest) | |
# Load bathymetry raster data | |
lakeBottom = resampled_bathymetry | |
resolution = bathymetry_dataset.res | |
lake_crs = | |
lake_transform = bathymetry_dataset.transform | |
# Load NDWI raster data (to get CRS and extent) | |
ndwi_extent = (ndwi_dataset.bounds.left, ndwi_dataset.bounds.right, ndwi_dataset.bounds.bottom, | |
# Replace no-data value with np.nan for the bathymetry raster | |
noDataValue = lakeBottom[0, 0] | |
lakeBottom = lakeBottom.astype(float) | |
lakeBottom[lakeBottom == noDataValue] = np.nan | |
# Calculate minimum and maximum elevation | |
minElev = np.nanmin(lakeBottom) | |
maxElev = np.nanmax(lakeBottom) | |
# Define number of steps for calculation | |
nSteps = 50 | |
elevSteps = np.round(np.linspace(minElev, maxElev, nSteps), 2) | |
# Define function to create a mask for a specific elevation | |
def createMaskForElevation(elevation, elevDem, cloud_mask): | |
# Create a mask based on the elevation | |
mask = np.where(elevDem <= elevation, 1, 0) | |
# Fill holes inside the polygon | |
filled_mask = binary_fill_holes(mask) * mask # Ensures it's a binary mask | |
waterarea = np.sum(mask) * (resolution[0] * resolution[1]) | |
area_Array.append(waterarea) | |
# Apply the cloud mask, setting cloud-covered pixels to 0 | |
filled_mask[cloud_mask == 1] = 0 | |
return filled_mask | |
# Set up transformation to match NDWI CRS | |
transformer = Transformer.from_crs(lake_crs,, always_xy=True) | |
# Arrays to store the areas for each elevation step | |
areaArray = [] | |
area_Array = [] | |
# Plot setup | |
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 10)) | |
colors =, 1, len(elevSteps))) | |
for i, elev in enumerate(elevSteps): | |
# Create a mask for the current elevation and apply cloud mask | |
mask = createMaskForElevation(elev, lakeBottom, resampled_cloud_mask) | |
# Calculate water area by summing valid pixels (non-cloud, non-zero) | |
water_area = np.sum(mask) * (resolution[0] * resolution[1]) # Pixel resolution area | |
areaArray.append(water_area) | |
# Find contours (polygons) from the mask | |
contours = measure.find_contours(mask, 0.5) | |
# Reproject and plot each contour as a polygon | |
for contour in contours: | |
lon_lat_coords = rasterio.transform.xy(lake_transform, contour[:, 0], contour[:, 1]) | |
x_coords, y_coords = np.array(lon_lat_coords[0]), np.array(lon_lat_coords[1]) | |
# Reproject coordinates to NDWI CRS | |
x_proj, y_proj = transformer.transform(x_coords, y_coords) | |
# Plot the reprojected contour | |
ax.plot(x_proj, y_proj, color=colors[i], label=f'Elevation {elev} m' if i == 0 else "") | |
# Set the same extent as the NDWI image | |
ax.set_xlim(ndwi_extent[0], ndwi_extent[1]) | |
ax.set_ylim(ndwi_extent[2], ndwi_extent[3]) | |
# Plot the elevation vs area | |
areaArraySqM = [area * 1e8 for area in areaArray] # Convert to square meters | |
area_ArraySqM = [area * 1e8 for area in area_Array] | |
# Paths to the raster file | |
path = "/Users/joaopimenta/Desktop/GEE_test/globathy_bathymetry.tif" | |
# Load the raster data | |
lakeRst = | |
lakeBottom = | |
# Raster resolution (in meters, assuming UTM projection) | |
resolution = lakeRst.res | |
print("Resolution:", resolution) | |
# Replace no-data value with np.nan | |
noDataValue = np.copy(lakeBottom[0, 0]) | |
lakeBottom = lakeBottom.astype(float) | |
lakeBottom[lakeBottom == noDataValue] = np.nan | |
# Get the pixel size from raster resolution (in meters) | |
pixelArea = lakeRst.res[0] * lakeRst.res[1] # in square meters | |
# Calculate the area of the detected water bodies from binary mask | |
def calculate_area(image, transform): | |
# Mask the image to include only water | |
water_mask = image == 0 | |
# Compute the area in square meters | |
pixel_area = abs(transform[0] * transform[4]) # pixel size (in square meters) | |
water_area_pixels = np.sum(water_mask) | |
total_area_m2 = water_area_pixels * pixel_area | |
return total_area_m2 | |
# Define function to create mask for a specific elevation | |
def createMaskForElevation(elevation, elevDem): | |
mask = np.where(elevDem <= elevation, 1, 0) # White pixels for inundated area | |
return mask | |
# Arrays to store the areas for each elevation step | |
area_normal_Array = [] | |
# Plot all polygons representing water area for each elevation step | |
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 10)) | |
# Colors for different elevation levels | |
colors =, 1, len(elevSteps))) | |
# Loop over each elevation step, calculate area, and plot polygons | |
for i, elev in enumerate(elevSteps): | |
# Create a mask for the current elevation step | |
mask = createMaskForElevation(elev, lakeBottom) | |
# Calculate the water area at this elevation | |
waterArea = np.sum(mask) * pixelArea # sum of all '1' pixels * pixel area | |
area_normal_Array.append(waterArea) # Store the area for this elevation | |
# Find contours (polygons) from the mask | |
contours = measure.find_contours(mask, 0.5) | |
# Plot each contour as a polygon | |
for contour in contours: | |
# Transform contour coordinates to UTM coordinates using the raster transform | |
utm_coords = rasterio.transform.xy(lakeRst.transform, contour[:, 0], contour[:, 1]) | |
x_coords, y_coords = np.array(utm_coords[0]), np.array(utm_coords[1]) | |
# Plot the polygon for the current elevation step | |
ax.plot(x_coords, y_coords, color=colors[i], label=f'Elevation {elev} m' if i == 0 else "") | |
# Plot the elevation vs area | |
# Multiply the area by 1,000,000 to convert from km² to m² if necessary | |
area_normal_ArraySqM = [area * 1e8 for area in area_normal_Array] # Convert to square meters | |
# Function to create a binary mask for the chosen elevation | |
def createMaskForElevation(elevation, elevDem, resolution): | |
# Step 1: Generate the initial binary mask (1 for water, 0 for no water) | |
mask = np.where(elevDem <= elevation, 1, 0) | |
# Step 2: Fill the holes inside the lake region | |
filled_mask = binary_fill_holes(mask) * mask # Fill holes only inside the mask | |
# Step 3: Create a mask for the lake region (anything inside the boundary is considered lake) | |
lake_mask = np.where(np.isnan(elevDem), 1, 0) # NaN represents outside the lake | |
# Step 4: Assign a value of 1 to everything outside the lake region | |
result_mask = np.where(lake_mask == 1, 1, filled_mask) | |
# Step 5: Calculate the inundated area for the white pixels inside the lake | |
area = np.sum(filled_mask) * resolution[0] * resolution[1] | |
return result_mask, area | |
# Ensure differences, areaArraySqM, and elev are arrays or lists | |
differences = [] | |
for area in areaArraySqM: | |
dif = abs(water - area) # Absolute difference | |
differences.append(dif) | |
print(f"The water area without the cloud pixels is: {water}") | |
# Find the index of the smallest difference | |
best_match_index = differences.index(min(differences)) | |
best_match = area_ArraySqM[best_match_index] | |
# Reverse the elevation steps and convert to a list to allow indexing | |
step_elevation_reversed = list(reversed(elevSteps)) | |
# Allow user to input a specific elevation based on the best match index | |
specificElevation = step_elevation_reversed[best_match_index] | |
# Generate the binary mask and calculate the area for the selected elevation | |
maskForSpecificElevation, specificArea = createMaskForElevation(specificElevation, lakeBottom, resolution) | |
# Load NDWI image and bathymetry mask | |
ndwi_dataset = # Path to NDWI image | |
ndwi_crs = | |
ndwi_transform = ndwi_dataset.transform | |
ndwi_res = ndwi_dataset.res | |
# Ensure the mask for the specific elevation is reprojected to the NDWI's CRS, extent, and resolution | |
mask_for_elevation_reprojected = np.empty_like( | |
reproject( | |
source=maskForSpecificElevation, # Mask to reproject | |
destination=mask_for_elevation_reprojected, | |
src_transform=lake_transform, # Transform from the bathymetry mask | |
src_crs=lake_crs, # CRS of the mask | |
dst_transform=ndwi_transform, # NDWI transform | |
dst_crs=ndwi_crs, # NDWI CRS | |
resampling=Resampling.nearest # Nearest neighbor interpolation for binary masks | |
) | |
# Now overlay the NDWI image with the mask | |
ndwi_image = # Read the NDWI image (band 1) | |
# Assign value 1 to NDWI where mask is 1 | |
ndwi_image[mask_for_elevation_reprojected == 0] = 1 | |
# Save the NDWI image locally as a GeoTIFF | |
output_path = '/Users/joaopimenta/Desktop/GEE_test/reconstructed_plygon.tif' # Define the output path for the saved image | |
# Retrieve the metadata from the NDWI dataset to use it for saving the file | |
meta = ndwi_dataset.meta.copy() | |
# Update metadata for a single band output | |
meta.update({ | |
'dtype': 'float32', # or 'uint8' depending on the NDWI data type | |
'count': 1, # Number of bands | |
'driver': 'GTiff', # Save as a GeoTIFF file | |
'crs': ndwi_crs, # Coordinate reference system | |
'transform': ndwi_transform # Affine transform for georeferencing | |
}) | |
# Save the NDWI image with the mask applied as a GeoTIFF | |
with, 'w', **meta) as dst: | |
dst.write(ndwi_image.astype('float32'), 1) # Write the NDWI data to band 1 | |
print(f'Saved NDWI image as {output_path}') | |
# Create a figure with 2 subplots side by side | |
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 6)) # 1 row, 2 columns | |
# Plot the first contour: Identified contour (K-means method) on binary_ndwi | |
contour_image_binary = np.zeros_like(binary_ndwi) | |
contours_binary, _ = cv2.findContours(binary_ndwi, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) | |
if contours_binary: | |
cv2.drawContours(contour_image_binary, [max(contours_binary, key=cv2.contourArea)], -1, (255), 2) | |
axes[0].imshow(contour_image_binary, cmap='gray') | |
axes[0].set_title('Polygon of the NDWI affected by clouds') | |
# Plot the second contour: Identified contour (K-means method) on ndwi_image | |
contour_image_ndwi = np.zeros_like(ndwi_image) | |
contours_ndwi, _ = cv2.findContours(ndwi_image, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) | |
if contours_ndwi: | |
cv2.drawContours(contour_image_ndwi, [max(contours_ndwi, key=cv2.contourArea)], -1, (255), 2) | |
axes[1].imshow(contour_image_ndwi, cmap='gray') | |
axes[1].set_title('Polygon of the reconstructed Image') | |
# Show the plots | |
plt.tight_layout() | | | |
# Create contour image for binary NDWI | |
contour_image_binary = np.zeros_like(binary_ndwi) | |
contours_binary, _ = cv2.findContours(binary_ndwi, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) | |
if contours_binary: | |
cv2.drawContours(contour_image_binary, [max(contours_binary, key=cv2.contourArea)], -1, (255), 2) | |
# Create contour image for NDWI image | |
contour_image_ndwi = np.zeros_like(ndwi_image) | |
contours_ndwi, _ = cv2.findContours(ndwi_image, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) | |
if contours_ndwi: | |
# Draw only the largest contour for the NDWI image | |
largest_contour = max(contours_ndwi, key=cv2.contourArea) | |
cv2.drawContours(contour_image_ndwi, [max(contours_ndwi, key=cv2.contourArea)], -1, (255), 2) | |
# Stack the binary contour and NDWI contour into a 3-channel image for overlay (Red, Green, Blue) | |
overlay_image = np.zeros((contour_image_binary.shape[0], contour_image_binary.shape[1], 3), dtype=np.uint8) | |
overlay_image[..., 0] = contour_image_binary # Red channel for binary NDWI contour | |
overlay_image[..., 1] = contour_image_ndwi # Green channel for NDWI image contour | |
# Create a mask to fill the inside of the largest NDWI contour | |
mask = np.zeros_like(ndwi_image, dtype=np.uint8) | |
if contours_ndwi: | |
cv2.drawContours(mask, [largest_contour], -1, (255), thickness=cv2.FILLED) | |
# Create a new output image, initialized to zeros (0 for a black image) | |
output_image = np.zeros_like(ndwi_image, dtype=np.uint8) | |
# Set the inside of the largest contour to one (255) | |
output_image[mask == 255] = 1 # Change to fill with pixel value 1 | |
# Optionally convert to uint8 range for visualization | |
output_image *= 255 # If you need the output image to be in the 0-255 range | |
# Save the NDWI image locally as a GeoTIFF | |
output_path = '/Users/joaopimenta/Desktop/GEE_test/reconstructed_water_mask.tif' # Define the output path for the saved image | |
# Retrieve the metadata from the NDWI dataset to use it for saving the file | |
meta = ndwi_dataset.meta.copy() | |
# Update metadata for a single band output | |
meta.update({ | |
'dtype': 'float32', # or 'uint8' depending on the NDWI data type | |
'count': 1, # Number of bands | |
'driver': 'GTiff', # Save as a GeoTIFF file | |
'crs': ndwi_crs, # Coordinate reference system | |
'transform': ndwi_transform # Affine transform for georeferencing | |
}) | |
# Save the NDWI image with the mask applied as a GeoTIFF | |
with, 'w', **meta) as dst: | |
dst.write(output_image.astype('float32'), 1) # Write the NDWI data to band 1 | |
print(f'Saved NDWI image as {output_path}') | |
# If resolution is a tuple (x_resolution, y_resolution) | |
x_resolution, y_resolution = resolution | |
pixel_area = x_resolution * y_resolution # Area of one pixel in square meters | |
# Count water pixels | |
water_pixels = ndwi_image > 0 | |
water_pixel_count = np.sum(water_pixels) | |
# Calculate total water area | |
total_water_area = water_pixel_count * pixel_area*1e8 | |
# Print the result | |
print(f'Total water area: {total_water_area} square meters') | |
water_area_info.append(total_water_area) | |
# Optionally, save the modified NDWI image as a new file | |
out_meta = ndwi_dataset.meta.copy() | |
with'ndwi_with_elevation_mask.tif', 'w', **out_meta) as dst: | |
dst.write(ndwi_image, 1) # Write the new image to disk | |
# Close datasets | |
ndwi_dataset.close() | |
else: | |
print("There are no cloud pixels inside the reservoir's area.") | |
water_area_info.append(waterarea) | |
st.write(water_area_info) | |
else: | |
# Options for confirming the reservoir selection | |
water_method = ['Fixed thershold', 'Dynamic'] | |
# Select box to confirm selection | |
water = st.selectbox("Choose this method of identifying water pixels", water_method) | |
def extract_bbox_from_aoi(aoi): | |
# Get the bounding box of the AOI | |
bounds = aoi.bounds().getInfo() | |
# Extract the coordinates based on the observed structure | |
try: | |
lon_min = bounds['coordinates'][0][0][0] # First point's longitude | |
lat_min = bounds['coordinates'][0][0][1] # First point's latitude | |
lon_max = bounds['coordinates'][0][2][0] # Third point's longitude | |
lat_max = bounds['coordinates'][0][2][1] # Third point's latitude | |
return lat_min, lon_min, lat_max, lon_max | |
except (IndexError, KeyError, TypeError): | |
print("Unexpected bounds structure:", bounds) | |
raise ValueError("Unable to extract bounding box; check structure of bounds data.") | |
lat_min, lon_min, lat_max, lon_max = extract_bbox_from_aoi(roi) | |
# Function to query bridges | |
def check_bridge_in_area(lat_min, lon_min, lat_max, lon_max): | |
overpass_url = "" | |
overpass_query = f""" | |
[out:json]; | |
( | |
way["man_made"="bridge"]({lat_min},{lon_min},{lat_max},{lon_max}); | |
node(w); | |
); | |
out body qt; | |
""" | |
print(f"Querying Overpass API with:\n{overpass_query}") | |
response = requests.get(overpass_url, params={'data': overpass_query}) | |
if response.status_code == 200: | |
print("Received response from Overpass API.") | |
return response.json() | |
else: | |
print(f"Error: {response.status_code}") | |
return None | |
# Query the Overpass API for bridges in the bounding box | |
bridge_data = check_bridge_in_area(lat_min, lon_min, lat_max, lon_max) | |
# Initialize lists for GeoDataFrame | |
bridge_names = [] | |
elem = None | |
# Parse and display bridges with their shapes and names | |
if bridge_data and 'elements' in bridge_data: | |
node_coords = { # Store node coordinates for reference | |
int(node['id']): (node['lat'], node['lon']) | |
for node in bridge_data['elements'] | |
if node['type'] == 'node' | |
} | |
if len(node_coords) > 0: | |
print(f"Node coordinates found: {node_coords}") | |
else: | |
print("No node coordinates found.") | |
for element in bridge_data['elements']: | |
if element['type'] == 'way': | |
elem = element['type'] | |
bridge_name = element.get('tags', {}).get('name') | |
if bridge_name: # Check if bridge has a name | |
st.write(f"It was detected the bridge {bridge_name} inside the ROI") | |
coords = [node_coords.get(node_id) for node_id in element.get('nodes', [])] | |
coords = [coord for coord in coords if coord is not None] # Remove invalid coordinates | |
else: | |
st.write(f"Bridge ID: {element['id']} has no name and will be excluded.") | |
else: | |
st.write("No bridge data or 'elements' not in the response.") | |
if water == 'Fixed thershold': | |
# Define a function to calculate NDWI and mask for each image | |
def calculate_ndwi_and_mask(image): | |
ndwi = image.normalizedDifference(['B3', 'B8']).rename('NDWI') | |
ndwi_threshold = ndwi.gte(0.0) | |
ndwi_mask = ndwi_threshold.updateMask(ndwi_threshold) | |
return ndwi_mask | |
# Map the function over the image collection to get NDWI masks for each image | |
ndwi_masks = | |
# Perform erosion (shrinking the mask slightly to remove small gaps and noise) | |
eroded_ndwi = img: img.focal_min(radius=1, kernelType='circle', iterations=1)) | |
# Perform dilation after erosion (expanding the mask back to restore shape) | |
closed_ndwi = img: img.focal_max(radius=1, kernelType='circle', iterations=1)) | |
# Now, closed_ndwi contains the NDWI masks that have been eroded and then dilated for each image in the collection. | |
# Define a function to calculate water area | |
def calculate_water_area(image): | |
water_area = image.multiply(ee.Image.pixelArea()).reduceRegion( | |
reducer=ee.Reducer.sum(), | |
geometry=roi, | |
bestEffort=True, | |
scale=5 | |
).get('NDWI') | |
return image.set('water_area', water_area) | |
if elem is not None: | |
# Map the function over the NDWI masks to calculate water area for each image | |
ndwi_masks_with_area = | |
else: | |
# Map the function over the NDWI masks to calculate water area for each image | |
ndwi_masks_with_area = | |
# Get the water area information | |
water_area_info = ndwi_masks_with_area.aggregate_array('water_area').getInfo() | |
# Display the list of water areas | |
#st.write(water_area_info) | |
# Get acquisition dates in human-readable format | |
dates = ndwi_masks_with_area.aggregate_array('system:time_start') \ | |
.map(lambda d: ee.Date(d).format('YYYY-MM-dd')).getInfo() | |
# Display the dates | |
#st.write("Acquisition dates for each image:", dates) | |
# Alternatively, convert acquisition times to readable format (if needed) | |
acquisition_times = sentinelImageCollection.aggregate_array('system:time_start').getInfo() | |
acquisition_dates = [datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(time / 1000).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') for time in acquisition_times] | |
#st.write("Alternative acquisition dates:", acquisition_dates) | |
else: | |
# Define a function to calculate NDWI | |
def calculate_ndwi(image): | |
ndwi = image.normalizedDifference(['B3', 'B8']).rename('NDWI') | |
return image.addBands(ndwi) | |
# Define a function to sample NDWI values for clustering | |
def sample_ndwi(image): | |
ndwi ='NDWI') | |
sampled_ndwi = ndwi.sample( | |
region=roi_geometry, | |
scale=10, | |
numPixels=10000, | |
seed=0 | |
).select('NDWI') | |
return sampled_ndwi | |
# Define a function to perform K-means clustering | |
def cluster_ndwi(sampled_ndwi): | |
clusterer = ee.Clusterer.wekaKMeans(2).train(sampled_ndwi) | |
return clusterer | |
# Define a function to determine the water cluster | |
def get_water_cluster(clustered_image): | |
mean_ndwi_per_cluster = clustered_image.reduceRegion( | |
reducer=ee.Reducer.mean(), | |
geometry=roi_geometry, | |
scale=10 | |
) | |
mean_values = ee.List(mean_ndwi_per_cluster.values()) | |
water_cluster = mean_values.indexOf(mean_values.reduce(ee.Reducer.max())) | |
return water_cluster | |
# Define a function to create a binary water mask based on the cluster | |
def create_water_mask(clustered_image, water_cluster): | |
water_mask = clustered_image.eq(water_cluster).rename('water_mask') | |
return water_mask | |
# Define a function to compute the area of water bodies in square meters | |
def compute_water_area(water_mask): | |
water_area = water_mask.reduceRegion( | |
reducer=ee.Reducer.sum(), | |
geometry=roi_geometry, | |
scale=10 | |
).get('water_mask') | |
water_area = ee.Number(water_area).multiply(100).divide(1e4) # Convert to square kilometers | |
return water_area | |
if elem is not None: | |
# Combine all functions into one for mapping | |
def process_image(image): | |
# Calculate NDWI | |
image = calculate_ndwi(image) | |
# Sample and cluster NDWI for water detection | |
sampled_ndwi = sample_ndwi(image) | |
clusterer = cluster_ndwi(sampled_ndwi) | |
clustered_image ='NDWI').cluster(clusterer).rename('cluster') | |
# Determine which cluster represents water | |
water_cluster = get_water_cluster(clustered_image) | |
water_mask = create_water_mask(clustered_image, water_cluster) | |
# Perform morphological operations (closing) | |
eroded_ndwi = water_mask.focal_min(radius=1, kernelType='circle', iterations=1) | |
closed_ndwi = eroded_ndwi.focal_max(radius=1, kernelType='circle', iterations=1) | |
water_area = compute_water_area(closed_ndwi) | |
return image.set('water_area_km2', water_area) | |
else: | |
# Combine all functions into one for mapping | |
def process_image(image): | |
image = calculate_ndwi(image) | |
sampled_ndwi = sample_ndwi(image) | |
clusterer = cluster_ndwi(sampled_ndwi) | |
clustered_image ='NDWI').cluster(clusterer).rename('cluster') | |
water_cluster = get_water_cluster(clustered_image) | |
water_mask = create_water_mask(clustered_image, water_cluster) | |
water_area = compute_water_area(water_mask) | |
return image.set('water_area_km2', water_area) | |
# Apply the processing function to each image in the collection | |
processed_images = | |
# Extract the water area and date information | |
water_area_info = processed_images.aggregate_array('water_area_km2').getInfo() | |
dates = processed_images.aggregate_array('system:time_start').map(lambda d: ee.Date(d).format('YYYY-MM-dd')).getInfo() | |
# Get acquisition times of the images | |
acquisition_times = sentinelImageCollection.aggregate_array('system:time_start').getInfo() | |
# Convert acquisition times to human-readable dates | |
acquisition_dates = [datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(time / 1000).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') for time in acquisition_times] | |
if method == ("Write the A-V function of your reservoir"): | |
for area in water_area_info: | |
volume = None | |
# Calculate the volume using the area-storage equation | |
volume = (area / a) ** (1 / b) | |
if volume is not None: | |
volumes.append(volume) | |
else: | |
st.write("Error with the coefficients") | |
st.write(f"The list of the volumes in cubic meters for the chosen dates is: {volumes}") | |
elif method == ("upload excel sheet"): | |
if dictionary: | |
for area in water_area_info: | |
volume = None | |
keys = sorted(dictionary.keys()) | |
for i in range(len(keys)): | |
key = keys[i] | |
if key >= area: | |
if i == 0: | |
volume = dictionary[key] | |
st.write(f"This is the volume {volume/10**6}km³") | |
volumes.append(volume) | |
else: | |
prev_key = keys[i - 1] | |
delta_volume = dictionary[key] - dictionary[prev_key] | |
delta_key = key - prev_key | |
delta_area = area - prev_key | |
interpolated_volume = dictionary[prev_key] + (delta_volume * delta_area / delta_key) | |
volume = (interpolated_volume/10**6) | |
st.write(f"This is the volume {volume}km³") | |
volumes.append(volume) | |
break | |
else: | |
# This else block belongs to the for loop, not the if condition | |
st.write("Dam value not found in the dictionary ") | |
elif method == ("upload the DEM"): | |
if dictionary: | |
for area in water_area_info: | |
volume = None | |
keys = sorted(dictionary.keys()) | |
for i in range(len(keys)): | |
key = keys[i] | |
if key >= area: | |
if i == 0: | |
volume = dictionary[key] | |
st.write(f"This is the volume {volume/10**6}km³") | |
volumes.append(volume) | |
else: | |
prev_key = keys[i - 1] | |
delta_volume = dictionary[key] - dictionary[prev_key] | |
delta_key = key - prev_key | |
delta_area = area - prev_key | |
interpolated_volume = dictionary[prev_key] + (delta_volume * delta_area / delta_key) | |
volume = (interpolated_volume/10**6) | |
st.write(f"This is the volume {volume}km³") | |
volumes.append(volume) | |
break | |
else: | |
# This else block belongs to the for loop, not the if condition | |
st.write("Dam value not found in the dictionary ") | |
elif method == "Don't have that info": | |
import netCDF4 as nc | |
import numpy as np | |
volumes =[] | |
# Open the NetCDF file | |
nc_file = nc.Dataset('/Users/joaopimenta/Downloads/Master thesis/') | |
# Specify the lake ID you want to search for | |
target_lake_id = hydrolakes_id # Replace this with the actual lake ID you're interested in | |
# Find the index of the lake based on the lake ID | |
lake_ids = nc_file.variables['lake_id'][:] | |
# Check if the target lake ID exists in the lake_id variable | |
lake_index = np.where(lake_ids == target_lake_id)[0] | |
if len(lake_index) == 0: | |
st.write("Lake not found in the dataset.") | |
else: | |
lake_index = lake_index[0] # Use the first match if found | |
# Extract coefficients of the area-storage equation for the identified lake | |
area_storage_coeffs = nc_file.variables['f_hA'][lake_index, :] | |
lon_lat = nc_file.variables['lon_lat'][lake_index, :] | |
# Print the lake's ID, coordinates, and area-storage equation coefficients | |
st.write("Coordinates (Lon, Lat):", lon_lat) | |
# Print the coefficients | |
st.write("Area-Storage equation coefficients:") | |
st.write("a:", area_storage_coeffs[0]) | |
st.write("b:", area_storage_coeffs[1]) | |
st.write("R^2:", area_storage_coeffs[2]) | |
import numpy as np | |
for area in water_area_info: | |
# Coefficients obtained from the NetCDF dataset | |
a = area_storage_coeffs[0] | |
b = area_storage_coeffs[1] | |
# Calculate the volume using the area-storage equation | |
volume = ((area/1e6) / a) ** (1 / b) | |
volumes.append(volume) | |
from io import BytesIO | |
# Function to generate the sample data DataFrame | |
def generate_sample_data(): | |
date = acquisition_dates | |
area = water_area_info | |
vol = volumes | |
return pd.DataFrame({'Date': date, 'Volume (10⁸m³)': vol, 'Area (km²)': area }) | |
# Generate the sample data DataFrame | |
df = generate_sample_data() | |
# Save the DataFrame to an Excel file in memory | |
excel_buffer = BytesIO() | |
import pandas as pd | |
import io | |
# Assuming excel_buffer and output, area_storage_coeffs are defined elsewhere in your code | |
excel_buffer = io.BytesIO() | |
# Use a single `ExcelWriter` for writing all sheets | |
with pd.ExcelWriter(excel_buffer, engine='xlsxwriter') as writer: | |
# Check if 'Water Surface Elevation' is in output and write relevant data | |
if 'Water Surface Elevation' in output: | |
# Convert date to timezone-unaware if necessary | |
elevation_dates = pd.to_datetime(df_filtered['time_str']).dt.tz_localize(None) | |
elevations = df_filtered['wse'] | |
df_2 = pd.DataFrame({'Date': elevation_dates, 'Water Surface Elevations': elevations}) | |
df_2.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Elevations Data', index=False) | |
# Check if 'Storage-Capacity curve' is in output and write relevant data | |
if 'Storage-Capacity curve' in output: | |
# Assume `area_storage_coeffs` contains appropriate data in tuple or list format | |
df_3 = pd.DataFrame({ | |
'a': [area_storage_coeffs[0]], | |
'b': [area_storage_coeffs[1]], | |
'R^2': [area_storage_coeffs[2]] | |
}) | |
df_3.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Storage_capacity_curve', index=False) | |
# Assuming `df` is a base DataFrame you want to write to a default sheet | |
df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Reservoir Data', index=False) | |
# Reset buffer position to the start for reading/download | | | |
# Create a download button for the Excel file | |
st.download_button( | |
label="Download Excel file", | |
data=excel_buffer, | |
file_name="reservoir_data.xlsx", | |
mime="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet" | |
) | |
st.write("Click the button above to download the data as an Excel file.") | |
import tempfile | |
# Load the bathymetry dataset from Earth Engine | |
globathy = ee.Image("projects/sat-io/open-datasets/GLOBathy/GLOBathy_bathymetry") | |
# Define the function to export the image and return the path | |
def export_image_for_download(image, roi, scale=10): | |
# Use a temporary directory for saving the file | |
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".tif") as temp_file: | |
out_image_path = | |
geemap.ee_export_image(image, filename=out_image_path, scale=scale, region=roi) | |
return out_image_path | |
if 'Bathymetry file' in output: | |
# Call the function and set up the download button | |
if st.button("Download Image"): | |
# Assuming `globathy` is your Earth Engine image and `roi` is the region of interest | |
image_path = export_image_for_download(globathy, roi) | |
# Read the file as bytes for download | |
with open(image_path, "rb") as file: | |
file_bytes = | |
st.download_button( | |
label="Click here to download the image", | |
data=file_bytes, | |
file_name="exported_image.tif", | |
mime="image/tiff" | |
) | |
# Display the bar charts | |
col1, col2= st.columns([7,3]) | |
# Combine acquisition dates and volumes into a list of tuples | |
with col1: | |
import pandas as pd | |
import altair as alt | |
# Function to generate sample data | |
def generate_sample_data(): | |
date = acquisition_dates | |
vol= volumes | |
return pd.DataFrame({'Date': date, 'Volume': vol}) | |
# Sample data | |
df = generate_sample_data() | |
if 'Water Surface Elevation' in output: | |
st.subheader("WSE over the chosen date range") | |
# Convert 'time_str' to timezone-unaware and set up DataFrame for plotting | |
elevation_dates = pd.to_datetime(df_filtered['time_str']).dt.tz_localize(None) | |
elevations = df_filtered['wse'] | |
df_wse = pd.DataFrame({'Date': elevation_dates, 'Water Surface Elevations': elevations}) | |
# Create the line chart for water surface elevations | |
wse_chart = alt.Chart(df_wse).mark_line( | |
color='#00FFFF' | |
).encode( | |
x=alt.X('Date:T', title='Date'), | |
y=alt.Y('Water Surface Elevations:Q', title='Water Surface Elevation (m)') | |
) | |
# Display the WSE chart in Streamlit | |
st.altair_chart(wse_chart, use_container_width=True) | |
st.subheader("Volume over the chosen date range") | |
# Ensure that 'Date' and 'Volume' columns are available in df | |
volume_chart = alt.Chart(df).mark_line( | |
color='#00FFFF' | |
).encode( | |
x=alt.X('Date:T', title='Date'), | |
y=alt.Y('Volume:Q', title='Volume (10⁶ m³)',scale=alt.Scale(zero=False)) | |
) | |
# Display the volume chart in Streamlit | |
st.altair_chart(volume_chart, use_container_width=True) | |
with col2: | |
import pandas as pd | |
# Donut chart function | |
def make_donut(input_response, input_text, input_color): | |
if input_color == 'green': | |
chart_color = ['#27AE60', '#12783D'] | |
elif input_color == 'red': | |
chart_color = ['#E74C3C', '#781F16'] | |
elif input_color == 'yellow': | |
chart_color = ['#FFFF00', '#FFD700'] # Yellow colors | |
elif input_color == 'orange': | |
chart_color = ['#FFA500', '#FF4500'] # Orange colors | |
elif input_color == 'light green': | |
chart_color = ['#90EE90', '#006400'] # Light green colors | |
else: | |
raise ValueError("Invalid color. Please choose either 'green' or 'red'.") | |
source = pd.DataFrame({ | |
"Topic": ['', input_text], | |
"% value": [100-input_response, input_response] | |
}) | |
source_bg = pd.DataFrame({ | |
"Topic": ['', input_text], | |
"% value": [100, 0] | |
}) | |
plot = alt.Chart(source).mark_arc(innerRadius=45, cornerRadius=25).encode( | |
theta="% value", | |
color=alt.Color("Topic:N", | |
scale=alt.Scale( | |
domain=[input_text, ''], | |
range=chart_color), | |
legend=None), | |
).properties(width=130, height=130) | |
text = plot.mark_text(align='center', color=chart_color[0], font="sans-serif", fontSize=20, fontWeight=500, fontStyle="italic").encode(text=alt.value(f'{input_response} %')) | |
plot_bg = alt.Chart(source_bg).mark_arc(innerRadius=45, cornerRadius=20).encode( | |
theta="% value", | |
color=alt.Color("Topic:N", | |
scale=alt.Scale( | |
domain=[input_text, ''], | |
range=chart_color), # 31333F | |
legend=None), | |
).properties(width=130, height=130) | |
return plot_bg + plot + text | |
def get_color(value): | |
"""Helper function to determine the color based on percentage.""" | |
if value < 25: | |
return 'red' | |
elif 25 <= value < 50: | |
return 'orange' | |
elif value == 50: | |
return 'yellow' | |
elif 50 < value < 75: | |
return 'light green' | |
else: | |
return 'green' | |
# Check if storage is not None, not an empty string, and can be converted to a float | |
if Vol_res is not None: | |
try: | |
storage_float = Vol_res/10 | |
if storage_float > 0: | |
total_volume = storage_float | |
worst = (min(volumes) / total_volume) * 100 | |
best = (max(volumes) / total_volume) * 100 | |
# Colors for worst and best day | |
wrst_color = get_color(worst) | |
bst_color = get_color(best) | |
# Display donut charts | |
st.subheader("Lower storage") | |
st.altair_chart(make_donut(round(worst, 2), 'Worst day', wrst_color), use_container_width=True) | |
st.subheader("Higher storage") | |
st.altair_chart(make_donut(round(best, 2), 'Best day', bst_color), use_container_width=True) | |
except ValueError: | |
st.write("Invalid storage value; cannot convert to float.") | |
# Fallback if storage is invalid or not provided, and ref_area is available | |
elif properties and ref_area is not None: | |
ref_area_float = (float(ref_area)*1e6) | |
worst = (min(water_area_info) / ref_area_float) * 100 | |
best = (max(water_area_info) / ref_area_float) * 100 | |
# Colors for worst and best day | |
wrst_color = get_color(worst) | |
bst_color = get_color(best) | |
# Display fallback donut charts | |
st.subheader("Lower storage") | |
st.altair_chart(make_donut(round(worst, 2), 'Worst day', wrst_color), use_container_width=True) | |
st.subheader(" Higher storage") | |
st.altair_chart(make_donut(round(best, 2), 'Best day', bst_color), use_container_width=True) | |
def calculate_max_percentage_variation(volumes, acquisition_dates): | |
max_variation = 0 | |
max_variation_index = None | |
for i in range(1, len(volumes)): | |
# Calculate percentage variation | |
percentage_variation = abs((volumes[i] - volumes[i - 1]) / volumes[i - 1]) * 100 | |
# Update max variation and index if current variation is greater | |
if percentage_variation > max_variation: | |
max_variation = percentage_variation | |
max_variation_index = i - 1 # Store index of the first date in the pair | |
# Get the dates corresponding to the max variation | |
date1 = acquisition_dates[max_variation_index] | |
date2 = acquisition_dates[max_variation_index + 1] | |
return max_variation, date1, date2 | |
max_variation, date1, date2 = calculate_max_percentage_variation(volumes, acquisition_dates) | |
import statistics | |
std_dev = round(statistics.stdev(volumes),2) | |
mean_vol = round(statistics.mean(volumes),2) | |
mean_area = round(statistics.mean(water_area_info),2) | |
max_variation_area, date1, date2 = calculate_max_percentage_variation(water_area_info, acquisition_dates) | |
#st.write(" The greates variation occured between:", date1, "and", date2) | |
if max_variation >=0: | |
delta = 1 | |
else: | |
delta = -1 | |
max_area = max(water_area_info) | |
max_volume = max(volumes) | |
current_volume = round(volumes[-1],2) | |
current_area = round(water_area_info[-1],2) | |
#create column span | |
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) | |
#Customize metric style to have white text color | |
metric_style = "color: black;" | |
col1.metric(label="Max variation", value="%" + " " + f"{max_variation:,.2f}", delta=delta) | |
col2.metric(label="Mean area", value="km²" + " " + f"{mean_area/1e6:,.2f}", delta=round(max_variation_area,2)) | |
col3.metric(label="standard deviation", value = "km³ " + " " + f"{std_dev:,.2f}") | |
st.write(" The greates variation occured between:", date1, "and", date2) | |
# Create a select box for asking ChatGPT about this reservoir | |
opt = ["No","Yes"] | |
info = st.selectbox( | |
f"Ask ChatGPT more information about this lake {lake_name}", | |
opt, | |
key="info") | |
if info == "Yes": | |
import streamlit as st | |
from openai import OpenAI | |
# Define the reservoir information retrieval function | |
def get_reservoir_info(lake_name, country, lng, lat): | |
client = OpenAI(api_key="sk-proj-uK1IbwMXiNImV7RFDxr3T3BlbkFJXjBzHIIJYRoQbiJE6Kc5") | |
prompt = ( | |
f"Provide detailed information about the dam/reservoir {lake_name}, " | |
f"located in {country}, with coordinates (longitude: {lng}, latitude: {lat}). " | |
f"Use short sentences and split the response into concise, clear lines." | |
f"Specify the type of use of that reservoir or lake and when it wast built. " | |
) | |
stream = | |
model="gpt-3.5-turbo", | |
messages=[{"role": "user", "content": prompt}], | |
stream=True, | |
) | |
response_content = "" | |
for chunk in stream: | |
if chunk.choices[0].delta.content is not None: | |
response_content += chunk.choices[0].delta.content | |
return response_content | |
st.subheader(f"Information about the reservoir {lake_name}") | |
info_text = get_reservoir_info(lake_name, Country, lng, lat) | |
# Displaying the information with line breaks | |
for line in info_text.split(". "): # Split into sentences | |
st.text(line.strip() + ".") | |
else: | |
st.write("Please select the date range and cloud coverage thershold for the analysis.") | |
else: | |
st.write("Please search on the map the lake you want to analyse and click on it to select it") |