# #!/bin/bash # cd backend # # Start FastAPI app in the background on port 8000 # uvicorn app:app --host --port 8000 --reload & # # Start Nginx # nginx -g 'daemon off;' #!/bin/bash # Start Nginx echo "Starting Nginx..." service nginx start service nginx status curl https://huggingface.co/spaces/hamza82/backend curl https://huggingface.co/spaces/hamza82/backend # Assuming your backend server is a Python application that you want to run on port 8000. # Adjust the command below to match how you start your backend server. echo "Starting Backend Server..." cd backend # Navigate to your backend directory if needed # Replace `python app.py` with the command you use to start your backend server. # Make sure to run it in the background so the script can continue and not block. # python app.py & uvicorn app:app --host --port 8000 --reload & # Keep the script running to prevent the Docker container from exiting. # This is necessary because running the backend server in the background # would make the script exit immediately otherwise. curl http://localhost:8000 wait exit $?