Patacotron / pages /Entorno de Ejecució
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Update pages/Entorno de Ejecució
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import streamlit as st
import tensorflow as tf
import os
import torch
import cv2
import numpy as np
#import requests
import joblib
import sklearn
from PIL import Image
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from tensorflow.keras.models import load_model
from transformers import pipeline
token = os.environ['token']
page_title = 'Patacognition',
layout = 'wide',
menu_items = {
"About" : 'Proyecto ideado para la investigación de "Clasificación de imágenes de una sola clase con algortimos de Inteligencia Artificial".',
"Report a Bug" : 'mailto:[email protected]'
st.sidebar.write("[email protected]")
cnn, vit, zero_shot, classic_ml = st.tabs(["CNN", "ViT", "Zero-Shot", "Machine Learning Clásico"])
classic_ml_root = "/home/user/app/classicML"
def load_pca():
return joblib.load(os.path.join(classic_ml_root, "pca_model.pkl"))
def _predict(_model_list, _img, sklearn = False):
y_gorrito = 0
raw_img = cv2.cvtColor(_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
img = cv2.resize(_img, (IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT))
if sklearn:
fl_img =[img.flatten()]
data = pca.transform(fl_img)
for model in _model_list:
prediction = model.predict_proba(data)
y_gorrito += prediction[0][Categories.index("Patacon-True")]
for model in _model_list:
y_gorrito += tf.cast(model(tf.expand_dims(img/255., 0)), dtype=tf.float32)
return [y_gorrito / len(_model_list), raw_img]
#def _pca_predict(models, _img):
# y_gorrito = 0
# raw_img = cv2.cvtColor(_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
# img = cv2.resize(_img, (IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT))
# fl_img =[img.flatten()]
# data = pca.transform(fl_img)
# for model in models:
# prediction = model.predict_proba(data)
# y_gorrito += prediction[0][Categories.index("Patacon-True")]
# return [y_gorrito / len(models), raw_img]
#def classic_ml_prediction(clfs, _img):
# y_gorrito = 0
# raw_img = cv2.cvtColor(_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
# img = cv2.resize(_img, (IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT)).flatten()
# data = pca.transform(img.reshape(1, -1))
# for clf in clfs:
# y_gorrito += clf.predict(data)
# return [y_gorrito / len(clfs), raw_img]
def preprocess(file_uploader, module = 'cv2'): #makes the uploaded image readable
img = np.frombuffer(, np.uint8)
if module == 'cv2':
img = cv2.imdecode(img, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
elif module == 'pil':
img =
return img
def multiclass_prediction(classifier, important_class): #made for hf zero-shot pipeline results
score = (max([classifier[i]['score'] for i in range(len(classifier))]))
labels = [predict['label'] for predict in classifier if score == predict['score']]
for clase in classifier:
if clase['label'] == important_class:
class_score = clase['score']
return (labels[0] if len(labels) == 1 else labels, score, class_score)
#API_URL = ""
#headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {st.secrets['token']}"}
#def query(data, models): #HF API
# response = + "/" + model_name, headers=headers, data=data)
# if response.json()["error"] == "Internal Server Error":
# return -1
# while "error" in response.json():
# response = + "/" + model_name, headers=headers, data=data)
# return response.json()[1]["score"] #.json
def load_clip():
classifier = pipeline("zero-shot-image-classification", model = 'openai/clip-vit-large-patch14-336')
return classifier
with cnn:
col_a, col_b, = st.columns(2)
ultra_flag = None
with col_a:
st.title("Redes neuronales convolucionales")
st.caption("Los modelos no están en orden de eficacia, sino en orden de creación.")
current_dir = os.getcwd()
root_dir = os.path.dirname(current_dir)
# Join the path to the models folder
DIR = os.path.join(current_dir, "models")
models = os.listdir(DIR)
common_root = r"/home/user/app/models/ptctrn_v"
common_end = ".h5"
model_dict = dict()
for model in models: #preprocessing of strings so the name is readable in the multiselect bar
model_dir = os.path.join(DIR, model)
model_name = 'Patacotrón ' + model_dir.split(common_root)[-1].split(common_end)[0]
model_dict[model_name] = model_dir
#weight_list = []
# Create a dropdown menu to select the model
model_choice = st.multiselect("Seleccione uno o varios modelos de clasificación", model_dict.keys())
threshold = st.slider('¿Cuál va a ser el límite donde se considere patacón? (el valor recomendado es de 75%-80%)', 0, 100, 50, key = 'threshold_convnet')
selected_models = []
# Set the image dimensions
executed = False
with col_b:
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader(key = 'conv_upload', label = 'Sube la imagen a clasificar',type= ['jpg','png', 'jpeg', 'jfif', 'webp', 'heic'])
if st.button(key = 'convnet_button', label ='¿Hay un patacón en la imagen?'):
if len(model_choice) < 1:
st.write('Debe elegir como mínimo un modelo.')
elif uploaded_file is not None:
img = preprocess(uploaded_file)
with st.spinner('Cargando predicción...'):
selected_models = [load_model(model_dict[model_name]) for model_name in model_choice if model_name not in selected_models]
#final_weights = weight_list if len(weight_list) >= 1 else [1 for i in range(len(selected_models))]
y_gorrito, raw_img = _predict(selected_models, img)
if round(float(y_gorrito*100)) >= threshold:
st.success("¡Patacón Detectado!")
st.error("No se considera que haya un patacón en la imagen")
st.caption(f'La probabilidad de que la imagen tenga un patacón es del: {round(float(y_gorrito * 100), 2)}%')
st.write('Revisa haber seleccionado los modelos y la imagen correctamente.')
with vit:
col_a, col_b = st.columns(2)
with col_a:
st.title('Visual Transformers')
st.caption('One class is all you need!')
model_dict = {
'google/vit-base-patch16-224-in21k' : 'frncscp/patacoptimus-prime',
'facebook/dinov2-base' : 'frncscp/dinotron',
'facebook/convnext-large-224' : 'frncscp/pataconxt',
'microsoft/focalnet-small' : 'frncscp/focalnet-small-patacon',
'microsoft/swin-tiny-patch4-window7-224' : 'frncscp/patacoswin'
model_choice = st.multiselect("Seleccione un modelo de clasificación", model_dict.keys(), key = 'ViT_multiselect')
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader(key = 'ViT_upload', label = 'Sube la imagen a clasificar',type= ['jpg','png', 'jpeg', 'jfif', 'webp', 'heic'])
flag = False
threshold = st.slider('¿Cuál va a ser el límite desde donde se considere patacón? (se recomienda por encima del 80%)', 0, 100, 80, key = 'threshold_vit')
with col_b:
if st.button(key = 'ViT_button', label ='¿Hay un patacón en la imagen?'):
if len(model_choice) < 1:
print('Recuerda seleccionar al menos un modelo de clasificación')
elif uploaded_file is not None:
with st.spinner('Cargando predicción...'):
classifiers = [pipeline("image-classification", model= model_dict[model_choice[i]], token = token) for i in range(len(model_choice))]
#classifier = pipeline("image-classification", model= model_dict[model_choice[0]])
img = preprocess(uploaded_file, module = 'pil')
models = [model_dict[model] for model in model_choice]
def vit_ensemble(classifier_list, img):
y_gorrito = 0
for classifier in classifier_list:
classifier = classifier(img)
for clase in classifier:
if clase['label'] == 'Patacon-True':
y_gorrito += clase["score"]
return y_gorrito / len(classifier_list)
#models = [model_dict[i] for i in range(len(model_choice))]
#st.write(type(models), models)
#y_gorrito = 0
#y_gorritoo = query(, model_choice[0])#[1]["score"]
#i = -1
#st.write("loop iniciado")
#for model in models:
# i+=1
# st.write("y gorrito a cargar")
# a = query(, model)
# if a == -1:
# st.write("Los servidores se encuentrar caídos, intente más tarde")
# st.write("query terminado")
# y_gorritoo += a
# st.write("y gorrito cargado")
#y_gorritoo /= i
#st.write("loop terminado")
#st.write("y gorrito calculado", len(model_choice))
#classifier = classifier(img)
#for clase in classifier:
# if clase['label'] == 'Patacon-True':
# y_gorrito = clase["score"]
#y_gorrito = classifier[0]["score"]
y_gorrito = vit_ensemble(classifiers, img)
if round(float(y_gorrito * 100)) >= threshold:
st.success("¡Patacón Detectado!")
st.error("No se considera que haya un patacón en la imagen")
st.caption(f'La probabilidad de que la imagen tenga un patacón es del: {round(float(y_gorrito * 100), 2)}%')
st.write("Asegúrate de haber subido correctamente la imagen.")
with zero_shot:
col_a, col_b = st.columns(2)
zsloaded = []
with col_a:
st.title("Clasificación Zero-Shot")
st.caption("Usando Clip de OpenAI")
labels_for_classification = ["A yellow deep fried smashed plantain",
"A yellow corn dough",
"A stuffed fried dough",
"Fried food",
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader(key = 'ZS_upload', label = 'Sube la imagen a clasificar',type= ['jpg','png', 'jpeg', 'jfif', 'webp', 'heic'])
with col_b:
if st.button(key = 'ZS_button', label ='¿Hay un patacón en la imagen?'):
if uploaded_file is not None:
with st.spinner('Cargando el modelo (puede demorar hasta un minuto, pero después predice rápido)'):
classifier = load_clip()
with st.spinner('Cargando predicción...'):
img = preprocess(uploaded_file, module = 'pil')
zs_classifier = classifier(img,
candidate_labels = labels_for_classification)
label, _, y_gorrito = multiclass_prediction(zs_classifier, labels_for_classification[0])
if label == "A yellow deep fried smashed plantain":
st.success("¡Patacón Detectado!")
st.error("No se considera que haya un patacón en la imagen")
st.caption(f'La probabilidad de que la imagen tenga un patacón es del: {round(float(y_gorrito * 100), 2)}%')
st.write("Asegúrate de haber subido correctamente la imagen.")
with classic_ml:
pca = load_pca()
col_a, col_b = st.columns(2)
with col_a:
st.title("Machine Learning Clásico")
st.caption("Usando análisis por componentes principales")
model_dict = {
'Máquina de vectores de soporte' : 'pca_svm.sav',
'K-Nearest Neighbors' : 'pca_knn.sav',
'Bosques Aleatorios' : 'pca_random_forest.sav',
for model_name, filename in model_dict.items():
model_dict[model_name] = os.path.join(classic_ml_root, filename)
model_choice = st.multiselect("Seleccione un modelo de clasificación", model_dict.keys(), key = 'cML_multiselect')
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader(key = 'cML_upload', label = 'Sube la imagen a clasificar',type= ['jpg','png', 'jpeg', 'jfif', 'webp', 'heic'])
threshold = st.slider('¿Cuál va a ser el límite desde donde se considere patacón? (se recomienda por encima del 70%)', 0, 100, 70, key = 'threshold_cML')
with col_b:
if st.button(key = 'cML_button', label ='¿Hay un patacón en la imagen?'):
if len(model_choice) < 1:
print('Recuerda seleccionar al menos un modelo de clasificación')
elif uploaded_file is not None:
with st.spinner('Cargando predicción...'):
img = preprocess(uploaded_file)
selected_models = [joblib.load(model_dict[model_name]) for model_name in model_choice]
y_gorrito, raw_img = _predict(selected_models, img, sklearn = True)
if round(float(y_gorrito*100)) >= threshold:
st.success("¡Patacón Detectado!")
st.error("No se considera que haya un patacón en la imagen")
st.caption(f'La probabilidad de que la imagen tenga un patacón es del: {round(float(y_gorrito * 100), 2)}%')
st.write('Revisa haber seleccionado los modelos y la imagen correctamente.')