from typing import Any, Optional, TypeVar, Type from botocore.client import BaseClient from boto3.dynamodb.types import TypeSerializer, TypeDeserializer from botocore.exceptions import ClientError from openfactcheck.utils import logging from import DynamoDBBaseModel logger = logging.get_logger(__name__) T = TypeVar("T", bound=DynamoDBBaseModel) class DynamoDBInterface: """ Interface to interact with AWS DynamoDB service. Provides methods to create, update, and fetch items from a DynamoDB table. Parameters ---------- dynamodb_svc : botocore.client.BaseClient Boto3 DynamoDB service client. table : str Name of the DynamoDB table. Attributes ---------- logger : logging.Logger Logger instance for the class. table : str Name of the DynamoDB table. dynamodb_svc : botocore.client.BaseClient Boto3 DynamoDB service client. Methods ------- create_or_update(storable: DynamoDBBaseModel) -> None: Create or update a DynamoDB item based on the provided storable object. fetch(pk: str, model: Type[T]) -> Optional[T]: Fetch a DynamoDB item by primary key and deserialize it into the provided model. Raises ------ ClientError If the DynamoDB service reports an error. """ def __init__(self, dynamodb_svc: BaseClient, table: str) -> None: self.logger = logger self.table: str = table self.dynamodb_svc: BaseClient = dynamodb_svc def _serialize_item(self, storable: DynamoDBBaseModel) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Serialize a DynamoDBBaseModel instance to a dictionary format for DynamoDB storage. Parameters ---------- storable : DynamoDBBaseModel The object to serialize. Returns ------- Dict[str, Any] The serialized item ready to be stored in DynamoDB. """ serializer = TypeSerializer() item_dict = storable.model_dump(exclude_unset=True, by_alias=True) av = {k: serializer.serialize(v) for k, v in item_dict.items()} # Add the primary key av["PK"] = serializer.serialize(storable.PK) # Optionally add the sort key, if present if storable.SK is not None: av["SK"] = serializer.serialize(storable.SK) # Optionally add the GS1 partition key, if present if storable.GS1PK is not None: av["GS1PK"] = serializer.serialize(storable.GS1PK) return av def _deserialize_item(self, item: dict[str, Any], model: Type[T]) -> T: """ Deserialize a DynamoDB item into an instance of the provided model. Parameters ---------- item : dict The DynamoDB item to deserialize. model : Type[T] The model class to instantiate with the deserialized data. Returns ------- T An instance of the model class populated with data from the item. """ deserializer = TypeDeserializer() attributes = {k: deserializer.deserialize(v) for k, v in item.items()} return model(**attributes) def _paged_scan(self) -> list[dict[str, Any]]: """ Perform a paginated scan of the DynamoDB table and return all items. Returns ------- list of dict A list of items retrieved from the DynamoDB table. Raises ------ ClientError If the DynamoDB service reports an error. """ try: items = [] scan_kwargs = {"TableName": self.table} while True: response = self.dynamodb_svc.scan(**scan_kwargs) items.extend(response.get("Items", [])) self.logger.debug(f"Fetched {len(response.get('Items', []))} items in this page.") if "LastEvaluatedKey" in response: scan_kwargs["ExclusiveStartKey"] = response["LastEvaluatedKey"] else: break"Total {len(items)} items fetched from table {self.table}.") return items except ClientError as e: self.logger.error(f"DynamoDBInterface._paged_scan failed: {e}") raise def create_or_update(self, storable: DynamoDBBaseModel) -> None: """ Create or update a DynamoDB item based on the provided storable object. Parameters ---------- storable : DynamoDBBaseModel The object to create or update in DynamoDB. Raises ------ ClientError If the DynamoDB service reports an error. """ try: item = self._serialize_item(storable) self.dynamodb_svc.put_item(TableName=self.table, Item=item)"Item with PK={storable.PK} created/updated successfully.") except ClientError as e: self.logger.error(f"DynamoDBInterface.create_or_update failed: {e}") raise def fetch(self, pk: str, model: Type[T]) -> Optional[T]: """ Fetch a DynamoDB item by primary key and deserialize it into the provided model. Parameters ---------- pk : str The primary key of the item to fetch. model : Type[T] The model class to deserialize the item into. Returns ------- Optional[T] An instance of the model if found; otherwise, None. Raises ------ ClientError If the DynamoDB service reports an error. """ try: key = {"PK": {"S": pk}} response = self.dynamodb_svc.get_item(TableName=self.table, Key=key) if "Item" not in response:"No item found with PK={pk}.") return None"Item with PK={pk} fetched successfully.") return self._deserialize_item(response["Item"], model) except ClientError as e: self.logger.error(f"DynamoDBInterface.fetch failed: {e}") raise def delete(self, pk: str) -> None: """ Delete a DynamoDB item by primary key. Parameters ---------- pk : str The primary key of the item to delete. Raises ------ ClientError If the DynamoDB service reports an error. """ try: key = {"PK": {"S": pk}} self.dynamodb_svc.delete_item(TableName=self.table, Key=key)"Item with PK={pk} deleted successfully.") except ClientError as e: self.logger.error(f"DynamoDBInterface.delete failed: {e}") raise def list(self, model: Type[T]) -> Optional[list[T]]: """ List all items in the DynamoDB table and deserialize them into the provided model. Parameters ---------- model : Type[T] The model class to deserialize the items into. Returns ------- Optional[List[T]] A list of instances of the model class if items are found; otherwise, None. Raises ------ ClientError If the DynamoDB service reports an error. """ try: items = self._paged_scan() if not items:"No items found in table {self.table}.") return None"Items fetched successfully.") return [self._deserialize_item(item, model) for item in items] except ClientError as e: self.logger.error(f"DynamoDBInterface.list failed: {e}") raise