gpt-neo /
full working demo
history blame
10.1 kB
import re
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from shutil import rmtree
import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
import sys
import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf
import tensorflow.compat.v2 as tf2
import mesh_tensorflow as mtf
from data.encoders import fetch_encoder
import re
def setup_logging(args):
tf.get_logger().propagate = False # Remove double log on console
name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(args.model))[0]
handlers = [
logger = logging.getLogger("tensorflow")
logger.handlers = handlers
return logger
def get_batch_size(params):
return params[f"{params['mode']}_batch_size"]
def add_mode_to_params(params, mode):
if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT:
params["mode"] = "predict"
elif mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.EVAL:
params["mode"] = "eval"
elif mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN:
params["mode"] = "train"
raise ValueError(f"Invalid mode {mode}")
return params
def simd_mesh_setup(params, mesh_shape, layout_rules):
"""Constructs SimdMesh function - instructions on how to evenly split tensors across all TPU cores"""
num_hosts = params["context"].num_hosts
host_placement_fn = params["context"].tpu_host_placement_function
device_list = [host_placement_fn(host_id=i) for i in range(num_hosts)]"device_list = {device_list}")
# TODO: Better estimation of replica cache size?
replica_cache_size = 300 * 1000000 # 300M per replica
# Worker 0 caches all the TPU binaries
worker0_mem = replica_cache_size * params["context"].num_replicas
devices_memory_usage = [worker0_mem] + [0] * (num_hosts - 1)
var_placer = mtf.utils.BalancedVariablePlacer(device_list, devices_memory_usage)
mesh_devices = [""] * mesh_shape.size
mesh_impl = mtf.simd_mesh_impl.SimdMeshImpl(
mesh_shape, layout_rules, mesh_devices, params["context"].device_assignment)
return var_placer, mesh_impl
def remove_batch_from_layout(layout):
The tf-mesh layout splits across batch size, remove it.
Useful for prediction steps, when you no longer want large batches.
:param layout: string describing tf-mesh layout
:return: layout minus batch dimension
layout = layout.split(',')
ret_layout = ""
for i in layout:
if "batch" in i:
ret_layout += f"{i},"
return ret_layout[:-1]
def yes_or_no(question):
while True:
reply = str(input(question+' (y/n): ')).lower().strip()
if reply[:1] == 'y':
return True
if reply[:1] == 'n':
return False
def remove_gs_or_filepath(path):
parsed_url = urlparse(path)
if parsed_url.scheme == "gs":
os.system(f"gsutil rm -rf {path}")
def save_config(params_dict, logdir):
print(f"Saving config to {logdir}")
text = "{\n\n"
total_params = len(params_dict)
for count, key in enumerate(params_dict):
config_value = str(params_dict[key])
if'[a-zA-Z]', config_value):
if config_value.lower() != 'true':
if config_value.lower() != 'false':
if config_value[0] != '[':
# TODO: Making a manual exception for parsing epsilon right now since it's the only number in
# scientific notation. Should fix this.
if key != "epsilon":
config_value = f'"{config_value}"'
if count == total_params - 1:
text += f'"{str(key)}"' + ' : ' + config_value + '\n\n'
text += f'"{str(key)}"' + ' : ' + config_value + ',\n\n'
text += '\n\n}'
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
summary_op = tf.summary.text("run_config", tf.convert_to_tensor(text))
summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(f"{logdir}/config", sess.graph)
text =
summary_writer.add_summary(text, 0)
def expand_attention_types_params(params_list):
newlist = []
for item in params_list:
for _ in range(item[1]):
return newlist
def get_n_trainable_vars(graph):
Gets number of trainable vars in a MTF model.
:param graph: Mesh-Tensorflow graph
:return: None
total_parameters = 0
for variable in graph.trainable_variables:
shape = variable.shape.dims
variable_parameters = 1
for dim in shape:
variable_parameters *= dim.size
total_parameters += variable_parameters
print(f"\n\nN TRAINABLE VARS:\n{total_parameters:,}\n\n")
def print_dim_names(graph):
Print names of all Dimensions
:param graph: Mesh-Tensorflow graph
:return: None
all_dim_names = []
for variable in graph.all_variables:
names = variable.shape.dimension_names
# Print all dim names in graph & write to file
all_dim_names = [item for sublist in all_dim_names for item in sublist] # Flatten all dims
unique_dims = list(set(all_dim_names))
print("ALL DIM NAMES:")
for dim_name in unique_dims:
def get_graph_info(graph):
Wrapper fn that calculates number of trainable vars in an MTF graph & prints all dim_names to file
TODO: how to get un-trainable dim-names too, batch etc.
:param graph: Mesh-Tensorflow graph
:return: None
def loss_denominator(targets, num_microbatches):
"""Denominator applied to losses.
This is usually the size of the targets tensor (omitting ensemble
dimensions). Alternatively, it is an override value passed to the
class constructor.
targets: a mtf.Tensor
num_microbatches: an integer - greater than one if the step has been
serialized into multiple microbatches to save memory.
a float
ret = float(targets.shape.size) * num_microbatches
return float(ret)
def check_dataset(input_fn, params, global_step=None):
if global_step is not None:
dataset = input_fn(params, global_step=global_step)
dataset = input_fn(params)
dataset_iter = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator()
tensor, _ = next(dataset_iter)
enc = fetch_encoder(params)
for p in tensor[:1]:
txt = enc.decode(p)
print('-' * 50)
print(txt[:500], '\n\n...\n\n', txt[-500:])
print('-' * 50)
def auto_layout(graph, mesh_shape, logits, loss):
layout_rules = mtf.auto_mtf.layout(graph, mesh_shape, [logits, loss])
print(f"Auto-selected layout:\n{layout_rules}\nRe-initialize graph with selected layout")
def auto_layout_and_mesh_shape(graph, num_cores, logits, loss):
layout_rules, mesh_shape = mtf.auto_mtf.layout_and_mesh_shape(graph, num_cores,
[logits, loss], max_mesh_shape_dimensions=4)
print(f"Num cores:\n{num_cores}\nAuto-selected layout:\n{layout_rules}\nAuto-selected mesh shape:\n{mesh_shape}" \
f"\nRe-initialize graph with selected layout & mesh shape")
def create_host_call(model_dir):
"""Construct a host_call writing scalar summaries.
Borrowed from t2t.
model_dir: String containing path to train
(fn, args) Pair to be called by TPUEstimator as the host_call.
graph = tf.get_default_graph()
# A list of (name, lowered tensor) tuples
summaries = graph.get_collection(mtf.utils.SCALAR_SUMMARIES_COLLECTION_KEY)
def maybe_cast(tensor):
assert tensor.shape.is_compatible_with([]),
if tensor.dtype == tf.int64:
return tf.to_int32(tensor)
if tensor.dtype == tf.bfloat16:
return tf.cast(tensor, tf.float32)
return tensor
reshaped_tensors = [tf.reshape(maybe_cast(t), [1]) for _, t in summaries]
# When no supported summaries are found, don't create host_call. Otherwise,
# TPU outfeed queue would enqueue global_step while host_call doesn't dequeue
# it, eventually causing hang.
if not reshaped_tensors:
return None
def host_call_fn(global_step, *args):
"""Training host call. Creates scalar summaries for training metrics."""
# This function is executed on the CPU and should not directly reference
# any Tensors in the rest of the `model_fn`. To pass Tensors from the
# model to the `model_fn`, provide as part of the `host_call`.
global_step = tf.cast(global_step[0], tf.int64)
with tf2.summary.create_file_writer(model_dir).as_default():
# We cannot directly use any tensor from summaries, because each
# tensor here must be a concat of multiple tensors from all shards.
# Therefore, we rely on the assumption that args wil have the same
# length as summaries, and all tensors in args will have the same
# order of self._tup_summaries.
assert len(args) == len(summaries)
for i, tensor in enumerate(args):
name = summaries[i][0]
tf2.summary.scalar(name, tf.reduce_mean(tensor), step=global_step)
return tf.summary.all_v2_summary_ops()
global_step_t = tf.reshape(tf.to_int32(tf.train.get_global_step()), [1])
return host_call_fn, [global_step_t] + reshaped_tensors
def natural_sort(l):
convert = lambda text: int(text) if text.isdigit() else text.lower()
alphanum_key = lambda key: [ convert(c) for c in re.split('([0-9]+)', key) ]
return sorted(l, key = alphanum_key)