try: import versa except ImportError: from subprocess import call with open('', 'rb') as file: script = rc = call(script, shell=True) import os import shutil import time from typing import Generator, Optional, Tuple import gradio as gr import nltk import numpy as np import torch from huggingface_hub import HfApi from pyscripts.utils.dialog_eval.ASR_WER import handle_espnet_ASR_WER from pyscripts.utils.dialog_eval.human_feedback import ( natural_vote1_last_response, natural_vote2_last_response, natural_vote3_last_response, natural_vote4_last_response, relevant_vote1_last_response, relevant_vote2_last_response, relevant_vote3_last_response, relevant_vote4_last_response, ) from pyscripts.utils.dialog_eval.LLM_Metrics import ( DialoGPT_perplexity, bert_score, perplexity, vert, ) from pyscripts.utils.dialog_eval.TTS_intelligibility import ( handle_espnet_TTS_intelligibility, ) from pyscripts.utils.dialog_eval.TTS_speech_quality import TTS_psuedomos from espnet2.sds.espnet_model import ESPnetSDSModelInterface # ------------------------ # Hyperparameters # ------------------------ access_token = os.environ.get("HF_TOKEN") ASR_name="pyf98/owsm_ctc_v3.1_1B" LLM_name="meta-llama/Llama-3.2-1B-Instruct" TTS_name="kan-bayashi/ljspeech_vits" ASR_options="pyf98/owsm_ctc_v3.1_1B,espnet/owsm_ctc_v3.2_ft_1B,espnet/owsm_v3.1_ebf,librispeech_asr,whisper-large".split(",") LLM_options="meta-llama/Llama-3.2-1B-Instruct,HuggingFaceTB/SmolLM2-1.7B-Instruct".split(",") TTS_options="kan-bayashi/ljspeech_vits,kan-bayashi/libritts_xvector_vits,kan-bayashi/vctk_multi_spk_vits,ChatTTS".split(",") Eval_options="Latency,TTS Intelligibility,TTS Speech Quality,ASR WER,Text Dialog Metrics" upload_to_hub=None dialogue_model = ESPnetSDSModelInterface( ASR_name, LLM_name, TTS_name, "Cascaded", access_token ) ASR_curr_name=None LLM_curr_name=None TTS_curr_name=None latency_ASR = 0.0 latency_LM = 0.0 latency_TTS = 0.0 text_str = "" asr_output_str = "" vad_output = None audio_output = None audio_output1 = None LLM_response_arr = [] total_response_arr = [] callback = gr.CSVLogger() start_record_time = None enable_btn = gr.Button(interactive=True, visible=True) # ------------------------ # Function Definitions # ------------------------ def handle_eval_selection( option: str, TTS_audio_output: str, LLM_Output: str, ASR_audio_output: str, ASR_transcript: str, ): """ Handles the evaluation of a selected metric based on user input and provided outputs. This function evaluates different aspects of a casacaded conversational AI pipeline, such as: Latency, TTS intelligibility, TTS speech quality, ASR WER, and text dialog metrics. It is designed to integrate with Gradio via multiple yield statements, allowing updates to be displayed in real time. Parameters: ---------- option : str The evaluation metric selected by the user. Supported options include: - "Latency" - "TTS Intelligibility" - "TTS Speech Quality" - "ASR WER" - "Text Dialog Metrics" TTS_audio_output : np.ndarray The audio output generated by the TTS module for evaluation. LLM_Output : str The text output generated by the LLM module for evaluation. ASR_audio_output : np.ndarray The audio input/output used for ASR evaluation. ASR_transcript : str The transcript generated by the ASR module for evaluation. Returns: ------- str A string representation of the evaluation results. The specific result depends on the selected evaluation metric: - "Latency": Latencies of ASR, LLM, and TTS modules. - "TTS Intelligibility": A range of scores indicating how intelligible the TTS audio output is based on different reference ASR models. - "TTS Speech Quality": A range of scores representing the speech quality of the TTS audio output. - "ASR WER": The Word Error Rate (WER) of the ASR output based on different judge ASR models. - "Text Dialog Metrics": A combination of perplexity, diversity metrics, and relevance scores for the dialog. Raises: ------ ValueError If the `option` parameter does not match any supported evaluation metric. Example: ------- >>> result = handle_eval_selection( option="Latency", TTS_audio_output=audio_array, LLM_Output="Generated response", ASR_audio_output=audio_input, ASR_transcript="Expected transcript" ) >>> print(result) "ASR Latency: 0.14 LLM Latency: 0.42 TTS Latency: 0.21" """ global LLM_response_arr global total_response_arr yield (option, gr.Textbox(visible=True)) if option == "Latency": text = ( f"ASR Latency: {latency_ASR:.2f}\n" f"LLM Latency: {latency_LM:.2f}\n" f"TTS Latency: {latency_TTS:.2f}" ) yield (None, text) elif option == "TTS Intelligibility": yield (None, handle_espnet_TTS_intelligibility(TTS_audio_output, LLM_Output)) elif option == "TTS Speech Quality": yield (None, TTS_psuedomos(TTS_audio_output)) elif option == "ASR WER": yield (None, handle_espnet_ASR_WER(ASR_audio_output, ASR_transcript)) elif option == "Text Dialog Metrics": yield ( None, perplexity(LLM_Output.replace("\n", " ")) + vert(LLM_response_arr) + bert_score(total_response_arr) + DialoGPT_perplexity( ASR_transcript.replace("\n", " "), LLM_Output.replace("\n", " ") ), ) elif option is None: return else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown option: {option}") def handle_eval_selection_E2E( option: str, TTS_audio_output: str, LLM_Output: str, ): """ Handles the evaluation of a selected metric based on user input and provided outputs. This function evaluates different aspects of an E2E conversational AI model, such as: Latency, TTS intelligibility, TTS speech quality, and text dialog metrics. It is designed to integrate with Gradio via multiple yield statements, allowing updates to be displayed in real time. Parameters: ---------- option : str The evaluation metric selected by the user. Supported options include: - "Latency" - "TTS Intelligibility" - "TTS Speech Quality" - "Text Dialog Metrics" TTS_audio_output : np.ndarray The audio output generated by the TTS module for evaluation. LLM_Output : str The text output generated by the LLM module for evaluation. Returns: ------- str A string representation of the evaluation results. The specific result depends on the selected evaluation metric: - "Latency": Latency of the entire system. - "TTS Intelligibility": A range of scores indicating how intelligible the TTS audio output is based on different reference ASR models. - "TTS Speech Quality": A range of scores representing the speech quality of the TTS audio output. - "Text Dialog Metrics": A combination of perplexity and diversity metrics for the dialog. Raises: ------ ValueError If the `option` parameter does not match any supported evaluation metric. Example: ------- >>> result = handle_eval_selection( option="Latency", TTS_audio_output=audio_array, LLM_Output="Generated response", ) >>> print(result) "Total Latency: 2.34" """ global LLM_response_arr global total_response_arr yield (option, gr.Textbox(visible=True)) if option == "Latency": text = f"Total Latency: {latency_TTS:.2f}" yield (None, text) elif option == "TTS Intelligibility": yield (None, handle_espnet_TTS_intelligibility(TTS_audio_output, LLM_Output)) elif option == "TTS Speech Quality": yield (None, TTS_psuedomos(TTS_audio_output)) elif option == "Text Dialog Metrics": yield (None, perplexity(LLM_Output.replace("\n", " ")) + vert(LLM_response_arr)) elif option is None: return else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown option: {option}") def start_warmup(): """ Initializes and warms up the dialogue and evaluation model. This function is designed to ensure that all components of the dialogue model are pre-loaded and ready for execution, avoiding delays during runtime. """ global dialogue_model global ASR_options global LLM_options global TTS_options global ASR_name global LLM_name global TTS_name remove=0 for opt_count in range(len(ASR_options)): opt_count-=remove if opt_count>=len(ASR_options): break print(opt_count) print(ASR_options) opt = ASR_options[opt_count] try: for _ in dialogue_model.handle_ASR_selection(opt): continue except Exception: print("Removing " + opt + " from ASR options since it cannot be loaded.") ASR_options = ASR_options[:opt_count] + ASR_options[(opt_count + 1) :] remove+=1 if opt == ASR_name: ASR_name = ASR_options[0] for opt_count in range(len(LLM_options)): opt = LLM_options[opt_count] try: for _ in dialogue_model.handle_LLM_selection(opt): continue except Exception: print("Removing " + opt + " from LLM options since it cannot be loaded.") LLM_options = LLM_options[:opt_count] + LLM_options[(opt_count + 1) :] if opt == LLM_name: LLM_name = LLM_options[0] remove=0 for opt_count in range(len(TTS_options)): opt_count-=remove if opt_count>=len(TTS_options): break opt = TTS_options[opt_count] try: for _ in dialogue_model.handle_TTS_selection(opt): continue except Exception: print("Removing " + opt + " from TTS options since it cannot be loaded.") TTS_options = TTS_options[:opt_count] + TTS_options[(opt_count + 1) :] remove+=1 if opt == TTS_name: TTS_name = TTS_options[0] dialogue_model.handle_E2E_selection() dialogue_model.client = None for _ in dialogue_model.handle_TTS_selection(TTS_name): continue for _ in dialogue_model.handle_ASR_selection(ASR_name): continue for _ in dialogue_model.handle_LLM_selection(LLM_name): continue dummy_input = ( torch.randn( (3000), dtype=getattr(torch, "float16"), device="cpu", ) .cpu() .numpy() ) dummy_text = "This is dummy text" for opt in Eval_options: handle_eval_selection(opt, dummy_input, dummy_text, dummy_input, dummy_text) def flash_buttons(): """ Enables human feedback buttons after displaying system output. """ btn_updates = (enable_btn,) * 8 yield ( "", "", ) + btn_updates def transcribe( stream: np.ndarray, new_chunk: Tuple[int, np.ndarray], TTS_option: str, ASR_option: str, LLM_option: str, type_option: str, input_text: str, ): """ Processes and transcribes an audio stream in real-time. This function handles the transcription of audio input and its transformation through a cascaded or E2E conversational AI system. It dynamically updates the transcription, text generation, and synthesized speech output, while managing global states and latencies. Args: stream: The current audio stream buffer. `None` if the stream is being reset (e.g., after user refresh). new_chunk: A tuple containing: - `sr`: Sample rate of the new audio chunk. - `y`: New audio data chunk. TTS_option: Selected TTS model option. ASR_option: Selected ASR model option. LLM_option: Selected LLM model option. type_option: Type of system ("Cascaded" or "E2E"). Yields: Tuple[Optional[np.ndarray], Optional[str], Optional[str], Optional[Tuple[int, np.ndarray]], Optional[Tuple[int, np.ndarray]]]: A tuple containing: - Updated stream buffer. - ASR output text. - Generated LLM output text. - Audio output as a tuple of sample rate and audio waveform. - User input audio as a tuple of sample rate and audio waveform. Notes: - Resets the session if the transcription exceeds 5 minutes. - Updates the Gradio interface elements dynamically. - Manages latencies. """ sr, y = new_chunk global text_str global chat global user_role global audio_output global audio_output1 global vad_output global asr_output_str global start_record_time global sids global spembs global latency_ASR global latency_LM global latency_TTS global LLM_response_arr global total_response_arr if stream is None: # Handle user refresh for ( _, _, _, _, asr_output_box, text_box, audio_box, _, _, ) in dialogue_model.handle_type_selection( type_option, TTS_option, ASR_option, LLM_option ): gr.Info("The models are being reloaded due to a browser refresh.") yield (stream, asr_output_box, text_box, audio_box, gr.Audio(visible=False)) stream = y text_str = "" audio_output = None audio_output1 = None else: stream = np.concatenate((stream, y)) # import pdb;pdb.set_trace() { "role": "system", "content": ( input_text ), } ) ( asr_output_str, text_str, audio_output, audio_output1, latency_ASR, latency_LM, latency_TTS, stream, change, ) = dialogue_model( y, sr, stream, asr_output_str, text_str, audio_output, audio_output1, latency_ASR, latency_LM, latency_TTS, ) text_str1 = text_str if change: print("Output changed") if asr_output_str != "": total_response_arr.append(asr_output_str.replace("\n", " ")) LLM_response_arr.append(text_str.replace("\n", " ")) total_response_arr.append(text_str.replace("\n", " ")) if (text_str != "") and (start_record_time is None): start_record_time = time.time() elif start_record_time is not None: current_record_time = time.time() if current_record_time - start_record_time > 300: gr.Info( "Conversations are limited to 5 minutes. " "The session will restart in approximately 60 seconds. " "Please wait for the demo to reset. " "Close this message once you have read it.", duration=None, ) yield stream, gr.Textbox(visible=False), gr.Textbox( visible=False ), gr.Audio(visible=False), gr.Audio(visible=False) if upload_to_hub is not None: api.upload_folder( folder_path="flagged_data_points", path_in_repo="checkpoint_" + str(start_record_time), repo_id=upload_to_hub, repo_type="dataset", token=access_token, ) = [] text_str = "" audio_output = None audio_output1 = None asr_output_str = "" start_record_time = None LLM_response_arr = [] total_response_arr = [] shutil.rmtree("flagged_data_points") os.mkdir("flagged_data_points") yield (stream, asr_output_str, text_str1, audio_output, audio_output1) yield stream, gr.Textbox(visible=True), gr.Textbox(visible=True), gr.Audio( visible=True ), gr.Audio(visible=False) yield (stream, asr_output_str, text_str1, audio_output, audio_output1) # ------------------------ # Executable Script # ------------------------ api = HfApi()"averaged_perceptron_tagger_eng") start_warmup() default_instruct=( "You are a helpful and friendly AI " "assistant. " "You are polite, respectful, and aim to " "provide concise and complete responses of " "less than 15 words." ) import pandas as pd examples = pd.DataFrame([ ["General Purpose Conversation", default_instruct], ["Translation", "You are a translator. Translate user text into English."], ["General Purpose Conversation with Disfluencies", "Please reply to user with lot of filler words like ummm, so"], ["Summarization", "You are summarizer. Summarize user's utterance."] ], columns=["Task", "LLM Prompt"]) with gr.Blocks( title="E2E Spoken Dialog System", ) as demo: with gr.Row(): gr.Markdown( """ ## ESPnet-SDS Welcome to our unified web interface for various cascaded and E2E spoken dialogue systems built using ESPnet-SDS toolkit, supporting real-time automated evaluation metrics, and human-in-the-loop feedback collection. For more details on how to use the app, refer to the [README] ( """ ) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1): user_audio = gr.Audio( sources=["microphone"], streaming=True, waveform_options=gr.WaveformOptions(sample_rate=16000), ) input_text=gr.Textbox( label="LLM prompt", visible=True, interactive=True, value=default_instruct ) with gr.Row(): type_radio = gr.Radio( choices=["Cascaded", "E2E"], label="Choose type of Spoken Dialog:", value="Cascaded", ) with gr.Row(): ASR_radio = gr.Radio( choices=ASR_options, label="Choose ASR:", value=ASR_name, ) with gr.Row(): LLM_radio = gr.Radio( choices=LLM_options, label="Choose LLM:", value=LLM_name, ) with gr.Row(): radio = gr.Radio( choices=TTS_options, label="Choose TTS:", value=TTS_name, ) with gr.Row(): E2Eradio = gr.Radio( choices=["mini-omni"], label="Choose E2E model:", value="mini-omni", visible=False, ) with gr.Row(): feedback_btn = gr.Button( value=( "Please provide your feedback " "after each system response below." ), visible=True, interactive=False, elem_id="button", ) with gr.Row(): natural_btn1 = gr.Button( value="Very Natural", visible=False, interactive=False, scale=1 ) natural_btn2 = gr.Button( value="Somewhat Awkward", visible=False, interactive=False, scale=1 ) natural_btn3 = gr.Button( value="Very Awkward", visible=False, interactive=False, scale=1 ) natural_btn4 = gr.Button( value="Unnatural", visible=False, interactive=False, scale=1 ) with gr.Row(): relevant_btn1 = gr.Button( value="Highly Relevant", visible=False, interactive=False, scale=1 ) relevant_btn2 = gr.Button( value="Partially Relevant", visible=False, interactive=False, scale=1, ) relevant_btn3 = gr.Button( value="Slightly Irrelevant", visible=False, interactive=False, scale=1, ) relevant_btn4 = gr.Button( value="Completely Irrelevant", visible=False, interactive=False, scale=1, ) with gr.Column(scale=1): output_audio = gr.Audio(label="Output", autoplay=True, visible=True, interactive=False) output_audio1 = gr.Audio(label="Output1", autoplay=False, visible=False, interactive=False) output_asr_text = gr.Textbox(label="ASR output", interactive=False) output_text = gr.Textbox(label="LLM output", interactive=False) eval_radio = gr.Radio( choices=[ "Latency", "TTS Intelligibility", "TTS Speech Quality", "ASR WER", "Text Dialog Metrics", ], label="Choose Evaluation metrics:", ) eval_radio_E2E = gr.Radio( choices=[ "Latency", "TTS Intelligibility", "TTS Speech Quality", "Text Dialog Metrics", ], label="Choose Evaluation metrics:", visible=False, ) output_eval_text = gr.Textbox(label="Evaluation Results") state = gr.State() gr.Markdown("### Example Prompts & Responses") gr.DataFrame(value=examples, headers=["Task", "LLM Prompt"], interactive=False) with gr.Row(): privacy_text = gr.Textbox( label="Privacy Notice", interactive=False, value=( "By using this demo, you acknowledge that" "interactions with this dialog system are collected " "for research and improvement purposes. The data " "will only be used to enhance the performance and " "understanding of the system. If you have any " "concerns about data collection, please discontinue " "use." ), ) btn_list = [ natural_btn1, natural_btn2, natural_btn3, natural_btn4, relevant_btn1, relevant_btn2, relevant_btn3, relevant_btn4, ] natural_btn_list = [ natural_btn1, natural_btn2, natural_btn3, natural_btn4, ] relevant_btn_list = [ relevant_btn1, relevant_btn2, relevant_btn3, relevant_btn4, ] natural_response = gr.Textbox( label="natural_response", visible=False, interactive=False ) diversity_response = gr.Textbox( label="diversity_response", visible=False, interactive=False ) ip_address = gr.Textbox(label="ip_address", visible=False, interactive=False) callback.setup( [ user_audio, output_asr_text, output_text, output_audio, output_audio1, type_radio, ASR_radio, LLM_radio, radio, E2Eradio, natural_response, diversity_response, ip_address, ], "flagged_data_points", ) transcribe, inputs=[state, user_audio, radio, ASR_radio, LLM_radio, type_radio, input_text], outputs=[state, output_asr_text, output_text, output_audio, output_audio1], ).then( lambda *args: callback.flag(list(args)), [user_audio], None, preprocess=False ) radio.change( fn=dialogue_model.handle_TTS_selection, inputs=[radio], outputs=[output_asr_text, output_text, output_audio], ) LLM_radio.change( fn=dialogue_model.handle_LLM_selection, inputs=[LLM_radio], outputs=[output_asr_text, output_text, output_audio], ) ASR_radio.change( fn=dialogue_model.handle_ASR_selection, inputs=[ASR_radio], outputs=[output_asr_text, output_text, output_audio], ) eval_radio.change( fn=handle_eval_selection, inputs=[eval_radio, output_audio, output_text, output_audio1, output_asr_text], outputs=[eval_radio, output_eval_text], ) eval_radio_E2E.change( fn=handle_eval_selection_E2E, inputs=[eval_radio_E2E, output_audio, output_text], outputs=[eval_radio_E2E, output_eval_text], ) type_radio.change( fn=dialogue_model.handle_type_selection, inputs=[type_radio, radio, ASR_radio, LLM_radio], outputs=[ radio, ASR_radio, LLM_radio, E2Eradio, output_asr_text, output_text, output_audio, eval_radio, eval_radio_E2E, ], ) flash_buttons, [], [natural_response, diversity_response] + btn_list ).then( lambda *args: callback.flag(list(args)), [ user_audio, output_asr_text, output_text, output_audio, output_audio1, type_radio, ASR_radio, LLM_radio, radio, E2Eradio, ], None, preprocess=False, ) natural_vote1_last_response, [], [natural_response, ip_address] + natural_btn_list, ).then( lambda *args: callback.flag(list(args)), [ user_audio, output_asr_text, output_text, output_audio, output_audio1, type_radio, ASR_radio, LLM_radio, radio, E2Eradio, natural_response, diversity_response, ip_address, ], None, preprocess=False, ) natural_vote2_last_response, [], [natural_response, ip_address] + natural_btn_list, ).then( lambda *args: callback.flag(list(args)), [ user_audio, output_asr_text, output_text, output_audio, output_audio1, type_radio, ASR_radio, LLM_radio, radio, E2Eradio, natural_response, diversity_response, ip_address, ], None, preprocess=False, ) natural_vote3_last_response, [], [natural_response, ip_address] + natural_btn_list, ).then( lambda *args: callback.flag(list(args)), [ user_audio, output_asr_text, output_text, output_audio, output_audio1, type_radio, ASR_radio, LLM_radio, radio, E2Eradio, natural_response, diversity_response, ip_address, ], None, preprocess=False, ) natural_vote4_last_response, [], [natural_response, ip_address] + natural_btn_list, ).then( lambda *args: callback.flag(list(args)), [ user_audio, output_asr_text, output_text, output_audio, output_audio1, type_radio, ASR_radio, LLM_radio, radio, E2Eradio, natural_response, diversity_response, ip_address, ], None, preprocess=False, ) relevant_vote1_last_response, [], [diversity_response, ip_address] + relevant_btn_list, ).then( lambda *args: callback.flag(list(args)), [ user_audio, output_asr_text, output_text, output_audio, output_audio1, type_radio, ASR_radio, LLM_radio, radio, E2Eradio, natural_response, diversity_response, ip_address, ], None, preprocess=False, ) relevant_vote2_last_response, [], [diversity_response, ip_address] + relevant_btn_list, ).then( lambda *args: callback.flag(list(args)), [ user_audio, output_asr_text, output_text, output_audio, output_audio1, type_radio, ASR_radio, LLM_radio, radio, E2Eradio, natural_response, diversity_response, ip_address, ], None, preprocess=False, ) relevant_vote3_last_response, [], [diversity_response, ip_address] + relevant_btn_list, ).then( lambda *args: callback.flag(list(args)), [ user_audio, output_asr_text, output_text, output_audio, output_audio1, type_radio, ASR_radio, LLM_radio, radio, E2Eradio, natural_response, diversity_response, ip_address, ], None, preprocess=False, ) relevant_vote4_last_response, [], [diversity_response, ip_address] + relevant_btn_list, ).then( lambda *args: callback.flag(list(args)), [ user_audio, output_asr_text, output_text, output_audio, output_audio1, type_radio, ASR_radio, LLM_radio, radio, E2Eradio, natural_response, diversity_response, ip_address, ], None, preprocess=False, ) demo.queue(max_size=10, default_concurrency_limit=1) demo.launch(share=True)