import ee |
import geemap.foliumap as geemap |
import geopandas as gpd |
import streamlit as st |
st.set_page_config(layout="wide") |
def ee_authenticate(token_name="EARTHENGINE_TOKEN"): |
geemap.ee_initialize(token_name=token_name) |
st.sidebar.info( |
""" |
- Web App URL: <https://streamlit.gishub.org> |
- GitHub repository: <https://github.com/giswqs/streamlit-geospatial> |
""" |
) |
st.sidebar.title("Contact") |
st.sidebar.info( |
""" |
Qiusheng Wu at [wetlands.io](https://wetlands.io) | [GitHub](https://github.com/giswqs) | [Twitter](https://twitter.com/giswqs) | [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/c/QiushengWu) | [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/qiushengwu) |
""" |
) |
st.title("Global Building Footprints") |
col1, col2 = st.columns([8, 2]) |
@st.cache_data |
def read_data(url): |
return gpd.read_file(url) |
countries = ( |
"https://github.com/giswqs/geemap/raw/master/examples/data/countries.geojson" |
) |
states = "https://github.com/giswqs/geemap/raw/master/examples/data/us_states.json" |
countries_gdf = read_data(countries) |
states_gdf = read_data(states) |
country_names = countries_gdf["NAME"].values.tolist() |
country_names.remove("United States of America") |
country_names.append("USA") |
country_names.sort() |
country_names = [name.replace(".", "").replace(" ", "_") for name in country_names] |
state_names = states_gdf["name"].values.tolist() |
basemaps = list(geemap.basemaps) |
Map = geemap.Map() |
with col2: |
basemap = st.selectbox("Select a basemap", basemaps, index=basemaps.index("HYBRID")) |
Map.add_basemap(basemap) |
country = st.selectbox( |
"Select a country", country_names, index=country_names.index("USA") |
) |
if country == "USA": |
state = st.selectbox( |
"Select a state", state_names, index=state_names.index("Florida") |
) |
layer_name = state |
try: |
fc = ee.FeatureCollection( |
f"projects/sat-io/open-datasets/MSBuildings/US/{state}" |
) |
except: |
st.error("No data available for the selected state.") |
else: |
try: |
fc = ee.FeatureCollection( |
f"projects/sat-io/open-datasets/MSBuildings/{country}" |
) |
except: |
st.error("No data available for the selected country.") |
layer_name = country |
color = st.color_picker("Select a color", "#FF5500") |
style = {"fillColor": "00000000", "color": color} |
split = st.checkbox("Split-panel map") |
if split: |
left = geemap.ee_tile_layer(fc.style(**style), {}, "Left") |
right = left |
Map.split_map(left, right) |
else: |
Map.addLayer(fc.style(**style), {}, layer_name) |
Map.centerObject(fc.first(), zoom=16) |
with st.expander("Data Sources"): |
st.info( |
""" |
[Microsoft Building Footprints](https://gee-community-catalog.org/projects/msbuildings/) |
""" |
) |
with col1: |
Map.to_streamlit(height=1000) |