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import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
from backend import inference
from backend.config import MODELS_ID, QA_MODELS_ID, SEARCH_MODELS_ID
st.title('Demo using Flax-Sentence-Tranformers')
menu ="", options=["Sentence Similarity", "Asymmetric QA", "Search / Cluster"], index=0)
Hi! This is the demo for the [flax sentence embeddings]( created for the **Flax/JAX community week 🤗**.
We trained three general-purpose flax-sentence-embeddings models: a **distilroberta base**, a **mpnet base** and a **minilm-l6**.
All were trained on all the dataset of the 1B+ train corpus with the v3 setup.
In addition, we trained 20 models focused on general-purpose, QuestionAnswering and Codesearch.
View our models here :
if menu == "Sentence Similarity":
st.header('Sentence Similarity')
**Instructions**: You can compare the similarity of a main text with other texts of your choice. In the background, we'll create an embedding for each text, and then we'll use the cosine similarity function to calculate a similarity metric between our main sentence and the others.
For more cool information on sentence embeddings, see the [sBert project](
select_models = st.multiselect("Choose models", options=list(MODELS_ID), default=list(MODELS_ID)[0])
anchor = st.text_input(
'Please enter here the main text you want to compare:'
n_texts = st.number_input(
f'''How many texts you want to compare with: '{anchor}'?''',
inputs = []
for i in range(int(n_texts)):
input = st.text_input(f'Text {i + 1}:')
if st.button('Tell me the similarity.'):
results = {model: inference.text_similarity(anchor, inputs, model, MODELS_ID) for model in select_models}
df_results = {model: results[model] for model in results}
index = [f"{idx + 1}:{input[:min(15, len(input))]}..." for idx, input in enumerate(inputs)]
df_total = pd.DataFrame(index=index)
for key, value in df_results.items():
df_total[key] = list(value['score'].values)
st.write('Here are the results for selected models:')
st.write('Visualize the results of each model:')
elif menu == "Asymmetric QA":
st.header('Asymmetric QA')
**Instructions**: You can compare the Answer likeliness of a given Query with answer candidates of your choice. In the background, we'll create an embedding for each answers, and then we'll use the cosine similarity function to calculate a similarity metric between our query sentence and the others.
`mpnet_asymmetric_qa` model works best for hard negative answers or distinguishing similar queries due to separate models applied for encoding questions and answers.
For more cool information on sentence embeddings, see the [sBert project](
select_models = st.multiselect("Choose models", options=list(QA_MODELS_ID), default=list(QA_MODELS_ID)[0])
anchor = st.text_input(
'Please enter here the query you want to compare with given answers:',
value="What is the weather in Paris?"
n_texts = st.number_input(
f'''How many answers you want to compare with: '{anchor}'?''',
inputs = []
defaults = ["It is raining in Paris right now with 70 F temperature.", "What is the weather in Berlin?", "I have 3 brothers."]
for i in range(int(n_texts)):
input = st.text_input(f'Answer {i + 1}:', value=defaults[i] if i < len(defaults) else "")
if st.button('Tell me Answer likeliness.'):
results = {model: inference.text_similarity(anchor, inputs, model, QA_MODELS_ID) for model in select_models}
df_results = {model: results[model] for model in results}
index = [f"{idx + 1}:{input[:min(15, len(input))]}..." for idx, input in enumerate(inputs)]
df_total = pd.DataFrame(index=index)
for key, value in df_results.items():
df_total[key] = list(value['score'].values)
st.write('Here are the results for selected models:')
st.write('Visualize the results of each model:')
elif menu == "Search / Cluster":
st.header('Search / Cluster')
**Instructions**: Make a query for anything related to "Python" and the model you choose will return you similar queries.
For more cool information on sentence embeddings, see the [sBert project](
select_models = st.multiselect("Choose models", options=list(SEARCH_MODELS_ID), default=list(SEARCH_MODELS_ID)[0])
anchor = st.text_input(
'Please enter here your query about "Python", we will look for similar ones:',
value="How do I sort a dataframe by column"
n_texts = st.number_input(
f'''How many similar queries you want?''',
if st.button('Give me my search.'):
results = {model: inference.text_search(anchor, n_texts, model, QA_MODELS_ID) for model in select_models}
if st.button('3D Clustering of search result using T-SNE on generated embeddings'):
st.write("Currently only works at local due to Spaces / plotly integration.")
st.write("Demonstration :")
# fig = inference.text_cluster(anchor, 1000, select_models[0], QA_MODELS_ID)