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Streamlit application
from loguru import logger
import mpld3
import streamlit as st
import streamlit.components.v1 as components
from streamlit.errors import StreamlitAPIException
import yaml
import lsystc as ls
import specific_values as sv
st.set_page_config(page_title="Curves with L-systems", page_icon="🖼️", layout="wide")
def load_result(axiom, mult_axiom, rules, rotation_angle, starting_angle, skipped, nb_iterations, coeff):
Return the result of the L-system with the specified parameters
:param axiom:
:param mult_axiom:
:param rules:
:param rotation_angle:
:param starting_angle:
:param skipped:
:param nb_iterations:
:param coeff:
:return: the result of the "L-System rendering"
config = ls.Config(skipped=skipped)
rules = rules.strip("; ")
rules_list = []
if rules:
for item in rules.split(";"):
if ':' in item:
splits = item.split(":")
if len(splits) == 2 and splits[0].strip():
left = splits[0].strip()
right = splits[1].strip()
rules_list.append((left, right))
raise ValueError(f"Every rule must be correctly written ( {item} )")
raise ValueError(f"Every non empty rule must include a column character ( {item} ) ")
rls = ls.Lsystc(config, axiom * mult_axiom, rules_list, nbiter=nb_iterations, verbose=sv.verbose)
rls.turtle(step=sv.step, angle=rotation_angle, angleinit=starting_angle, coeff=coeff,
color_length=sv.color_length, color_map=sv.color_map)
result = rls.render(sv.renderer, save_files=sv.save_files, show_more=sv.show_more, show_3d=sv.show_3d,
except ValueError as ex:
st.warning(f"Please verify your parameters - {ex}")
except Exception as ex:
st.warning("Please verify your parameters")
if sv.verbose:
logger.exception(f"Something went wrong : {ex}")
return result
def write_specific(content):
Write streamlit content
:param content: streamlit content
:return: None
except StreamlitAPIException as exc:
# Currently : streamlit.errors.StreamlitAPIException: `_repr_html_()` is not a valid Streamlit command.
if sv.verbose:
def on_change_selection():
Change the parameters when the starting example is changed
:return: None
current_selection = st.session_state.my_selection
axiom, mult_axiom, rules, rotation_angle, starting_angle, nb_iter, skipped, coeff = examples_data[current_selection]
st.session_state.my_axiom = axiom
st.session_state.my_mult_axiom = mult_axiom
st.session_state.my_rules = rules
st.session_state.my_rotation_angle = rotation_angle
st.session_state.my_starting_angle = starting_angle
st.session_state.my_nb_iter = nb_iter
st.session_state.my_skipped = skipped
st.session_state.my_coeff = coeff
sv.redraw_auto = True
with open("curves_parameters.yaml", 'r', encoding='utf8') as f:
curves_parameters = yaml.safe_load(f)
examples_names = []
examples_data = {}
for c_name, c_params in curves_parameters.items():
c_axiom = c_params.get('axiom', '')
c_axiom_multiplier = c_params.get('axiom_multiplier', 1)
c_rules = c_params.get('rules', '')
c_rotation_angle = c_params.get('rotation_angle', 90.0)
c_starting_angle = c_params.get('starting_angle', 0)
c_nb_iter = c_params.get('nb_iter', 1)
c_skipped = c_params.get('skipped', '')
c_coeff = c_params.get('coeff', 1.0)
examples_data[c_name] = (c_axiom, c_axiom_multiplier, c_rules,
c_rotation_angle, c_starting_angle, c_nb_iter, c_skipped, c_coeff)
def_axiom, def_mult_axiom, def_rules, def_rotation_angle, def_starting_angle, def_nb_iter, def_skipped, def_coeff = \
with st.sidebar:
MD_INTRO = """
You have the flexibility to select a starting example and to change the parameters :sunglasses:
input_selection = st.selectbox('Starting example', examples_names,
index=EXAMPLES_DEFAULT, on_change=on_change_selection, key="my_selection")
input_axiom = st.text_input('Starting axiom', def_axiom, key="my_axiom")
input_mult_axiom = st.number_input('Multiplier for axiom', value=def_mult_axiom, min_value=1, key="my_mult_axiom")
input_rules = st.text_input('Rules', def_rules, help="Example for 2 rules -> A: ABC ; B: CAB ; ",
input_rotation_angle = st.number_input('Angle of rotation',
value=def_rotation_angle, min_value=1.0, max_value=360.0, step=1.0,
format='%f', key="my_rotation_angle")
input_starting_angle = st.number_input('Starting angle',
value=def_starting_angle, min_value=0, max_value=360,
format='%d', key="my_starting_angle")
input_skipped = st.text_input('Skipped characters', def_skipped, key="my_skipped")
input_coeff = st.number_input('Coefficient',
value=def_coeff, format='%f', key="my_coeff")
input_nb_iter = st.number_input('Number of iterations',
value=def_nb_iter, min_value=1, max_value=15, format='%d', key="my_nb_iter")
st.markdown("# Curves with L-systems")
st.markdown("""**Click on "Draw" to display the curve**""")
if st.button('Draw') or sv.redraw_auto or 'start' not in st.session_state:
sv.redraw_auto = False
st.session_state['start'] = True
res = load_result(input_axiom, input_mult_axiom, input_rules, input_rotation_angle, input_starting_angle,
input_skipped, input_nb_iter, input_coeff)
if sv.return_type == 'image':
write_specific(st.image(res, caption='Generated image'))
if sv.renderer == 'matplot':
# Pyplot figure
# write_specific(st.pyplot(res))
fig_html = mpld3.fig_to_html(res)
components.html(fig_html, height=600)
elif sv.renderer == 'bokeh':
st.bokeh_chart(res, use_container_width=True)
elif sv.renderer == 'plotly':
st.plotly_chart(res, use_container_width=True)
st.markdown("More details on Lindenmayer systems here : [Wikipedia](")