File size: 11,887 Bytes
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"""Configuration file for the Sphinx documentation builder.
This file only contains a selection of the most common options. For a full
list see the documentation:
# -- Path setup --------------------------------------------------------------
import os
import sys
import inspect
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict
import openfactcheck
from sphinx.application import Sphinx
from sphinx.locale import _
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../../src/openfactcheck'))
# -- Project information -----------------------------------------------------
project = 'OpenFactCheck'
copyright = '2024, MBZUAI'
author = 'OpenFactCheck Team and Contributors'
# -- General configuration ---------------------------------------------------
extensions = [
# -- Custom configuration ---------------------------------------------------
# jupyterlite_config = "jupyterlite_config.json"
# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
templates_path = ["_templates"]
# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and
# directories to ignore when looking for source files.
# This pattern also affects html_static_path and html_extra_path.
exclude_patterns = ["_build", "Thumbs.db", ".DS_Store", "**.ipynb_checkpoints"]
intersphinx_mapping = {"sphinx": ("", None)}
# -- Sitemap -----------------------------------------------------------------
# ReadTheDocs has its own way of generating sitemaps, etc.
if not os.environ.get("READTHEDOCS"):
extensions += ["sphinx_sitemap"]
html_baseurl = os.environ.get("SITEMAP_URL_BASE", "")
sitemap_locales = [None]
sitemap_url_scheme = "{link}"
# -- MyST options ------------------------------------------------------------
# This allows us to use ::: to denote directives, useful for admonitions
# myst_enable_extensions = ["colon_fence", "linkify", "substitution"]
# myst_heading_anchors = 2
# myst_substitutions = {"rtd": "[Read the Docs]("}
# -- Internationalization ----------------------------------------------------
# specifying the natural language populates some key tags
language = "en"
# -- Ablog options -----------------------------------------------------------
# blog_path = "examples/blog/index"
# blog_authors = {
# "pydata": ("PyData", ""),
# "jupyter": ("Jupyter", ""),
# }
# -- sphinx_ext_graphviz options ---------------------------------------------
graphviz_output_format = "svg"
inheritance_graph_attrs = dict(
# -- sphinx_togglebutton options ---------------------------------------------
togglebutton_hint = str(_("Click to expand"))
togglebutton_hint_hide = str(_("Click to collapse"))
# -- Sphinx-copybutton options ---------------------------------------------
# Exclude copy button from appearing over notebook cell numbers by using :not()
# The default copybutton selector is `div.highlight pre`
copybutton_selector = ":not(.prompt) > div.highlight pre"
# -- Options for HTML output -------------------------------------------------
html_theme = "pydata_sphinx_theme"
html_logo = "_static/logo/logo.svg"
html_favicon = "_static/favicon.svg"
html_sourcelink_suffix = ""
html_last_updated_fmt = "" # to reveal the build date in the pages meta
# Define the json_url for our version switcher.
json_url = ""
# Define the version we use for matching in the version switcher.
version_match = os.environ.get("READTHEDOCS_VERSION")
release = openfactcheck.__version__
# If READTHEDOCS_VERSION doesn't exist, we're not on RTD
# If it is an integer, we're in a PR build and the version isn't correct.
# If it's "latest" → change to "dev" (that's what we want the switcher to call it)
if not version_match or version_match.isdigit() or version_match == "latest":
# For local development, infer the version to match from the package.
if "dev" in release or "rc" in release:
version_match = "dev"
# We want to keep the relative reference if we are in dev mode
# but we want the whole url if we are effectively in a released version
json_url = "_static/versions.json"
version_match = f"v{release}"
elif version_match == "stable":
version_match = f"v{release}"
html_theme_options = {
"external_links": [],
"header_links_before_dropdown": 4,
"icon_links": [
"name": "GitHub",
"url": "",
"icon": "fa-brands fa-github",
"name": "PyPI",
"url": "",
"icon": "fa-custom fa-pypi",
"name": "HuggingFace Space",
"url": "",
"icon": "fa-solid fa-rocket",
# alternative way to set twitter and github header icons
# "github_url": "",
# "twitter_url": "",
"logo": {
"image_light": "_static/logo/logo_dark.svg",
"image_dark": "_static/logo/logo_light.svg",
"use_edit_page_button": True,
"show_toc_level": 1,
"navbar_align": "left", # [left, content, right] For testing that the navbar items align properly
# "show_nav_level": 2,
# "announcement": "",
"show_version_warning_banner": True,
# "navbar_center": ["navbar-nav"],
# "navbar_start": ["navbar-logo"],
"navbar_end": ["version-switcher", "theme-switcher", "navbar-icon-links"],
#"navbar_persistent": ["search-button"],
"primary_sidebar_end": ["sidebar-ethical-ads"],
# "article_footer_items": ["test", "test"],
# "content_footer_items": ["test", "test"],
"footer_start": ["copyright"],
#"footer_left": ["sphinx-version"],
"secondary_sidebar_items": {
"**/*": ["page-toc", "edit-this-page", "sourcelink"],
"examples/no-sidebar": [],
"switcher": {
"json_url": json_url,
"version_match": version_match,
"back_to_top_button": False,
html_context = {
"github_user": "hasaniqbal777",
"github_repo": "openfactcheck",
"github_version": "main",
"doc_path": "docs",
# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here,
# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
html_static_path = ["_static"]
html_css_files = [
html_js_files = ["custom-icons.js"]
todo_include_todos = True
# -- rediraffe options -------------------------------------------------------
rediraffe_redirects = {}
# -- favicon options ---------------------------------------------------------
# see for more information about the
# sphinx-favicon extension
favicons = [
# generic icons compatible with most browsers
{"rel": "shortcut icon", "sizes": "any", "href": "favicon.ico"},
# chrome specific
# apple icons
{"rel": "mask-icon", "href": "favicon.svg"},
{"rel": "apple-touch-icon", "href": "apple-touch-icon.png"}
# -- Options for autosummary/autodoc output ------------------------------------
autosummary_generate = True
autodoc_typehints = "description"
autodoc_member_order = "groupwise"
# -- Options for autoapi -------------------------------------------------------
# autoapi_type = "python"
# autoapi_dirs = [
# "../../src/openfactcheck/lib",
# ]
# autoapi_keep_files = True
# autoapi_root = "api"
# autoapi_member_order = "groupwise"
# -- application setup -------------------------------------------------------
# based on numpy doc/source/
def linkcode_resolve(domain, info) -> str | None:
Determine the URL corresponding to Python object
if domain != "py":
return None
modname = info["module"]
fullname = info["fullname"]
submod = sys.modules.get(modname)
if submod is None:
return None
obj = submod
for part in fullname.split("."):
with warnings.catch_warnings():
# Accessing deprecated objects will generate noisy warnings
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", FutureWarning)
obj = getattr(obj, part)
except AttributeError:
return None
fn = inspect.getsourcefile(inspect.unwrap(obj))
except TypeError:
try: # property
fn = inspect.getsourcefile(inspect.unwrap(obj.fget))
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
fn = None
if not fn:
return None
source, lineno = inspect.getsourcelines(obj)
except TypeError:
try: # property
source, lineno = inspect.getsourcelines(obj.fget)
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
lineno = None
except OSError:
lineno = None
if lineno:
linespec = f"#L{lineno}-L{lineno + len(source) - 1}"
linespec = ""
fn = os.path.relpath(fn, start=os.path.dirname(openfactcheck.__file__))
if "+" in openfactcheck.__version__:
return f"{fn}{linespec}"
return (
def setup_to_main(
app: Sphinx, pagename: str, templatename: str, context, doctree
) -> None:
"""Add a function that jinja can access for returning an "edit this page" link pointing to `main`."""
def to_main(link: str) -> str:
"""Transform "edit on github" links and make sure they always point to the main branch.
link: the link to the github edit interface
the link to the tip of the main branch for the same file
links = link.split("/")
idx = links.index("edit")
return "/".join(links[: idx + 1]) + "/main/" + "/".join(links[idx + 2 :])
context["to_main"] = to_main
def setup(app: Sphinx) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Add custom configuration to sphinx app.
app: the Sphinx application
the 2 parallel parameters set to ``True``.
app.connect("html-page-context", setup_to_main)
return {
"parallel_read_safe": True,
"parallel_write_safe": True,
} |