import tempfile | |
import time | |
from selenium import webdriver | |
from PIL import Image | |
import os | |
import subprocess | |
import json | |
import chromedriver_autoinstaller | |
from import Service as ChromeService | |
from import Options | |
chrome_path = "/tmp/chrome-extract/opt/google/chrome/google-chrome" | |
# Function to install and configure Chrome without sudo | |
def setup_chrome(): | |
chrome_url = "" | |
chrome_deb_path = "/tmp/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb" | |["wget", chrome_url, "-O", chrome_deb_path]) | |
extract_dir = "/tmp/chrome-extract" | |
os.makedirs(extract_dir, exist_ok=True) | |
# Extract Chrome browser files | |["ar", "x", chrome_deb_path], cwd=extract_dir) | |
data_tar_path = os.path.join(extract_dir, "data.tar.xz") | |["tar", "xf", data_tar_path], cwd=extract_dir) | |
# Set Chrome browser path | |
os.environ["CHROME_BINARY"] = chrome_path | |
# Add Chrome path to system PATH | |
os.environ["PATH"] = f"{os.path.dirname(chrome_path)}:{os.environ['PATH']}" | |
# Install ChromeDriver | |
chromedriver_autoinstaller.install() | |
#return chrome_path | |
# Function to convert HTML content to an image | |
def html_to_image(html_content): | |
# Save HTML content in a temporary file | |
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix='.html') as html_file: | |
html_file.write(html_content.encode('utf-8')) | |
html_file_path = | |
options = Options() | |
options.binary_location = chrome_path | |
options.add_argument("--headless") # For headless mode | |
options.add_argument("--no-sandbox") | |
options.add_argument("--disable-dev-shm-usage") | |
# Start the Chrome browser | |
driver = webdriver.Chrome(service=ChromeService(), options=options) | |
# Load the HTML file | |
driver.get(f'file://{html_file_path}') | |
# Wait for the page to load | |
time.sleep(2) | |
# Get the page dimensions | |
width = driver.execute_script("return document.body.scrollWidth") | |
height = driver.execute_script("return document.body.scrollHeight") | |
# Resize window to the page size | |
driver.set_window_size(width, height) | |
# Capture screenshot and save as a PNG file | |
screenshot_path = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix='.png').name | |
driver.save_screenshot(screenshot_path) | |
# Close the browser | |
driver.quit() | |
return screenshot_path | |
def render_abc(abc_string): | |
abc_string = json.dumps(abc_string) | |
print("in render_abc") | |
html_template = f""" | |
<!DOCTYPE html> | |
<html> | |
<head> | |
<script src="[email protected]/dist/abcjs-basic.min.js"></script> | |
</head> | |
<body> | |
<div id='abcjs-render' style='text-align: center;'></div> | |
<script> | |
var abcNotation = {abc_string}; | |
ABCJS.renderAbc('abcjs-render', abcNotation); | |
</script> | |
</body> | |
</html> | |
""" | |
screenshot_path = html_to_image(html_template) | |
return screenshot_path | |
#return html_template | |
# Initialize the environment | |
#chrome_path = setup_chrome() | |
# Example of how to call the function | |
html_content = """ | |
<!DOCTYPE html> | |
<html lang="en"> | |
<head> | |
<meta charset="UTF-8"> | |
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> | |
<title>ABCJS Example</title> | |
<script src="[email protected]/dist/abcjs-basic.min.js"></script> | |
</head> | |
<body> | |
<div id="abc"></div> | |
<script> | |
var abcNotation = ` | |
X:1 | |
T:菊次郎的夏天(Summer版本C) | |
%%score { 1 | 2 } | |
L:1/16 | |
Q:1/4=114 | |
M:4/4 | |
I:linebreak $ | |
K:C | |
V:1 treble nm="钢琴" snm="Pno." | |
V:2 bass | |
L:1/8 | |
V:1 | |
"^Moderato" z16 | z16 | z16 | z8 z4 .GI6J.cI7J.dI8J.eI9J |: %4 | |
!>!dI10J2.cI11JcI12J- cI13J8 .GI14J.cI15J.dI16J.eI17J | %5 | |
!>!dI18J2cI19J.dI20J z2 .eI22J2 !>!eI23J4 .GI24J.cI25J.dI26J.eI27J | %6 | |
!>!dI28J2.cI29JcI30J- cI31J8 .GI32J.cI33J.dI34J.eI35J | %7 | |
!>!dI36J2cI37J.dI38J z2 .gI40J2 !>!eI41J4 eI42J2fI43J2 | %8 | |
!mf! [eI44JgI45J]2[eI46JgI47J][eI48J-gI49J-]- [eI50JgI51J]2gI52J2 gI53J2eI54JcI55J- cI56J2eI57JfI58J | %9 | |
[eI59JgI60J]2[eI61JgI62J][eI63J-gI64J-]- [eI65JgI66J]2[eI67JgI68J]2 gI69J2eI70JcI71J- cI72J2cI73JdI74J | %10 | |
eI75J2eI76JeI77J- eI78J2eI79J2 eI80J2aI81J2 (3!>!dI82JeI83JdI84JcI85J2 |1 %11 | |
!>!dI86J8 z4 .GI88J.cI89J.dI90J.eI91J :|2 !>!cI92J8 z8 || z16 | z16 | z16 | %16 | |
!>![G,I97JCI98JEI99J]16 |] %17 | |
V:2 | |
A,,I100J.E,I101J.A,I102J.E,I103J F,,I104J.C,I105J.F,I106J.C,I107J | %1 | |
G,,I108J.D,I109J.G,I110J.D,I111J C,I112J.G,I113J.CI114J.G,I115J | %2 | |
A,,I116J.E,I117J.A,I118J.E,I119J F,,I120J.C,I121J.F,I122J.C,I123J | %3 | |
G,,I124J.D,I125J.G,I126J.D,I127J C,I128J.G,I129J.CI130J.G,I131J |: %4 | |
A,,I132J.E,I133J.A,I134J.E,I135J F,,I136J.C,I137J.F,I138J.C,I139J | %5 | |
G,,I140J.D,I141J.G,I142J.D,I143J C,I144J.G,I145J.CI146J.G,I147J | %6 | |
A,,I148J.E,I149J.A,I150J.E,I151J F,,I152J.C,I153J.F,I154J.C,I155J | %7 | |
G,,I156J.D,I157J.G,I158J.D,I159J C,I160J.G,I161J.CI162J.G,I163J | %8 | |
G,,I164J.D,I165J.G,I166J.D,I167J F,,I168J.C,I169J.F,I170J.C,I171J | %9 | |
E,,I172J.B,,I173J.E,I174J.B,,I175J A,,I176J.E,I177J.A,I178J.E,I179J | %10 | |
D,,I180J.A,,I181J.D,I182J.A,,I183J F,,I184J2 z2 |1 %11 | |
G,,I186J.D,I187J.G,I188J.D,I189J G,,I190J.D,I191J.G,I192J.D,I193J :|2 %12 | |
C,I194JG,I195JCI196JG,I197J A,,I198JE,I199JA,I200JE,I201J || %13 | |
F,,I202JC,I203JF,I204JC,I205J G,,I206JD,I207JG,I208JD,I209J | %14 | |
C,I210JG,I211JCI212JG,I213J A,,I214JE,I215JA,I216JE,I217J | %15 | |
F,,I218JC,I219JF,I220JC,I221J G,,I222JD,I223JG,I224JD,I225J | !>!C,I226J8 |] %17 | |
`; | |
ABCJS.renderAbc("abc", abcNotation); | |
</script> | |
</body> | |
</html> | |
""" | |
#screenshot_path = html_to_image(html_content, chrome_path) | |
#print(f"Screenshot saved at: {screenshot_path}") |