Seokju Cho
improve speed
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# ==============================================================================
"""Pytorch model utilities."""
import math
from typing import Any, Sequence, Union
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
def bilinear(x: torch.Tensor, resolution: tuple[int, int]) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Resizes a 5D tensor using bilinear interpolation.
x: A 5D tensor of shape (B, T, W, H, C) where B is batch size, T is
time, W is width, H is height, and C is the number of channels.
resolution: The target resolution as a tuple (new_width, new_height).
The resized tensor.
b, t, h, w, c = x.size()
x = x.permute(0, 1, 4, 2, 3).reshape(b, t * c, h, w)
x = F.interpolate(x, size=resolution, mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)
b, _, h, w = x.size()
x = x.reshape(b, t, c, h, w).permute(0, 1, 3, 4, 2)
return x
def map_coordinates_3d(
feats: torch.Tensor, coordinates: torch.Tensor
) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Maps 3D coordinates to corresponding features using bilinear interpolation.
feats: A 5D tensor of features with shape (B, W, H, D, C), where B is batch
size, W is width, H is height, D is depth, and C is the number of
coordinates: A 3D tensor of coordinates with shape (B, N, 3), where N is the
number of coordinates and the last dimension represents (W, H, D)
The mapped features tensor.
x = feats.permute(0, 4, 1, 2, 3)
y = coordinates[:, :, None, None, :].float().clone()
y[..., 0] = y[..., 0] + 0.5
y = 2 * (y / torch.tensor(x.shape[2:], device=y.device)) - 1
y = torch.flip(y, dims=(-1,))
out = (
x, y, mode='bilinear', align_corners=False, padding_mode='border'
.squeeze(dim=(3, 4))
.permute(0, 2, 1)
return out
def map_coordinates_2d(
feats: torch.Tensor, coordinates: torch.Tensor
) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Maps 2D coordinates to feature maps using bilinear interpolation.
The function performs bilinear interpolation on the feature maps (`feats`)
at the specified `coordinates`. The coordinates are normalized between
-1 and 1 The result is a tensor of sampled features corresponding
to these coordinates.
feats (Tensor): A 5D tensor of shape (N, T, H, W, C) representing feature
maps, where N is the batch size, T is the number of frames, H and W are
height and width, and C is the number of channels.
coordinates (Tensor): A 5D tensor of shape (N, P, T, S, XY) representing
coordinates, where N is the batch size, P is the number of points, T is
the number of frames, S is the number of samples, and XY represents the 2D
Tensor: A 5D tensor of the sampled features corresponding to the
given coordinates, of shape (N, P, T, S, C).
n, t, h, w, c = feats.shape
x = feats.permute(0, 1, 4, 2, 3).view(n * t, c, h, w)
n, p, t, s, xy = coordinates.shape
y = coordinates.permute(0, 2, 1, 3, 4).reshape(n * t, p, s, xy)
y = 2 * (y / torch.tensor([h, w], device=feats.device)) - 1
y = torch.flip(y, dims=(-1,)).float()
out = F.grid_sample(
x, y, mode='bilinear', align_corners=False, padding_mode='zeros'
_, c, _, _ = out.shape
out = out.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).view(n, t, p, s, c).permute(0, 2, 1, 3, 4)
return out
def soft_argmax_heatmap_batched(softmax_val, threshold=5):
"""Test if two image resolutions are the same."""
b, h, w, d1, d2 = softmax_val.shape
y, x = torch.meshgrid(
torch.arange(d1, device=softmax_val.device),
torch.arange(d2, device=softmax_val.device),
coords = torch.stack([x + 0.5, y + 0.5], dim=-1).to(softmax_val.device)
softmax_val_flat = softmax_val.reshape(b, h, w, -1)
argmax_pos = torch.argmax(softmax_val_flat, dim=-1)
pos = coords.reshape(-1, 2)[argmax_pos]
valid = (
coords[None, None, None, :, :, :] - pos[:, :, :, None, None, :]
< threshold**2
weighted_sum = torch.sum(
coords[None, None, None, :, :, :]
* valid
* softmax_val[:, :, :, :, :, None],
dim=(3, 4),
sum_of_weights = torch.maximum(
torch.sum(valid * softmax_val[:, :, :, :, :, None], dim=(3, 4)),
torch.tensor(1e-12, device=softmax_val.device),
return weighted_sum / sum_of_weights
def heatmaps_to_points(
"""Convert heatmaps to points using soft argmax."""
out_points = soft_argmax_heatmap_batched(all_pairs_softmax, threshold)
feature_grid_shape = all_pairs_softmax.shape[1:]
# Note: out_points is now [x, y]; we need to divide by [width, height].
# image_shape[3] is width and image_shape[2] is height.
out_points = convert_grid_coordinates(
assert feature_grid_shape[1] == image_shape[1]
if query_points is not None:
# The [..., 0:1] is because we only care about the frame index.
query_frame = convert_grid_coordinates(
)[..., 0:1]
query_frame = torch.round(query_frame)
frame_indices = torch.arange(image_shape[1], device=query_frame.device)[
None, None, :
is_query_point = query_frame == frame_indices
is_query_point = is_query_point[:, :, :, None]
out_points = (
out_points * ~is_query_point
+ torch.flip(query_points[:, :, None], dims=(-1,))[..., 0:2]
* is_query_point
return out_points
def is_same_res(r1, r2):
"""Test if two image resolutions are the same."""
return all([x == y for x, y in zip(r1, r2)])
def convert_grid_coordinates(
coords: torch.Tensor,
input_grid_size: Sequence[int],
output_grid_size: Sequence[int],
coordinate_format: str = 'xy',
) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Convert grid coordinates to correct format."""
if isinstance(input_grid_size, tuple):
input_grid_size = torch.tensor(input_grid_size, device=coords.device)
if isinstance(output_grid_size, tuple):
output_grid_size = torch.tensor(output_grid_size, device=coords.device)
if coordinate_format == 'xy':
if input_grid_size.shape[0] != 2 or output_grid_size.shape[0] != 2:
raise ValueError(
'If coordinate_format is xy, the shapes must be length 2.'
elif coordinate_format == 'tyx':
if input_grid_size.shape[0] != 3 or output_grid_size.shape[0] != 3:
raise ValueError(
'If coordinate_format is tyx, the shapes must be length 3.'
if input_grid_size[0] != output_grid_size[0]:
raise ValueError('converting frame count is not supported.')
raise ValueError('Recognized coordinate formats are xy and tyx.')
position_in_grid = coords
position_in_grid = position_in_grid * output_grid_size / input_grid_size
return position_in_grid
def generate_default_resolutions(full_size, train_size, num_levels=None):
"""Generate a list of logarithmically-spaced resolutions.
Generated resolutions are between train_size and full_size, inclusive, with
num_levels different resolutions total. Useful for generating the input to
refinement_resolutions in PIPs.
full_size: 2-tuple of ints. The full image size desired.
train_size: 2-tuple of ints. The smallest refinement level. Should
typically match the training resolution, which is (256, 256) for TAPIR.
num_levels: number of levels. Typically each resolution should be less than
twice the size of prior resolutions.
A list of resolutions.
if all([x == y for x, y in zip(train_size, full_size)]):
return [train_size]
if num_levels is None:
size_ratio = np.array(full_size) / np.array(train_size)
num_levels = int(np.ceil(np.max(np.log2(size_ratio))) + 1)
if num_levels <= 1:
return [train_size]
h, w = full_size[0:2]
if h % 8 != 0 or w % 8 != 0:
'Warning: output size is not a multiple of 8. Final layer '
+ 'will round size down.'
ll_h, ll_w = train_size[0:2]
sizes = []
for i in range(num_levels):
size = (
int(round((ll_h * (h / ll_h) ** (i / (num_levels - 1))) // 8)) * 8,
int(round((ll_w * (w / ll_w) ** (i / (num_levels - 1))) // 8)) * 8,
return sizes
class Conv2dSamePadding(torch.nn.Conv2d):
def calc_same_pad(self, i: int, k: int, s: int, d: int) -> int:
return max((math.ceil(i / s) - 1) * s + (k - 1) * d + 1 - i, 0)
def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
ih, iw = x.size()[-2:]
pad_h = self.calc_same_pad(i=ih, k=self.kernel_size[0], s=self.stride[0], d=self.dilation[0])
pad_w = self.calc_same_pad(i=iw, k=self.kernel_size[1], s=self.stride[1], d=self.dilation[1])
if pad_h > 0 or pad_w > 0:
x = F.pad(
x, [pad_w // 2, pad_w - pad_w // 2, pad_h // 2, pad_h - pad_h // 2]
return F.conv2d(
# self.padding,