import torch |
from transformers import AutoTokenizer,AutoModelForTokenClassification |
from transformers import GeoLMModel |
import requests |
import numpy as np |
import pandas as pd |
import scipy.spatial as sp |
import streamlit as st |
import folium |
from streamlit.components.v1 import html |
from haversine import haversine, Unit |
dataset=None |
def generate_human_readable(tokens,labels): |
ret = [] |
for t,lab in zip(tokens,labels): |
if t == '[SEP]': |
continue |
if t.startswith("##") : |
assert len(ret) > 0 |
ret[-1] = ret[-1] + t.strip('##') |
elif lab==2: |
assert len(ret) > 0 |
ret[-1] = ret[-1] + " "+ t.strip('##') |
else: |
ret.append(t) |
return ret |
def getSlice(tensor): |
result = [] |
curr = [] |
for index, value in enumerate(tensor[0]): |
if value == 1 or value == 2: |
curr.append(index) |
if value == 0 and curr != []: |
result.append(curr) |
curr = [] |
return result |
def getIndex(input): |
tokenizer, model= getModel1() |
tokens = tokenizer.encode(input, return_tensors="pt") |
outputs = model(tokens) |
predicted_labels = torch.argmax(outputs.logits, dim=2) |
predicted_labels = predicted_labels.detach().cpu().numpy() |
predicted_labels = [model.config.id2label[label] for label in predicted_labels[0]] |
predicted_labels = torch.argmax(outputs.logits, dim=2) |
query_tokens = tokens[0][torch.where(predicted_labels[0] != 0)[0]] |
query_labels = predicted_labels[0][torch.where(predicted_labels[0] != 0)[0]] |
print(predicted_labels) |
print(predicted_labels.shape) |
slices=getSlice(predicted_labels) |
return slices |
def cutSlices(tensor, slicesList): |
locationTensor= torch.zeros(1, len(slicesList), 768) |
curr=0 |
for slice in slicesList: |
if len(slice)==1: |
locationTensor[0][curr] = tensor[0][slice[0]] |
curr=curr+1 |
if len(slice)>1 : |
sliceTensor=tensor[0][slice[0]:slice[-1]+1] |
sliceTensor = sliceTensor.unsqueeze(0) |
mean = torch.mean(sliceTensor,dim=1,keepdim=True) |
locationTensor[0][curr] = mean[0] |
curr=curr+1 |
return locationTensor |
def MLearningFormInput(input): |
tokenizer,model=getModel2() |
tokens = tokenizer.encode(input, return_tensors="pt") |
outputs = model(tokens, spatial_position_list_x=torch.zeros(tokens.shape), spatial_position_list_y=torch.zeros(tokens.shape)) |
slicesIndex=getIndex(input) |
res= cutSlices(outputs.last_hidden_state, slicesIndex) |
return res |
def generate_human_readable(tokens,labels): |
ret = [] |
for t,lab in zip(tokens,labels): |
if t == '[SEP]': |
continue |
if t.startswith("##") : |
assert len(ret) > 0 |
ret[-1] = ret[-1] + t.strip('##') |
elif lab==2: |
assert len(ret) > 0 |
ret[-1] = ret[-1] + " "+ t.strip('##') |
else: |
ret.append(t) |
return ret |
def getLocationName(input_sentence): |
tokenizer, model= getModel1() |
tokens = tokenizer.encode(input_sentence, return_tensors="pt") |
outputs = model(tokens) |
predicted_labels = torch.argmax(outputs.logits, dim=2) |
predicted_labels = predicted_labels.detach().cpu().numpy() |
predicted_labels = [model.config.id2label[label] for label in predicted_labels[0]] |
predicted_labels = torch.argmax(outputs.logits, dim=2) |
query_tokens = tokens[0][torch.where(predicted_labels[0] != 0)[0]] |
query_labels = predicted_labels[0][torch.where(predicted_labels[0] != 0)[0]] |
human_readable = generate_human_readable(tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(query_tokens), query_labels) |
return human_readable |
def search_geonames(toponym, df): |
api_endpoint = "http://api.geonames.org/searchJSON" |
username = "zekun" |
print(toponym) |
params = { |
'q': toponym, |
'username': username, |
'maxRows':10 |
} |
response = requests.get(api_endpoint, params=params) |
data = response.json() |
result = [] |
lat=[] |
lon=[] |
if 'geonames' in data: |
for place_info in data['geonames']: |
latitude = float(place_info.get('lat', 0.0)) |
longitude = float(place_info.get('lng', 0.0)) |
lat.append(latitude) |
lon.append(longitude) |
print(latitude) |
print(longitude) |
id = place_info.get('geonameId', '') |
print(id) |
global dataset |
res = get50Neigbors(id, dataset, k=50) |
result.append(res) |
print(res) |
df['lat'] = lat |
df['lon'] = lon |
result = torch.cat(result, dim=1).detach().numpy() |
return result |
def get50Neigbors(locationID, dataset, k=50): |
print("neighbor part----------------------------------------------------------------") |
input_row = dataset.loc[dataset['GeonameID'] == locationID].iloc[0] |
lat, lon, geohash,name = input_row['Latitude'], input_row['Longitude'], input_row['Geohash'], input_row['Name'] |
filtered_dataset = dataset.loc[dataset['Geohash'].str.startswith(geohash[:7])].copy() |
filtered_dataset['distance'] = filtered_dataset.apply( |
lambda row: haversine((lat, lon), (row['Latitude'], row['Longitude']), Unit.KILOMETERS), |
axis=1 |
).copy() |
print("neighbor end----------------------------------------------------------------") |
filtered_dataset = filtered_dataset.sort_values(by='distance') |
nearest_neighbors = filtered_dataset.head(k)[['Name']] |
neighbors=nearest_neighbors.values.tolist() |
tokenizer, model= getModel1_0() |
sep_token_id = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(tokenizer.sep_token) |
cls_token_id = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(tokenizer.cls_token) |
neighbor_token_list = [] |
neighbor_token_list.append(cls_token_id) |
target_token=tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(tokenizer.tokenize(name)) |
for neighbor in neighbors: |
neighbor_token = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(tokenizer.tokenize(neighbor[0])) |
neighbor_token_list.extend(neighbor_token) |
neighbor_token_list.append(sep_token_id) |
tokens = torch.Tensor(neighbor_token_list).unsqueeze(0).long() |
outputs = model(tokens, spatial_position_list_x=torch.zeros(tokens.shape), spatial_position_list_y=torch.zeros(tokens.shape)) |
targetIndex=list(range(1, len(target_token)+1)) |
res=cutSlices(outputs.last_hidden_state, [targetIndex]) |
return res |
def cosine_similarity(target_feature, candidate_feature): |
target_feature = target_feature.squeeze() |
candidate_feature = candidate_feature.squeeze() |
dot_product = torch.dot(target_feature, candidate_feature) |
target = torch.norm(target_feature) |
candidate = torch.norm(candidate_feature) |
similarity = dot_product / (target * candidate) |
return similarity.item() |
@st.cache_data |
def getCSV(): |
dataset = pd.read_csv('geohash.csv') |
return dataset |
@st.cache_data |
def getModel1(): |
model_name = "zekun-li/geolm-base-toponym-recognition" |
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name) |
model = AutoModelForTokenClassification.from_pretrained(model_name) |
return tokenizer,model |
def getModel1_0(): |
model_name = "zekun-li/geolm-base-toponym-recognition" |
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name) |
model = GeoLMModel.from_pretrained(model_name) |
return tokenizer,model |
def getModel2(): |
model_name = "zekun-li/geolm-base-cased" |
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name) |
model = GeoLMModel.from_pretrained(model_name) |
return tokenizer,model |
def showing(df): |
m = folium.Map(location=[df['lat'].mean(), df['lon'].mean()], zoom_start=5) |
size_scale = 100 |
color_scale = 255 |
for i in range(len(df)): |
lat, lon, prob = df.iloc[i]['lat'], df.iloc[i]['lon'], df.iloc[i]['prob'] |
size = int(prob**2 * size_scale ) |
color = int(prob**2 * color_scale) |
folium.CircleMarker( |
location=[lat, lon], |
radius=size, |
color=f'#{color:02X}0000', |
fill=True, |
fill_color=f'#{color:02X}0000' |
).add_to(m) |
m.save("map.html") |
with open("map.html", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: |
map_html = f.read() |
st.components.v1.html(map_html, height=600) |
def mapping(selected_place,locations, sentence_info): |
location_index = locations.index(selected_place) |
print(location_index) |
df = pd.DataFrame() |
same_name_embedding=search_geonames(selected_place, df) |
sim_matrix=[] |
print(sim_matrix) |
same_name_embedding=torch.tensor(same_name_embedding) |
for i in range(same_name_embedding.size(1)): |
print((sentence_info[:, location_index, :]).shape) |
print((same_name_embedding[:, i, :]).shape) |
similarities = cosine_similarity(sentence_info[:, location_index, :], same_name_embedding[:, i, :]) |
sim_matrix.append(similarities) |
def sigmoid(x): |
return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x)) |
prob_matrix = sigmoid(np.array(sim_matrix)) |
df['prob'] = prob_matrix |
print(df) |
showing(df) |
def show_on_map(): |
input = st.text_area("Enter a sentence:", height=200) |
st.button("Submit") |
sentence_info= MLearningFormInput(input) |
print("sentence info: ") |
print(sentence_info) |
print(sentence_info.shape) |
locations=getLocationName(input) |
selected_place = st.selectbox("Select a location:", locations) |
if selected_place is not None: |
mapping(selected_place, locations, sentence_info) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
dataset = getCSV() |
show_on_map() |