title: server.cpp / Ghudsavar
emoji: 🏇🏻
colorFrom: gray
colorTo: green
sdk: docker
pinned: false
license: mit
app_port: 7860
short_description: Phi-3-Mini on llama.cpp based server 

# Server.cpp / Ghudsavar 🏇🏻 

Github [iAkashPaul/Ghudsavar](https://github.com/iakashpaul/Ghudsavar)

> Ghudsavar (Horse rider) - a quick server image, with one click deployment to HuggingFace spaces (even on the free tier with 2 CPU-cores).

Try it here [iAkashPaul/server.cpp](https://iakashpaul-server-cpp.hf.space) (default HF Space Embed messes up the themeing).

```Phi3-mini``` @Q4 runs at ~5tok/s

## Customize yours 

git clone https://github.com/iakashpaul/Ghudsavar.git
docker build -t iakashpaul/server.cpp:latest . --platform linux/amd64