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#Class to fetch news and stock data from the web for a specific ticker and combine them into a dataframe.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import requests
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import yfinance as yf
from datetime import datetime
from pygooglenews import GoogleNews
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSequenceClassification
from transformers import pipeline
class DataLoader:
def __init__(self, ticker, time_period_news, time_period_stock, news_decay_rate = 0):
self.ticker = ticker
self.time_period_news = time_period_news
self.time_period_stock = time_period_stock
self.news_decay_rate = news_decay_rate
def get_data(self):
stock_data = self.get_stock_data()
news_data = self.get_news_data()
news_sentiment = self.get_sentiment(news_data)
combined_data = self.combine_data(stock_data, news_sentiment)
if self.news_decay_rate != 0:
combined_data = self.news_decay(combined_data, self.news_decay_rate)
return combined_data
def get_stock_data(self):
data =, period = self.time_period_stock)
df = pd.DataFrame()
df['Open'] = data['Open']
df['Close'] = data['Close']
df['High'] = data['High']
df['Low'] = data['Low']
return df
def get_news_data(self):
googlenews = GoogleNews()
news_data =, when=self.time_period_news)
news_data = pd.DataFrame(news_data['entries'])
return news_data
def get_sentiment(self, news_data):
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("ProsusAI/finbert")
model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained("ProsusAI/finbert")
classifier = pipeline('sentiment-analysis', model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer)
news_sentiment = []
for i in range(len(news_data)):
sentiment = classifier(news_data['title'][i], top_k=None)
postive_score = sentiment[0]['score']
negative_score = sentiment[1]['score']
neutral_score = sentiment[2]['score']
reformmated_time_stamp = pd.to_datetime(news_data['published'][i]).date()
news_sentiment.append({'Date': reformmated_time_stamp, 'positive_score': postive_score, 'negative_score': negative_score, 'neutral_score': neutral_score})
return pd.DataFrame(news_sentiment)
def combine_data(self, stock_data, news_sentiment):
news_sentiment = (
common_index = pd.date_range(
start=pd.Timestamp(min(pd.Timestamp(stock_data.index[0]), pd.Timestamp(news_sentiment.index[0]))),
end=pd.Timestamp(max(pd.Timestamp(stock_data.index[-1]), pd.Timestamp(news_sentiment.index[-1]))),
stock_data = stock_data.reindex(common_index).fillna(-1)
news_sentiment = news_sentiment.reindex(common_index).fillna(0)
#Ensure stock_data and news_sentiment have combatile indices
stock_data.index = pd.to_datetime(stock_data.index).normalize()
news_sentiment.index = pd.to_datetime(news_sentiment.index).normalize()
combined_data = pd.merge(
#Drop all close values that are -1
combined_data = combined_data[combined_data['Close'] != -1]
#fill all missing values with 0
combined_data = combined_data.fillna(0)
return combined_data
def news_decay(self, Combined_data, decay_rate):
#We have lots of days in the data with no news. We will fill these days with the previous days news * decay_rate
#This will allow us to have a more continuous news data
combined_data = Combined_data.copy()
news_columns = ['positive_score', 'negative_score', 'neutral_score']
#We want to start from the oldest date and work our way to the newest date
for i in range(1, len(combined_data)):
for column in news_columns:
if combined_data[column][i] == 0:
combined_data[column][i] = combined_data[column][i-1] * decay_rate
return combined_data