livetransit / app /
Alvaro Hidalgo Romera
added app
import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import folium
from streamlit_folium import st_folium
def plot_trip_on_map(trip_id: str, data: dict[str, pd.DataFrame]):
trips_df = data["trips"]
shapes_df = data["shapes"]
stops_times_df = data["stop_times"]
stops_df = data["stops"]
# Filter trips and shapes by trip_id
trip_shapes = trips_df[trips_df["trip_id"] == trip_id]["shape_id"].unique()
# Get shape points for the trip
shape_points = shapes_df[shapes_df["shape_id"].isin(trip_shapes)]
shape_points = shape_points.sort_values(
) # Sort by sequence
# Extract trips coordinates
coordinates = shape_points[["shape_pt_lat", "shape_pt_lon"]].values.tolist()
# Filter stops
stops_times_trip = stops_times_df[stops_times_df["trip_id"] == trip_id][
stops_points = stops_df[stops_df["stop_id"].isin(stops_times_trip)]
# Extract stop coordinates
stops_coordinates = stops_points[["stop_lat", "stop_lon"]].values.tolist()
# Create folium map centered at the first point
if len(coordinates) > 0:
map_center = coordinates[0]
map = folium.Map(location=map_center, zoom_start=13) # type: ignore
# Plot the shape as a polyline leave for later test because is connecting dots
# and I am interesting on the points I receive
# folium.PolyLine(locations=coordinates, color='blue', weight=5, opacity=0.7).add_to(m)
# Add markers for each trip point
for coord in coordinates:
folium.CircleMarker(location=coord, radius=3, color="red").add_to(map) # type: ignore
# Add markers for each stop
for stop_coord in stops_coordinates:
folium.CircleMarker(location=stop_coord, radius=3, color="green").add_to(map) # type: ignore
# Display map
st_folium(map, width=2000)
st.warning(f"No shape data found for trip {trip_id}.")
def load_data() -> dict[str, pd.DataFrame]:
# read all parquet files
return {
"routes": pd.read_parquet("./data/routes.parquet.gzip"),
"trips": pd.read_parquet("./data/trips.parquet.gzip"),
"shapes": pd.read_parquet("./data/shapes.parquet.gzip"),
"stops": pd.read_parquet("./data/stops.parquet.gzip"),
"stop_times": pd.read_parquet("./data/stop_times.parquet.gzip"),