Runtime error
Runtime error
class AudioSpinnerElement extends HTMLElement { | |
#audio!: HTMLAudioElement; | |
#canvas!: HTMLCanvasElement; | |
#ctx2d!: CanvasRenderingContext2D; | |
#analyzer!: AnalyserNode; | |
#dataArray!: Float32Array; | |
#smoother!: Smoother<Float32Array>; | |
constructor() { | |
super(); | |
this.attachShadow({ mode: "open" }); | |
this.shadowRoot!.innerHTML = ` | |
<style> | |
:host { | |
display: block; | |
position: relative; | |
} | |
::slotted(canvas) { | |
position: absolute; | |
top: 0; | |
left: 0; | |
} | |
::slotted(audio) { | |
display: none; | |
} | |
</style> | |
<slot name="audio"></slot> | |
<slot name="canvas"></slot> | |
`; | |
} | |
connectedCallback() { | |
// Create <audio>. This will play the sound. | |
const audioSlot = this.shadowRoot!.querySelector( | |
"slot[name=audio]" | |
)! as HTMLSlotElement; | |
this.#audio = this.ownerDocument.createElement("audio"); | |
this.#audio.autoplay = true; | |
this.#audio.controls = false; | |
this.#audio.src = this.getAttribute("src")!; | |
this.#audio.slot = "audio"; | |
audioSlot.assign(this.#audio); | |
this.#audio.addEventListener("play", () => { | |
this.#draw(); | |
}); | |
this.#audio.onpause = () => { | | = "opacity 0.5s 1s"; | |
this.classList.add("fade"); | |
this.addEventListener("transitionend", () => { | |
this.remove(); | |
}); | |
}; | |
// Create <canvas>. This will be the target of our vizualization. | |
const canvasSlot = this.shadowRoot!.querySelector( | |
"slot[name=canvas]" | |
)! as HTMLSlotElement; | |
this.#canvas = this.ownerDocument.createElement("canvas"); | |
this.#canvas.slot = "canvas"; | |
this.#canvas.width = this.clientWidth * window.devicePixelRatio; | |
this.#canvas.height = this.clientHeight * window.devicePixelRatio; | | = this.clientWidth + "px"; | | = this.clientHeight + "px"; | |
this.appendChild(this.#canvas); | |
canvasSlot.assign(this.#canvas); | |
this.#ctx2d = this.#canvas.getContext("2d")!; | |
this.#ctx2d.scale(window.devicePixelRatio, window.devicePixelRatio); | |
new ResizeObserver(() => { | |
this.#canvas.width = this.clientWidth; | |
this.#canvas.height = this.clientHeight; | |
}).observe(this); | |
// Initialize analyzer | |
const audioCtx = new AudioContext(); | |
const source = audioCtx.createMediaElementSource(this.#audio); | |
this.#analyzer = new AnalyserNode(audioCtx, { | |
fftSize: 2048, | |
}); | |
this.#dataArray = new Float32Array(this.#analyzer.frequencyBinCount); | |
source.connect(this.#analyzer); | |
this.#analyzer.connect(audioCtx.destination); | |
// Initialize persistent data structures needed for vizualization | |
const dataArray2 = new Float32Array(this.#analyzer.frequencyBinCount); | |
this.#smoother = new Smoother<Float32Array>(5, (samples) => { | |
for (let i = 0; i < dataArray2.length; i++) { | |
dataArray2[i] = 0; | |
for (let j = 0; j < samples.length; j++) { | |
dataArray2[i] += samples[j][i]; | |
} | |
dataArray2[i] /= samples.length; | |
} | |
return dataArray2; | |
}); | |
this.#draw(); | |
} | |
#draw() { | |
if (!this.isConnected) { | |
return; | |
} | |
requestAnimationFrame(() => this.#draw()); | |
const width = this.#canvas.width; | |
const height = this.#canvas.height; | |
this.#ctx2d.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); | |
this.#analyzer.getFloatTimeDomainData(this.#dataArray); | |
const smoothed = this.#smoother.add(new Float32Array(this.#dataArray)); | |
const { | |
spinVelocity, | |
gap, | |
thickness, | |
minRadius, | |
radiusFactor, | |
steps, | |
blades, | |
} = this.#getSettings(width, height); | |
const avg = | |
(smoothed.reduce((a, b) => a + Math.abs(b), 0) / smoothed.length) * 4; | |
const radius = minRadius + (avg * (height - minRadius)) / radiusFactor; | |
for (let step = 0; step < steps; step++) { | |
const this_radius = radius - step * (radius / (steps + 1)); | |
if (step === steps - 1) { | |
this.#drawPie(width, height, 0, Math.PI * 2, this_radius, thickness); | |
} else { | |
const seconds = new Date().getTime() / 1000; | |
const startAngle = (seconds * spinVelocity) % (Math.PI * 2); | |
for (let blade = 0; blade < blades; blade++) { | |
const angleOffset = ((Math.PI * 2) / blades) * blade; | |
const sweep = (Math.PI * 2) / blades - gap; | |
this.#drawPie( | |
width, | |
height, | |
startAngle + angleOffset, | |
sweep, | |
this_radius, | |
thickness | |
); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
#drawPie( | |
width: number, | |
height: number, | |
startAngle: number, | |
sweep: number, | |
radius: number, | |
thickness?: number | |
) { | |
this.#ctx2d.beginPath(); | |
this.#ctx2d.fillStyle = this.#canvas | |
.computedStyleMap() | |
.get("color") | |
?.toString()!; | |
if (!thickness) { | |
this.#ctx2d.moveTo(width / 2, height / 2); | |
} | |
this.#ctx2d.arc( | |
width / 2, | |
height / 2, | |
radius, | |
startAngle, | |
startAngle + sweep | |
); | |
if (!thickness) { | |
this.#ctx2d.lineTo(width / 2, height / 2); | |
} else { | |
this.#ctx2d.arc( | |
width / 2, | |
height / 2, | |
radius - thickness, | |
startAngle + sweep, | |
startAngle, | |
true | |
); | |
} | |
this.#ctx2d.fill(); | |
} | |
#getSettings(width: number, height: number) { | |
// Visualization settings | |
const settings = { | |
spinVelocity: 5, | |
gap: Math.PI / 5, | |
thickness: 2.5, | |
minRadius: Math.min(width, height) / 6, | |
radiusFactor: 1.8, | |
steps: 3, | |
blades: 3, | |
}; | |
for (const key in settings) { | |
const value = tryParseFloat(this.dataset[key]); | |
if (typeof value !== "undefined") { | |
Object.assign(settings, { [key]: value }); | |
} | |
} | |
return settings; | |
} | |
} | |
window.customElements.define("audio-spinner", AudioSpinnerElement); | |
class Smoother<T> { | |
#samples: T[] = []; | |
#smooth: (samples: T[]) => T; | |
#size: number; | |
#pos: number; | |
constructor(size: number, smooth: (samples: T[]) => T) { | |
this.#size = size; | |
this.#pos = 0; | |
this.#smooth = smooth; | |
} | |
add(sample: T): T { | |
this.#samples[this.#pos] = sample; | |
this.#pos = (this.#pos + 1) % this.#size; | |
return this.smoothed(); | |
} | |
smoothed(): T { | |
return this.#smooth(this.#samples); | |
} | |
} | |
function tryParseFloat(str?: string): number | undefined { | |
if (typeof str === "undefined") { | |
return undefined; | |
} | |
const parsed = parseFloat(str); | |
return isNaN(parsed) ? undefined : parsed; | |
} | |