Build error
Build error
# Define color and formatting codes | |
BOLD='\033[1m' | |
GREEN='\033[1;32m' | |
WHITE='\033[1;37m' | |
RED='\033[0;31m' | |
NC='\033[0m' # No Color | |
# Unicode character for tick mark | |
TICK='\u2713' | |
# Detect GPU driver | |
get_gpu_driver() { | |
# Detect NVIDIA GPUs using lspci or nvidia-smi | |
if lspci | grep -i nvidia >/dev/null || nvidia-smi >/dev/null 2>&1; then | |
echo "nvidia" | |
return | |
fi | |
# Detect AMD GPUs (including GCN architecture check for amdgpu vs radeon) | |
if lspci | grep -i amd >/dev/null; then | |
# List of known GCN and later architecture cards | |
# This is a simplified list, and in a real-world scenario, you'd want a more comprehensive one | |
local gcn_and_later=("Radeon HD 7000" "Radeon HD 8000" "Radeon R5" "Radeon R7" "Radeon R9" "Radeon RX") | |
# Get GPU information | |
local gpu_info=$(lspci | grep -i 'vga.*amd') | |
for model in "${gcn_and_later[@]}"; do | |
if echo "$gpu_info" | grep -iq "$model"; then | |
echo "amdgpu" | |
return | |
fi | |
done | |
# Default to radeon if no GCN or later architecture is detected | |
echo "radeon" | |
return | |
fi | |
# Detect Intel GPUs | |
if lspci | grep -i intel >/dev/null; then | |
echo "i915" | |
return | |
fi | |
# If no known GPU is detected | |
echo "Unknown or unsupported GPU driver" | |
exit 1 | |
} | |
# Function for rolling animation | |
show_loading() { | |
local spin='-\|/' | |
local i=0 | |
printf " " | |
while kill -0 $1 2>/dev/null; do | |
i=$(( (i+1) %4 )) | |
printf "\b${spin:$i:1}" | |
sleep .1 | |
done | |
# Replace the spinner with a tick | |
printf "\b${GREEN}${TICK}${NC}" | |
} | |
# Usage information | |
usage() { | |
echo "Usage: $0 [OPTIONS]" | |
echo "Options:" | |
echo " --enable-gpu[count=COUNT] Enable GPU support with the specified count." | |
echo " --enable-api[port=PORT] Enable API and expose it on the specified port." | |
echo " --webui[port=PORT] Set the port for the web user interface." | |
echo " --data[folder=PATH] Bind mount for ollama data folder (by default will create the 'ollama' volume)." | |
echo " --playwright Enable Playwright support for web scraping." | |
echo " --build Build the docker image before running the compose project." | |
echo " --drop Drop the compose project." | |
echo " -q, --quiet Run script in headless mode." | |
echo " -h, --help Show this help message." | |
echo "" | |
echo "Examples:" | |
echo " $0 --drop" | |
echo " $0 --enable-gpu[count=1]" | |
echo " $0 --enable-gpu[count=all]" | |
echo " $0 --enable-api[port=11435]" | |
echo " $0 --enable-gpu[count=1] --enable-api[port=12345] --webui[port=3000]" | |
echo " $0 --enable-gpu[count=1] --enable-api[port=12345] --webui[port=3000] --data[folder=./ollama-data]" | |
echo " $0 --enable-gpu[count=1] --enable-api[port=12345] --webui[port=3000] --data[folder=./ollama-data] --build" | |
echo "" | |
echo "This script configures and runs a docker-compose setup with optional GPU support, API exposure, and web UI configuration." | |
echo "About the gpu to use, the script automatically detects it using the "lspci" command." | |
echo "In this case the gpu detected is: $(get_gpu_driver)" | |
} | |
# Default values | |
gpu_count=1 | |
api_port=11435 | |
webui_port=3000 | |
headless=false | |
build_image=false | |
kill_compose=false | |
enable_playwright=false | |
# Function to extract value from the parameter | |
extract_value() { | |
echo "$1" | sed -E 's/.*\[.*=(.*)\].*/\1/; t; s/.*//' | |
} | |
# Parse arguments | |
while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do | |
key="$1" | |
case $key in | |
--enable-gpu*) | |
enable_gpu=true | |
value=$(extract_value "$key") | |
gpu_count=${value:-1} | |
;; | |
--enable-api*) | |
enable_api=true | |
value=$(extract_value "$key") | |
api_port=${value:-11435} | |
;; | |
--webui*) | |
value=$(extract_value "$key") | |
webui_port=${value:-3000} | |
;; | |
--data*) | |
value=$(extract_value "$key") | |
data_dir=${value:-"./ollama-data"} | |
;; | |
--playwright) | |
enable_playwright=true | |
;; | |
--drop) | |
kill_compose=true | |
;; | |
--build) | |
build_image=true | |
;; | |
-q|--quiet) | |
headless=true | |
;; | |
-h|--help) | |
usage | |
exit | |
;; | |
*) | |
# Unknown option | |
echo "Unknown option: $key" | |
usage | |
exit 1 | |
;; | |
esac | |
shift # past argument or value | |
done | |
if [[ $kill_compose == true ]]; then | |
docker compose down --remove-orphans | |
echo -e "${GREEN}${BOLD}Compose project dropped successfully.${NC}" | |
exit | |
else | |
DEFAULT_COMPOSE_COMMAND="docker compose -f docker-compose.yaml" | |
if [[ $enable_gpu == true ]]; then | |
# Validate and process command-line arguments | |
if [[ -n $gpu_count ]]; then | |
if ! [[ $gpu_count =~ ^([0-9]+|all)$ ]]; then | |
echo "Invalid GPU count: $gpu_count" | |
exit 1 | |
fi | |
echo "Enabling GPU with $gpu_count GPUs" | |
# Add your GPU allocation logic here | |
export OLLAMA_GPU_DRIVER=$(get_gpu_driver) | |
export OLLAMA_GPU_COUNT=$gpu_count # Set OLLAMA_GPU_COUNT environment variable | |
fi | |
DEFAULT_COMPOSE_COMMAND+=" -f docker-compose.gpu.yaml" | |
fi | |
if [[ $enable_api == true ]]; then | |
DEFAULT_COMPOSE_COMMAND+=" -f docker-compose.api.yaml" | |
if [[ -n $api_port ]]; then | |
export OLLAMA_WEBAPI_PORT=$api_port # Set OLLAMA_WEBAPI_PORT environment variable | |
fi | |
fi | |
if [[ -n $data_dir ]]; then | |
export OLLAMA_DATA_DIR=$data_dir # Set OLLAMA_DATA_DIR environment variable | |
fi | |
if [[ $enable_playwright == true ]]; then | |
DEFAULT_COMPOSE_COMMAND+=" -f docker-compose.playwright.yaml" | |
fi | |
if [[ -n $webui_port ]]; then | |
export OPEN_WEBUI_PORT=$webui_port # Set OPEN_WEBUI_PORT environment variable | |
fi | |
DEFAULT_COMPOSE_COMMAND+=" --remove-orphans" | |
DEFAULT_COMPOSE_COMMAND+=" --force-recreate" | |
if [[ $build_image == true ]]; then | |
fi | |
fi | |
# Recap of environment variables | |
echo | |
echo -e "${WHITE}${BOLD}Current Setup:${NC}" | |
echo -e " ${GREEN}${BOLD}GPU Driver:${NC} ${OLLAMA_GPU_DRIVER:-Not Enabled}" | |
echo -e " ${GREEN}${BOLD}GPU Count:${NC} ${OLLAMA_GPU_COUNT:-Not Enabled}" | |
echo -e " ${GREEN}${BOLD}WebAPI Port:${NC} ${OLLAMA_WEBAPI_PORT:-Not Enabled}" | |
echo -e " ${GREEN}${BOLD}Data Folder:${NC} ${data_dir:-Using ollama volume}" | |
echo -e " ${GREEN}${BOLD}WebUI Port:${NC} $webui_port" | |
echo -e " ${GREEN}${BOLD}Playwright:${NC} ${enable_playwright:-false}" | |
echo | |
if [[ $headless == true ]]; then | |
echo -ne "${WHITE}${BOLD}Running in headless mode... ${NC}" | |
choice="y" | |
else | |
# Ask for user acceptance | |
echo -ne "${WHITE}${BOLD}Do you want to proceed with current setup? (Y/n): ${NC}" | |
read -n1 -s choice | |
fi | |
echo | |
if [[ $choice == "" || $choice == "y" ]]; then | |
# Execute the command with the current user | |
# Capture the background process PID | |
PID=$! | |
# Display the loading animation | |
#show_loading $PID | |
# Wait for the command to finish | |
wait $PID | |
echo | |
# Check exit status | |
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then | |
echo -e "${GREEN}${BOLD}Compose project started successfully.${NC}" | |
else | |
echo -e "${RED}${BOLD}There was an error starting the compose project.${NC}" | |
fi | |
else | |
echo "Aborted." | |
fi | |
echo | |