constitution = """
The Constitution of Estrange

By our code, and for the purpose of making Estrange mutually beneficial for everyone (except if you're, like, REALLY annoying), the following laws and regulations are to be set in stone, only to be added to by majority agreement of the government. 

Though it diminishes the rights of former citizens of Anarchist Estrange and new citizens (which, to be honest, doesn’t actually matter, considering we’re only inhabited for around half an hour a day), the governmental system of Estrange is to be made of four members, one of which, is to be a representative of the remaining citizens, who is elected once a month on the first Monday by citizens. The hierarchy among the three permanent governmental figures—______________, ______________ and ______________—is decided by who has the least nostril flares, who takes the dictators seat with the other people following as first and second in line. The four members of the government must sit at Greater Estrange rather than a colony. 

The remaining people of Estrange are classified as either citizens or residents. A citizen must both sit at Estrange or a colony of Estrange for a majority of each week (with an exception of being absent from school) and pass the citizenship test. Remaining people who either sit at Estrange for less than a majority of the week or have failed the citizenship test are considered residents. A resident shall not vote for the representative of the people nor shall they receive the daily Estrange email which is written by the current dictator. A resident still must follow the laws of Estrange while they sit in its territory. 

For every colony one citizen is appointed Reeve by the dictator and must sit there every day they are in school. The Reeve is given the ability to enforce the laws over people who sit at the colony, but the dictator may replace them at any time they wish, with the new Reeve gaining the position the following Monday. All colonies are set up and managed by the dictator. The dictator also has power over granting non-governmental titles and declaring war on other tables.  

If any resident, citizen or oligarch breaks a rule they are given a nostril flare by the dictator. The dictator can refuse to give themselves or any other person a nostril flare, but in this case the remaining three governmental figures can vote to give them a nostril flare for abuse of power, which also reverses what they have done. (The abuse of power vote can be initiated in other situations as well). If the vote is turned down the dictator will get away unpunished from the crime they have committed or the unfair pardon they have given. 

Besides deciding who is in line for the dictator's seat, on rare occasions nostril flares can also result in temporary banishment. If one person is given three nostril flares in a day or four in a week, the following Monday they are to be banished for four days. If they are given any more nostril flares in the remainder of the week, this number of days is added to their banishment. Once they have returned they must reapply for citizenship. If the last place oligarch is given more nostril flares than their successor (who is the first representative of the people that is not currently an oligarch or a resident or with the least nostril flares) they are replaced and considered a citizen. A permanent banishment can occur, though only by a 100 percent approval of the government. 


The signing of this constitution by the four founders instates that this system of government upholds the goals of Estranges formation and will continue to for as long as our great civilization stands. 

______________________.           ______________________.  

______________________.           ______________________. 


And such concludes the constitution of Estrange, creating a government of some of the people, by some of the people, for some of the people.

Estrange’s Book of Laws 

The laws of Estrange, unlike the constitution, may be both added to and changed, but only by a 3 or 4 person governmental majority. “Punishment,” as referenced in these laws is a nostril flare as said in the constitution.


Section one, laws:

Thou shall not consume a cheese sticketh whole
A cheese stick is to be strung. If a person under the laws of Estrange does not string their cheese stick they are to be punished. 

Thou shall not speaketh highly of fast food, nor shall thou doeth so about batman movies. 
	Batman movies are in no way exceptional nor is fast food. Don’t lie and say either of these things are, and if thou do, thou shall be punished.

Thou shall not stealeth a delicacy of any kind.
	A delicacy is any possession of someone’s that they cannot replace or else thou shall be punished. If a person has many of one thing, you may steal a small portion of it. 

Thou shall always voteth during an election.
	Voting is required of citizens. If thou do not cast your vote you are no longer considered a citizen.

Thou shall not speaketh about video games. 
	Thou may still speak of video games, but not about them. If thou do not stop speaking about video games after being warned with a hairy eyeball, thou shall be punished. Thou may speak of Estrange's minecraft server. 

Thou shall not misgendereth anyone.
	If thou do not correct yourself and apologize after misgendering someone, thou shall be punished. 

Thou shall not disrespecteth the name of Estrange.
	If thy says something in the name of Estrange or makes thy own copy of a legal document, you shall be punished. 

Thou shall refereth to the dictator correctly. 
	As long as Jude is dictator thy must refer to him (though not in writing) as Gude McChicken rather than Jude McChutchen. If not thou shall be punished. 

Thou shall not griefeth a build.
	If thou destroy, damage or ruin the accessibility of a build on the Minecraft server, thou shall be punished and banished from the server for a whole month, and on second offense, thou shall  be permanently gone from the server and once again punished. 

Thou shall not hacketh or cheat.
	If thou hack in any items on the Minecraft server the items shall be downgraded or destroyed by the dictators decision, and thou shall be banished for two weeks. Second and third offenses shall be punished with one month and permanent banishments.

Thou shall not annoyeth Estrangeans.
	If thou commits a repeated act of any form of annoyance, thou shall be punished.

Thou shall not abuseth thy position of power.
	If thou uses a power, online or not, to do something against what thy were told to do by the constitution, thou shall be punished.

Thou shall not throweth a grape. 
	If thou throw a small projectile at another person without their consent thou shall be punished. 

Thou shall not confuseth an election. 
	If thou submits too many responses and confuses the dictator, thou shall be punished. 

Thou shall not telleth the clown joke. 
	If thou tells Roman’s clown joke thou shall be punished. 

Section two, amendments:

	The following laws are what was missed in the writing of the constitution. They can only be created by a 100 percent or 4 person vote, and can only be removed by one. 

(Not currently in use) If any matter is in dispute, the two or more people must have a nostril flare off. The losing person is to be given a nostril flare. 

Instead of amendment 1, a cheese duel (which works as a regular duel does but with cheese) will decide a matter of dispute with the losing person receiving a nostril flare. 

If an election for representative of the people ends in a tie, a cheese duel will decide the winner with the loser still being given a nostril flare.  

Any person, citizen, resident or oligarch, may be given an un-nostril flare. An un nostril flare deducts a nostril flare from a person's total (but not from their weekly count). A person’s nostril flare count can be lowered to a point no lower than six.

The voting from members of a colony is reported by the Reeve of this table, and this is the only way the representative can collect this vote. 

(Not currently in use) The first in line will be head of law, and the second in line will be head of religion (currently an Estrangean adaptation or Kurchin Exessorism), though this “Head of religion” title doesn’t mean much other than proposing religious changes. 

Replacing the previous amendment, the first in line shall still be head of law, but the second in line shall be head of online affairs and shall manage anything not specified to be under the control of the government or dictator that happens online. 

To become a citizen by taking the citizenship test,  you must first sit at Estrange for the majority of a week for two weeks or more in a row or sit at Estrange for a five day week. You can also only lose this citizenship after two weeks of not sitting at Estrange for a majority of the week. 

The discord colony of Estrange shall function the same as greater Estrange, with all laws applying. Even so, if the dictator or other oligarch is offline for a vote this cannot be treated as them not being there, and the vote can not be officialized. 

If someone loses citizenship as a representative in line they shall no longer have this position when they return. 

If a former citizen fails the citizenship test they must sit with Estrange for the same time as a new applying citizen would to retry the test.  The same goes for a resident who has already sat for the necessary amount of time.

Roles on the discord colony of estrange are to be assigned the same way roles are in in person branches; by the dictator. This also adds that the dictator is in charge of allowing or disallowing people into restricted channels. 

Similarly to the citizenship test, to become representative you must first pass a bar test issued by the dictator.


Section three, executive decisions. 

	These need a 3 person majority to be passed, but are one time decisions instead of laws. This is a record, and most of these will have already been used. 

(Used) After Kodyn’s next nostril flare, he will get another one for no particular reason. 

(Pardoned) For every five points below 100 on the online I.Q. test, Henry will be given one nostril flare.

(Used) Jude McCutcheon must change his title to include ‘queenly,’ or he shall be given many nostril flares.

(Used) Dictator Jude McCutcheon shall have his informal title changed from ‘Sir dictator’ to ‘Grand Emperor.’

(Used) Kirch is not allowed to make a point.


Section four, amendment defying executive decisions. 

These need a one hundred percent majority to pass, just as amendments do, but for one instance can change amendments. This is a record and most of these will have already been used. 

(Used) Brune will become an immediate citizen without the requirement of sitting at Estrange for any time, creating the colony of Racoon Gang. 

(Used) Quinn will become  an immediate citizen without the requirement of sitting at Estrange for any time. 



Section five, current positions:

			Jude McCutcheon,

			Jack Aronstein, Brune salles,

		Citizens in line: 
			Alton Berkowitz-Gosselin,

		Representative of the people: 
			Alton Berkowitz-Gosselin,

			Henry Gutting, Zev Lopez-keller, Isaiah Day, Kodyn Moore, Sebastian Maybar, Quinn  Miller, Arlo Bourdon Levy, Roman Voyevidka, Julian Smith, Toren Grosso-Siebecker, Xavier Greenburg, Owen McCutcheon, Christian patenaude,
Brune salles, Max brisben, Felix Brideau, Nico Stathis-Lowe, Annamarie Hoey, Michael Tauer, River Casella, 
Scarlet Bowman, Eli Wool,  



		Governmental and Other (in parentheses) titles of Estrange:

His majesty,  the aristocratic, dignified, illustrious, imperial, magnificent,
noble, stately, august, elevated, high ruling, sovereign, superior, worthy, authoritative, baronial, commanding, eminent, forgetful, grandiose, highborn, honorable, imposing, gay, impressive, kingly, lofty, majestic, queenly, regal, regnant, reigning, renowned, resplendent, splendid, superb, supreme dictator-for-life (or ‘Grand Emperor’), Jude McCutcheon
First in line (Head of law), Jack Aronstein.
			Second in line, Owen McCutcheon.
			(Ex-Second in line, second and third representative, Estrange’s siren and prophet of doomsgay), Julian Smith.
			(Ex-second in line and hairy eyeballer), Henry Gutting.  
			(Ex-First colony’s reeve), Kodyn Moore.
			(Overseer of the press and Estrange’s bard)* Isaiah Day.

Past titles:
			(Fourth representative), Toren Grosso-Siebecker			
			(Fifth representative, Ex-Second in line), 
(First, sixth, seventh and eighth representative, second and Second in line), Owen McCutcheon.
			(First Third in line, “reeve” of 
*The title ‘Overseer of the press’ doesn’t hold responsibility beyond the website of Estrange (they are not involved in the writing Daily Estrange email). The position of Bard means even less, as the national anthem is/was mostly worked on by Henry Gutting and Jack Aronstein.


Conclusion, further information:

–The government of Estrange is considered to be an Estrangeic government. A person under this government is an Estrangean. 
–The political structure is that of a POLITICAL CUBE, where left to right is how much change you wish to have achieved, down and up is stable to unstable and front to back is how seriously you take yourself (front being most serious). 
–Political parties in Estrange, currently the Kodyn party and the Sane party, have no effect on the government, but we recommend you don’t vote for someone running in the Kodyn party.
–According to Estrange cannon, Henry is always incorrect about everything he says, as long as it doesn’t interfere with the government. 
–Also according to this cannon, Henry is aroace.
–The official animal of Estrange is the Jellow Yacket.
–The official bird of Estrange is the Hennary.
–The highest nostril flare count at any time is/was Kodyn with 56 (though without two bribed away in the past this would be 58).
–Important holidays include: TYRANNYDAY! on October 28 (2022 to be precise), Creation day one on september 8 (2021), Creation day two on September 9 (2021), 
–The current nostril flare count is as follows:
		Jude McCutcheon: 2
		Jack Aronstein: 2
		Owen McCutcheon: 6
			Representatives in line:
		Kodyn Moore: 56
		Henry Gutting: 6
		Zev lopez-keller: 7
		Alton Berkowitz-Gosselin: 7
		Sebastian Maybar: 6
		Arlo Bourdon Levy: 6
		Quinn Miller: 7
		Brune Salles: 6
Max brisben: 6
Felix Brideau: 6
Nico Stathis-Lowe: 6
Annamarie Hoey: 6
Michael Tauer: 6
Scarlet Bowman: 6
River Casella: 6
		Ruby Hadley: 6
		Julian Smith: 11
		Toren Grosso-Siebecker: 9
		Xavier Greenberg: 6

Residents with differing nostril flare counts:

			Ex citizens with differing nostril flare counts:
	–A record of nostril fared offenses:
		Jude McCutcheon: The first on an account of talking about video games with Kodyn, the second because of accidental misgendering, both given to himself willingly.			Jack Aronstein: 
		Julian Smith: The first six by default, followed by two for talking about video games and one for accidental misgendering, all three bribed away. 

			Representatives in line:
		Kodyn Moore: A record of all of his nostril flares was never made, though most were because of talking about video games and eating cheese sticks incorrectly. His peak number of nostril flares would be 58 if not for two he bribed away with cake. 
		Henry Gutting: The first two were not recorded, though most likely because of talking highly of fast food or batman movies. After this he lost to Jack in a nostril flare-off for first in line and gained one nostril flare. He then accidentally misgendered people four times until he reached seven, and then bribed one away by helping with the Minecraft texture pack. 
		Owen McCutcheon: Six by default.
		Isaiah Day: The first six by default, the next two because of accidental misgendering, both bribed off for a total of six. 
		Zev lopez-keller: Six by default followed by one for talking about video games. 
		Alton Berkowitz-Gosselin: 7
		Sebastian Maybar: Six by default.
		Brune Salles: Six by default.

Hear ye Hear ye!

First, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Miriam Poe (allegedly). YOu may also know me as Penisboy32. Me and Comrade/Partner in crime/BFFFF foreva/Special little prince pookie boy/friends with benefits (Sex in a closet), Michael Tauer, have a lucrative proposition for you. Next lunch (April 27, 2023), we will allow you to bid on a highly sought after artifact that is sure to bring you wealth, luck, and hoes for the rest of your natural lives. This object is highly sought after in the medical, physcological, and every other field. So what is it, you surely ask? We can not tell you. Please hold your horses, boyos (and girlos, cheerios, respectively.) We accept 7 types of currency:
Cash cash money (USA ONLY)
Food, preferably rice crispy treats purchased from the school Cafeteria
Words of affirmation
Physical affection (Includes but not limited too: high fives, ENTHUSIASTIC fistbumps, little forehead kissies, hugs, and more)
Friendship forged in the lava of mount Vesuvius itself
Romance forged in the lava of mount Vesuvius itself 
We will stop be your table at lunch and do our thang, please have all currency prepared by when we're there or smth anyway ate. Weenie weenie, weenie bo peenie.


Kindest and sexiest and coolest and most beautifullest and handsomest and meanest and most sympathetic and most empathetic and most awooga,

Miriam and Michael (the big M's) (M&M) (Eminiem as in the rapper) (MT and MPP) (Penisboy32 and the other one)(and)

Good morning citizens!

Today I have a ton of news. I'll try to categorize it. 

1. At lunch today we are going to try and colonize two new tables, both of which have little to no one sitting at them. One of these tables is also adjacent to the LGA table, in case you want to talk to them or plot revenge. Also, two reeves will be appointed to keep law and order in these colonies. If you are interested, please reply to me in this email. A detailed description will be written in the Positions of Power and What They Mean document. 

2. My title has been official updated from "Sir Dictator Jude McCutcheon" to "His majesty, the aristocratic, dignified, illustrious, imperial, magnificent, noble, stately, august, elevated,high ruling, sovereign, superior, worthy, authoritative, baronial, commanding, eminent, grandiose, highborn, honorable, imposing, impressive, kingly, lofty, majestic, regal, regnant, reigning, renowned, resplendent, splendid, superb, supreme dictator-for-life". If this is too much to say, you can still call me "Sir Dictator" for short. 

3. As many of you know, today is the last school day before the election. This also means that the poll to register will be closing today before lunch. If you want to register, will out the form I sent out. 
                     His majesty, the aristocratic, dignified, illustrious, imperial, magnificent, noble, stately, august, elevated,high ruling, sovereign, superior, worthy, authoritative, baronial, commanding, eminent, grandiose, highborn, honorable, imposing, impressive, kingly, lofty, majestic, regal, regnant, reigning, renowned, resplendent, splendid, superb, supreme dictator-for-life Jude McCutcheon

download your ram everyone!

No it's just the way my schedule works out today I don't have any time for the duel so I decided it would be easier to forfeit but I will be running next time and so will peter

For the second time in Etrange history, yesterday's RotP election resulted in a tie, which would have resulted in a cheese duel! Unfortunately for our fans of cheese duels, Alton has forfeited, meaning Owen is the new RotP! I hope you all will celebrate this joyous occasion!



How about we add the Peter party (name pending) and rebrand the Sane party as the Nationalist party

message owen has to archive

I am absolutely lolling out loud at this joke Zev

Good morning citizens!

Jude is quite late again, and as such, let us all shame him for his atrocious transgression upon the name of estrange.

Also, there are 11 days until doomsday.

Have a good day! 

                Not His majesty, the aristocratic, dignified, illustrious, imperial, magnificent, noble, stately, august, elevated, charismatic, high ruling, sovereign, superior, worthy, authoritative, baronial, commanding, eminent, forgetful, grandiose, highborn, honorable, imposing, gay, impressive, kingly, lofty, majestic, queenly, regal, regnant, oligarchic, reigning, renowned, imperial, resplendent, splendid, superb, supreme dictator-for-life, Jude McCutcheon

its 8 right guys

to be fair I was last before school started 

86% of psychopaths quit just before they are plastered all over the news


import gradio as gr
from transformers import pipeline
import tensorflow

question_answer = pipeline("question-answering")

def main(input):
    return question_answer(question=input, context=constitution)

iface = gr.Interface(fn=main, inputs="text", outputs="text")