import json import os import leafmap.foliumap as leafmap import leafmap.colormaps as cm import streamlit as st st.set_page_config(layout="wide") """ - Web App URL: <> - GitHub repository: <> """ ) st.sidebar.title("Contact") """ Qiusheng Wu at []( | [GitHub]( | [Twitter]( | [YouTube]( | [LinkedIn]( """ ) @st.cache_data def load_cog_list(): print(os.getcwd()) in_txt = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "data/cog_files.txt") with open(in_txt) as f: return [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()[1:]] @st.cache_data def get_palettes(): return list(cm.palettes.keys()) # palettes = dir(palettable.matplotlib)[:-16] # return ["matplotlib." + p for p in palettes] st.title("Visualize Raster Datasets") st.markdown( """ An interactive web app for visualizing local raster datasets and Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF ([COG]( The app was built using [streamlit](, [leafmap](, and [Titiler]( """ ) def is_trusted_url(url): if url.startswith(""): return True else: return False row1_col1, row1_col2 = st.columns([2, 1]) with row1_col1: cog_list = load_cog_list() cog = st.selectbox("Select a sample Cloud Opitmized GeoTIFF (COG)", cog_list) with row1_col2: empty = st.empty() url = empty.text_input( "Enter a HTTP URL to a Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG)", cog, ) if is_trusted_url(url): try: options = leafmap.cog_bands(url) except Exception as e: st.error(e) if len(options) > 3: default = options[:3] else: default = options[0] bands = st.multiselect("Select bands to display", options, default=options) if len(bands) == 1 or len(bands) == 3: pass else: st.error("Please select one or three bands") else: st.error("Please enter a trusted URL") add_params = st.checkbox("Add visualization parameters") if add_params: vis_params = st.text_area("Enter visualization parameters", "{}") else: vis_params = {} if len(vis_params) > 0: try: vis_params = json.loads(vis_params.replace("'", '"')) except Exception as e: st.error( f"Invalid visualization parameters. It should be a dictionary. Error: {e}" ) vis_params = {} submit = st.button("Submit") m = leafmap.Map(latlon_control=False) if submit: if url: try: m.add_cog_layer(url, bands=bands, **vis_params) except Exception as e: with row1_col2: st.error(e) st.error("Work in progress. Try it again later.") with row1_col1: m.to_streamlit()