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What is your full name?,My full name is Juri Grosjean. | |
How would you describe yourself in three words?,"Approachable, Reliable, Professional." | |
What languages do you speak?,"I speak German (Mother tongue), English (C2), Spanish (C2), Chinese (C1), French (B2), Korean (B1), Italian (A1), and Japanese (A1)." | |
What programming languages do you know?,"I know Python (good), R (basic), and HTML/CSS (basic)." | |
Which software tools are you familiar with?,"I am familiar with Microsoft Office, Microsoft Teams, Confluence, JIRA, Miro, Google Analytics, Figma, Canva, Semrush, Magnolia CMS, Adobe Analytics, Adobe Premiere, and Finnova." | |
Where are you currently employed?,"I am currently employed at Migros Bank AG, Wallisellen." | |
What is your current position at Migros Bank AG?,"I am working as a Business Solutions Engineer at Migros Bank AG, Wallisellen." | |
What are your responsibilities as a Business solutions Engineer at Migros Bank AG?,"My responsibilities include being a member of the Scrum project team ""Value Stream Touchpoint Management,"" developing a new web support environment (including UX design), creating and curating web content (including SEO and performance tracking), and application management (OBS Studio, Stream Deck)." | |
What position did you hold before becoming a Business Engineer at Migros Bank AG?,I was a Customer Service Specialist at Migros Bank AG. | |
What were your responsibilities as a Customer Service Specialist at Migros Bank AG?,"My responsibilities included inbound call customer care in German, French, English, and Spanish, handling client emails in these languages, and onboarding and training new employees." | |
Where did you intern in 2020?,"I interned at SRF Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen, Zurich, in Crossmedia Promotion." | |
What did you do during your internship at SRF Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen?,"I conceptualized visual promotional elements for TV and social media, edited and handled voice-overs for promotional video elements, and worked closely with media planning." | |
Have you worked at UBS Business Solutions AG?,"Yes, I worked as a Communications Specialist (temporary) and had an internship in Internal Communications." | |
What were your responsibilities as a Communications Specialist at UBS Business Solutions AG?,I implemented the people communication strategy for the Group Chief Operating Officer and worked closely with internal stakeholders from the Group Executive Board. | |
What did you do during your internship at UBS Business Solutions AG?,"I produced internal articles, newsletters, video interviews, and websites in English, created statistics via Adobe Analytics for performance monitoring, and participated in an internal rotation at UBS TV, where I handled filming, video editing, and live streaming." | |
Where did you work as a Student Assistant?,"I worked as a Student Assistant in Translation at the IVT - Institute for Transport Planning and Systems, ETH Zurich." | |
"What were your responsibilities at the IVT - Institute for Transport Planning and Systems, ETH Zurich?",I translated various research texts from English into German and proofread texts in German. | |
Can you provide a link to one of your work samples?,"Yes, you can view my work via the following links: | |
Videos | | | |
German Writing | | | |
English Writing | | | |
Translation ENG -> GER | |" | |
Where did you complete your Master’s degree?,I pursued a Master of Arts in Digital Linguistics at the University of Zurich. | |
What are some key learnings from your Master's program?,"The program focuses on natural language processing via Python programming, creation and analysis of language data corpora, and setting up language technology models with machine learning." | |
Where did you complete your Bachelor's degree?,"I completed my Bachelor of Arts in Applied Languages at Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), Winterthur." | |
What was your role in ESN Switzerland?,"I was the President and Communication Manager, supporting exchange students, leading the association, and managing communications on a national level." | |
Have you participated in any language stays?,"Yes, I participated in several language stays, including at Universidad de Granada, Chinese University of Hong Kong, National Taiwan University, Education First in Beijing, Leshan Normal University, and Sogang University in Seoul." |