jcheng5's picture
Initial checkin
import { BindScope } from "rstudio-shiny/srcts/types/src/shiny/bind";
// Register custom elements
import "./videoClipper";
import "./avSettingsMenu";
import "./audioSpinner";
// Create input binding to send video clips from <video-clipper> to Shiny
class VideoClipperBinding extends Shiny.InputBinding {
#lastKnownValue = new WeakMap<HTMLElement, unknown>();
#handlers = new WeakMap<HTMLElement, (ev: Event) => Promise<void>>();
find(scope: BindScope): JQuery<HTMLElement> {
return $(scope).find("video-clipper");
getValue(el: HTMLElement): unknown {
return this.#lastKnownValue.get(el);
subscribe(el: HTMLElement, callback: (value: boolean) => void): void {
const handler = async (ev: Event) => {
const blob = (ev as BlobEvent).data;
this.#lastKnownValue.set(el, {
type: blob.type,
bytes: await base64(blob),
el.addEventListener("data", handler);
this.#handlers.set(el, handler);
unsubscribe(el: HTMLElement): void {
const handler = this.#handlers.get(el)!;
el.removeEventListener("data", handler);
window.Shiny.inputBindings.register(new VideoClipperBinding(), "video-clipper");
* Encode a Blob as a base64 string
* @param blob The Blob to encode
* @returns A base64-encoded string
async function base64(blob: Blob): Promise<string> {
const buf = await blob.arrayBuffer();
const results = [];
const CHUNKSIZE = 1024;
for (let i = 0; i < buf.byteLength; i += CHUNKSIZE) {
const chunk = buf.slice(i, i + CHUNKSIZE);
results.push(String.fromCharCode(...new Uint8Array(chunk)));
return btoa(results.join(""));