import cv2 from pipline_functions import croped_images,object_detection,image_enhancements,detect_activity,get_distances,get_json_data import os def pipline(image): """_summary_ Args: image (numpy array): get numpy array of image which has 3 channels Returns: final_results: JSON Array which has below object { 'zoomed_img':np.array([]) , 'actual_boxes':[], 'updated_boxes':{}, } """ # detect object of given image using YOLO and get json_data of each object json_data = object_detection(image) # get croped_images list which has overlapping boundry box and also get croped single object images croped_images_list,single_object_images= croped_images(image,json_data) # enhance images of both croped images and single object images enhanced_images,single_object_images = image_enhancements(croped_images_list,single_object_images) # detect activity of person object using image classification detected_activity = detect_activity(single_object_images) # Calculate distances of all objects distances_list = get_distances(json_data) # get final json array final_results = get_json_data(json_data,enhanced_images,detected_activity,distances_list) # print(distances_list) # print(detected_activity) # print(final_results) return final_results pipline(cv2.imread('distance_test\distance_test\images\car_99-94168281555176_Mon-Dec-13-16-37-40-2021_jpg.rf.a8c56aba60dd3a19f2c2f159a2c9062d.jpg'))