import streamlit as st from googletrans import Translator # Free Google Translate API from transformers import pipeline import requests # Initialize the Google Translator translator = Translator() # Streamlit UI setup st.set_page_config(page_title="AI-Powered Language Learning Assistant", page_icon="🧠", layout="wide") # Header and introduction st.title("🧠 AI-Powered Language Learning Assistant") st.markdown(""" Welcome to your AI-powered language assistant! Here you can: - Translate words or sentences to different languages - Learn and practice new vocabulary - Get grammar feedback. """) # Input field for text text_input = st.text_input("Enter the text you want to translate or practice", "") # Select target language for translation language = st.selectbox("Select the language to translate to", ["es", "fr", "de", "it", "pt", "ru"]) if text_input: # Translate text using googletrans st.subheader(f"Original Text: {text_input}") translated_text = translator.translate(text_input, dest=language).text # Display translation st.markdown(f"### Translated Text to {language.upper()}:") st.write(translated_text) # Show pronunciation tip st.subheader("Pronunciation Tip:") st.write("Use Google Translate or Forvo to practice pronunciation.") # Grammar Check (using LanguageTool) st.subheader("Grammar Feedback:") grammar_check_url = "" params = { "text": text_input, "language": "en-US" } response =, data=params) if response.status_code == 200: result = response.json() if result['matches']: st.write("### Grammar Issues Found:") for match in result['matches']: st.write(f"- **{match['message']}** at position {match['offset']}-{match['offset']+match['length']}") else: st.write("No grammar issues found!") else: st.write("Grammar check failed. Try again later.") # Vocabulary practice section using Hugging Face's BERT st.markdown("---") st.header("Vocabulary Practice") word_input = st.text_input("Enter a word to get its definition and synonyms", "") if word_input: # Using Hugging Face's BERT model for related words (synonyms) try: word_model = pipeline("fill-mask", model="bert-base-uncased") # Using BERT to predict related words result = word_model(f"The synonym of {word_input} is [MASK].") st.write(f"Synonyms or related words for **{word_input}**: {result}") except Exception as e: st.error("Error fetching vocabulary practice data.") # Footer for engagement st.markdown(""" --- **Need more practice?** Visit [Google Translate]( for real-time translations and pronunciation! """)