import os import json import yaml from typing import Any from pathlib import Path from dotenv import load_dotenv from collections import namedtuple from importlib import resources as pkg_resources from openfactcheck.utils.logging import get_logger, set_verbosity from openfactcheck.errors import ConfigValidationError from openfactcheck import templates as solver_config_templates_dir from openfactcheck import solvers as solver_templates_dir # Import solver configuration templates solver_config_templates_path = str(pkg_resources.files(solver_config_templates_dir) / "solver_configs") solver_config_template_files = [str(f) for f in Path(solver_config_templates_path).iterdir()] # Import default solvers # TODO: Currently, only webservice solvers are supported as default solvers solver_templates_paths = [ str(pkg_resources.files(solver_templates_dir) / "webservice"), str(pkg_resources.files(solver_templates_dir) / "factool"), ] # Load environment variables from .env file load_dotenv() class OpenFactCheckConfig: """ Class to load the OpenFactCheck configuration from a JSON or YAML file. Parameters ---------- filename_or_path: str or path object The path to the configuration file. Attributes ---------- retries: int Number of retries for the pipeline components. pipeline: namedtuple Namedtuple containing the pipeline components. solver_configs: dict Dictionary containing the solver configurations. solver_paths: dict Dictionary containing the paths to the solver models. output_path: str Path to the output directory. secrets: namedtuple Namedtuple containing the API keys. verbose: str The verbosity level for the logger. Methods ------- solver_configuration(solver: str = None) -> dict: Get the solver configuration for a specific solver or all solvers. validate(): Validate the configuration file Examples -------- For loading the default configuration file 'config.json': >>> config = OpenFactCheckConfig() For loading the configuration file from a specific path or filename: >>> config = OpenFactCheckConfig("config.json") For loading the configuration file and validating it: >>> config = OpenFactCheckConfig("config.json") >>> config.validate() """ def __init__(self, filename_or_path: str | Path = "config.json"): # Setup Logger self.logger = get_logger() # Set the filename or path self.filename_or_path = filename_or_path # Define namedtuple structures Secrets = namedtuple("Secrets", ["openai_api_key", "serper_api_key", "scraper_api_key"]) # Define Attributes self.config: dict = {} self.retries: int = 3 self.pipeline: list = [] self.solver_configs: dict[Any, Any] = SolversConfig(solver_config_template_files)() self.solver_paths: dict[str, list[str]] = {"default": solver_templates_paths, "user_defined": []} self.output_path: str = "tmp/output" self.secrets: Secrets = Secrets(openai_api_key=None, serper_api_key=None, scraper_api_key=None) self.verbose = "WARNING" try: # Check if the file exists if Path(self.filename_or_path).exists(): # Loading Config File with open(self.filename_or_path, encoding="utf-8") as file: self.config = json.load(file)"Config file loaded successfully from {self.filename_or_path}") else: # Create a dummy configuration file self.logger.warning(f"Config file not found: {self.filename_or_path}") # Initialize Retries if "retries" in self.config: self.retries = self.config["retries"] else: self.logger.warning("No retries found in the configuration file. Using default value of 3.") # Initialize template solvers along with the user-defined solvers # User defined solvers will override the template solvers if "solver_configs" in self.config: self.solver_configs = SolversConfig(solver_config_template_files + self.config["solver_configs"])() else: self.logger.warning( "No solver configurations found in the configuration file. Using default templates only." ) # Initialize template solver paths along with the user-defined solver paths if "solver_paths" in self.config: self.solver_paths = { "default": solver_templates_paths, "user_defined": self.config["solver_paths"], } else: self.logger.warning( "No solver paths found in the configuration file. Using default solver paths only." ) # Initialize Output Path if "output_path" in self.config: self.output_path = self.config["output_path"] os.makedirs(self.output_path, exist_ok=True) else: self.logger.warning( "No output path found in the configuration file. Using default output path 'tmp/output'." ) self.output_path = "tmp/output" os.makedirs(self.output_path, exist_ok=True) # Initialize Pipeline config if "pipeline" in self.config: self.pipeline = self.config["pipeline"] else: if self.solver_configs: solvers = list(self.solver_configs.keys()) claimprocessor = "factool_claimprocessor" if "factool_claimprocessor" in solvers else None retriever = "factool_retriever" if "factool_retriever" in solvers else None verifier = "factcheckgpt_verifier" if "factcheckgpt_verifier" in solvers else None for solver in solvers: if claimprocessor and retriever and verifier: break if "claimprocessor" in solver: claimprocessor = solver if "retriever" in solver: retriever = solver if "verifier" in solver: verifier = solver self.pipeline = [claimprocessor, retriever, verifier] self.logger.warning( f"No pipeline found in the configuration file. Using first solver as default pipeline. ClaimProcessor: {claimprocessor}, Retriever: {retriever}, Verifier: {verifier}" ) # Initialize Secrets config if "secrets" in self.config: self.secrets = Secrets( openai_api_key=self.config["secrets"]["openai_api_key"], serper_api_key=self.config["secrets"]["serper_api_key"], scraper_api_key=self.config["secrets"]["scraper_api_key"], ) else: self.logger.warning( "No secrets found in the configuration file. Make sure to set the environment variables." ) # Initialize Environment Variables if self.secrets.openai_api_key: os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = self.secrets.openai_api_key if self.secrets.serper_api_key: os.environ["SERPER_API_KEY"] = self.secrets.serper_api_key if self.secrets.scraper_api_key: os.environ["SCRAPER_API_KEY"] = self.secrets.scraper_api_key # Initialize Verbose if "verbose" in self.config: self.verbose = self.config["verbose"] set_verbosity(self.verbose) else: self.logger.warning("No verbose level found in the configuration file. Using default level 'WARNING'.") # Validate Configuration self.validate() except FileNotFoundError: self.logger.error(f"Config file not found: {self.filename_or_path}") raise FileNotFoundError(f"Config file not found: {self.filename_or_path}") except json.JSONDecodeError: self.logger.error(f"Invalid JSON in config file: {self.filename_or_path}") raise ValueError(f"Invalid JSON in config file: {self.filename_or_path}") except ConfigValidationError as e: self.logger.error(f"Configuration validation failed: {e}") raise ConfigValidationError(f"Configuration validation failed: {e}") except Exception as e: self.logger.error(f"Unexpected error loading config file: {e}") raise Exception(f"Unexpected error loading config file: {e}") def validate(self): """ Validate the configuration file. Raises ------ ValueError If the configuration file is invalid. Examples -------- >>> config = OpenFactCheckConfig("config.json") >>> config.validate() """ # Check for environment variables if "OPENAI_API_KEY" not in os.environ: self.logger.warning("OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable not found.") raise ConfigValidationError("OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable not found.") if "SERPER_API_KEY" not in os.environ: self.logger.warning("SERPER_API_KEY environment variable not found.") raise ConfigValidationError("SERPER_API_KEY environment variable not found.") if "SCRAPER_API_KEY" not in os.environ: self.logger.warning("SCRAPER_API_KEY environment variable not found.") raise ConfigValidationError("SCRAPER_API_KEY environment variable not found.") def solver_configuration(self, solver: str | None = None) -> dict: """ Get the solver configuration for a specific solver or all solvers. Parameters ---------- solver: str The name of the solver to get the configuration for. If not provided, returns the configuration for all solvers. Returns ------- dict The configuration for the specified solver or all solvers. Raises ------ ConfigValidationError If the configuration validation fails. Examples -------- >>> config = OpenFactCheckConfig("config.json") >>> config.solver_configuration() >>> config.solver_configuration("factcheckgpt_claimprocessor") """ if solver: if solver in self.solver_configs: return self.solver_configs[solver] else: self.logger.error(f"Solver not found: {solver}") raise ValueError(f"Solver not found: {solver}") else: return self.solver_configs class SolversConfig: """ A class to load solver configurations from one or more JSON or YAML files. This class reads solver configurations from specified files, merges them, and provides access to the combined configuration as a dictionary. Parameters ---------- filename_or_paths : str | Path | list[str | Path] The path or list of paths to the solver configuration files. Attributes ---------- solvers : dict[Any, Any] Dictionary containing the merged solver configurations. Examples -------- Load solver configurations from a single file: >>> solvers = SolversConfig("solvers.yaml") >>> config = solvers() Load solver configurations from multiple files: >>> solvers = SolversConfig(["solvers1.json", "solvers2.yaml"]) >>> config = solvers() Access the solvers dictionary: >>> config = solvers() """ def __init__(self, filename_or_path_s: str | Path | list[str] | list[Path]) -> None: """ Initialize the SolversConfig class. Parameters ---------- filename_or_path_s: str or path object or list of str or path objects The path to the solvers configuration or a list of paths to multiple solvers configurations. """ # Setup Logger self.logger = get_logger() # Set the filename or path self.filename_or_path_or_path_s = filename_or_path_s # Define Attributes self.solvers: dict[Any, Any] = {} try: if isinstance(self.filename_or_path_or_path_s, (str, Path)): self.__load_config(self.filename_or_path_or_path_s) elif isinstance(self.filename_or_path_or_path_s, list): self.__load_configs(self.filename_or_path_or_path_s) else: self.logger.error(f"Invalid filename type: {type(self.filename_or_path_or_path_s)}") raise ValueError(f"Invalid filename type: {type(self.filename_or_path_or_path_s)}") except FileNotFoundError: self.logger.error(f"Solvers file not found: {self.filename_or_path_or_path_s}") raise FileNotFoundError(f"Solvers file not found: {self.filename_or_path_or_path_s}") except json.JSONDecodeError: self.logger.error(f"Invalid JSON in solvers file: {self.filename_or_path_or_path_s}") raise ValueError(f"Invalid JSON in solvers file: {self.filename_or_path_or_path_s}") except Exception as e: self.logger.error(f"Unexpected error loading solvers file: {e}") raise Exception(f"Unexpected error loading solvers file: {e}") def __load_config(self, filename_or_path: str | Path) -> None: # Ensure filename is a string when performing string operations filename = str(filename_or_path) with open(filename, encoding="utf-8") as file: if filename.endswith(".yaml"): file_data = yaml.load(file, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) elif filename.endswith(".json"): file_data = json.load(file) else: self.logger.error(f"Invalid file format: {filename}") raise ValueError(f"Invalid file format: {filename}") # Merge current file data into existing solvers dictionary self.solvers.update(file_data) # Log the loaded configuration pattern if "template" in filename:"Template solver configuration loaded: {filename.split('/')[-1]}") else:"User-defined solver configuration loaded from: {filename}") def __load_configs(self, filenames: list[str] | list[Path]) -> None: for filename in filenames: self.__load_config(filename) def __call__(self) -> dict[Any, Any]: return self.solvers