Runtime error
Runtime error
File size: 7,472 Bytes
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# To run streamlit, go to terminal and type: 'streamlit run'
# Core Packages ###########################
import os
import shutil
import docx2txt
import PyPDF2
import streamlit as st
import openai
import requests
import json
current_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
project_title = "ChatGPT Essay Evaluator"
project_icon = "46_Knowledge-white4.png"
# st.set_page_config(page_title=project_title, initial_sidebar_state='collapsed',page_icon=project_icon)
def read_pdf(file):
pdfReader = PyPDF2.PdfReader(file)
count = len(pdfReader.pages)
all_page_text = ""
for i in range(count):
page = pdfReader.pages[i]
all_page_text += page.extract_text()
return all_page_text
def build_criteria(criteria, min_score, max_score):
text = ""
num_criteria = len(criteria)
for i, val in enumerate(criteria):
text += "Criteria: \n"
text += f"({i+1}/{num_criteria}) {val} Minimum Score: {min_score[i]} | Maximum Score: {max_score[i]} \n\n"
return text
def run_chatgpt(essay, criteria_text):
# Define the endpoint URL and payload data
endpoint = ""
payload = {"essay_text": essay, "criteria": criteria_text}
response =, json=payload)
return response.json()["evaluation"]
def main():
head_col = st.columns([1,8])
with head_col[0]:
with head_col[1]:
# # instructions
# st.subheader("How to use: ")
# st.write("1a. Input your essay in the text box; or \n\n"
# "1b. Click on Upload Files to submit one or multiple essays saved in doc, docx, or txt format.")
# st.write("2. Click on \'Grade Essay\' button to run the model.")
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader('Upload Files', accept_multiple_files=False, type=['docx','txt','pdf'])
ta_val = "" # Value for the text area
upload_flag = False
#If a file/s is uploaded, disable input in the text area; then, display the essays list
if uploaded_file:
upload_flag = True
# Parse the contents of the uploaded file according to their extension txt docx or pdf
if".")[-1] == "docx": # docx files
contents = docx2txt.process(uploaded_file)
elif".")[-1] == "pdf": # pdf files
contents = read_pdf(uploaded_file)
else: # txt files
contents ="utf-8")
#ta_val will be the preview of all the essays in the text area; display index numbering if there are more than one file
ta_val += contents
# text area input for the essay, button to run the model, other widgets
response_ta = st.text_area("Essay:",placeholder="You can input your essay here instead of uploading a file.",height=500, value=ta_val, disabled=upload_flag)
if "criteria" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state["criteria"] = ["Cohesion", "Syntax", "Vocabulary", "Phraseology", "Grammar", "Conventions"]
st.session_state["min_scores"] = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
st.session_state["max_scores"] = [10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10]
st.session_state["remove_criteria"] = False
with st.form(key="criteria_form"):
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3)
with col1:
new_criteria = []
for i, val in enumerate(st.session_state["criteria"]):
new_criteria.append(st.text_input(f"Criteria {i + 1}", st.session_state["criteria"][i], label_visibility="collapsed"))
with col2:
st.subheader("Minimum Score")
new_min_scores = []
for i, val in enumerate(st.session_state["min_scores"]):
new_min_scores.append(st.number_input(f"Minimum Score {i + 1}", 0, st.session_state["max_scores"][i],
st.session_state["min_scores"][i], label_visibility="collapsed"))
with col3:
st.subheader("Maximum Score")
new_max_scores = []
for i, val in enumerate(st.session_state["max_scores"]):
new_max_scores.append(st.number_input(f"Maximum Score {i + 1}", st.session_state["min_scores"][i], 100,
st.session_state["max_scores"][i], label_visibility="collapsed"))
submit_criteria = col1.form_submit_button("Update Criteria")
add_criteria = col2.checkbox("Add criteria")
remove_criteria = col3.checkbox("Remove criteria")
if submit_criteria:
# Add new criterion
if add_criteria and remove_criteria:
st.warning("Cannot add and remove criteria at the same time.")
if add_criteria:
new_criteria.append("Enter new criteria name..")
st.session_state["criteria"] = new_criteria
st.session_state["min_scores"] = new_min_scores
st.session_state["max_scores"] = new_max_scores
# Remove criterion
if remove_criteria:
remove_list = st.multiselect("Select criteria to remove:", st.session_state["criteria"])
if remove_list:
new_criteria = [c for c in new_criteria if c not in remove_list]
new_min_scores = [s for c, s in zip(new_criteria, new_min_scores) if c not in remove_list]
new_max_scores = [s for c, s in zip(new_criteria, new_max_scores) if c not in remove_list]
st.session_state["criteria"] = new_criteria
st.session_state["min_scores"] = new_min_scores
st.session_state["max_scores"] = new_max_scores
st.session_state["criteria"] = new_criteria
st.session_state["min_scores"] = new_min_scores
st.session_state["max_scores"] = new_max_scores
# send essay to chatGPT when the button is clicked
if st.button("Submit"):
if not ta_val: # if the text area is empty:
st.error("Please input the essay in the corresponding text area.")
# ChatGPT Evaluation Section
criteria_text = build_criteria(st.session_state["criteria"], st.session_state["min_scores"],
st.session_state.chatgpt_evaluation = run_chatgpt(ta_val, criteria_text)
if "chatgpt_evaluation" in st.session_state:
st.subheader("Evaluation: ")
if __name__ == '__main__':
# To run streamlit, go to terminal and type: 'streamlit run'