import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from io import BytesIO from scipy.signal import savgol_filter from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter1d # Function to save and download images with specified DPI def download_button(fig, file_name, file_format, dpi): buffer = BytesIO() fig.savefig(buffer, format=file_format.lower(), dpi=dpi, bbox_inches="tight") st.download_button( label=f"Download as {file_format.upper()} ({dpi} DPI)", data=buffer, file_name=f"{file_name}_{dpi}dpi.{file_format.lower()}", mime=f"image/{file_format.lower()}", ) # Function to apply smoothing def apply_smoothing(data, method, **params): if method == "None": return data elif method == "Moving Average": window = params.get('window_size', 5) return pd.Series(data).rolling(window=window, center=True).mean() elif method == "Gaussian": sigma = params.get('sigma', 2) return gaussian_filter1d(data, sigma=sigma) elif method == "Savitzky-Golay": window = params.get('window_size', 5) poly_order = params.get('poly_order', 2) return savgol_filter(data, window_length=window, polyorder=poly_order) return data # Title of the app st.set_page_config(layout="wide") # Use wide layout st.title("Advanced CSV Data Visualization App") # File uploader uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload your CSV file", type="csv") if uploaded_file is not None: try: # Read the CSV file df = pd.read_csv(uploaded_file) # Function to clean non-numeric values and convert to float def clean_column(column): return pd.to_numeric(column.str.replace(r"[^\d.-]", "", regex=True), errors='coerce') # Clean all columns to handle non-numeric data df = df.apply(lambda col: clean_column(col) if col.dtype == "object" else col) # Sidebar with settings with st.sidebar: st.subheader("Graph Settings") col1, col2 = st.columns(2) with col1: # X-Axis Settings x_column = st.selectbox("X-axis Column:", options=df.columns) x_label = st.text_input("X-axis Label:", value="Frequency") x_unit = st.text_input("X-axis Unit (e.g., Hz, MHz):", value="GHz") scale_option = st.selectbox("X Scaling Option:", ["None", "Hz → MHz", "Hz → GHz", "mm → cm", "mm → m", "cm → mm", "m → mm", "Frequency → Wavelength", "Wavelength → Frequency", "Linear → dB", "dB → Linear"], index=2) x_min = st.number_input("Lower X-axis Limit:", value=None, format="%f") x_max = st.number_input("Upper X-axis Limit:", value=None, format="%f") x_step = st.number_input("X-axis Step Size:", value=5.0, format="%f") x_font_size = st.slider("X-axis Font Size:", 8, 20, 14) x_tick_position = st.selectbox("X-axis Tick Position:", ["out", "in", "inout"], index=2) with col2: # Y-Axis Settings y_columns = st.multiselect("Y-axis Column(s):", options=df.columns) y_label = st.text_input("Y-axis Label:", value="S21") y_unit = st.text_input("Y-axis Unit (e.g., dB, Linear):", value="dB") y_scale_option = st.selectbox("Y Scaling Option:", ["None", "Hz → MHz", "Hz → GHz", "mm → cm", "mm → m", "cm → mm", "m → mm", "Frequency → Wavelength", "Wavelength → Frequency", "Linear → dB", "dB → Linear"], index=0) y_min = st.number_input("Lower Y-axis Limit:", value=None, format="%f") y_max = st.number_input("Upper Y-axis Limit:", value=None, format="%f") y_step = st.number_input("Y-axis Step Size:", value=10.0, format="%f") y_font_size = st.slider("Y-axis Font Size:", 8, 20, 14) y_tick_position = st.selectbox("Y-axis Tick Position:", ["out", "in", "inout"], index=2) # Title and Font Style Settings st.subheader("Title and Font Settings") title = st.text_input("Graph Title:", value="Advanced Graph") font_style = st.selectbox("Font Style:", ["Normal", "Italic", "Bold"], index=0).lower() font_theme = st.selectbox("Font Theme:", ["Times New Roman", "Arial", "Courier New", "Helvetica", "Verdana"], index=0) title_font_size = st.slider("Title Font Size:", 10, 30, 16) # Grid Settings st.subheader("Grid Settings") show_grid = st.checkbox("Show Grid", value=True) show_minor_grid = st.checkbox("Show Sub-grid (Minor Grid)", value=False) grid_direction = st.selectbox("Grid Direction:", ["x", "y", "both"], index=2) grid_line_style = st.selectbox("Grid Line Style:", ["-", "--", "-.", ":", "None"], index=0) grid_color = st.color_picker("Grid Line Color:", "#DDDDDD") grid_line_width = st.slider("Grid Line Width:", 0.5, 2.5, 1.0) # Enhanced Smoothing Settings st.subheader("Advanced Smoothing Settings") smoothing_method = st.selectbox( "Smoothing Method:", ["None", "Moving Average", "Gaussian", "Savitzky-Golay", "Median", "Combined", "Exponential Moving Average", "LOWESS", "Butterworth", "Fourier Transform"] ) # Smoothing parameters based on selected method smoothing_params = {} if smoothing_method == "Moving Average": smoothing_params['window_size'] = st.slider( "Window Size:", 3, 101, 5, step=2 ) elif smoothing_method == "Gaussian": smoothing_params['sigma'] = st.slider( "Sigma (Blur Amount):", 0.1, 10.0, 2.0, step=0.1 ) elif smoothing_method == "Savitzky-Golay": smoothing_params['window_size'] = st.slider( "Window Size:", 5, 101, 21, step=2 ) smoothing_params['poly_order'] = st.slider( "Polynomial Order:", 1, 5, 3 ) elif smoothing_method == "Median": smoothing_params['kernel_size'] = st.slider( "Kernel Size:", 3, 51, 5, step=2 ) elif smoothing_method == "Combined": smoothing_params['kernel_size'] = st.slider( "Median Kernel Size:", 3, 51, 5, step=2 ) smoothing_params['window_size'] = st.slider( "Savitzky-Golay Window:", 5, 101, 21, step=2 ) smoothing_params['poly_order'] = st.slider( "Polynomial Order:", 1, 5, 3 ) elif smoothing_method == "Exponential Moving Average": smoothing_params['span'] = st.slider( "Span (Smoothing Factor):", 1, 50, 10 ) elif smoothing_method == "LOWESS": smoothing_params['frac'] = st.slider( "Fraction (Smoothing Proportion):", 0.01, 0.5, 0.1, step=0.01 ) elif smoothing_method == "Butterworth": smoothing_params['order'] = st.slider( "Filter Order:", 1, 10, 3 ) smoothing_params['cutoff'] = st.slider( "Cutoff Frequency:", 0.01, 0.5, 0.05, step=0.01 ) elif smoothing_method == "Fourier Transform": smoothing_params['keep_fraction'] = st.slider( "Keep Fraction of Frequencies:", 0.01, 1.0, 0.1, step=0.01 ) # Vertical Marker Settings st.subheader("Vertical Marker Settings") marker_x_values = st.text_input("Enter X-axis Values for Markers (comma-separated):", value="") # DPI Setting dpi = st.selectbox("Select DPI for Download:", [100, 200, 300, 600], index=2) # Legend Customization st.subheader("Legend Customization") legend_font_size = st.slider("Font Size:", 8, 20, 10) legend_font_weight = st.selectbox("Font Weight:", ["Normal", "Bold"], index=0) legend_bg_color = st.color_picker("Background Color:", "#FFFFFF") legend_border_color = st.color_picker("Border Color:", "#000000") legend_border_width = st.slider("Border Width:", 0.5, 2.0, 1.0) legend_transparency = st.slider("Transparency (0 = fully opaque, 1 = fully transparent):", 0.0, 1.0, 0.5) legend_title = st.text_input("Legend Title:", value="") legend_location = st.selectbox("Legend Location:", ["upper right", "upper center", "upper left", "center right", "center", "center left", "lower right", "lower center", "lower left"], index=1) legend_columns = st.selectbox("Legend Columns:", [1, 2, 3], index=1) # Line Style Settings st.subheader("Line Style Settings") style_settings = {} line_styles = { "Solid": "-", "Dashed": "--", "Dash-Dot": "-.", "Dotted": ":" } marker_styles = { "None": "", "Circle": "o", "Square": "s", "Star": "*", "Diamond": "D", "Triangle": "^", "Pentagon": "p", "Hexagon": "H", "Plus": "+", "X": "x" } for y_column in y_columns: with st.expander(f"Line Style for '{y_column}'", expanded=False): color = st.color_picker(f"Color for '{y_column}':", "#1f77b4", key=f"color_{y_column}") line_style = st.selectbox("Line Style:", list(line_styles.keys()), key=f"ls_{y_column}") marker_style = st.selectbox("Marker Style:", list(marker_styles.keys()), key=f"ms_{y_column}") line_width = st.slider("Line Width:", 0.5, 5.0, 2.0, key=f"lw_{y_column}") style_settings[y_column] = { "color": color, "line_style": line_styles[line_style], "marker_style": marker_styles[marker_style], "line_width": line_width, } # Graph Output Section st.subheader("Graph Output") if st.button("Generate Graph"): fig, ax = plt.subplots() # Scaling for both X and Y axes (same options for both axes) def apply_scaling(df, column, scale_option, unit): if scale_option == "Hz → MHz": df[column] = df[column] / 1e6 unit = "MHz" elif scale_option == "Hz → GHz": df[column] = df[column] / 1e9 unit = "GHz" elif scale_option == "mm → cm": df[column] = df[column] / 10 unit = "cm" elif scale_option == "mm → m": df[column] = df[column] / 1000 unit = "m" elif scale_option == "cm → mm": df[column] = df[column] * 10 unit = "mm" elif scale_option == "m → mm": df[column] = df[column] * 1000 unit = "mm" elif scale_option == "Frequency → Wavelength": df[column] = 3e8 / df[column] unit = "Wavelength (m)" elif scale_option == "Wavelength → Frequency": df[column] = 3e8 / df[column] unit = "Frequency (Hz)" elif scale_option == "Linear → dB": df[column] = 10 * np.log10(df[column]) unit = "dB" elif scale_option == "dB → Linear": df[column] = 10**(df[column] / 10) unit = "Linear" return df, unit # Apply scaling for X-axis df, x_unit = apply_scaling(df, x_column, scale_option, x_unit) # Apply scaling for Y-axis for col in y_columns: df, y_unit = apply_scaling(df, col, y_scale_option, y_unit) # Plot data with smoothing for col in y_columns: # Apply smoothing to the y-values y_values = apply_smoothing(df[col].values, smoothing_method, **smoothing_params) ax.plot(df[x_column], y_values, label=col, linestyle=style_settings[col]["line_style"], marker=style_settings[col]["marker_style"], color=style_settings[col]["color"], linewidth=style_settings[col]["line_width"]) # Axis limits and step size if x_min and x_max: ax.set_xticks(np.arange(x_min, x_max + x_step, x_step)) if y_min and y_max: ax.set_yticks(np.arange(y_min, y_max + y_step, y_step)) ax.set_xlim(x_min, x_max) ax.set_ylim(y_min, y_max) # Labels, title, and grid ax.set_xlabel(f"{x_label} ({x_unit})", fontsize=x_font_size) ax.set_ylabel(f"{y_label} ({y_unit})", fontsize=y_font_size) ax.set_title(title, fontsize=title_font_size, fontstyle=font_style, family=font_theme) ax.tick_params(axis='x', direction=x_tick_position) ax.tick_params(axis='y', direction=y_tick_position) if show_grid: ax.grid(True, linestyle=grid_line_style, linewidth=grid_line_width, color=grid_color, axis=grid_direction) if show_minor_grid: ax.minorticks_on() ax.grid(which='minor', linestyle=grid_line_style, linewidth=grid_line_width, color=grid_color) # Vertical markers if marker_x_values: x_vals = [float(val.strip()) for val in marker_x_values.split(",")] for val in x_vals: ax.axvline(x=val, color="r", linestyle="--", linewidth=1.5) # Legend ax.legend(title=legend_title, fontsize=legend_font_size, title_fontsize=legend_font_size, loc=legend_location, frameon=True, facecolor=legend_bg_color, edgecolor=legend_border_color, framealpha=legend_transparency, borderpad=legend_border_width, ncol=legend_columns) # Show graph st.pyplot(fig) # Download button download_button(fig, "graph", "PNG", dpi) except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error: {str(e)}")