Build error
Build error
File size: 943 Bytes
0b2f8ce faac575 0b2f8ce |
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echo "Starting FFMPEG live stream for channel 2"
while true; do
# if ((COUNT % 60 == 0)); then
# echo "--- video channel_2_video_list_a.txt ---"
# cat channel_2_video_list_a.txt
# #echo "--- channel_2_audio_list_a.txt ---"
# #cat channel_2_audio_list_a.txt
# fi
#sleep 1
# ((COUNT++))
# echo "Trying to create the final stream for channel 2.."
ffmpeg -y -nostdin -re -f concat -safe 0 -i "channel_2_video_list_a.txt" -loglevel error -c:v libx264 -preset veryfast -tune zerolatency -c:a aac -ar 44100 -f flv rtmp://localhost/live/webtv2
# ffmpeg -y -nostdin -re -f concat -safe 0 -i "channel_2_video_list_a.txt" -i "channel_2_audio_list_a.txt" -loglevel error -c:v libx264 -preset veryfast -tune zerolatency -c:a aac -ar 44100 -f flv rtmp://localhost/live/webtv2
# echo "Live stream for channel 2 got interrupted, will try again in 1 sec"
done |