#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --job-name=zen2_base_cmnli # create a short name for your job #SBATCH --nodes=1 # node count #SBATCH --ntasks=1 # total number of tasks across all nodes #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=30 # cpu-cores per task (>1 if multi-threaded tasks) #SBATCH --gres=gpu:1 # number of gpus per node #SBATCH --mail-type=ALL # send email when job begins, ends or failed etc. #SBATCH -o %x-%j.log # output and error file name (%x=job name, %j=job id) export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='4' export TORCH_EXTENSIONS_DIR=/cognitive_comp/ganruyi/tmp/torch_extendsions MODEL_NAME=zen2_base TASK=cmnli ZERO_STAGE=1 STRATEGY=deepspeed_stage_${ZERO_STAGE} ROOT_DIR=/cognitive_comp/ganruyi/experiments/classification_finetune/${MODEL_NAME}_${TASK} if [ ! -d ${ROOT_DIR} ];then mkdir -p ${ROOT_DIR} echo ${ROOT_DIR} created!!!!!!!!!!!!!! else echo ${ROOT_DIR} exist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fi DATA_DIR=/cognitive_comp/yangping/data/ChineseCLUE_DATA/cmnli_public/${TASK}_public/ PRETRAINED_MODEL_PATH=/cognitive_comp/ganruyi/hf_models/zen/zh_zen_base_2.0 CHECKPOINT_PATH=${ROOT_DIR}/ckpt/ OUTPUT_PATH=${ROOT_DIR}/predict.json DATA_ARGS="\ --data_dir $DATA_DIR \ --train_data train.json \ --valid_data dev.json \ --test_data test.json \ --train_batchsize 64 \ --valid_batchsize 32 \ --max_seq_length 128 \ --texta_name sentence \ --label_name label \ --id_name id \ --task_name cmnli \ " MODEL_ARGS="\ --learning_rate 2e-5 \ --weight_decay 0.1 \ --warmup_ratio 0.01 \ --num_labels 3 \ " MODEL_CHECKPOINT_ARGS="\ --monitor val_acc \ --save_top_k 3 \ --mode max \ --every_n_train_steps 100 \ --save_weights_only True \ --dirpath $CHECKPOINT_PATH \ --filename model-{epoch:02d}-{val_acc:.4f} \ " TRAINER_ARGS="\ --max_epochs 10 \ --gpus 1 \ --check_val_every_n_epoch 1 \ --val_check_interval 100 \ --default_root_dir $ROOT_DIR \ " options=" \ --pretrained_model_path $PRETRAINED_MODEL_PATH \ --vocab_file $PRETRAINED_MODEL_PATH/vocab.txt \ --do_lower_case \ --output_save_path $OUTPUT_PATH \ $DATA_ARGS \ $MODEL_ARGS \ $MODEL_CHECKPOINT_ARGS \ $TRAINER_ARGS \ " SCRIPT_PATH=/cognitive_comp/ganruyi/Fengshenbang-LM/fengshen/examples/zen2_finetune/fengshen_sequence_level_ft_task.py /home/ganruyi/anaconda3/bin/python $SCRIPT_PATH $options # SINGULARITY_PATH=/cognitive_comp/ganruyi/pytorch21_06_py3_docker_image_v2.sif # python3 $SCRIPT_PATH $options # source activate base # singularity exec --nv -B /cognitive_comp/:/cognitive_comp/ $SINGULARITY_PATH /home/ganruyi/anaconda3/bin/python $SCRIPT_PATH $options # /home/ganruyi/anaconda3/bin/python $SCRIPT_PATH $options