import leafmap import solara zoom = solara.reactive(2) center = solara.reactive((20, 0)) class Map(leafmap.Map): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) # Add what you want below self.add_basemap('CartoDB.DarkMatter') url = "" style={ "version": 8, "sources": { "example_source": { "type": "vector", "url": "pmtiles://" + url, "attribution": 'PMTiles', } }, "layers": [ { "id": "admins", "source": "example_source", "source-layer": "admins", "type": "fill", "paint": {"fill-color": "#BDD3C7", "fill-opacity": 0.1}, }, { "id": "buildings", "source": "example_source", "source-layer": "buildings", "type": "fill", "paint": {"fill-color": "#FFFFB3", "fill-opacity": 0.5}, }, { "id": "places", "source": "example_source", "source-layer": "places", "type": "fill", "paint": {"fill-color": "#BEBADA", "fill-opacity": 0.5}, }, { "id": "roads", "source": "example_source", "source-layer": "roads", "type": "line", "paint": {"line-color": "#FB8072"}, }, ], } self.add_pmtiles(url, name='PMTiles', style=style) legend_dict = { 'admins': 'BDD3C7', 'buildings': 'FFFFB3', 'places': 'BEBADA', 'roads': 'FB8072', } self.add_legend(legend_dict=legend_dict) @solara.component def Page(): with solara.Column(style={"min-width": "500px"}): # solara components support reactive variables # solara.SliderInt(label="Zoom level", value=zoom, min=1, max=20) # using 3rd party widget library require wiring up the events manually # using zoom.value and zoom.set Map.element( # type: ignore zoom=zoom.value, on_zoom=zoom.set, center=center.value, on_center=center.set, scroll_wheel_zoom=True, toolbar_ctrl=False, data_ctrl=False, height="780px", ) solara.Text(f"Zoom: {zoom.value}") solara.Text(f"Center: {center.value}")