export type ProjectionMode = 'cartesian' | 'spherical'

export type CacheMode = "use" | "renew" | "ignore"

export interface RenderRequest {
  prompt: string

  // whether to use video segmentation
  // disabled (default)
  // firstframe: we only analyze the first frame
  // allframes: we analyze all the frames
  segmentation: 'disabled' | 'firstframe' | 'allframes'

  // segmentation will only be executed if we have a non-empty list of actionnables
  // actionnables are names of things like "chest", "key", "tree", "chair" etc
  actionnables: string[]

  // note: this is the number of frames for Zeroscope,
  // which is currently configured to only output 3 seconds, so:
  // nbFrames=8 -> 1 sec
  // nbFrames=16 -> 2 sec
  // nbFrames=24 -> 3 sec
  nbFrames: number // min: 1, max: 24

  nbSteps: number // min: 1, max: 50

  seed: number

  width: number // fixed at 1024 for now
  height: number // fixed at 512 for now

  // upscaling factor
  // 0: no upscaling
  // 1: no upscaling
  // 2: 2x larger
  // 3: 3x larger
  // 4x: 4x larger, up to 4096x4096 (warning: a PNG of this size can be 50 Mb!)
  upscalingFactor: number

  projection: ProjectionMode

  cache: CacheMode

  wait: boolean // wait until the job is completed

  analyze: boolean // analyze the image to generate a caption (optional)

export interface ImageSegment {
  id: number
  box: number[]
  color: number[]
  label: string
  score: number 

export type RenderedSceneStatus =
  | "pending"
  | "completed"
  | "error"

export interface RenderedScene {
  renderId: string
  status: RenderedSceneStatus
  assetUrl: string 
  alt: string
  error: string
  maskUrl: string
  segments: ImageSegment[]

export interface ImageAnalysisRequest {
  image: string // in base64
  prompt: string

export interface ImageAnalysisResponse {
  result: string
  error?: string

export type LLMResponse = Array<{panel: number; instructions: string; caption: string }>

export type LLMEngine =
  | "OPENAI"

export type RenderingEngine =
  | "OPENAI"

export type PostVisibility =
  | "featured" // featured by admins
  | "trending" // top trending / received more than 10 upvotes
  | "normal" // default visibility

export type Post = {
  postId: string
  appId: string
  prompt: string
  previewUrl: string
  assetUrl: string
  createdAt: string
  visibility: PostVisibility
  upvotes: number
  downvotes: number

export type CreatePostResponse = {
  success?: boolean
  error?: string
  post: Post

export type GetAppPostsResponse = {
  success?: boolean
  error?: string
  posts: Post[]

export type GetAppPostResponse = {
  success?: boolean
  error?: string
  post: Post