#!/bin/bash |
source "${BASH_SOURCE%/*}/common.sh" |
. "$(git --exec-path)/git-sh-setup" |
if [ -z "$1" ] ; then |
c_echo $RED "Need to provide the version ie v0.0.0 as the first argument" |
exit 1 |
fi |
confirmation() |
{ |
c_echo $YELLOW " |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- Confirmation -- |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
" |
c_echo $YELLOW "You are about to release the following..." |
echo |
c_echo $YELLOW "$1" |
c_echo $YELLOW "Are you sure you want to continue? (Default: y)" |
if [[ -z $CONFIRMATION ]]; then |
fi |
if [[ $CONFIRMATION != "y" ]]; then |
c_echo $RED "Exiting..." |
exit 1 |
fi |
} |
BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) |
rx='^v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+((a|alpha|b|beta|dev|rc)[0-9]+)?$' |
if ! [[ $VERSION =~ $rx ]]; then |
c_echo $RED "The version must be in the format 'vX.X.X or vX.X.XaX or vX.X.XalphaX or vX.X.XbX or vX.X.XbetaX or vX.X.XdevX or vX.X.XrcX'" |
exit 1 |
fi |
if [ "$BRANCH" != "main" ] |
then |
c_echo $RED "You must release on the main branch" |
exit 1 |
fi |
git fetch |
git pull origin main |
if [ x"$(git rev-parse $BRANCH)" != x"$(git rev-parse origin/$BRANCH)" ] |
then |
c_echo $RED "Out of sync with remote" |
git status |
exit 1 |
fi |
if [[ -n $(git status -s) ]] |
then |
c_echo $RED "Untracked files detected. Please stash or commit" |
git status -s |
exit 1 |
fi |
if [ $(git tag -l "$VERSION") ]; then |
c_echo $RED "The tag/version already exists..." |
echo |
echo Tags: |
git tag |
exit 1 |
fi |
require_clean_work_tree release "Please commit or stash them and sync with remote" |
PREVIOUS_TAG=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0) |
Changes: |
$(git log --pretty=oneline $PREVIOUS_TAG..) |
Diff: |
https://github.com/hasaniqbal777/$APP_NAME/compare/$PREVIOUS_TAG...$VERSION |
" |
confirmation "$MESSAGE" |
c_echo $GREEN "Releasing Version $VERSION" |
echo |
printf "$VERSION" > ./VERSION |
bump2version patch --new-version $VERSION_BUMP --allow-dirty --verbose |
if [[ "$VERSION" =~ -dev[0-9]+$ || "$VERSION" =~ -rc[0-9]+$ ]]; then |
c_echo $YELLOW "Skipping docs version bump for pre-release" |
else |
./docs/scripts/bumpversion.sh --new-version $VERSION_BUMP |
fi |
git add ./VERSION |
git add ./.bumpversion.cfg |
git add ./pyproject.toml |
git add ./pre-requirements.txt |
git add ./src/openfactcheck/__init__.py |
git add ./docs/src/_static/versions.json |
git commit -m "🚀 $MESSAGE" |
git tag $VERSION |
git push origin $BRANCH |
git push origin $VERSION |
if [[ "$VERSION" =~ -dev[0-9]+$ ]]; then |
c_echo $YELLOW "Skipping release to GitHub for development release" |
exit 0 |
fi |
if [[ "$VERSION" =~ -rc[0-9]+$ ]]; then |
gh release create "$VERSION" --generate-notes --prerelease |
echo "Pre-release $VERSION created." |
gh release create "$VERSION" --generate-notes --prerelease --repo "mbzuai-nlp/openfactcheck" |
else |
gh release create "$VERSION" --generate-notes |
echo "Release $VERSION created." |
gh release create "$VERSION" --generate-notes --repo "mbzuai-nlp/openfactcheck" |
fi |