import os import json import csv import glob import argparse import random import math import librosa import soundfile as sf import pedalboard import numpy as np import pyloudnorm as pyln from scipy.stats import gamma import torchaudio def str2bool(v): if v.lower() in ("yes", "true", "t", "y", "1"): return True elif v.lower() in ("no", "false", "f", "n", "0"): return False else: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("Boolean value expected.") def _augment_gain_ozone(audio, low=0.25, high=1.25): """Applies a random gain between `low` and `high`""" g = low + random.random() * (high - low) return audio * g, g def _augment_channelswap_ozone(audio): """Swap channels of stereo signals with a probability of p=0.5""" if audio.shape[0] == 2 and random.random() < 0.5: return np.flip(audio, axis=0), True # axis=0 must be given else: return audio, False # load wav file from arbitrary positions of 16bit stereo wav file def load_wav_arbitrary_position_stereo( filename, sample_rate, seq_duration, return_pos=False ): # stereo # seq_duration[second] length = random_start = random.randint( 0, int(length - math.ceil(seq_duration * sample_rate) - 1) ) random_start_sec = librosa.samples_to_time(random_start, sr=sample_rate) X, sr = librosa.load( filename, sr=None, mono=False, offset=random_start_sec, duration=seq_duration ) if return_pos: return X, random_start_sec else: return X # def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Preprocess audio files for training") parser.add_argument( "--root", type=str, default="/path/to/musdb18hq", help="Root directory", ) parser.add_argument( "--output", type=str, default="/path/to/musdb-XL-train", help="Where to save output files", ) parser.add_argument( "--n_samples", type=int, default=300000, help="Number of samples to save" ) parser.add_argument("--seq_duration", type=float, default=4.0, help="Sequence duration") parser.add_argument( "--save_fixed", type=str2bool, default=False, help="Save fixed mixture audio" ) parser.add_argument( "--target_lufs_mean", type=float, default=-8.0, help="Target LUFS mean" ) parser.add_argument( "--target_lufs_std", type=float, default=-1.0, help="Target LUFS std" ) parser.add_argument("--sample_rate", type=int, default=44100, help="Sample rate") parser.add_argument("--seed", type=int, default=46, help="Random seed") args = parser.parse_args() random.seed(args.seed) valid_list = [ "ANiMAL - Rockshow", "Actions - One Minute Smile", "Alexander Ross - Goodbye Bolero", "Clara Berry And Wooldog - Waltz For My Victims", "Fergessen - Nos Palpitants", "James May - On The Line", "Johnny Lokke - Promises & Lies", "Leaf - Summerghost", "Meaxic - Take A Step", "Patrick Talbot - A Reason To Leave", "Skelpolu - Human Mistakes", "Traffic Experiment - Sirens", "Triviul - Angelsaint", "Young Griffo - Pennies", ] meter = pyln.Meter(args.sample_rate) sources = ["vocals", "bass", "drums", "other"] song_list = glob.glob(f"{args.root}/train/*") vst = pedalboard.load_plugin( "/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/iZOzone9ElementsAUHook.component" ) if args.save_fixed: vst_params = [] os.makedirs(f"{args.output}/ozone_train_fixed", exist_ok=True) for song in song_list: print(f"Processing {song}...") song_name = os.path.basename(song) audio_sources = [] for source in sources: audio_path = f"{song}/{source}.wav" audio, sr = librosa.load(audio_path, sr=args.sample_rate, mono=False) audio_sources.append(audio) stems = np.stack(audio_sources, axis=0) mixture = stems.sum(0) lufs = meter.integrated_loudness(mixture.T) target_lufs = random.gauss(args.target_lufs_mean, args.target_lufs_std) adjusted_loudness = target_lufs - lufs vst.reset() vst.eq_bypass = True vst.img_bypass = True vst.max_mode = 1.0 # Set IRC2 mode vst.max_threshold = min(-adjusted_loudness, 0.0) vst.max_character = min(gamma.rvs(2), 10.0) print( f"Applying Ozone 9 Elements IRC2 with threshold {vst.max_threshold} and character {vst.max_character}..." ) limited_mixture = vst(mixture, args.sample_rate) sf.write( f"{args.output}/ozone_train_fixed/{song_name}.wav", limited_mixture.T, args.sample_rate, ) vst_params.append([song_name, vst.max_threshold, vst.max_character]) # Save the song name and vst parameters (vst.max_threshold and vst.max_character) to a csv file with open(f"{args.output}/ozone_train_fixed.csv", "w") as f: writer = csv.writer(f) writer.writerow(["song_name", "max_threshold", "max_character"]) for idx, list_vst_param in enumerate(vst_params): writer.writerow(list_vst_param) else: if os.path.exists(f"{args.output}/ozone_train_random_0.csv"): vst_params = [] list_csv_files = glob.glob(f"{args.output}/ozone_train_random_*.csv") list_csv_files.sort() for csv_file in list_csv_files: with open(csv_file, "r") as f: reader = csv.reader(f) next(reader) vst_params.extend([row for row in reader]) else: vst_params = [] song_list = [x for x in song_list if os.path.basename(x) not in valid_list] os.makedirs(f"{args.output}/ozone_train_random", exist_ok=True) for n in range(len(vst_params), args.n_samples): print(f"Processing {n} / {args.n_samples}...") seg_name = f"ozone_seg_{n}" lufs_not_inf = True while lufs_not_inf: audio_sources = [] source_song_names = {} source_start_secs = {} source_gains = {} source_channelswaps = {} for source in sources: track_path = random.choice(song_list) song_name = os.path.basename(track_path) audio_path = f"{track_path}/{source}.wav" audio, start_sec = load_wav_arbitrary_position_stereo( audio_path, args.sample_rate, args.seq_duration, return_pos=True ) audio, gain = _augment_gain_ozone(audio) audio, channelswap = _augment_channelswap_ozone(audio) audio_sources.append(audio) source_song_names[source] = song_name source_start_secs[source] = start_sec source_gains[source] = gain source_channelswaps[source] = channelswap stems = np.stack(audio_sources, axis=0) mixture = stems.sum(0) lufs = meter.integrated_loudness(mixture.T) # if lufs is inf, then the mixture is silent, so we need to generate a new mixture lufs_not_inf = np.isinf(lufs) target_lufs = random.gauss(args.target_lufs_mean, args.target_lufs_std) adjusted_loudness = target_lufs - lufs vst.reset() vst.eq_bypass = True vst.img_bypass = True vst.max_mode = 1.0 # Set IRC2 mode vst.max_threshold = min(max(-20, -adjusted_loudness), 0.0) vst.max_character = min(gamma.rvs(2), 10.0) print( f"Applying Ozone 9 Elements IRC2 with threshold {vst.max_threshold} and character {vst.max_character}..." ) limited_mixture = vst(mixture, args.sample_rate) sf.write( f"{args.output}/ozone_train_random_0/{seg_name}.wav", limited_mixture.T, args.sample_rate, ) vst_params.append( [ seg_name, vst.max_threshold, vst.max_character, source_song_names["vocals"], source_start_secs["vocals"], source_gains["vocals"], source_channelswaps["vocals"], source_song_names["bass"], source_start_secs["bass"], source_gains["bass"], source_channelswaps["bass"], source_song_names["drums"], source_start_secs["drums"], source_gains["drums"], source_channelswaps["drums"], source_song_names["other"], source_start_secs["other"], source_gains["other"], source_channelswaps["other"], ] ) if (n + 1) % 20000 == 0 or n == args.n_samples - 1: # We will separate the csv file into multiple files to avoid memory error # Save the song name and vst parameters (vst.max_threshold and vst.max_character) to a csv file number = int(n // 20000) with open(f"{args.output}/ozone_train_random_{number}.csv", "w") as f: writer = csv.writer(f) writer.writerow( [ "song_name", "max_threshold", "max_character", "vocals_name", "vocals_start_sec", "vocals_gain", "vocals_channelswap", "bass_name", "bass_start_sec", "bass_gain", "bass_channelswap", "drums_name", "drums_start_sec", "drums_gain", "drums_channelswap", "other_name", "other_start_sec", "other_gain", "other_channelswap", ] ) for idx, list_vst_param in enumerate( vst_params[number * 20000 : (number + 1) * 20000] ): writer.writerow(list_vst_param)