#!/bin/bash # initialize the stream pipes bash ./scripts/init.sh # ------------ UPDATE MUSIC ------------ echo "skipping new music download" # bash scripts/download_fresh_music.sh # ---------- CONTENT ALIGNMENT --------- bash scripts/censorship.sh # ------ background processes --------- bash scripts/interpolate.sh & # starts the streaming server first, otherwise ffmpeg won't find it node ./media-server.js & sleep 1 # background process that creates an audio stream from audio files bash scripts/audio1.sh & bash scripts/audio2.sh & # background process that creates a video stream from video files bash scripts/video1.sh & bash scripts/video2.sh & bash scripts/video3.sh & sleep 1 # background process that sends data to the media server bash scripts/stream1.sh & bash scripts/stream2.sh & bash scripts/stream3.sh & sleep 1 # here we have the possibility of using multiple workers # buf if we do that, we will have to split the workload (split the prompts) WEBTV_WORKER_INSTANCE_ID=1 npm run start