import streamlit as st import time from handler import * def main(): """ Creates a Streamlit page for code analysis """ prompt=None code=None # Title and description st.set_page_config(page_title="CodeBatuk: Code Review Tool", page_icon="") st.title("Code Batuk") st.subheader("A code Analysis Tool") col1, col2 = st.columns([3,1]) with col1: # Text input fields code = st.text_area(label="Enter your code here:", height=200) #prompt = st.text_area(label="Custom prompt (optional):") with col2: # Radio buttons for analysis type analysis_type ="Choose analysis type:", ("Code review", "Code refinement","Documentation", "Resume Writer")) # Submit button if st.button("Submit"): # Process the code and prompt based on analysis_type (implementation omitted for brevity) if analysis_type == "Code review": res=review_code(code, prompt) #st.text_area(label="Result",value=res, height=300) st.markdown(res['text']) time.sleep(1) #st.markdown("Hello ooo") elif analysis_type == "Code refinement": res=refine_code(code, prompt) #st.text_area(label="Result",value=res, height=300) st.markdown(res['text']) elif analysis_type == "Documentation": res=generate_documentation(code, prompt) #st.text_area(label="Result",value=res, height=300) st.markdown(res['text']) elif analysis_type == "Resume Writer": res=resume_writer(code, prompt) #st.text_area(label="Result",value=res, height=300) st.markdown(res['text']) st.success(f"Code analysis for {analysis_type} submitted successfully!") if __name__ == "__main__": main() #git clone