import fs from "fs" import path from "path" import { promise as glob } from "glob-promise" import { Database } from "./types.mts" export const updatePlaylists = async (db: Database) => { // TODO we should DROP THE CHANNEL 3 name, // and only keep WEBTV_VIDEO_STORAGE_PATH const directoryPath = process.env.WEBTV_VIDEO_STORAGE_PATH_CHANNEL_3 console.log("Generating playlist for all the videos..") // Get all the file paths in the directory const allFiles = await fs.promises.readdir(directoryPath) const allFilePaths = allFiles .map(file => path.join(directoryPath, file)) .filter(filePath => filePath.endsWith('.mp4')) // Create channel_random.txt with all files let randomData = 'ffconcat version 1.0\n' allFilePaths.forEach(filePath => { randomData += `file '${filePath}'\n` }) await fs.promises.writeFile("channel_random.txt", randomData) console.log(`Created playlist channel_random.txt with ${allFilePaths} entries`) console.log("Generating playlist for the last files..") // Filter the list for the last 400 updated files const lastUpdatedFilePaths = allFilePaths .map(filePath => ({ filePath, mtime: fs.statSync(filePath).mtime })) .sort((a, b) => b.mtime.getTime() - a.mtime.getTime()) .slice(0, 400) .map(file => file.filePath) // Create channel_fresh.txt let freshData = 'ffconcat version 1.0\n' lastUpdatedFilePaths.forEach(filePath => { freshData += `file '${filePath}'\n` }) await fs.promises.writeFile("channel_fresh.txt", freshData) console.log(`Created playlist channel_fresh.txt with ${lastUpdatedFilePaths} entries`) // Record of file paths categorized by tags const categoryToFilePaths: Record = {} // Read JSON sequences for (const sequence of db.sequences) { // Read sequence tags and create empty category list if not already present for (const tag of sequence.tags) { if (!categoryToFilePaths[tag]) { categoryToFilePaths[tag] = [] } } // Read files from the sequence for (const shot of sequence.shots) { const shotId = shot.shotId const shotFileNamePattern = `*${shotId}*.mp4` const shotFilePathPattern = path.join(directoryPath, shotFileNamePattern) const files = await glob(shotFilePathPattern) const shotFilePath = files[0] // Get the first matching file // Add the file path to the categories for (const tag of sequence.tags) { categoryToFilePaths[tag].push(shotFilePath) } } } const stats: Record = {} // Print the stats for (const [category, filePaths] of Object.entries(categoryToFilePaths)) { stats[category] = filePaths.length } console.log(`NB FILES PER CATEGORY: ${JSON.stringify(stats, null, 2)}`) // create the new playlists for (const [category, filePaths] of Object.entries(categoryToFilePaths)) { if (filePaths.length > 0) { console.log(`creating playlist for ${category}..`) let data = 'ffconcat version 1.0\n' filePaths.forEach((filePath) => { data += `file '${filePath}'\n` }) // write file data synchronously fs.writeFileSync(`channel_${category}.txt`, data) console.log(`Created playlist channel_${category}.txt`) } } }