Build error
Build error
import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid' | |
import { upscaleVideo } from './upscaleVideo.mts' | |
import { keepVideo } from './keepVideo.mts' | |
import { getStats } from './getStats.mts' | |
import { enhanceVideo } from './enhanceVideo.mts' | |
import { callZeroscope } from './callZeroscope.mts' | |
import { downloadVideo } from './downloadVideo.mts' | |
import { getDatabase } from './getDatabase.mts' | |
import { callMusicgen } from './callMusicgen.mts' | |
let hasReachedStartingPoint = false | |
type RunMode = 'running' | 'paused' | 'dry_run' | |
const status = `${process.env.WEBTV_STATUS || 'dry_run'}` as RunMode | |
console.log(`Web TV server status: ${status}`) | |
// to add more diversity to the stream, let's cut down on the length | |
const maxShotsPerSequence = 10 | |
const main = async () => { | |
if (status === 'paused') { | |
setTimeout(() => { | |
main() | |
}, 30000) | |
return | |
} | |
console.log('Reading persistent file structure..') | |
const stats = await getStats() | |
console.log(`New format: We have ${stats.nbVideoFiles} video files`) | |
console.log(`Legacy: We have ${stats.nbLegacyVideoFiles} video files and ${stats.nbLegacyAudioFiles} audio files`) | |
console.log('Reading prompt database..') | |
const db = await getDatabase('./database.json') | |
const nbTotalShots = db.sequences.reduce((a, s) => a + s.shots.length, 0) | |
console.log(`Prompt database version: ${db.version}`) | |
console.log(`We got ${db.sequences.length} sequences for ${nbTotalShots} shots in total`) | |
console.log('Generating videos sequences..') | |
const instanceId = process.env.WEBTV_WORKER_INSTANCE_ID || '0' | |
const startingPointExists = db.sequences.some(seq => seq.shots.some(shot => shot.shotId === db.startAtShotId)) | |
if (!startingPointExists) { | |
console.log(`Starting point ${db.startAtShotId} not found, we will start at the beginning`) | |
hasReachedStartingPoint = true | |
} else if (db.startAtShotId) { | |
console.log(`We are going to start at shot ${db.startAtShotId}`) | |
} else { | |
console.log('We are going to start at the beginning') | |
} | |
for (const sequence of db.sequences) { | |
const containsStartingPoint = sequence.shots.some(shot => shot.shotId === db.startAtShotId) | |
// we skip sequences that were already processed | |
if (!hasReachedStartingPoint && !containsStartingPoint) { | |
continue | |
} | |
console.log(` | |
----------------------------------------------------------- | |
Going to generate ${sequence.shots.length} for prompt: | |
${sequence.videoPrompt} | |
`) | |
const movieId = uuid() | |
const generatedShots: string[] = [] | |
// this is hardcoded everywhere for now, since videos longer than 3 sec require the Nvidia A100 | |
const videoDurationInSecs = 3 | |
let shotIndex = 0 | |
for (const shot of sequence.shots) { | |
if (shot.shotId === db.startAtShotId) { | |
hasReachedStartingPoint = true | |
} | |
if (!hasReachedStartingPoint) { | |
shotIndex++ | |
continue | |
} | |
console.log(`- generating shot ${shot.shotId}: ${shot.videoPrompt}`) | |
if (status === 'dry_run') { | |
// console.log('DRY RUN') | |
shotIndex++ | |
continue | |
} | |
try { | |
const generatedVideoUrl = await callZeroscope(shot.videoPrompt) | |
// note that we need to use the shot INDEX (not just the ID) | |
// to make sure the order is respected | |
const shotFileName = `inst_${instanceId}_movie_${movieId}_seq_${sequence.sequenceId}_shot_index_${shotIndex++}_shot_${shot.shotId}_${}.mp4` | |
console.log(`- downloading shot ${shotFileName} from ${generatedVideoUrl}`) | |
await downloadVideo(generatedVideoUrl, shotFileName) | |
console.log(`- downloaded shot ${shotFileName}`) | |
console.log('- upscaling shot..') | |
try { | |
await upscaleVideo(shotFileName, shot.videoPrompt) | |
} catch (err) { | |
// upscaling is finicky, if it fails we try again | |
console.log('- trying again to upscale shot..') | |
await upscaleVideo(shotFileName, shot.videoPrompt) | |
} | |
console.log('- enhancing shot..') | |
await enhanceVideo(shotFileName) | |
console.log('- saving final shot..') | |
await keepVideo(shotFileName, process.env.WEBTV_VIDEO_STORAGE_PATH_NEXT) | |
generatedShots.push(shotFileName) | |
console.log('- done!') | |
} catch (err) { | |
console.log(`- error: ${err}`) | |
} | |
// for the initial demo, we may want to limit the number of shots per sequence | |
if (shotIndex > maxShotsPerSequence) { | |
break | |
} | |
} | |
console.log('Finished generating sequence') | |
const totalRunTime = videoDurationInSecs * generatedShots.length | |
if (totalRunTime <= 0) { | |
continue | |
} | |
// TODO: generate music from MusicGen, with the correct length | |
// (or we could generate a slightly larger track and let ffmpeg cut it) | |
console.log(`TODO: generate ${totalRunTime} seconds of music`) | |
await callMusicgen(sequence.audioPrompt) // this does nothing for now | |
} | |
console.log('Finished the cycle') | |
hasReachedStartingPoint = true // set this to true in all cases | |
setTimeout(() => { | |
main() | |
}, 2000) | |
} | |
setTimeout(() => { | |
main() | |
}, 3000) | |