Generate and save the embeddings of a pre-defined list of icons.
Compare them with keywords embeddings to find most relevant icons.
import os
import pathlib
import sys
from typing import List, Tuple

import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
from transformers import BertTokenizer, BertModel


from global_config import GlobalConfig

tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained(GlobalConfig.TINY_BERT_MODEL)
model = BertModel.from_pretrained(GlobalConfig.TINY_BERT_MODEL)

def get_icons_list() -> List[str]:
    Get a list of available icons.

    :return: The icons file names.

    items = pathlib.Path('../' + GlobalConfig.ICONS_DIR).glob('*.png')
    items = [
        os.path.basename(str(item)).removesuffix('.png') for item in items

    return items

def get_embeddings(texts) -> np.ndarray:
    Generate embeddings for a list of texts using a pre-trained language model.

    :param texts: A string or a list of strings to be converted into embeddings.
    :type texts: Union[str, List[str]]
    :return: A NumPy array containing the embeddings for the input texts.
    :rtype: numpy.ndarray

    :raises ValueError: If the input is not a string or a list of strings, or if any element
    in the list is not a string.

    Example usage:
    >>> keyword = 'neural network'
    >>> file_names = ['neural_network_icon.png', 'data_analysis_icon.png', 'machine_learning.png']
    >>> keyword_embeddings = get_embeddings(keyword)
    >>> file_name_embeddings = get_embeddings(file_names)

    inputs = tokenizer(texts, return_tensors='pt', padding=True, max_length=128, truncation=True)
    outputs = model(**inputs)

    return outputs.last_hidden_state.mean(dim=1).detach().numpy()

def save_icons_embeddings():
    Generate and save the embeddings for the icon file names.

    file_names = get_icons_list()
    print(f'{len(file_names)} icon files available...')
    file_name_embeddings = get_embeddings(file_names)
    print(f'file_name_embeddings.shape: {file_name_embeddings.shape}')

    # Save embeddings to a file
    np.save(GlobalConfig.EMBEDDINGS_FILE_NAME, file_name_embeddings)
    np.save(GlobalConfig.ICONS_FILE_NAME, file_names)  # Save file names for reference

def load_saved_embeddings() -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    Load precomputed embeddings and icons file names.

    :return: The embeddings and the icon file names.

    file_name_embeddings = np.load(GlobalConfig.EMBEDDINGS_FILE_NAME)
    file_names = np.load(GlobalConfig.ICONS_FILE_NAME)

    return file_name_embeddings, file_names

def find_icons(keywords: List[str]) -> List[str]:
    Find relevant icon file names for a list of keywords.

    :param keywords: The list of one or more keywords.
    :return: A list of the file names relevant for each keyword.

    keyword_embeddings = get_embeddings(keywords)
    file_name_embeddings, file_names = load_saved_embeddings()

    # Compute similarity
    similarities = cosine_similarity(keyword_embeddings, file_name_embeddings)
    icon_files = file_names[np.argmax(similarities, axis=-1)]

    return icon_files

def main():
    Example usage.

    # Run this again if icons are to be added/removed

    keywords = [
        'deep learning',
        'rain drop',
        'speech bubble',
        'mental resilience',
        'price tag',
        'Social Connection',
    icon_files = find_icons(keywords)
        f'The relevant icon files are:\n'
        f'{list(zip(keywords, icon_files))}'

    # BERT tiny:
    # [('deep learning', 'deep-learning'), ('', '123'), ('recycling', 'refinery'),
    #  ('handshake', 'dash-circle'), ('Ferry', 'cart'), ('rain drop', 'bucket'),
    #  ('speech bubble', 'globe'), ('mental resilience', 'exclamation-triangle'),
    #  ('turmeric', 'kebab'), ('Art', 'display'), ('price tag', 'bug-fill'),
    #  ('Oxygen', 'radioactive')]

    # BERT mini
    # [('deep learning', 'deep-learning'), ('', 'compass'), ('recycling', 'tools'),
    #  ('handshake', 'bandaid'), ('Ferry', 'cart'), ('rain drop', 'trash'),
    #  ('speech bubble', 'image'), ('mental resilience', 'recycle'), ('turmeric', 'linkedin'),
    #  ('Art', 'book'), ('price tag', 'card-image'), ('Oxygen', 'radioactive')]

    # BERT small
    # [('deep learning', 'deep-learning'), ('', 'gem'), ('recycling', 'tools'),
    #  ('handshake', 'handbag'), ('Ferry', 'truck'), ('rain drop', 'bucket'),
    #  ('speech bubble', 'strategy'), ('mental resilience', 'deep-learning'),
    #  ('turmeric', 'flower'),
    #  ('Art', 'book'), ('price tag', 'hotdog'), ('Oxygen', 'radioactive')]

if __name__ == '__main__':